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08-15 投稿


debarkation 发音

英:[[?di:bɑ:'ke???n]]  美:[[?di:bɑ:'ke???n]]

英:  美:

debarkation 中文意思翻译



debarkation 短语词组

1、debarkation line ─── 登陆线

2、Debarkation Medical Officer ─── 辩论医务干事

3、debarkation net ─── 登陆网

4、debarkation area ─── 登陆区

5、debarkation day ─── 登陆日

6、Aerial Port of Debarkation ─── 航空卸货港

7、debarkation ladder ─── 登岸梯

8、Sea Port of Debarkation ─── 海洋码头

9、port of debarkation ─── 下船港口, 卸载港口 [化] 目的港; 目的口岸

10、debarkation point ─── 卸载点,登陆点

11、Earliest Arrival Date at Port of Debarkation ─── 最早抵达码头日期

12、debarkation def ─── 登陆定义

13、debarkation date ─── 登陆日期

14、Debarkation Control Center ─── 调试控制中心

15、debarkation dog ─── 登陆犬

debarkation 词性/词形变化,debarkation变形

动词现在分词: debarking |动词过去分词: debarked |名词: debarkation |动词第三人称单数: debarks |动词过去式: debarked |

debarkation 相似词语短语

1、disembarkation ─── n.登陆;上岸

2、demarkations ─── n.分界,定界(等于demarcation)

3、embarkation ─── n.从事;装载;乘坐

4、dealation ─── n.脱翅昆虫

5、debarcations ─── 辩论

6、embarcation ─── n.乘船;搭机;搭载;开始(等于embarkation)

7、demarkation ─── n.分界,定界(等于demarcation)

8、debarcation ─── 脱硼

9、deration ─── v.取消商品的配给(或定量供应)

debarkation 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Chinese soldiers who attended the Normandy Debarkation ─── 参加诺曼底登陆的中国军人

2、That system carried out the customer debarkation and a verifications, products discrepancy warehouse management, the search of the product etc. ─── 该系统实现了用户登陆及身份验证、产品出入仓库管理、产品的查询等功能。

3、province debarkation, result in the important loss. ─── 省登陆,造成重大损失.

4、Flight Deck Debarkation Control ─── 飞行甲板卸载控制

5、port of debarkation ─── 下船港

6、The debarkation of the member originally the website there will be the refreshing member of VIP to mark then behind! ─── 会员登陆本网站后便会有醒目的VIP会员标示!

7、After their on the water jolted two months, finally in severely coldly of November, in Ma3 Sha in nowadays fill the cantonal Pu Mao Si debarkation. ─── 他们在海上颠簸了两个月之后,终于在酷寒的十一月里,在现在的马莎塞州的普里茅斯登陆。

8、debarkation from a boat or ship. ─── 从船或轮船上下来的行为。

9、Participates in embarkation and debarkation procedures by disseminating information,and directing and escorting guests to staterooms and or exits.Dr.eye: 3. ─── 以传播信息参加装载和卸货上岸程序,并且指引并且把客人护送到特等舱那里和或者出口。

10、Very sorry, you still have no debarkation! ─── 非常抱歉,您还没有登陆!

11、Debarkation Control Center ─── 卸载控制中心

12、Customer the order system supports the general customer debarkation, the customer can choose the oneself product of demand, and can carry on the network bargain. ─── 客户订购系统支持一般的用户登陆,用户可以选择自己需要的产品,并可进行网络交易。

13、The typhoon or touches and go northeast Taiwan in today debarkation north backward Fujian, the Zhejiang eastern coast to approach. ─── 台风将于今日登陆或者擦过台湾东北部后向福建北部、浙江东部沿海靠近。

14、A covered,self-propelled passageway used for airline passenger and crew embarkation and debarkation at airport terminal gates. ─── 空桥,航路在机场终端处供乘客和乘务人员上下飞机使用的能够自动驱动的有顶通道。

15、That naive eyes, curious; that sensitive ears, clean. footstep, merely come and remove, grandiose, go aboard, debarkation . . . ─── 那天真的眼睛,好奇;那敏感的耳朵,明晰。脚步,不过是来,去,去,来,上船,下船……

16、Typhoon debarkation period just when the astronomy flood tide time, the coastal area will have the gale, the rainstorm, the flood tide “three meet” the bad situation. ─── 台风登陆期间正值天文大潮期,沿海地区将出现强风、暴雨、大潮“三碰头”的恶劣形势。

17、This system user must first carry on the debarkation, then uses the system to carry on the communication again. ─── 该系统用户首先要进行登陆,然后再使用系统进行信息交流。

