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08-15 投稿


hyperbole 发音

英:[ha??p??rb?li]  美:[ha??p??b?li]

英:  美:

hyperbole 中文意思翻译



hyperbole 网络释义

n. 夸张的语句;夸张法

hyperbole 短语词组

1、hyperbole sentence ─── 夸张句

2、exaggeration vs hyperbole ─── 夸张与 ─── 夸张

3、hyperbole article ─── 夸张文章

4、hyperbole song ─── 夸张歌曲

5、hyperbole definition ─── 夸张定义

6、truthful hyperbole ─── 真实夸张

7、hyperbole examples ─── 夸张的例子

8、hyperbole worksheet ─── 夸张工作表

9、hyperbole meaning ─── 夸张的意思

hyperbole 词性/词形变化,hyperbole变形


hyperbole 相似词语短语

1、hyperbolic ─── adj.双曲线的;夸张的

2、hyperbolas ─── n.[数]双曲线

3、hypergols ─── n.自燃火箭燃料

4、hyperbolise ─── 夸张

5、hyperbolize ─── v.对……大肆夸张

6、hypergol ─── n.自燃火箭燃料

7、hyperope ─── n.远视者

8、hyperbolae ─── 双曲线(hyperbola的名词复数)

9、hyperbola ─── n.[数]双曲线

hyperbole 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、So far, though, hyperbole has outpaced promise. ─── 截至目前为止,这些宣称都言过其实。

2、There may be as much hyperbole as prophecy in the forecasts for world war. ─── 在一些宗教网站上,人们开始讨论所谓“世界末日之善恶决战”。

3、Any watch ad campaign that touts its wares as having "pure rose gold" is engaging in a bit of marketing hyperbole. ─── 任何广告战中在兜售它们的产品中提到的“纯玫瑰金”的说法都是掺进了一些营销的浮夸。

4、In advertising, the term is often used as a hyperbole, a superlative to hype up a product ─── 在广告上,这种措词常用作夸张词,一种大肆宣传一个产品的最高级词。

5、She strove to restrain my wild hyperbole and place my arguments on a firmer foundation of rigorous logic. ─── 她全面的纠正了我的用词夸张的毛病,使我的论证是建立在严谨缜密的逻辑基础上的。

6、But before you liquidate your financial assets, buy gold bullion, and move to a cave in Montana, you may wish to consider that current predictions of global economic collapse may be simply hyperbole. ─── 但在此之前结清您的金融资产,购买黄金,并移动到洞穴中蒙大拿,你不妨认为,目前的预测,全球经济崩溃的可能只是夸张。

7、National sports commentators resorted to frenzied hyperbole. ─── 体育解说员们甚至开始疯狂的夸张。

8、The blurb was full of hyperbole. ─── 广告充满夸张。

9、A Study of Hyperbole with Functional Stylistics ─── 从功能文体学看夸张辞格

10、Yet in spite of the over-truth expression, employment of hyperbole does not affect the conversation flow between parties. ─── 尽管“言过其实”,但是夸张手法的运用并不影响交谈双方的交流。

11、But look beyond the hyperbole. ─── 但看看更夸张的。

12、It is tempting to believe the hyperbole in the descriptions of the flower plants - and order too many! ─── 常常会诱惑他们相信那些花朵植物的夸张描述--忍不住会下更多的订单!

13、Here the temptation for hollow promises is greatest of all (see article).The summiteers can make progress, but only if they temper their hyperbole with realism and humility. ─── 可能只能是有一些空洞的承诺,参加峰会的领导人其实可以取得进展,只要他们愿意在空洞的话语中融合现实和谦逊的元素。

14、Fake pesticide often handwriting is punch-drunk, peculiar with misprint, unscientific hyperbole drug effect, content is not complete wait. ─── 假冒伪劣农药往往字迹模糊不清、异样和错字,不科学地夸张药效,内容不完整等。

15、It is a strange thing, to note the excess of this passion; and how it braves the nature and value of things; by this,that the speaking in a perpetual hyperbole is comely in nothing but in love. ─── 可异者,这种情欲底过度,以及它如何欺凌事物底本性及价值之处,是由此可见的,就是,长期的夸张的言辞惟有在关于恋爱的言语中是合适的,在其他的事情中总是不宜。

16、Different criteria result in different categories of hyperbole. ─── 夸张修辞格的分类,因角度不同、准不同,分类结果也不同。

17、Such hyperbole might seem reminiscent of the dotcom bubble. But clean-energy advocates insist growth is sustainable because of the likes of Mr Schwarzenegger. ─── 指的是由于像“肌肉男”这样的人存在,所以增长是可持续的?

