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08-15 投稿


nettle 发音

英:['net(?)l]  美:['n?tl]

英:  美:

nettle 中文意思翻译



nettle 网络释义

vt. 剌激;惹恼;用荨麻刺n. 荨麻adj. 荨麻科的

nettle 短语词组

grasp the nettle

1. 迎着困难上; 勇敢地处理棘手问题

We need a government that will grasp the nettle.


1、hedge nettle ─── [网络] 光叶水苏

2、bull nettle ─── [网络] 荨麻

3、nettle family ─── [植物]荨麻科

4、Australian nettle ─── [网络] 澳大利亚荨麻

5、false nettle ─── [网络] 假荨麻

6、nettle rash ─── 风疹 [医] 荨麻疹

7、Australian nettle tree ─── [网络] 澳大利亚荨麻树

8、nettle-cells (nettle-cell ─── 的复数) 剌细胞

9、flame nettle ─── 火荨麻

10、nettle-leaved bellflower ─── [网络] 荨麻叶铃花

11、ball nettle ─── [网络] 球荨麻

12、nettle-cell ─── 剌细胞

13、horse nettle berry ─── [医] 美洲野茄果

14、grasp the nettle ─── 迎着困难上

15、horse nettle ─── [植物]卡罗来纳茄(Solanum carolinense,原产于北美的杂草)

16、devil nettle ─── [网络] 恶魔荨麻

17、hemp nettle ─── 瓣花

18、dead nettle ─── 野芝麻

19、nettle tree ─── [网络] 荨麻树;朴树属

nettle 词性/词形变化,nettle变形

动词过去分词: nettled |动词过去式: nettled |动词现在分词: nettling |动词第三人称单数: nettles |

nettle 相似词语短语

1、mettle ─── n.勇气;气质;耐力

2、fettle ─── v.修整……的毛边;打造;修补;n.情形,状况

3、nettie ─── n.内蒂(女子名,Janet的昵称)

4、nettler ─── 内特勒

5、ettle ─── n.尾矿;废矿石;n.(Ettle)人名;(德)埃特勒

6、nettles ─── n.[植][皮肤]荨麻;讨人嫌女士;刺草(nettle的复数形式);vt.惹怒;使恼火;用荨麻刺(nettle的三单形式);n.(Nettles)人名;(英)内特尔斯

7、kettle ─── n.壶;[化工]釜;罐;鼓;n.(Kettle)人名;(英)凯特尔

8、nettled ─── adj.惹恼的;v.剌激,惹恼;用荨麻刺(nettle的过去式和过去分词)

9、nettly ─── 净

nettle 习惯用语

1、grasp the nettle ─── 大胆地同困难博斗, 迎着困难上

2、nettle in, dock out (=in dock, out nettle) ─── [废]变化无常, 前后不一致

3、on nettles ─── 忐忑不安, 紧张如坐针毡

4、Grasp the nettle and it won't sting you ─── 。 [谚]你不怕困难, 困难就怕你。

nettle 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、nettle rash ─── n. 风疹

2、Better be stung by a nettle than pricked by a rose. ─── 与其被朋友冤枉,不如被敌人中伤。

3、She mightn't be inhaled as a rose, but she might be grasped as a nettle . ─── 她不是一朵香气扑鼻的玫瑰花,但至少是可以握在手里的荨麻。

4、a prickling blush of embarrassment; the tingling feeling in a foot that has gone to sleep; a stinging nettle; the stinging windblown sleet ─── 因窘境而羞红了脸;脚底的刺痛感已经消失了;刺人的荨麻;刺骨的冰雨

5、In the days of this Lion, gold shall be squeezed from the lily-fower and the nettle, and silver shall flow from the hooves of lowing cattle. ─── 在这头狮子的日子里,黄金会从百合花和荨麻处挤榨出来,白银会从发出鸣声的牛的蹄流出。

6、He swished off the tops of the nettle with his cane. ─── 他用藤杖抽断了荨麻的顶部。

7、Franker: This will be he throughout history most difficult living, he did not have Kyd, the one who will displace will be a troop young hairy child, but the franker will grasp the nettle. ─── 弗兰克:这将会是他有史以来最艰难的活,他没有了基德,取而代之的是一大群小毛孩,但是弗兰克会迎难而上的。

8、nilgiri nettle ─── 尼来瓦

9、They are all heroes grasping the nettle. ─── 他们都是迎着艰险上的英雄。

10、How to treat nettle rash? ─── 怎么样治疗风疹?

