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08-15 投稿


expands 发音

英:[?k?sp?ndz]  美:[?k?sp?ndz]

英:  美:

expands 中文意思翻译



expands 短语词组

1、expands clone ─── 展开克隆

2、expands r ─── 展开r

3、expands crossword ─── 扩展纵横字谜

4、expands means ─── 扩展方式

5、expands laces ─── 扩展鞋带

6、it expands your world view ─── 它扩展了你的世界观

7、expends vs expands ─── 扩张vs ─── 扩张

8、expands show ─── 展开显示

9、expands synonym ─── 扩展同义词

expands 词性/词形变化,expands变形

动词过去式: expanded |动词过去分词: expanded |动词第三人称单数: expands |形容词: expandable |动词现在分词: expanding |名词: expander |

expands 同义词

expound | inflate | flourish | exposit | augment | pump | develop | enlarge | broaden | magnify | flare | dilate | unfold | thrive | expatiate | spread out | open out | increase | balloon | spread | distend | amplify | multiply | branch |swell | boom | stretch | sprawl | extend | elaborate | lucubrate | flesh out | grow | blow up

expands 反义词

contract | shrink

expands 相似词语短语

1、elands ─── n.[脊椎]大羚羊(产于非洲);n.(Eland)人名;(英)伊兰

2、expanses ─── n.宽阔;广阔的区域;苍天;膨胀扩张

3、expand ─── vt.扩张;使膨胀;详述;vi.发展;张开,展开

4、errands ─── 差使(errand的名词复数)

5、expanded ─── adj.扩充的,展开的;(材料)多孔的,泡沫的;(金属板)网眼的;(形状)相对宽的;(活字)阔体的;v.扩大(expand的过去式和过去分词)

6、expander ─── n.[电子][声]扩展器;膨胀器;使身体健壮的强身器具;使增大者

7、expounds ─── v.详述,阐述;说明,讲解;解释……的意思

8、expanders ─── 扩展器;膨胀卡

9、expends ─── vt.花费;消耗;用光;耗尽

expands 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Expands the current tree node. ─── 展开当前树节点。

2、This year we plan to expand our rice plots. ─── 今年我们计划扩大稻田。

3、Obama only expands on such goofiness. ─── 奥巴马只是更加会闲混了。

4、Great endeavors will be made to expand export. ─── 大力扩大外贸出口;

5、At this stage, the semantic referent of a word expands. ─── 在这个阶段,词义有泛指的特点。

6、How she discovered ways to expand her mind. ─── 她如何发现了新的思想。

7、The Armory also expands your ground control. ─── 军械库同时也能扩展建造范围。

8、To make wider or larger; cause to expand. ─── 使膨胀使更宽或更大;引起膨胀

9、This factory expands to the riverside. ─── 这个工厂的地界扩展到河边。

10、BREW continues to expand on a global scale. ─── BREW继续在全球开展。

11、They hope to expand their company. ─── 他们希望扩大公司的规模。

12、Expand the headline in the lead paragraph. ─── 在扩大领先头条段.

13、This year to expand our rice plots by 2000acres. ─── 今年我们计划把稻田扩大2000英亩。

14、To raise or expand abnormally or improperly. ─── 不当地高涨不正常或不合适地抬高或扩张

15、Expand the project and item folder to copy from. ─── 展开要从中复制对象的项目和项文件夹。

16、I'll expand on this problem next time. ─── 我下次再详谈这个问题。

17、Fancy amuses; imagination expands and exalts us. ─── 幻想使人乐,想象则使我们开阔和升华。

18、UPS continues to expand service worldwide. ─── UPS继续在全球扩展服务。

19、Expand the treasure jade the culture. ─── 化石石化。玉石文化。有溶乃化。

20、One of the best ways to succeed in a small company is to get in on the ground floor and prosper as the company expands. ─── 在小公司取得成功的最佳方法之一,就是以与发起人同样优先的资格入股,随着公司的发展一起繁荣。

21、He is trying to expand his business . ─── 他正努力扩大他的营业。

22、To cause to expand by or as if by inflating. ─── 使 ... 膨胀因或似因充气而引起膨胀

23、He did not expand greatly on his statement. ─── 他未就他的声明多加解释。

24、You can also expand this beyond your computer. ─── 你还可以把这个方法延伸到电脑之外。

25、The cell walls must expand as the cells grow. ─── 当细胞生长时细胞壁必然扩张。

26、Expand the System Administrator role definition. ─── 展开“系统管理员”角色定义。

27、Time will stop as you expand your horizons! ─── 地平线伸展开了,时空也会凝滞!

28、Expands to the exit status of the most recent pipeline. ─── 应该是最近的状态码,与程序运行的逻辑结果无关.

29、Sumka said the needs are quite extensive, and USAID is prepared to provide additional commodities as needed and if the crisis expands. ─── 萨姆卡表示,各种需要涉及的面很广,美国国际开发署准备根据需要并在危机如果扩大时提供额外的救济物资。

30、Expand the node for your server. ─── 展开服务器的节点。

31、His success emboldened him to expand his business. ─── 他有了成就因而激发他进一步扩展业务。

32、We should do our utmost to expand exports. ─── 今年要千方百计扩大出口。

33、Why can't a bookcase expand with your mind? ─── 凭什么书架不能随着你的思想而变大?

34、When a rock is heated by the sun, its surface expands more than its interior, and a layer may break off. ─── 岩石受到日晒时,其表面比内部更为膨胀,就可能引起岩层破裂。

35、Why not try to expand your story into a novel? ─── 你怎么不把你的故事扩展成小说呢?

36、Do you want to expand your brand in China? ─── 你想在中国拓展你的品牌吗?

