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08-15 投稿


immoderate 发音

英:[?'m?d(?)r?t]  美:[?'mɑd?r?t]

英:  美:

immoderate 中文意思翻译



immoderate 短语词组

1、immoderate love ─── 过分的爱

2、immoderate definition ─── 过分的定义

3、immoderate quantities ─── 数量过多

4、immoderate reliance ─── 过度依赖

5、immoderate consumption ─── 过度消耗

6、immoderate driving ─── 过度驾驶

7、immoderate drinking ─── 无节制饮酒

8、immoderate define ─── 过分的定义

9、immoderate stoic ─── 过分的斯多葛

immoderate 词性/词形变化,immoderate变形

副词: immoderately |名词: immoderateness |

immoderate 同义词

decadent | violent | wild | intemperate |excessive | deadly | debauched | unrestrained | out of control | extreme | extravagant | uncontrolled | over-the-top | riotous

immoderate 反义词


immoderate 相似词语短语

1、moderate ─── adj.稳健的,温和的;适度的,中等的;有节制的;vi.变缓和,变弱;vt.节制;减轻

2、immoderateness ─── 不道德

3、to moderate ─── 缓和

4、unmoderated ─── adj.不加节制的;[物]未减速的;未慢化的

5、immoderacy ─── 不道德行为

6、immediate ─── adj.立即的;直接的;最接近的

7、immoderation ─── n.过度;无节制

8、immoderately ─── adv.过度地,无节制地

9、immigrate ─── vi.移入;vt.使移居入境

immoderate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、From Immoderate Centralization of Power to Intendance and Limitation of Power ─── 从权力过分集中到权力监督与制约

2、"An ardent, generous, perhaps an immoderate passion for fame" (Edmund Burke). ─── “一种对名望的热烈、充沛、也许是无节制的热望”(埃德蒙·伯克)。

3、But the disadvantages of this area are also distinct: immoderate competition with many repeated exhibitions, lacking union cooperation; ─── 该地区发展会展业存在的竞争劣势也比较明显:会展业竞争激烈,重复办展现象严重,缺乏统一协调;

4、Immoderate pretending, the confidence'll get to exaggerate and inferiority is disclosed unconsciously. ─── 过分掩饰,自信变得夸张,自卑在不知不觉的情況下变得更露骨。

5、He launched an immoderate tirade on Turner. ─── 他对特纳发表了一篇过激的演说。

6、immoderate a. ─── 无节制的;

7、Brand seems like a kind of immoderate murder which entrepreneurs conduct to the consumers' thinking rights. ─── 品牌是企业主对消费者思考权的一种超限谋杀。

8、A person who eats or consumes immoderate amounts of food and drink. ─── 贪食者吃过量的食品和饮料的人

9、immoderate medical treatment ─── 过度医疗

10、Immoderate expense or display. ─── 挥霍无度,铺张

11、Immoderate international tax competition is vicious and harmful. ─── 过度的国际税收竞争是有害的、恶性的。

12、But Venture Capital couldn't prevent the IPOs from aggrandizing investment demand.There are also immoderate financing and inefficient investment in the VC-backed IPOs. ─── 但风险投资没有能够有效抑止IPO公司夸大投资需求的行为,筹资规模过大、资金使用效率低下的现象在有风险投资持股的公司中依然存在。

13、irritability after immoderate drinking ─── 酒悖

14、Devote oneself entirely to something,indulge in to an immoderate degree,usually with pleasure. ─── 将自己完全投身于某事,无节制地沉湎于其中通常为乐事。

15、68. devote oneself entirely to something; indulge in to an immoderate degree, usually with pleasure. ─── 将自己完全投身于某事;无节制地沉湎于其中通常为乐事。

16、Brand seems like a kind of immoderate murder which entrepreneurs conduct to the consumers' thinking rights. ─── 品牌是企业主对消费者思考权的一种超限谋杀。

17、Immoderate heat of pump and cannot turn ─── 泵过份发热及转不动

18、immoderate and incurable vanity. ─── 不可救药的过分自负

19、immoderate eating/drinking habits ─── 无节制的大吃大喝的习惯.

20、immoderate enthusiasm. ─── 极端的热爱。

21、the immoderate penalty ─── 滥刑

22、Immoderate Social Water Cycle (SWC) is the ultimate reason for water environmental deterioration.So the only way to restore the water environment is to establish the healthy SWC. ─── 分析认为过度的水的社会循环是造成我国水环境劣化的直接原因,建立健康的社会水循环才能恢复良好水环境,从根本上解决水问题。

23、immoderate spending; immoderate laughter. ─── 过度花费;纵声大笑。

24、immoderate drinking ─── 无节制的饮酒

25、A Second Thought on the Ethical Analysis of Immoderate Medical Treatment ─── 关于过度医疗伦理分析的再思考