11、stinging nettle ─── 大荨麻小荨麻

12、Nettl, Bruno. The Study of Ethnomusicology: Twenty-nine Issues and Concepts [M]. Urbana and Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 1983. ─── 外文文献一定要用外文原文表述(也可在原文题名之后的括号内附上中文译文),切忌仅用中文表达外文原义。

13、And what is required for the nettle? ─── 并且荨麻需要什么呢?

14、He who handles a nettle tenderly is soonest stung."," ─── 与恶人交往而讲仁义,必受其害. "

15、three-yarn nettle stuff ─── 三股油麻绳填塞料

16、"If the Government is serious about achieving a tobacco-free society then the price nettle must be grasped." ─── “如果政府对造就一个无烟社会是动真格的,那么一定要抓住荨麻的价格。”

17、104 Cases with Cold Nettle Rash Treated with Combination of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine ─── 中西医结合治疗寒冷性荨麻疹104例疗效观察

18、English: Falsehood like a nettle stings those who meddle with it. ─── 中文:谎言似荨麻,玩弄会刺手。

19、The sea nettle,, for example, often has an orange or light brown coloring, octopus jellyfish have a blue or gray tint,, and the lion's mane jellyfish has a golden tint to it is like its namesake. ─── 例如,海荨麻常常具有橙色或浅褐色色彩,章鱼海蜇具有蓝灰色色彩,狮于鬃海蜇就像它的名字一样具有金黄色的色彩。

20、But We smother each other with the nettle and Pucker the sour sugar sweet weather ─── 但是我们用痛苦窒息了对方,并对酸甜混杂的空气皱起眼眉

21、annual European nettle with stinging foliage and small clusters of green flowers ─── 一年生欧洲荨麻,有带刺的叶子和绿花组成的花串

22、henbit dead nettle ─── n. 宝盖草

23、nettle capsule ─── 刺丝囊

24、3, plant, including sinapine, crotonaldehyde, garlic, nettle, such as pyrethrum. ─── 3、植物性,主要包括芥子、巴豆、大蒜、荨麻、除虫菊等。

25、LI>Grasp the nettle and it won't sting you. ─── 困难像弹簧,你硬它就软。

26、perennial Eurasian nettle established in North America having broad coarsely toothed leaves with copious stinging hairs. ─── 北美洲归化的多年生欧亚荨麻,叶子宽阔质地粗糙有齿,叶子上还有浓密的刺毛。

27、2.a prickling blush of embarrassment; the tingling feeling in a foot that has gone to sleep; a stinging nettle; the stinging windblown sleet. ─── 因窘境而羞红了脸;脚底的刺痛感已经消失了;刺人的荨麻;刺骨的冰雨。收藏指正

28、mostly tropical stinging herbs or trees: nettle. ─── 多数是热带的带刺的药草或乔木;荨麻。

29、Grasp the nettle and it won't sting you. ─── 你不怕困难, 困难就怕你。

30、Don't waste too much time talking, after all we have to grasp the nettle. ─── 别浪费时间在空谈话上,毕竟我们得迎难而上.

31、nettle grub ─── 中国绿刺蛾扁刺蛾

32、a nettle yielding fiber resembling flax. ─── 一种产出象亚麻一样的纤维的荨麻。

33、a nettle stings if you brush it lightly. ─── 你轻抚荨麻,它就会刺痛你。

34、How many men resemble the nettle!" ─── 世上有多少人就和荨麻大同小异。”

35、A boy was playing in the fields when he was stung by a nettle . He ran home to tell his mother what had happened. ─── 一个男孩在地里玩的时候被荨麻刺伤了,于是他跑回家告诉妈妈。

36、Gravid nettle rash has inside 4 months, should interrupt gravid. ─── 妊娠4个月内患风疹,应中断妊娠。

37、to grasp the nettle ─── [esp BRIT] 果断处理棘手问题

38、What is called nettle rash? Very urticant! Probably how long can be good! ─── 什么叫做荨麻疹?好痒啊!大概多长时间能好啊!

