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08-15 投稿


portending 发音

英:[p???tend??]  美:[p??r?tend??]

英:  美:

portending 中文意思翻译



v.预示( portend的现在分词 ); 预兆; 给…以警告; 预告

portending 词性/词形变化,portending变形

动词第三人称单数: portends |动词现在分词: portending |动词过去式: portended |动词过去分词: portended |

portending 相似词语短语

1、obtending ─── 获取

2、coextending ─── vt.使…共同扩张;使…同等延伸;vi.同等延伸;共同扩张

3、contending ─── v.奋斗,竞争;主张,认为,声称(contend的现在分词)

4、protending ─── vt.伸出,伸展;延长

5、bartending ─── 当酒吧侍者;在酒吧掌柜(bartend的现在分词)

6、perpending ─── vt.深思;慎重考虑;vi.考虑;仔细考虑;n.贯石;穿墙石

7、forfending ─── v.防止,防避;挡住;防护

8、coattending ─── 合作

9、pretending ─── v.假装;伪装(pretend的现在分词);adj.伪称的;乔饰的

portending 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Slowing commercial construction, flat housing markets and lackluster remodeling activity portend tougher business for moulding and millwork manufacturers. ─── 缓慢的商业建筑,平淡的房屋市场和没有生气的翻修活动预示着线条和木制品制造商艰难的业务。

2、The upshot: a global slump in personal spending is unfolding, portending rockier times for the global economy and world financial markets. ─── 其结果是:全球范围内的个人支出正开始大幅下降,这预示着全球经济及金融市场未来的日子将更为艰难。

3、New breakthroughs in biomedical technology are announced daily; achievements such as the completion of the human genome project portend much more serious changes to come. ─── 在生物医学技术领域里,每天都有新的突破,人类基因组项目的完成预示了将要出现的更为重大的变革。

4、China's investments in Africa doesn't seem portend any problem for the continent. ─── 中国在非洲的投资对这片大陆而言并不会带来任何问题。

5、Black clouds that portend a storm. ─── 预示着风暴到来的乌云

6、Second, one must form a judgment as to what those facts portend. ─── 首先,必须收集到有关一个状况或问题的各种事实。

7、The book begins as a Centaur, Roonwit, comes to warn Tirian strange and evil things are happening to his land and that the stars portend ominous developments. ─── 逖瑞安原本想回凯尔帕拉瓦宫调兵支持,老鹰千里眼此时却带来悲惨消息,原来另一路卡罗门大军已占领凯尔帕拉瓦宫,纳尼亚已经沦陷了。

8、Background The childhood onset of idiopathic cardiac hypertrophy that occurs without a family history of cardiomyopathy can portend a poor prognosis. ─── 背景:儿童时期特发性肥厚性心肌病无心肌病家族病史,预示着预后不良。

9、Black clouds portend a storm. ─── 乌云是暴风雨的前兆。

10、So lack of employment now may portend an even bleaker future. ─── 因此,缺少就业岗位如今可能预示了一个更为暗淡的未来。

11、or longer are not uncommon, these pauses usually do not cause symptoms and the presence of these pauses does not necessarily portend a poor prognosis or the need for placing pacemaker in asymptomatic patients. ─── 因此可认为1.5秒以上心室停搏并不少见,这些长间歇多为无症状性的,长间歇的存在不一定指示予后不良,对那些无症状的患者也不需要安置起搏器。

12、When Eclipses happen or Comets appear in Earthly Signs they portend barrenness and scarcity by reason of excessive droughts; ─── 当蚀或彗星在土象星座发生时,易造成农作物短缺,因为乾旱。

13、They may or may not portend a collapse of civilization. ─── 它们或许预示着文明的崩溃。

14、A phenomenon supposed to portend good or evil; a prophetic sign. ─── 预兆可以预测好坏的一现象;预兆

15、The Wall Street crash does not portend big budgets for what some people see as a luxury agency like NASA. ─── 华尔街金融危机预示着象NASA这样的被某些人视为豪奢的部门不会得到大笔的预算。

16、It does at least portend a reduction in hydrogenated soybean oil in vegetable oil blends, which could include some soybean oil than has not been hydrogenated. ─── 但这至少预示着混合植物油中氢化豆油的用量将减少,混合植物油中可能也会包含一些没有氢化的豆油。

17、What does this portend for Germany's general election on September 27th? ─── 对于德国9月27日将要举行的大选,上述的现象预示着什么?

