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08-15 投稿


animalize 发音

英:[['?n?m?la?z]]  美:[['?n?m?la?z]]

英:  美:

animalize 中文意思翻译



animalize 短语词组

1、animalize synonym ─── 动物化同义词

2、animalize song ─── 动物化歌曲

3、animalize def ─── 动画化定义

4、animalize kiss ─── 动物化吻

5、animalize meaning ─── 动画化意义

6、animalize live ─── 动物化生活

7、animalize tour ─── 动物化旅游

animalize 词性/词形变化,animalize变形

名词: animalization |动词过去式: animalized |动词过去分词: animalized |动词现在分词: animalizing |动词第三人称单数: animalizes |

animalize 相似词语短语

1、animalic ─── adj.动物的,动物界的

2、animalian ─── 动物

3、animalizes ─── v.(使)动物化;(使)野蛮,纵欲

4、animalier ─── n.动物题材雕刻家或画家

5、minimalize ─── 最大程度减少;减少

6、animalises ─── 动物

7、animalized ─── v.(使)动物化;(使)野蛮,纵欲

8、animalise ─── 动物化

9、animalised ─── 动物

animalize 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、I haven't tested the other object anim methods as the BF+LC methods seems to be the preferred choice. ─── 我还没有测试的其他物体阿尼姆方法作为高炉+液相色谱方法似乎是首选。

2、Bretzlaff K.Rationale for Treatment of Endometritis in the Dairy Cow[J].Vet Clin North Am Food Anim Pract,1987,(3):5932. ─── 吴金海,李德生,汪志,等.复合溶菌酶剂治疗奶牛子宫内膜炎的试验效果[J].黑农江畜牧兽医,2004,(12):43.

3、METHODS:According to evaluation index of dependence in Morphine addicted anim als,we chose pain threshold and naloxone urged jumping response as items to obs erve. ─── 方法:依据吗啡成瘾动物的依赖性评价指标,选择痛阈和纳络酮跳台反应作为观察项目。

4、ANIM, Eric ODOI- ─── 埃里克·奥多伊-阿尼姆

5、Walk through the main topics in Networko ptimizrtion step-pby-step by viewingz the hradx any anim drw ations availb ble. ─── 透过观看许多可使用的动画来逐步走过网络最优化的主题。

6、Doing a fluid simulation is similar to clicking the ANIM button - you currently have to take care of organizing the fluid surface meshes in some directory yourself. ─── 做一个流体模拟与点一下类似的ANIM按钮-你现在组织流体表面网格在你自己的一些目录中。

7、Death, NonLooping Stumps are left in the end of the death anim ─── 死亡动画结束时遗留树桩

8、HENDERSON C R,QUASS R L.Multiple trait evaluation using relative's record[J]. J Anim Sci, 1976,43:1188. ─── 杨春德,王冠立.南阳牛主要性状遗传参数的初步估测[J].中国畜牧杂志,1987(1):44-45.

9、Parent the Spot to the Grid, select the Grid and in the Object Context Anim Settings Panel ( F7 ) press DupliVert and Rot. ─── 将聚光灯附着在网格上,选择网格,并且在对象上下文动画设置面板(F7)中按下垂直复制和旋转。

10、Lifespan Tail UV Anim - Starting and ending cell number for animating texture sequenceof the first half of the Tail particle’s life.Repeat will cause this animatingtexture to cycle. ─── 头部粒子衰亡贴图行列数: 头部粒子衰亡阶段在贴图中的起始和结束行列代号,选择重复将使贴图循环。

11、LIDD F. Transient hypersensitivity to soybean meal in the early-weaned pig [J]. J Anim Sci, 1990,68:1790. ─── 霍书英,李玉荣,李呈敏.纯中药饲料添加剂对肉仔鸡消化、吸收功能的调节[J].中国兽医杂志,2004,23(1):4-6.

12、Therefore,to know som e basic knowledge aboutthe culture of the English-speaking countries becom es anim portant part in English com m unication. ─── 因此,对英美文化的基本了解是英语交际能否成功的重要因素。

13、Alert: China Dog Massacre: Nov 7, 2006. We Need Your Help! Focus: Anim....... ─── 发给朋友转到小组(打标签)收藏推荐0推荐收藏看看现在的中国人...(一)查看全文2006-11-1811:42:02

14、Health &Medicine - Veterinary - Elephant Medicine Details: Elephant Medicine (Large Anim ... ─── 缅甸买家求购大象用药品/大型动物适用的兽药,...2009-3-23

15、The mag change now works on the move and you cna jump over small obstacles without having to wait for the anim to stop completely. ─── 现在可以在移动时更换弹夹了,而且你可以在不必等待前一个动作结束的情况下越过晓得障碍物。)

16、Zhou W, Kornegay E T, Lindemann M D, et al.Stimulation of growth by intravenous injection of copper in weanling pigs[J].J Anim Sci, 1994a, 72(9): 2 395-2 403. ─── 高原,刘国文,周昌芳,等.高剂量铜对生长猪血清铜锌铁水平和含铜酶活性及其生产性能的影响[J].中国兽医科技,2002,32(9):26-29.