39、horse nettle berry ─── [医] 美洲野茄果

40、Don't waste too much time talking; after all we have to grasp the nettle. ─── 别浪费时间聊天了,无论如何我们得迎着困难上。

41、A: Don't waste too much time talking, after all we have to grasp the nettle. ─── 别浪费时间聊天了。无论如何我们得迎着困难上。

42、How is remedial dermatosis chronic nettle rash? ─── 怎么治疗皮肤病慢性荨麻疹?

43、Nettle were thus able to see just how picky women are, given the chance. ─── 这样一来,内特尔就可以看出女人是多么挑剔。

44、To sting with or as if with a nettle. ─── 刺用或好象用荨麻刺

45、Individual person still can be brought about accordingly nettle rash and weep, all round the eye red ministry waiting for an eye is hypersensitive shape. ─── 个别人还会因此导致荨麻疹以及流泪、眼四周红肿等眼部过敏症状。

46、A large sea nettle or medusa. ─── 一种肥大的刺水母或水母

47、In gravid nettle rash was gotten after 3 months, nettle rash virus may cause all sorts of pathological change. ─── 在妊娠3个月之后得了风疹,风疹病毒可能导致各种病变。

48、"Because I sting everyone," Said the nettle sadly, "I can't help it. ─── “因为我刺每一个人” 荨麻伤心地说,“但是我也没办法。”

49、But should differentiate with photograph of nettle rash, hives (in front paragraphic already introduced) . ─── 但应与风疹、麻疹相鉴别(前面章节已介绍)。

50、WOMEN often complain that dating is like a cattle market, and a paper just published in Biology Letters by Thomas Pollet and Daniel Nettle of Newcastle University, in England, suggests they are right. ─── 女人常会抱怨说约会就像是一个家畜市场,而由英国Newcastle大学的TomasPollet和DanielNettle共同发表在生物学杂志上的一篇论文显示这一观点是正确的。

51、Got nettle disease 4 months ate medicine to do not have outskirt fruit more, how to do? ─── 得了荨麻症4个月吃了药多没郊果,怎么办?

52、China nettle ─── 中国苎麻

53、Cold nettle orash ─── 寒冷性荨麻疹

54、a prickling blush of embarrassment; the tingling feeling in a foot that has gone to sleep; a stinging nettle; the stinging windblown sleet. ─── 因窘境而羞红了脸;脚底的刺痛感已经消失了;刺人的荨麻;刺骨的冰雨。

55、He who handles a nettle tenderly is soonest stung ─── 与恶人交往而讲仁义,必受其害

56、nettle cell ─── 刺细胞

57、grasp the nettle ─── v. 迎着困难上

58、Kiss our beautiful motherland!Grasp the nettle of the snowstorm in this year, we found our people are so noble, adorable and united. ─── 亲吻我们美丽的祖国吧,今年年初迎战暴风雪,让我们看到我们的人民是多么高贵、可爱、团结。

59、"It stung you because you only touched it lightly," his mother told him." Next time you touch a nettle grasp it as tightly as you can.Then it won't sting you at all. ─── 公牛刚睡着,小老鼠就爬到洞口,嗒嗒地跑过院子,又咬了公牛一口??这回咬了鼻子??又跑回安全的地方去。

60、after all we have to grasp the nettle. ─── 别浪费时间聊天了,无论如何我们得迎着困难上。

61、Suffer from disease of papule sex nettle to already had 4 months, entreat a proved recipe! ─── 患丘疹性荨麻症已有四个月,恳求给个验方!

62、" And as she finished speaking, she touched her hand lightly with the nettle, and a pain, as of burning fire, awoke Eliza. ─── 于是仙女让她把荨麻摸了一下。它像燃烧着的火。艾丽莎一接触到它就醒转来了。

63、And what is required for the nettle? ─── 并且荨麻需要什么呢?