18、Portending evil;ominous. ─── 邪恶的;不吉的

19、S. portend a tough road ahead for the world’s most successful companies. ─── 因为围绕在1950年版的反垄断法周围才是更容易“寻租”的乐园。

20、Future Flight Part 3 of 12: Beaming up the weather: Today's services portend tomorrow's resources. ─── 未来飞行12部分之3用雷达探测天气:今天的服务预示着明天的资源。

21、Portend Committee Meeting of Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce And industry of Coastal Selangor ─── 雪兰莪滨海中华商会联合会之临时筹委会议

22、To betoken or symbolize; portend. ─── 预兆预示或象征;预兆

23、These clouds are ominous. They portend a severe storm. ─── 这些云是不祥的预兆, 预示着一场大风暴即将来临。

24、The SNS victory may portend the eclipse of the once-mighty Radicals in the next general election. ─── 进步党此次的胜利或许预示着在下次大选中,曾经盛极一时的激进党将会失势。

25、Today just about all Asian currencies appear to be heading north, bar the HK dollar with its peg to the weakening greenback.This is having some unusual effects that portend change to come. ─── 现如今,几乎所有的亚洲货币似乎都在不断升值,唯独港元是个例外,汇率与不断贬值的美元相挂钩使港元振翅难飞,由此产生的后果预示着港元的变局即将来临。

26、What does that portend for oil producers? ─── 那这给予了石油生产商什么警告呢?

27、The latest moves portend a period of deep uncertainty for the Internet sector, as the biggest players look for strategic footing against Google and smaller upstarts. ─── 最近这一系列动作表明,随着大型互联网公司纷纷寻求战略立足点,以对抗谷歌和迅速崛起的中小竞争对手,互联网行业将迎来一个变幻莫测的时期。

28、Ask Ramiz: the stars over the Judean desert are so bright they could portend almost anything, however miraculous. ─── 得问问拉米兹才知道。犹地阿沙漠上空的星星耀眼明亮,它们几乎无所不能预兆,不论如何不可思议。

29、The fleeting joys of time portend, And the shall be no night -no night! ─── 时间好像轻流荡漾,不再有昏暗黑夜。

30、Not, perhaps, a great portend for a new generation of robots. ─── 但是在现实中,这可能预示着下一代的新机器人。

31、a phenomenon supposed to portend good or evil ─── 可以预测好坏的一现象

32、But back to the matter at hand: what does Obama’s win portend for the market? ─── *回到当前的问题上来:奥巴马的获胜对市场意味着什么?

33、Saturn is in no great state in Sagittarius and he opposes the MC, which does not portend well for long life. ─── 土星在射手座不是一个好位置,同时又对冲天顶(按:应为上升,星霜注),这不是一个长寿的佳兆。

34、To indicate or warnof in advance; portend. ─── 预警预先暗示或警告;预示。

35、Leading economic indicators that portend a recession. ─── 预告萧条的主要经济指标

36、dark summer night, shot through with infrequent shimmers of lightning silently firing a cloud lying low in the west and portending a storm. ─── 的闪电屡屡划破这个漆黑的夏夜,然而这一切却悄无声息,只是点亮了西方的低云,看来一场暴风雨即将来临。

37、These subtle events portend an exponential increase in our understanding of the how and why of fault slip. ─── 这些轻微事件预示著,我们对于断层如何以及为何滑动的理解,将会以指数倍数增加。

38、The situation in Europe did not, however, portend easy sailing for one who wished merely to fight for the right ─── 然后,欧洲的形势,并不预示着一个仅仅愿意为正义而斗争的人会一帆风顺。

39、It was a dark summer night, shot through with infrequent shimmers of lightning silently firing a cloud lying low in the west and portending a storm. ─── 异乎寻常的闪电屡屡划破这个漆黑的夏夜,然而这一切却悄无声息,只是点亮了西方的低云,看来一场暴风雨即将来临。

40、100% Coverage now exists!!! What does that portend? ─── 现在100%发生覆盖!!!预示着什么?