26、Then also immoderate fear will leave you and inordinate love will die. ─── 连得过度的怕情,以及违理的爱情,也都要消灭了。

27、nature hath taught her too immoderate sleep is rust to the soul: she rises therefore with Chanti-cleer, the dame's cock, and at night makes the lamb her curfew. ─── 大自然已使她懂得:无节制的睡眠只会锈蚀灵魂。 因此她清晨与女主人的公鸡同起,夜晚与归栏的羊群同息。

28、For hand tools, the handle styling and ergonomic considerations are very important.A long-term use of an immoderate handle will cause discomfort, or do harm to wrists and muscles. ─── 以手工具为例,握把的造形与人因的考量是非常重要的,若长期抓握不适合的握把,容易导致肌肉与手腕的伤害。

29、A negotiation with Jordan, less immoderate and free of any influence , was more hopeful. ─── 同约旦谈判比较有希望,因为它不是那样无节制,而且不为任何人所左右。

30、flatulence due to immoderate drinking ─── 酒胀

31、A negotiation with Jordan, less immoderate and free of any influence, was more hopeful. ─── 同约旦谈判比较有希望,因为它不是那样无节制,而且不为任何人所左右。

32、immoderate use of meat, drink, labor, and recreations; ─── 无节制的吃肉、饮酒、劳苦、娱乐;

33、Pediatric simple obesity is mostly caused by immoderate diet and unhealthy living habit. ─── 儿童单纯性肥胖症大多是因不合理饮食及不良生活习惯导致的。

34、Contrary, if lack of macro-view guide and immoderate land resources utilization at random and even factitiously, ecological environment will be destroyed and ecosystem will be worsened. ─── 相反,缺乏宏观引导,盲目随意地对土地资源进行过渡开发利用,甚至于人为地破坏土地资源,必然导致环境污染和生态恶化。

35、immoderate indulgence of bodily appetites. ─── 对自身习惯的不适中的放任。

36、This individualism in the society provides fertile breeding ground for torrent of immoderate emotions to mushroom. ─── 这种社会中的个人主义为过激的情绪提供了生长的温床。

37、All of a sudden she discovered, in a black satin box, a superb necklace of diamonds, and her heart began to beat with an immoderate desire. ─── 忽然她在一个黑缎子的盒里发现一串非常美丽的钻石项链;一种过分强烈的欲望使她的心都跳了。

38、an ardent, generous, perhaps an immoderate passion for fame ─── 一种对名望的热烈、充沛、也许是无节制的热望

39、For example, the immoderate rebuilding and expanding in the city. ─── 比如,城市的无节制的拆建和膨胀。

40、The common intension seems unblamable,however,they maybe not wake up to immoderate diet is harmful to health. ─── 这个一致的目标看来无可厚非,然而,这些人也许并未意识到,节食不当却弊大于利。

41、Immoderate desire for wealth; cupidity. ─── 贪婪对财富的不正常的渴求;贪婪

42、The environment on the earth where human beings survive deteriorates day by day, simply because of the selfish, immoderate and endless immoral activities of mankind himself. ─── 人类赖以栖身的地球环境日益恶化恰恰是由人类自顾自毫无节制永无休止的折腾造成的。

43、Dinah would contract such an immoderate attachment to her scoured tin. ─── 黛娜对于那些擦得亮晶晶的锡器会忽然倍加宠爱起来。

44、But the greed for money, the immoderate, sefish, greedy pursue for money is the origin for all evils. ─── 而对金钱的贪图,既对金钱过分的、自私的、贪婪的追求,才是一切邪恶的根源。

45、A period of unrestrained, immoderate self - indulgence. ─── 狂欢一段不加限制的,过分自我放纵的时间

46、Appropriate empathy shows responsibility and solicitude to patient, whereas immoderate empathy may induce burnout thereby resulting in emotional apathy. ─── 恰当的介入体现了医生的责任感和人文关怀,过度的介入造成医生心理的倦怠,从而造成情感冷漠。

47、All of a sudden she discovered, in a black satin box, a superb necklace of diamonds, and her heart began to beat with an immoderate desire. ─── 忽然她在一个黑缎子的盒里发现一串非常美丽的钻石项链;一种过分强烈的欲望使她的心都跳了。

48、Immoderate denotes lack of due moderation ─── 指缺乏适度的节制

49、Such an immoderate process of delaying death causes unreasonable waste of heath resources. ─── 在临床实践中,医生还必须使用大量昂贵的药物,以减轻垂死病人身上可能发生的痛苦症状。

50、a person who eats or consumes immoderate amounts of food and drink ─── 吃过量的食品和饮料的人

51、Twelve of our crew were dead by immoderate labour, and ill food. ─── 我们船员中有十二个人因为操劳过度和饮食恶劣而死。

52、A peaceable tongue is a tree of life: but that which is immoderate, shall crush the spirit. ─── 刻薄的言语,能刺伤人心。