18、The debarkation or the influence typhoon will increase; ─── 登陆或影响的台风将增多;

19、Same account number multi-role debarkation by highest-level role computation. ─── 同账号多角色登陆以最高级角色计算。

20、Air Force Point of Debarkation ─── 空军卸载点

21、After the debarkation, “the Haig ratio” continues to the NW by W traverse, the intensity to be weaken. ─── 登陆后,“黑格比”继续向西北偏西方向移动,强度减弱。

22、??? 15thNumber ultra strong typhoon “wild rose” on 28th 15:40 when Taiwan Yilan coast debarkation, debarkation intensity for ultra strong typhoon, near central biggest wind power 16 levels. ─── 第15号超强台风“蔷薇”于28日15时40分在台湾宜兰沿海登陆,登陆时强度为超强台风,近中心最大风力16级。

23、Even if later on he meet love at first sight of the girl, he gave it up that the impulse of debarkation looking for the first lover ashore. ─── 即使后来遇上了一位一见钟情的少女,他还是放弃了上岸寻找初恋情人的冲动。

24、Fundamentally speaking, these Moon debarkation duty stems from the national dignity question. ─── 从根本上说,这些月球登陆任务都源于民族尊严问题。

25、2012 January, entente debarkation the bus pull. ─── 2012年1月,协约国登陆巴士拉.

26、let us welcome the debarkation of 2009 with body and soul. ─── 再让我们全心全意地欢迎2009年的登陆吧!

27、And the customer ignore is at which railroad train up,can use the same user's name debarkation,this carried out to open an account once,travel extensively anywhere. ─── 而且用户不管是在哪一趟列车上,都可以使用相同用户名登陆,从而实现了一次开户,随地漫游。

28、Earliest Arrival Date at Port of Debarkation ─── 最早登港时间

29、Next stop is Beijing Road, please get ready for debarkation. ─── 前面即将到达北京路站,到站的旅客请准备下车.

30、to debark cargo or passengers from a ship, aircraft or other vehicle ─── 从船、飞机或其他交通工具上卸下货物或乘客

31、the debarkation of troops ─── 军队登陆

32、Dependence on air and sea ports of debarkation would be reduced. ─── 对卸载机场和登陆港口的依赖性将会降低。

33、rate of debarkation ─── 卸载速率

34、Amphibians is a kind of primitive, beginning debarkation, five toe type variable temperature four-legged animal . ─── 两栖类是一类原始的、初登陆的、具五趾型的变温四足动物。

35、The confirmation user's debarkation, the database backup function, enhanced system's security. ─── 上面这段话,将它翻译成英语,不胜感激!好的加分。

36、debarkation station ─── 登陆指挥部位

37、Most important, the buyer can effect payment only after a surveyed inspection on port of debarkation. ─── “价格优廉,质量保证,型号齐全,种类繁多”是我们立足市场的保证。

38、And some 2 (“Senlake”, “Haig compared to”) lands Taiwan and Guangdong separately, debarkation integer close year to year same time (1.6). ─── 其中有2个(“森拉克”、“黑格比”)分别登陆台湾和广东,登陆个数接近常年同期(1.6个)。

39、The mermaid in the deep sea, it is brilliant that no matter how lights on the bankare. Debark, what is done? Is a beautiful one interspersed , or a reticent onlooker ? ─── 深海中的人鱼,无论岸上灯火如何辉煌.上岸,去做什么?一个美丽的点缀,还是一个沉默的旁观者?

40、Surface Port of Debarkation ─── 地面登陆港

41、No matter is “the aggressive ten feet” tornado, looked that resembles “the eye of a typhoon” tranquilly, the movie has reappeared time the typhoon debarkation scene with each kind of lens. ─── 不论是“霸气十足”的龙卷风,还是看似平静的“台风眼”,影片用各种镜头再现了台风登陆时的场景。

42、DIGG Support you!Special price ticket in Peking Agency, Welcome patronage! More information please debarkation:http://www.lhjipiao.cn ─── 评论[支持者:0人,,反对者:人,中立者:0人]查看评论信息

43、Latest Arrival Date at Port of Debarkation ─── 登陆港最迟到达日期

44、A covered, self - propelled passageway used for airline passenger and crew embarkation and debarkation at airport terminal gates. ─── 空桥,航路在机场终端处供乘客和乘务人员上下飞机使用的能够自动驱动的有顶通道

45、Setting and Welding the Cylinder of Large Debark Machine ─── 大型剥皮机筒体的组装与焊接

46、NET technical realization user's registration and debarkation, manuscript uploading and inquiry, online browsing and realization multistage edit function. ─── NET 技术实现用户的注册和登陆,稿件的上传和查询,在线浏览和实现多级审稿的功能。

