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groveling 发音

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英:  美:

groveling 中文意思翻译




groveling 短语词组

1、groveling without shame ─── 卑躬屈膝

groveling 相似词语短语

1、hoveling ─── n.小屋;栅舍;茅舍;vt.使…住在茅屋;把…拴入棚舍

2、grovelling ─── adj.奴颜婢膝的;卑下的;卑躬屈节的;v.趴在地上;匍匐(grovel的ing形式)

3、gaveling ─── n.(拍卖商、法官、议长用的)小木槌;n.(Gavel)人名;(法、瑞典)加韦尔

4、grueling ─── adj.使人精疲力尽的;艰辛的;让人受不了的

5、grovelingly ─── 卑躬屈膝地

6、gravelling ─── 铺砾石

7、growling ─── adj.咆哮的;隆隆响的;v.咆哮(growl的ing形式);怒吠

8、graveling ─── n.碎石;砂砾;vt.用碎石铺;使船搁浅在沙滩上;使困惑;n.(Gravel)人名;(英、法、西)格拉韦尔

9、driveling ─── n.鼻涕;口水;糊涂话;vi.淌口水;流鼻涕;说傻话;vt.浪费

groveling 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、"Avoid crawling into the office on your knees and groveling," advises Ford. ─── 假设你的老板拒绝你的原因是你处理谈判的方式,那有没有挽救的办法?

2、to grovel to sb ─── 向某人卑躬屈膝

3、grovel in the dust [ dirt ] ─── 匍匐在地;摇尾乞怜;以享受卑劣的事物为乐

4、The mind soars by an effort to the grand and lofty: it at home in the groveling, the disagreeable, and the little ─── 人的心灵尽管奋发向上,飞向壮丽的高空,但它所习以为常的却是地面上那些卑微可怜的小事。

5、57. If you expect to gain favours from the king, you will have to grovel before him to show your respect and obedience. ─── 你要想得到国王的宠爱就得在他面前卑躬屈膝,做出尊敬和顺从的样子。

6、The truth was the nation as a body was in the world for object, and one only: to grovel before king and church and noble; ─── 其实呢,这个民族生存在世界上,也只有一个目的:那就是在国王、教会与贵人面前摇尾乞怜;

7、The dog grovel at his feet when he shout at it ─── 他一叫,那狗就趴在他脚下

8、You have a right to grovel and crawl.Please do not align yourself with me or my views. ─── 出于验证的需要,请键入您在下图中看到的字符或点击辅助功能图标后所听到的数字。

9、Guan in:If isn't under the short skirt that Lyu3 Bu4 grovel in the sable Chan, my Three Kingdoms historical novel return how write bottom go to. ─── 罗贯中:如果不是吕布拜倒在貂婵的短裙下,我的三国演义还怎么写得下去。

10、She rushes into the toilet and find her husband groveling on the floor,hip and thigh burned. ─── 她冲进卫生间,看见丈夫趴在地上,屁股和大腿都被烧焦了。

11、There's lots of easier ways to work on those instead of groveling through gruesome bloody crack climbs. ─── 有许多更简单的方式攀岩,而不是挣扎在可怕的血淋淋的岩缝之类。

12、Jirenlixia always feel obliged to groveling. ─── 寄人篱下,总不免要卑躬屈膝。

13、Zhidan's speaking is good:"Grovel is easy,Stand up is hard. ─── 子弹说得好:“趴下去容易,站起来难!”

14、He dropped a church roof on 34 of his worshippers in Texas last Wednesday night, just as they were groveling through a hymn to his majesty. ─── 在德州的上周五晚上,他让坠落的教堂顶棚砸死了34个对他顶礼膜拜的人。

15、None of this scraping, groveling. ─── |不会像这样低声下气。

16、Why are you groveling in the dust? Have you lost something? ─── 你为什么趴在地上?是丢了东西了吗?