53、any political theory favoring immoderate uncompromising policies. ─── 偏爱不适中不妥协政策的政治理论。

54、immoderate laughter; immoderate spending. ─── 纵声大笑;过度花费。

55、Dinah would contract such an immoderate attachment to her scoured tin ─── 黛娜对于那些擦得亮晶晶的锡器会忽然倍加宠爱起来。

56、Keywords medical purpose;immoderate medical treatment;medical consumption;illumination; ─── 医学目的;过度医疗;医疗消费;启示;

57、If special attention were not paid to these thresholds, the immoderate expansion of the oasis would take place, thus giving rise to many environmental and ecological issues. ─── 在绿洲经济发展过程中,无视这些阈限的制约,就会出现绿洲规模扩张的无度化,并产生一系列环境、生态问题,导致绿洲人地关系的极度失调。

58、Keywords immoderate medical treatment;medical dispute;restriction mechanism;compensation mechanism;trustworthy type of medical service;ethical analysis; ─── 关键词过度医疗;医疗纠纷;制约机制;补偿机制;诚信医疗;伦理分析;

59、immoderate education ─── 过度教育

60、His successor, Ben Bernanke, did best to allay fears of an immoderate slowdown. ─── 而他的继任者本·伯南克则竭尽全力缓和经济衰退的预期所带来的紧张气氛。

61、Nature hath taught her too immoderate sleep is rust to the soul: she rises therefore with Chanti-cleer,the dame's cock,and at night makes the lamb her curfew. ─── 大自然已使她懂得:无节制的睡眠只会锈蚀灵魂。因此她清晨与女主人的公鸡同起,夜晚与归栏的羊群同息。

62、The budget buffet attracted customers with immoderate appetites but limited pocketbooks. ─── 廉价的自助餐吸引了胃口大但囊中羞涩的顾客们。

63、Gracious to a fault, the parents' immoderate care make the children feel forlorn and unassisted in daily-life, and make them miss home with blue mood. ─── 感到孤独和在生活上不能自理(由于他们的家长对他们过于溺爱和娇惯)他们会经常想家和情绪低落。

64、an ardent, generous, perhaps an immoderate passion for fame(Edmund Burke. ─── 一种对名望的热烈、充沛、也许是无节制的热望(埃德蒙 伯克)。

65、Exceeding reasonable limits; immoderate. ─── 超过适当限度的;过度的

66、Money is not, as is usually said, the origin of all evils. But the greed for money, the immoderate, sefish, greedy pursue for money is the origin for all evils. ─── 金钱并非像平常说的那样是万恶之源。而对金钱的贪图,既对金钱过分的、自私的、贪婪的追求,才是一切邪恶的根源。

67、Immoderate speculation in commodities is blamed by some people (not all) for the recent sharp spikes in food and metal prices. ─── 一些人(不是全部)将近期食品和金属价格的飙涨归咎于商品的过度投机行为。

68、Immoderate medical treatment bumps up as the first consideration in analyzing the causes of costly expense in medical treatment,and therefore suffers enormous argument and criticism. ─── 在治理“看病贵”的呼声中,过度医疗首当其冲地受到了更多议论与指责。

69、Just as a storm throws down a weak tree, so does Mara overpower the man who lives for the pursuit of pleasures, who is uncontrolled in his senses, immoderate in eating, indolent, and dissipated. ─── 住于欲乐中的人,放纵六根(感官),食不知足,怠惰与不事精进,他肯定被魔王制伏,如强风吹倒弱树一般。

70、Their demands might be immoderate . ─── 他们的要求可能是不合理。

71、Ms Chua is trying to protect her immoderate ambition from scrutiny and judgment by misrepresenting it as an ethnic peculiarity. ─── 蔡美儿试图通过把自己的过度野心假扮成一种民族特质,而使其免受审视和评判。

72、excessive (or immoderate) eating and drinking ─── 饮食无度

73、immoderate increase ─── 过分的增长

74、His successor, Ben Bernanke, did best to allay fears of an immoderate slowdown. ─── 而他的继任者本·伯南克则竭尽全力缓和经济衰退的预期所带来的紧张气氛。

75、This is not the time or the place for immoderate tones. ─── 这并不是言所欲言的适当场所与时机。

76、Under natural disturbance conditions, the waterlogging bottomland presents regular change, however, the degree of immoderate human-caused di... ─── 在自然干扰条件下涝渍低洼地呈现出有规律的演变,而不合理的人为干扰程度直接决定了涝渍生态系统的退化程度。

77、Commercial bribe in medicine marketing contributes a lot in the current complaint of high incidence of medical disputes and immoderate consumption of medical treatment service. ─── 当前,医疗费用居高不下,医疗纠纷不断增多,其中医药购销领域的商业贿赂是很重要的原因之一。

78、To feel immoderate desire for that which is another's. ─── 过分地妄想别人的所有物

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