17、OB: ...what about your anim?score conducting then? ─── 那么你如何看待指挥动画乐谱的?

18、Decay Tail UV Anim - Starting and ending cell number for animating texture sequence ofthe second half of the Tail particle’s life.Repeat will cause this animating textureto cycle. ─── 尾部粒子衍生贴图行列数: 尾部粒子衍生阶段在贴图中的起始和结束行列代号,选择重复将使贴图循环。

19、Decay Head UV Anim - Starting and ending cell number for animating texture sequence ofthe second half of the Head particle’s life.Repeat will cause this animating textureto cycle. ─── 尾部粒子衰亡贴图行列数: 尾部粒子衰亡阶段在贴图中的起始和结束行列代号,选择重复将使贴图循环。

20、charge anim should be played. Defaults to 0,0. ─── 决定超级暂停载入动画的(在游戏者坐标中的)位置偏移量。缺省为0,0。

21、Effects of cysteamine compound on milk production and hormonal responses of lactating cow during heat stress J Anim. ─── 半胱胺盐酸盐对泌乳20-42周奶牛产奶性能和部分免疫指标的影响。

22、11 Lloyd M. Mean crowing. J Anim Ecol , 1967 , 36 : 12230 ─── 12郑元润.几种方法在蒙古栎种群空间分布格局分析中的应用.

23、Tamminga S. Environmontal impacts of nutritional strate gines in ruminants[J]. J Anim Sci 1996. ─── 李小荣.过量蛋白质对奶牛生殖能力的影响[J].湖南饲料,2000,(4):17.

24、me gusta One should love anim als. They are so tasty. ─── 每个人都应该热爱动物,因为它们很好吃。

25、But here's the punch line: Laughter and joy are not unique to humans, the study says. Ancestral forms of play and laughter existed in other anim... ─── 一项最新的研究结果显示,由于大脑的进化,人类在能够说话之前就已经学会笑了。

26、Abstract Objective: The research was designed to study t he meridian tropism theory of traditional Chinese drug through experiments in anim als. ─── 摘要目的:应用动物实验的方法研究中药的归经理论。

27、animalize food through digestion ─── 通过消化使食物变成动物质

28、Kremer B T,Stahly T S,Ewan R C.[J].J Anim Sci. 1999,(77):46. ─── 韦习会,夏东,高勤学,等.半胱胺对肥育猪后期胴体性状和肉质性状的影响[J],南京农业大学学报,

29、J. P. Grime (University of Sheffield, Dept Anim &Plant Sci, Unit Comparat Plant Ecol, Sheffield S10 2TN, S Yorkshire, England ─── 主要从事种群生物学,生态学和生态系统生态学。是被引用频次最高的科学家之一。

30、And Anab, and Eshtemoh, and Anim; ─── 50亚拿伯,以实提莫,亚念,

31、Huang, 1990.Genetic study on the disease resistance to Leucocytozoonosis in Taiwan Country chicken.Proceedings the 5th AAAP Anim. ─── 白色来航鸡、白色肉鸡与体鸡对鸡住血原虫性白冠病抵抗能力之比较。

32、 双语使用场景

33、Job DescriptionWe are looking for an experienced, energetic and motivated individual to lead the Laboratory Anim...... ... ─── 公司名称:诺华(中国)生物医学研究有限公司工作地点:上海市发布时间:2009-3-19

34、wedekind k j,baker dh.zinc bioavailability in feed-grade sources of zinc.[j].j anim sci,1990,68:684 ─── 孔林,郝勃,喻子牛。富锌酵母的选育及其培养工艺。食品与生物技术学报2006,25(6)97-101,123

35、Anim Quality: These settings represent the same settings as the Warcraft III in-game animation quality settings. ─── 动画质量:这个参数代表着魔兽三游戏中同样的动画质量参数。

36、Differences Between Plants and Anim ─── 沙漠植物

37、Lian LS, Wang HY.Biological characteristics of banna minipig [ J ].Shanghai Lab Anim Sci, 1993, 13(4): 185. ─── [4]连林生,王鹤云.版纳微型猪的生物学特性[J].上海实验动物科学,1993,13(4):185.

38、The significant therapeutic effects of DITC on the 3 animal models were shown.Conclusion: The 3 anim... ─── 结论:这3种黑素瘤动物模型可综合用于新药的临床前评价。

39、to jump exercise in rabbits. J Anim Sci. 2009;87(2):544-553. ─── 刘波,尹立,李雪梅,等.大强度训练配合治疗对兔小腿结缔组织的形

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