17、Manager: Ah! The famous Monsieur poirot. I grovel in mortification, I grovel! ─── 乔德利:啊,著名的波洛先生,我未免太失敬了,失敬了。

18、to grovel; to prostrate (oneself in prayer) ─── 五体投地、磕长头

19、To be servilely respectful or deferential;grovel. ─── 屈膝服从奴颜卑膝地尊敬或服从;卑躬屈膝

20、grovel before ─── 卑躬屈膝

21、a man apologizes when he is wrong, but he will grovel to no one ─── 男子汉做错事时会认错,但不会对任何人卑躬屈节。

22、Today's era of people in pursuit of "profit" and heavy shame奴颜British Columbia, in order to fight "the" place to go groveling ; ─── 现今时代的人们都为追求“利”而东奔西走奴颜卑耻,为了争夺“名”位去上窜下跳卑躬屈膝;

23、To be servilely respectful or deferential; grovel. ─── 屈膝服从奴颜卑膝地尊敬或服从;卑躬屈膝

24、A half-equipped little knight she was, venturing to reconnoitre the mysterious city and dreaming wild dreams of some vague, far-off supremacy, which should make it prey and subject--the proper penitent, groveling at a woman's slipper. ─── 她还只是一个装备不全的小骑士,正冒险出发去侦察神秘的大城市,梦想着某个遥远的将来她将征服这新世界,让那大城市俯首称臣,诚惶诚恐,跪倒在她的脚下。

25、But if you expect me to grovel or apologize, I think you ought to know by now you're talking to the wrong woman. ─── 但如果你期望我卑躬屈膝或抱歉,我认为你现在应该知道你讲话的对象错了。

26、After struggling for months, it dawned on me that I needed to grovel. ─── 在苦苦挣扎了几个月后,我终于顿悟到自己应该在她面前卑躬屈膝才是。

27、to grovel; to prostrate oneself; to fall on one's knees ─── 拜倒

28、Look dad.If you want me to grovel, I'll grovel. ─── 也不知演什么角色,甚至于有没有戏演都不知道,爸爸你要我跪下都可以。

29、Then that also puts us all groveling to sit at the Rich Master's table "AT HIS FEET" serving his every whim. ─── 那么,那将使我们卑躬屈膝地坐在富翁的桌子边,在他的脚下,为他的每一个奇想服务。

30、followed by a very long night of groveling! ─── |而且要一整晚老老实实的交代!

31、I'm not that kind of person who is always groveling to the boss, I just do my job and hope that is enough. ─── 我不是那种对老板低声下气的人,我做好自己的工作就够了。

32、I'm not that kind of person who is always groveling to the boss, I just do my job and hope that is enough. ─── 我不是那种对老板低声下气的人,我做好自己的工作就够了。

33、The absence of those creatures that grovel at your feet in Chiang Kai-shek's areas, crying with hideous inferiority - "master, master, a little pity!" ─── 在蒋管区,一大群乞丐匍匐在你的脚下,声嘶力竭地哀告着:“老爷,老爷,可怜可怜吧!”

34、His Head where his Heels should be; groveling on the Earth ─── 他的头去了该脚应去的地方,总是在土里趴着。

35、prostrate oneself at sb.'s feet; grovel before sb.; kneel at sb.'s feet ─── 跪倒在某人脚下

36、She rushes into the toilet and find her husband groveling on the floor, hip and thigh burned. ─── 她冲进卫生间,看见丈夫趴在地上,屁股和大腿都被烧焦了。

37、Commence your groveling. ─── |开始叩拜吧.

38、" I heard a triumphant appearance, did not expect that his brother would come to see me groveling challenge? ─── 我一听一副得意洋洋的样子,没想到,哥哥也会低声下气的来找我挑战?