18、. that sounded impressive.But was it hyperbole? ─── 不过是不是有些夸大其词了呢?

19、The common esthetic pursuit of such traditional fiction is the combination of hyperbole and realism, the co-existence of ideal and reality and the exaggeration of defective beauty. ─── 夸张与写实并用、理想与现实共存以及缺陷美的渲染是传统小说塑造草莽英雄的共同审美追求。

20、The placenames of the Zhuang ethnic group are often named with the rhetoric reproaches such as metaphor、borrow、personifications、hyperbole, which make them vivid and imaginative. ─── 壮族地名的命名,经常运用比喻、借代、拟人、夸张等修辞格,使之带上鲜明的生动性和形象性。

21、Hyperbole, metaphor, abstraction, and symbols are the most important basic elements, intentionally expressed to demonstrate his artistic mastery. ─── 夸张、象征、抽象、符号等元素,是视觉审美中最重要的的基本元素,左晋有意识地在他的油画中表现出来,足见其手眼之高。

22、Perhaps: but the legacy of Stalin’s love of hyperbole will last a lot longer than his economics. ─── 也许:斯大林式的夸张爱好的传统,将会比这种经济的持续时间更长。

23、The most wonderful part: In limited space, he still made the amphibious cabinet of bookshelf of a collect and almirah, introduce the hyperbole model of the animal, reasonable put. ─── 最出色处:在有限的空间里,他还做了一个集书架和衣橱的两用柜,采用动物的夸张造型,合理摆放。

24、is extravagant, also average meter of monovalent hyperbole number because of every. ─── 奢侈,也因为每平米单价的夸张数字。

25、Instead, recruitment is often an orgy of hyperbole. ─── 而事实上,招聘常常是没边儿的夸张。

26、City Consumer's Committee warns customer for this, want to learn ego protection when choosing this kind of shopping way, not credulous any hyperbole, cheap conduct propaganda. ─── 市消委会为此提醒消费者,在选择此种购物方式时要学会自我保护,不要轻信任何夸张、便宜的宣传。

27、Growing up in the nation's capital has given her a unique perspective on the foibles and quirks of her compatriots and has taught her more than she ever wanted to know about cocktail parties,politics and hyperbole. ─── 在首都长大,使她对她的同胞的弱点和怪癖有着独特的见解,而且由此也对鸡尾酒会、政治和夸张法了 如指掌,尽管她并不想知道那么多。

28、Hyperbole"s appearance has its certain language environment, and it is exclusive in scientific works. ─── 夸张的表现有一定的语域,科学领域里的科学作品,是绝对排斥夸张的。

29、It is a strange thing, to note the excess of this passion, and how it braves the nature, and value of things, by this;that the speaking in a perpetual hyperbole, is comely in nothing but in love. ─── 奇怪的是,浮夸连篇的赞词只在爱情里奏效,因为过分沉溺在爱情里,已经让人本能的夸大爱人的一切。

30、From the perspective of pragmatics, this paper analyzes the relationship among cooperative principle, politeness principle and metaphor, hyperbole, meiosis, and irony. ─── 本文从语用学的角度入手,分析了合作原则,礼貌原则与隐喻,夸张,弱言及反语等英语修辞格的关系。

31、foolish hyperbole ─── 可笑的夸张法

32、Through the ages, hyperbole, as a kind of important figure of speech, is absolutely necessary in Chinese spoken and written language. ─── 古往今来,夸张作为一种重要的修辞手法,在中国人的言语交际或言语作品中不可或缺。

33、The stylistic devices frequently appearing in advertisements are pun, parody, hyperbole, alliteration, personification, simile, metaphor, repetition and antithesis, etc. ─── 常用于英语广告中的修辞格有:双关、仿似、夸张、押韵、拟人、比喻、重复和对照。

34、But on Tuesday he played down the remarks, describing them as "a bit of hyperbole" . ─── 但本周二,他淡化了这些评论,称其“有点夸张”。