41、Around mid-morning, something quite remarkable occurred in those same Forex markets, something which could quite possibly portend a major sea change in sentiment towards the Dollar. ─── 中旬左右上午,相当了不起的事情发生在同样的外汇市场,这可能会很可能预示着一种重大的变化在对美元的信心。

42、What may they portend for the future? ─── 对于将来有何预示?

43、Born at the tail end of the 1946-1964 baby boom generation, he is also the first president to have come of age in the 1980s, which of itself might portend change. ─── 出生于1946-1964年婴儿潮末期的奥巴马也是在1980年代长大成人的第一位总统,而这本身就意味着变化。

44、Despite the passage of bank rescue plans and modest stimulus packages, Europe has generally failed to restructure its financial system, most economists argue, portending greater problems next year. ─── 尽管有对银行的救济以及一揽子适度的经济刺激,欧洲总体上没有重构它的金融体系,很多经济学家认为,这个预示了下一年更大的问题。

45、As he looked at the atomic-force image, Willson mused that this ability to create perfectly formed nanostructures might portend an entirely novel method of making small things. ─── 当威尔森注视著原子力影像时,他暗自思考,这种形成完美奈米级结构的能力,或许预示一种制造微细物件的全新方法。

46、SPX) dropped 0.81 percent, and oil fell below $70 a barrel as traders read the sell-off in Chinese shares as portending economic weakness. ─── SPX)下跌0.81%,石油跌至每桶70美元以下,原因是投资者认为中国股市的下跌预示着经济的走弱。

47、The point is that Earth’s tectonic and geologic processes portend the end of the planet and its subsequent transformation into a star. ─── 于是,我们必须搬家,科学家们尚未研究,到那时,月球或者金星的条件是否适合人类居住。

48、Did Crouching Tiger's popularity portend a huge global market for Asian movies, or was it a fluke? ─── 究竟《卧虎藏龙》是成功开拓了亚洲电影的全球市场,抑或其好成绩只是单纯的侥幸呢?

49、But what exactly does this change portend for the marine environment? ─── 但是,碳浓度的变化,究竟为海洋环境带来了什麽样的预兆?

50、A particular concern is that the recent resurgence at the euro zone's core could portend a protracted slump at its periphery. ─── 一个突出的问题就是近期该区域核心区的崛起可能预示着周边区的陷落。

51、What do these strange events portend? ─── 这些奇怪的事件预示著什么?

52、Swallows flying low portend rain. ─── 燕子低飞预示有雨。

53、What does all this portend? ─── 所有这一切预示着什么?

54、Or do they portend the end of an era? ─── 还是共和党的问题预示了一个时代的终结呢?

55、To indicate or warn of in advance; portend. ─── 预警预先暗示或警告;预示

56、Overcast skies portend a rough day for boats on Iceland's Lake Myvatn. ─── 阴暗的天空警告着冰岛米湖上的船只,风暴即将到来。

57、portend the approach of a violent revolutionary storm ─── 预示一场猛烈的革命风暴的来临

58、Threatening skies portend a storm. ─── 诡异的天气预示有暴风雨来临。

59、The ESPN body issue is a slight breeze, perhaps portending bigger winds of change. ─── 也许ESPN提出的身材问题的小风,会吹出引发世界大变革的狂风。

60、Black clouds portend a storm ─── 乌云为暴风雨的前兆。

61、augury, betoken, divine, foreboding, foreshadow, harbinger, portend, premonition, presage, prescience, presentiment. ─── 表“ 预示、征兆” 之意:

62、And a series of photographs portend(预示) death comes true. ─── 照片中一连串预示死亡的事件变成了事实。

63、That would portend increased flows of glacial ice from Antarctica and a rise in global sea levels, endangering low-lying land areas ─── 这预示着南极洲的冰河流量将增加,全球海平面将上升,对低地地区将造成危害。

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