64、Mr Pollet and Dr Nettle were looking for evidence to support the contention that women choose men of high status and resources, as well as good looks. ─── 伯里特先生和奈特博士一直在为他们的观点寻找证据,他们认为女人就象挑选男人的外貌一样,还要看男人的社会地位和财富。

65、As China overheats, inflation is picking up.Sooner or later, Beijing will have to grasp the nettle. ─── 人们之所以投机上海股市和深圳房地产,是因为资金成本低廉。

66、Our object must now be to bring theaters up to date . But if we were to do this, we would have to grasp the nettle firmly with both hands. ─── 我们的目标是要使剧院达到现代水平,但要实现这一点,我们就得大胆地抓一些棘手的问题。

67、Treat nettle rash how effectively! ! ! Be urgent! ! ! ─── 怎样有效治疗荨麻疹!!!急!!!

68、Southern Nettle Tree ─── 南方朴(榆科)

69、How to treat nettle rash thoroughly? ─── 如何彻底治疗荨麻疹?

70、annual European nettle with stinging foliage and small clusters of green flowers. ─── 一年生欧洲荨麻,有带刺的叶子和绿花组成的花串。

71、They are all heroes grasping the nettle. ─── 他们都是迎着艰险上的英雄。

72、dog nettle ─── 小荨麻

73、Grasp the nettle and it won't sting you ─── 困难像弹簧,你硬它就软

74、A boy was playing in the fields when he was stung by a nettle . He ran home to tell his mother what had happened. ─── 一个小男孩在地里玩的时候被荨麻刺了一下,他跑回家告诉他妈妈这件事。

75、The Bride ran Back into the chamber, and said, I know now what I said to the nettle, and she repeated the words which she had just heard. ─── 听到这些话,新娘立刻跑回新房,对新郎说:“我知道我对荨麻说过什么了!”于是她就把刚听到的话重复了一遍。

76、perennial Eurasian nettle established in North America having broad coarsely toothed leaves with copious stinging hairs ─── 北美洲归化的多年生欧亚荨麻,叶子宽阔质地粗糙有齿,叶子上还有浓密的刺毛

77、The bride ran back into the chamber, and said, I know now what I said to the nettle, and she repeated the words which she had just heard. ─── 听到这些话,新娘立刻跑回新房,对新郎说:“我知道我对荨麻说过什么了!”

78、The worst thin about a party it clearing up afterwards, but if we grasp the nettle we can get it all done in a hour. ─── 一次聚会最讨厌的事情是事后的收拾,但是如果我们不怕麻烦,我们可以在一个小时内收拾干净。

79、Boehmeria densiflora [dense-flowered false nettle] ─── 密花苎麻

80、I said nothing but, oh, nettle-plant, little nettle-plant, what dost thou here alone. ─── 我没说什么,但是,噢,荨麻,植物,小荨麻厂内,难道你是什么人在这里。

81、He swish off the tops of the nettle with his cane ─── 他用藤杖抽断了荨麻的顶部

82、nettle ring ─── 刺丝环(动)

83、Picking up a piece of nettle, this inquisitive baby rhesus monkey had no idea she was about to get stung. ─── 这个好奇的猕猴宝宝捡起一片荨麻,她丝毫没有意识到她会被刺痛。

84、Canada wood nettle ─── n. 加拿大艾麻草

85、But Dr Daniel Nettle, a psychologist at Newcastle University's School of Biology, said it is a double-edge sword. ─── 心理学家还认为:这种状况也是一把双刃剑,有好的一面,也有不良的一面。

86、but he lit on a nettle and sprang up too gaily for a corpse. ─── 可偏巧倒在有刺的草上。他猛地跳起来,那活蹦乱跳的样子简直不像是在装死。

87、He threw aside the speech long drafted on domestic questions and social service, and grasped the nettle. ─── 他把早就拟好的国内问题和社会福利问题的讲稿抛到一边,勇敢地站起来与困难搏斗。

88、She went out and sought Maid Maleen. Girl, what have you been saying to the nettle. ─── 于是她就出去找到了少女玛琳。“小丫头,你曾对荨麻说过什么?”

89、But Nutkin, who had no respect, began to dance up and down, tickling old Mr. Brown with a nettle and singing. ─── 但是那个毫无尊敬之心的纳特金,开始跳上跳下,用一根荨麻呵老布朗痒,并且唱道。

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