35、For instance, oxymoron, hyperbole, zeugma, synaethesia and transferred epithet can be interpreted from the perspective of“order and disorder”; ─── 例如,“有序性和无序性”理论可以用来理解矛盾,夸张,共扼,移就和通感修辞;

36、There is no need for exaggeration or hyperbole here: These projects have very literally moved the courses of lives by giving people education, improved health, and a real chance at a better future. ─── 不是我们大言不惭或夸大其词:这些计画藉由提供教育、佳的身体健康、造更美好未来的真正机会,实际上已经改变了人们的生命历程。

37、In terms of the basic semantic elements, Hyperbloe embraces the object, the image and the point of hyperbole. ─── 夸张辞格,就其基本语义要素来说,包括夸张物、张形象和夸张点三个方面的内容。

38、Residents who favor a touch of hyperbole say that in Kolkata “if a stray cat pees, there’s a flood. ─── 柯尔喀塔居民喜欢以夸张一点的方式形容“如果一只流浪猫小便,那里都会发生一场水灾。”

39、http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/sports/bk/bkn/4279624.htmlAs much as breathless, even nonsensical hyperbole is a preseason ritual, Yao Ming went for the early, insurmountable lead. ─── 尽管只是一场说不上意义重大的季前赛,为了能使比赛够早些失去悬念,姚明也拼尽了全力。

40、But marketing wizards are beginning to talk about it with the sort of hyperbole they normally reserve for products they are paid to sell. ─── 但是营销奇才们用来形容它的那些词语,是那种他们只用在付钱请他们销售的产品上的那些夸张的用语。

41、An expression such as a metaphor or simile or a device such as personification or hyperbole in which words are used in a nonliteral way to achieve an effect beyond the range of ordinary language. ─── 形象化说法:例如隐喻或直喻等表达方式或如拟人或夸张等文学手法,通过这些方法文字能用非字面的意义获得超过普通语言的效果。

42、Hyperbole is a very common rhetorical device which is widely used both in English and Chinese. ─── 摘要夸张是英汉语中非常常见的一种修辞手法。

43、This essay illustrates the artistic expressive effects of aesthetic rhetoric by analyzing the usage of some kinds of figures of speech, such as: Simile、 Metaphor、 Personification、 Hyperbole、 Litotes and Antithesis. ─── 本文拟通过比喻、代、人、张、言、比等各种辞格在句中的具体运用来说明美学修辞在商务英文报刊中所取得的艺术性表达效果。

44、Now our taste for hyperbole in describing our place in the economic order has become still more rarefied: what every modern worker aspires to be is a thought leader. ─── 如今,在形容自己在经济次序中的位置方面,我们对夸张的爱好变得更高雅了:每位现代员工都渴望成为思想领袖。

45、In an industry where the hyperbole is the norm, there may not be enough ways to describe HBK. ─── 体育娱乐界已经看到了这个不朽的人物的市场占有率。

46、Because of colour of the hyperbole of hysteria disease, performance, often give a person the sense of a kind of malinger. ─── 因癔症的夸张、表演色彩,常给人一种装病的感觉。

47、If I've told you once, I've told you a thousand times: Resist hyperbole. ─── 我说一遍,就相当于说了一千遍:拒绝夸张。

48、That's not hyperbole; it's reality. ─── 这不是夸张,是现实。

49、Of, relating to, or employing hyperbole. ─── 夸张法的有夸张属性的,与夸张有关的,或用夸张法的

50、The figurative use of a word or an expression,as metaphor or hyperbole. ─── 比喻,转义语言或措辞的比喻用法:隐喻或夸张

51、Growing up in the nation's capital has given her a unique perspective on the foibles and quirks of her compatriots and has taught her more than she ever wanted to know about cocktail parties, politics and hyperbole. ─── 在首都长大使她对她的同胞的弱点和怪癖有着独特的见解,而且由此也对鸡尾酒会、政治和夸张法了 如指掌,尽管她并不想知道那么多。

52、There may be as much hyperbole as prophecy in the forecasts for world war.But it's not hard to conjure ways that today's hot spots could ignite. ─── 也许这些关于世界大战的预测听起来像预言书一样夸张,但是不难想象今天的热点地区可以点燃世界大战的方式。