39、Maybe if I really grovel, he will pass me . ─── 如果我真的去说说好话,也许他(老师)会让我及格。

40、water-atable grovel ─── 水稳碎石

41、grovel oneself at the feet of sb.; lie prostrate at the feet of sb. ─── 拜倒在某人的脚下

42、He said he would never grovel before a conqueror. ─── 他说他永远不会在征服者脚下摇尾乞怜。

43、to go down on one's knees; to prostrate oneself; to grovel ─── 跪倒

44、Know one's standing in the road on both sides, groveling Jirenlixia, or the fears that hide in the corner of the park. ─── 安分守己的站立在马路的两旁,卑躬屈膝的寄人篱下,或则战战兢兢的躲在公园的角落。

45、The dog grovel at his feet when he shout at it. ─── 他一叫,那狗就趴在他脚下。

46、The truth was the nation as a body was in the world for object, and one only: to grovel before king and church and noble; to slave for them. ─── 其实呢,这个民族生存在世界上,也只有一个目的:那就是在国王、教会与贵人面前摇尾乞怜;替他们当牛当马。

47、Do not want groveling flattery. ─── 不愿意阿谀奉承卑躬屈膝。

48、grovel at the feet of one's conqueror ─── 向征服者屈膝

49、1. (Did you grovel to that piece of shit? ─── )这里单词grovel的意思就是卑躬曲膝。你向那个坏家伙卑躬曲膝了么?

50、7Do not offend the city's assembly;do not grovel before the people. ─── 不要得罪城中的民众,免得你在民间,声名扫地。

51、1. You will just have to grovel to the bank manager for a loan. ─── 你只得低声下气地向银行经理借贷.

52、grovel (or lie prostrate) at the feet of sb. ─── 拜倒在某人脚下

53、I make him grovel with the face all over the floor. ─── 女性温柔和贤 淑的一面在她的画中得到一种非常朴素的展现;

54、However, no matter how grovel a woman become the victim of the society environment, such as prostitution, male can also become the victim of the subconsciousness impulsion by alcoholism and other vices. ─── 然而,不管一个女人将会怎样卑躬屈膝地沦为社会环境的牺牲品,比如卖淫,男人也可能同样地透过酒精中毒和其它恶行而沦为潜意识冲动的牺牲品。

55、Many dressed like prisoners and many clothed themselves in the raiments of religious penitents, putting square boards around their necks and groveling on the ground. ─── 有不少人身穿囚衣,还有许多人装束成苦行僧,脖子上套着枷板,匍匐在地。

56、"A wise man is one who knows who to bully - and who to grovel to. ─── 一个聪明的人是懂得能屈能伸,何时该屈何时该伸的人。

57、4.Since they speak straightforwardly and selflessly and never appear to grovel or fawn. ─── 因为他们说话正直无私,容色也不阿谀谄媚。

58、He snorted and pranced and pawed at the floor in salivating lust and groveling need ─── 他叽叽咕咕,摇头晃脑,两脚还在地上乱跺乱蹬,一副垂涎欲滴,苦苦哀告的样子。

59、You will just have to grovel to the bank manager for a loan. ─── 你只得低声下气地向银行经理借贷。

60、We'll never grovel at the feet of the conqueror ─── 我们永远不会向征服者屈膝。

61、How could I help groveling before her? ─── 更何况我这一天生俗物?

62、Gross, groveling mole-eyed blockhead that I was. ─── 我这个又蠢,又贱,又瞎的大傻瓜。

63、He who considers anything great except the one, immense, eternal good will long be little and lie groveling on the earth. ─── 一个人除了独一无二、无限无量、永远的至宝以外,若还有看得中的事物,他必是卑污下贱,不能离地高飞的人。

64、grovel before authority [a conqueror] ─── 屈服在权威 [征服者] 之前

65、You might be groveling around in low-level bits and pointer arithmetic, then zoom out to an abstraction that's close to the business domain.You're always bopping back and forth.That's hard. ─── 前一时刻你或许还在琢磨底层的位运算和指针运算,下一时刻你却去处理接近业务逻辑的抽象内容了,就这样不停地转来转去,当然很辛苦。