37、He was trying to expand his business. ─── 他正在努力扩展自己的事业。

38、Imagine and expand your imagination. ─── 丰富你的想象力。

39、A tire expands when you pump air into it . ─── 当你打进气时,车胎就会膨胀。

40、If a company gets bigger, it expands. ─── 公司变大了是指公司的营业扩大了。

41、We will expand ecological demonstration zones. ─── 加强生态示范区建设。

42、Heating a copper bar will cause it to expand . ─── 加热一根铜棒会使它膨胀。

43、Domesek rolls it out, it expands into a giant and carefully categorized storage space with drawers with labels like 'tulle' and 'tubes. ─── 当德梅萨克把它拉出来的时候,它展开成一个巨大的精心分类的储物空间,有标着“薄纱”、“软管”等标签的抽屉。

44、They shouldn't have tried to expand overseas. ─── 他们不应该力图向海外扩张。

45、Nuclear-weapon-free zones continue to expand. ─── 世界无核区范围不断扩大;

46、Expands to show the Row Count properties. ─── 展开以显示“行计数”属性。

47、Can you expand your chest by inspiration? ─── 你能吸气扩张你的胸部吗?

48、When when heating, the metal thus expands. ─── 当被加热时,金属便膨胀。

49、Expand the group that you want to filter. ─── 展开要对其进行筛选的组。

50、These were some of the notes that Thaxter wanted me to expand. ─── 以上这些就是撒克斯特要我发挥的一部分笔记。

51、Expands this window to fill the screen. ─── 将该窗口扩大为全屏幕显示。

52、You mentioned the need for extra funding. Would you expand on that? ─── 你曾提到需要一笔额外资金. 你详细谈谈好吗?

53、It would be wise forChinato ensure that total domestic demand expands enough to ensure that this is the case. ─── 对中国来说,确保国内需求扩大以促成上述事实是一种明智的做法。

54、Expands the dialog box to show the custom color area. ─── 展开此对话框可以显示自定义颜色区域。

55、The school has been refused permission to expand. ─── 学校扩充未得到许可。

56、Expand the Group drop-down box and select New. ─── 展开“组”下拉框,然后选择“新建”。

57、Water also expands upon freezing, unlike most materials. ─── 与大多数物质不同,水凝固时也要膨胀。

58、Does not expand default attributes. ─── 不展开默认属性。

59、Dilate:To make wider or larger; cause to expand. ─── 使膨胀:使更宽或更大;引起膨胀

60、No small green balls to expand and ripen. ─── 不会有绿果长大,成熟,

61、The Scope of Fighting Against Pseudoscience Expands Too Much? ─── 反伪科学扩大化了吗?

62、In the Fields list, expand the Order Date field. ─── 在“字段”列表中,展开“订货日期”字段。

63、Dilate: To make wider or larger; cause to expand. ─── 使膨胀:使更宽或更大;引起膨胀。

64、Expands the control signal for parallel steam generators. ─── 使用并联的蒸汽炉时可用此配件扩大控制讯号。

65、Expand Test Tools and click Test Execution. ─── 展开“测试工具”并单击“测试执行”。

66、When matter is heated, it expands. ─── 物体受热则膨胀。

67、The air in the balloon expands when heated. ─── 当气球受热时,里面的空气就会膨胀。

68、They conferred on the best way to expand business. ─── 他们商议扩展业务的最好方法。

69、I will expand on this problem next time. ─── 我下次再详细谈这个问题。

70、His subtle flattery made her expand and glow. ─── 他那含蓄的奉承使她心花怒放,满面笑容。

71、child's vocabulary expands through reading. ─── 孩子的词汇量通过阅读得到扩大。

72、As you breathe again, soul returns, and consciousness expands. ─── 当你再次呼吸,灵魂回归而意识扩展。

73、A child's vocabulary expands through reading. ─── 孩子的词汇量通过阅读得到扩大。

74、The soil expands upon imbibing water. ─── 土壤会由于吸水而膨胀。

75、But the areas of our mutual cooperation continue to expand. ─── 但是,我们彼此之间的合作领域在不断扩大。

76、She expands only when being praised and flattered. ─── 她只有受到表扬和奉承的时候才喜笑颜开。

77、Expand forcefully to adapt functional requirements. ─── 可以强有力地扩充以适应功能需求.

78、But it decided to expand the relationship. ─── 但是它决定拓展这样的关系。

79、Older systems might not able to provide as much benefit or optimization as more modern systems as an organization grows or expands. ─── 随着组织的发展或扩大,较老的系统可能不具备与现代系统一样的优点和优化水平。

80、When you blow into a balloon it expands. ─── 当你吹气球,它就膨胀变大。

81、If you skip it, the "free market" will expand. ─── 只要你不搞,“自由市

82、The following list expands on the properties of NULL. ─── 下面详述NULL的属性。

83、The king sought to expand his realm. ─── 国王谋求扩大领土。

84、Solids expand and contract just as liquids and gases do. ─── 固体也像液体和气体那样,能膨胀和收缩。

85、So it is very important that this development is not an "enclosed" zone but a starting point that expands further into the rest of the city. ─── 所以,这个发展不并不是一个“封闭”区非常重要,而是一个起点,进一步扩大到其他城市。

86、Expand Non-Plug and Play Drivers. ─── 展开“非即插即用驱动程序”。

87、Big money expands the choices. ─── 只要万金在手,你就可以纵横驰骋。

88、In this stage,the scope of CBD expands to include component design. ─── 在这一阶段,基于组件开发(CBD)的范围扩大到了包含组件设计。

89、Outside the edges, there is room to expand into. ─── 在边界之外,有个空间可以让它膨胀。

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