53、In our work, we realise the limitations of the advertisements and to avoid the hyperbole of the language, preserving as much as we can the basic plotlines of the descriptions. ─── 在编辑的过程中,我们意识到广告的限制,尽量滤去夸张用语,保留基本情节。

54、Moreover, instances of extreme hyperbole and fraud in television advertisements have been uncovered, some involving high-profile celebrities who have acted as the product's spokespersons. ─── 此外,过度夸大产品功效及虚假的电视广告遭到投诉,其中有些广告甚至是名人代言。

55、They can see through "marketing hyperbole". ─── 他们并能看穿“广告的夸张”。

56、The products have fashionable and hyperbole shapes, rich bright color, and many styles; ─── 产品造型时尚而夸张,彩色明快而丰富,款式众多;

57、Prochazka loved to regale his friends with hyperbole and excess. ─── 普罗恰兹卡喜欢用夸张、过激的话与朋友逗乐。

58、I dont like using hyperbole, but I can't think of any circumstance where this would be beneficial or useful. ─── 我不喜欢用夸张手法,不过我想不到任何它有用的情形。

59、He now excuses that as hyperbole;but he has stripped the Liberals of any credible stand on the issue. ─── 尽管这位领导人现在辩称自己当时用的是夸张法,他的言行已经让自由党在这件事上的信用荡然无存。

60、The exterior element of the product almost by complete oversight, do not have any hyperbole to be decorated flightily, what all work state it seems that is a kind of reflection contrail. ─── 产品的外观因素几乎被完全忽略,没有任何夸张浮躁的修饰,所有的作品似乎陈述的都是一种思考的轨迹。

61、Key Words: cooperative principle, politeness principle, metaphor, hyperbole, meiosis, irony ─── 关键词:合作原则,礼貌原则,隐喻,夸张,弱言,反语。

62、It proves that hyperbole can create a new image beauty, affection beauty, noble beauty and comedic effects. ─── 本文认为,夸张能够创造新异的意象美,能够表现情感美,表现崇高美,还能制造喜剧效果。

63、There is a tendency toward hyperbole when discussing any hot hitter, and Jeter is no exception. ─── 总是有些夸张的说法来形容这些很强的打击者,帅帅队长也不例外。

64、Another asserted, in a rare example of journalistic hyperbole that turned out to be absolutely right, that the indoor shopping mall was henceforth "part of the American way". ─── 另有断言称室内购物商城此后将是“美国生活方式的一部分”,这一罕见的颇具新闻夸张手法的评论后来被证实是完全正确的。

65、Hyperbole: A figure of speech in which exaggeration is used for emphasis or effect, as in I could sleep for a year or This book weighs a ton. ─── 夸张法,一种比喻,使用夸张来强调或产生某种效果,比如在我能睡一年或这书有一吨重。

66、But even adjusted for bureaucratic hyperbole the government response is hefty. ─── 不过,即便对官方夸大进行调整,政府对经济危机的回应也任然十分有力。

67、"Besides have trifling hyperbole and speaking interest at 9 o'clock, I think this can calculate a kind of realer defense economy risk remind. ─── “除了第九点有些许夸张与调侃的意味,我认为这可以算一种比较现实的防御经济风险的提醒。”

68、'There's no greater crime' for a businesswoman, Ms.Graham adds, with just a smidgen of hyperbole, 'than to show cleavage. ─── 对于职场女性而言,“没有什么比显露乳沟更十恶不赦了,”格雷厄姆带着一丝夸张口吻说。

69、Then colour hyperbole, fabrics observes and study, the bed that has the male to change a characteristic extremely is tasted, saying well and truly at the male is lone man had higher and higher level. ─── 于是色彩夸张、面料考究,极具男性化特点的床品,之于男性或者更正确地说是单身男性有了愈来愈高的标准。

70、In addition, on the face of an overwhelming majority of intensification-type of hyperbole, people are disposed to intensity that can relevantly strengthen forces and effects of emotions. ─── 夸饰的研究也显示出说话者倾向选择能增加说话功效的策略,因此,扩大事实强度类型的夸饰使用频率超过减弱事实强度类型的夸饰。