47、For the different part of Tripterygium wilfordii obtained in summer,the content range of triptolide in its given order was whole root,root bark,debark root,stem and leaves respectively. ─── 夏季的雷公藤不同部位雷公藤内酯醇的含量高低,依次为全根、根皮、去皮根、茎、叶。

48、Pad eyes above all machineries for maintenance and debarkation. ─── 所有机械装置上都应布置眼板以方便维修和卸载。

49、The debarking production line can be used for MDF and paper manufacturing industry of debark log and small diameter log. Its debarking clean rate is more than 90%. ─── 剥皮备料工段成套生产线适用于造纸和中纤板行业的原木剥皮,主要是将原木、小径木等进行进行原木去皮,削片,其剥净率可达95%以上。

50、Well Deck Debarkation Control ─── 船台甲板装卸控制

51、Sea Port of Debarkation ─── 卸载海港

52、water port of debarkation ─── 卸载港

53、When debarkation the intensity has is weaken, but was still close the ultra strong typhoon, afterward will approach to Zhejiang Fujian coast, possibly evening around once more lands in 29th area this. ─── 登陆时强度有所减弱,但仍接近超强台风,之后将向浙闽沿海靠近,可能在二十九日傍晚前后在这一带再次登陆。

54、This system user must first carry on the debarkation, then uses the system to carry on the communication again. ─── 该系统用户首先要进行登陆,然后再使用系统进行信息交流。

55、12 above stage manners in classes, Where debarkation, wether city, or, ─── 12级以上台风,在什么地方登陆,不管城市,还是

56、Tonight, let us welcome the debarkation of 2009 with body and soul. ─── 然后,再让我们全心全意地欢迎2009年的登陆吧!

57、Carry to also divide at the customer three molds piece, customer debarkation mold piece; ─── 在客户端也分三个模块,用户登陆模块;

58、All troops will debark for ground assault ─── 所有小队登陆时都会受到地面攻击

59、Fundamentally speaking, these Moon debarkation duty stems from the national dignity question. ─── 从根本上说,这些月球登陆任务都源于民族尊严问题。

60、debarkation authentication ─── 登陆认证

61、Mainly for reading news ,listening the music,seeing the movie and also debarkation forumland . ─── 主要是看新闻,听音乐,看电影,还有登陆论坛,你呢?

62、canons and squadrons debark on missions to liquidate love. ─── 大炮和舰队是否会奉命登岸,摧毁爱情。

63、"OK combination" of antinomy already occasionally debarkation report carry, owner station in the Ao Ni Er this side. ─── “OK组合”的矛盾已经偶尔会登陆报端,所有人站在奥尼尔这一边。

64、(also debarkation) n [U]: After disembarkation, we went through passport control. ─── 我们下了飞机, 接受护照检查.

65、Note: The identical account number multi-role debarkation only provides one silver piece. ─── 注:同一账号多角色登陆只发放一次元宝。

66、Newspaper news (by Ni Shao E Reporter Wan Tian) strong typhoon “Haig ratio” yesterday in the morning in Dianbai coastal area debarkation. ─── 本报讯(记者倪少娥通讯员莞天)强台风“黑格比”昨日早晨在电白沿海地区登陆。

67、Aerial Port of Debarkation ─── 卸货航空港

68、The astronomer explained that this is because typhoon “Haig ratio” the debarkation time and the astronomy flood tide overlap the storm tide which initiates to cause. ─── 天文学家解释,这是由于台风“黑格比”的登陆时间与天文大潮重叠而引发的风暴潮所导致的。

69、The complete wood handing line can be used for MDF and paper manufacturing industry of debark log and small diameter log. Its debarking clean rate is more than 90%. ─── 剥皮备料工段成套生产线适用于造纸和中纤板行业的原木剥皮,主要是将原木、小径木等进行进行原木去皮、削片,其剥净率可达90%以上。

70、Whether the typhoon in our country coastal area debarkation? ─── 台风是否会在我国沿海地区登陆?

71、Debarkation Medical Officer ─── 港口检疫军医

72、The expert believed that in the near future the Chinese typhoon influence active phase will have 3 characteristics: Typhoon debarkation's timing advance. ─── 专家认为,近期中国台风影响活跃期有3个特点:台风登陆的时间提前。

73、Unaware of missing the right stop, I walk alone on the street after debarkation. ─── 不知道公交已经走过了我要下车的那一站下车,一个人走在城市的人行道上。

74、2nd, the examinee should carry on the test time first 15 minute debarkation country public network prepares before the game. ─── 2、考生应在考试时间前15分钟登陆国公网进行赛前准备。

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