66、Maybe if I really grovel,he will pass me. ─── 如果我真的去说说好话,也许他会让我及格。

67、And I can save you the indignity of groveling by telling you right now save . ─── 呃,可以。我知道你要说什么。

68、Your attempts to impress women are really groveling and you're perpetuating the myth that guys should have to stoop to please. ─── 你讨好女性的做法显得卑微低贱,你在不断践行男人就应该卑微地讨人欢心的可笑传说。

69、To gawk and grovel and stare at Prince Ali! ─── 目瞪口呆,卑躬屈膝,并盯著阿里王子看!

70、She will not grovel to anyone. ─── 她不会向任何人屈服。

71、Why are you groveling in the dirt? Have you lost something? ─── 你为什么趴在地上?你是不是丢了什么东西?

72、Those who wish a favour of the emperor have to grovel on hand and knee before him. ─── 凡希望受到皇帝恩宠的人都要拜倒在他面前。

73、grovel in the dust [dirt ─── 匍匐在地; 摇尾乞怜; 以享受卑劣的事物为乐

74、Were I such they would grovel at my feet. ─── 倘若我真是暴君,他们就会俯伏在我的脚下了。

75、v God wants us to be victors, not victims; to grow, not grovel; to soar, not sink; to overcome, not to be overwhelmed. W. A. Ward ─── 神要我们成为得胜者而不是牺牲品;增长而非卑恭屈节;高飞而不是下沈;征服而非被克服。

76、Although it is not widely known, it is also the season of groveling. ─── 虽然很少人知道,其实这也是低声下气的节日。

77、We soaked red bean and green beans plus three flowers and a sponge grovel in water over night. ─── 我们把红豆、绿豆、三种花和海绵匍匐地浸在水里过了几个晚上。

78、He wrote begging letters by the score, sometimes groveling without shame, at others loftily offering his intended benefactor the privilege of contributing to his support, and being mortally offended if the recipient declined the honor. ─── 他有时会卑躬屈膝,写大量的信恳求借债,对那些有可能赞助他的人,就给此人冠以他的资助者之美名作为回报;而一旦人们拒绝提供这种冠冕堂皇的赞助,他会恼怒之极。

79、human beings learned for the first time how to bow, grovel, kneel, and kowtow. ─── 所谓四大文明古国,大家通常觉得系人类文明进化。

80、Know one's standing in the road on both sides, groveling Jirenlixia, or the fears that hide in the corner of the park. ─── 安分守己的站立在马路的两旁,卑躬屈膝的寄人篱下,或则战战兢兢的躲在公园的角落。

81、What he knew of that under-world where grovel the beat-men of society (and he knew a great deal) had hardened his nature. ─── 下层社会那些禽兽般的男人们卑劣取乐的事情他知道的不少。 这使他的心肠变硬了。

82、Maybe if I really grovel, he will pass me. ─── 如果我真的去说说好话,也许他(老师)会让我及格。

83、grovel in the dirt ─── vi. 趴在地下(卑躬屈节)

84、There's lots of easier ways to work on those instead of groveling through gruesome bloody crack climbs. ─── 有许多更简单的方式攀岩,而不是挣扎在可怕的血淋淋的岩缝之类。

85、and pray what is a man but a topsy-turvy creature, his animal faculties perpetually mounted on his rational, his head where his heels should be, groveling on the earth? ─── 人也只不过是一个上下颠倒了的动物,不断地祈求其兽性的一面驾驭其理性的头脑,让其处于脚本应该处的位置,趴在地上?

86、“Although it is not widely known, it is also the season of groveling.” ─── “虽然很少人知道,但这毕竟还是个屈辱的节日。”

87、grovel worming ─── 全球变暖

88、You must know how an ant feels, groveling like that. ─── 你要知道蚂蚁如何感受当你那样爬行。

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