71、In advertising, the term is often used as a hyperbole, a superlative to hype up a product. ─── 在广告上,这种措词常用作夸张词,一种大肆宣传一个产品的最高级词。

72、'There's no greater crime' for a businesswoman , Ms. Graham adds, with just a smidgen of hyperbole, 'than to show cleavage. ─── 对于职场女性而言,“没有什么比显露乳沟更十恶不赦了,”格雷厄姆带着一丝夸张口吻说。

73、Wonderful unscramble: The hyperbole of roundlet cap of white and black deserves to act the role of formed bright contrast. ─── 出色解读:白色的小圆帽与黑色的夸张配饰形成了鲜明的对比。

74、Imagination and the creation and reception of hyperbole as a rhetorical text ─── 想象与夸张修辞文本的建构和接受

75、Of the expressing devices of banter, irony, hyperbole, pun and metaphor are the main ones. ─── 反语是用与本意相反的词语或句子来表达本意;

76、according to its mechanism, the aesthetic value created by English hyperbole has the beauty of image, the beauty of imagery and the beauty of artistic conception. ─── 并根据其心理机制,论述了英语夸张辞格创造出的形象美、意象美和意境美。

77、Through an analysis of hyperbole from the perspective of pragmatics, this article tries to explain the pragmatic functions of hyperbole. ─── 本文通过对夸张修辞的语用分析,试图从语用方面解释其功能。

78、For the existence of hyperbole diagonal, the door hole below stair can be done triangularly, form the continuance of diagonal, those who prevented common practice is curt. ─── 为了夸张斜线的存在,楼梯下的门洞可以做成三角形,形成斜线的延续,避免了普通做法的生硬。

79、Having been burned by hyperbole before, the talk around the team has become more restrained, predictions far more nebulous. ─── 以前已经说的太多了,围绕着这个队伍的话题已经被限制,预计都很模糊。

80、Futurism encourages stylist effectively to express his opinion, the urban sculpture of twist of a hyperbole also is placed in the home that gives his, the dictate that does oneself in oneself space. ─── 未来主义鼓励设计师有力地表达自己的想法,给自己的家里也摆上一件夸张扭曲的城市雕塑,在自己的空间里做自己的主宰吧。

81、To use hyperbole; exaggerate. ─── 夸张使用夸张手法,夸张

82、Hyperbole possesses peculiar aesthetic value that can create novel, beautiful image, emotion and loftiness, it also can create comic effect. ─── 夸张具有能够创造新异的意象美,能够表现情感美、表现崇高美,还能制造喜剧效果等独特的审美价值。

83、Give fashionable element fully in marked, classic atmosphere, achieve hyperbole, Thespian result. 4. ─── 在醒目、古典氛围中透出摩登元素,达到夸张、戏剧的效果。

84、Hyperbole is a figure of speech based on the truth reflection,and the exaggeration should comply with the principle of "being moderate". ─── "真"实是夸张修辞格运用的基础,适"度"是夸张修辞格运用的原则。

85、To eye ministry not so inside for the Asian female with stereo defect, if eye makeup is drawn too painstakingly,mix hyperbole, meet it seems that too theatricalize, especially days when. ─── 对于眼部并不那么内陷立体的亚洲女性来说,假如眼妆画得太刻意和夸张,看起来会过于戏剧化,尤其是在白天的时候。

86、This might sound like hyperbole. ─── 这听起来或许很夸张。

87、that the speaking in a perpetual hyperbole, is comely in nothing but in love ─── 例如,只有在爱情中,才总是需要那种浮夸陷媚的词令。

88、By analyzing cases of landscape architecture design, the meaning of literature rhetoric which is used for reference is illustrated, such as hyperbole, figuration and symbolization. ─── 摘要文章通过对设计实例的剖析,阐述景观建筑创作中对文学修辞如夸张、比喻、象征等手法的运用及其意义。

89、rhetorical figures such as hyperbole ─── 修辞手段, 如夸张法.






说表情包也好,漫画也罢,“我们是谁”系列在国内火得一塌糊涂,但你可能没想到,其原作者竟是美国一位患有轻度抑郁症的女画家爱丽(Allie Brosh)。

早在七年前,她就在自己的博客Hyperbole and a Half上发表了一张名为“This is Why I’ll Never be an Adult”(这就是为什么我永远也不是个成年人)的漫画。





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