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civilities 发音

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civilities 中文意思翻译



civilities 反义词


civilities 词性/词形变化,civilities变形

名词复数: civilities |

civilities 短语词组

1、civilities and civil rights summary ─── 文明与民权概述

2、civilities in a sentence ─── 句子中的礼貌

3、civilities definition ─── 文明定义

4、civilities and civil rights william chafe ─── 文明与公民权利威廉·查夫

5、civilities meaning ─── 文明意义

6、civilities and civil rights ─── 文明与公民权利

7、civilities and civil rights pdf ─── 文明与公民权利pdf

civilities 同义词

good manners | elegance | courteousness | suavity | good | manners | elegancy | ceremony | courtliness |politeness | consideration | polish | tact | culture | deference | protocol | propriety | respectfulness | respect | comity | urbanity | good behaviour | behaviour | mannerliness | decorum | courtesy | refinement | graciousness | grace | politesse | amenity | decorousness

civilities 相似词语短语

1、civilianises ─── 平民

2、civilianizes ─── vt.使转为平民;使民用化

3、civilizes ─── vt.使文明;教化;使开化;vi.变得文明

4、incivilities ─── n.无礼貌

5、trivialities ─── n.浅薄,轻浮;琐事;平凡

6、civilises ─── 文明

7、-ibilities ─── iblities

8、liabilities ─── n.[会计]负债;债务(liability复数形式);碍事的人或物

9、frivolities ─── n.轻浮;轻薄;轻率

civilities 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He authored a history of the Civil War. ─── 他写了一本内战史。

2、for general civilities soon called his notice from her, and the farewell visit, as it then became openly acknowledged, was a very short one. ─── 随即,他又公开表明他是来告别的,因而这场告别式的造访很快便结束了。

3、The senior civil servant they arrested for spying turned out to be a Trojan horse, planted by enemy intelligence twenty years previously. ─── 他们逮捕的那位因进行间谍活动的高级文职人员,原来是20年前敌人情报机构安插的特洛伊木马。

4、Ms Yue enjoys high regard among civil servants. ─── 俞宗怡受到公务员高度尊重。

5、The influence of American civil war? ─── 南北战争的影响?

6、His civilities were worn out, like his information. ─── 他那一套礼貌举止,也象他的出言吐语一样,已经陈腐不堪。

7、You must have a civil authority you can trust. ─── 你们需要有一个你们能信任的行政当局。

8、The criminals were deprived of their civil rights. ─── 他们被剥夺了公民权。

9、It's civil of you to say so. ─── 你这样说是很有礼貌的。

10、That law is an out-and-out infringement of our civil rights. ─── (那项法令完全侵犯了我们的公民权。)

11、Civil war convulsed the country. ─── 内战震撼了这个国家。

12、Is he a civil engineer or an electrical engineer ? ─── 他是土木工程师还是电气工程师?

13、The country is haunted by the spectre of civil war. ─── 内战仿佛一触即发,举国上下一片恐慌。

14、An escaped slave during the Civil War who fled to or was taken behind Union lines. ─── 偷入北军的黑奴美国南北战争期间逃到或被带到北军战线后方的逃奴

15、After a great number of civilities, Robin took the pipes, and played a piece of music. ─── 一大套繁文缛节结束后,罗宾拿起笛子,吹了一支曲子。

16、He used his influential friends to help him get into the civil service by the back door. ─── 他利用那些有权有势的朋友帮助他走后门,到政府行政部门任职。

17、Huayunkerun Civil Air Defence Equipment Co., Ltd. ─── 华云柯润人防设备有限公司。

18、Perhaps at times their commendations are only a sort of civilities, but the effects are rather pleasurable and even heart-warming. ─── 他们的称赞,也许有些时候只是一种客套拉家常,但它的效果却是让人开心甚至温暖的。

19、You'll lose nothing by being civil. ─── 你礼貌些也不会有什么损失。

20、He is a learned jurist, who has written several books on civil law. ─── 他是个博学的法学家,著有好几本有关民事法的书。

21、What Industry Is Chinese Civil Aircraft Industry? ─── 什么样的产业才是中国的民机产业?

22、The America Civil War was broken out during the presidency of Lincoln. ─── 在林肯就职其间,美国爆发了内战。

23、His civil rights was clamped down. ─── 他的公民权被剥夺了。

24、Give up a claim in a civil action. ─── 在民事诉讼中放弃一种要求权。

25、The country was sundered by civil war into two embattled states. ─── 国家被内战分裂为两个严阵以待的政府。

26、He fight for the republican cause in the civil war. ─── 他在内战中为共和事业而战。

27、A civil strife is universally condemned as a crime. ─── 内乱普遍被谴责为一种罪行。

28、He's a local government administrator, that is to say a Civil Servant. ─── 他是地方行政官员,也就是说是文官。

29、Administration of Civil Aviation d. ─── 地方民航局

30、Name one problem that led to the Civil War. ─── 举出一个引发南北战争的问题。

31、Behind all the civilities the Supreme Court is indeed engaged in a high-stakes war between its conservative majority and liberal minority. ─── 在最高法院彬彬有礼的表象下确实存在着一场多数的保守派与少数的自由派之间高风险的战争。

32、He left the army and resumed civil life. ─── 他脱离军队,恢复平民生活。

33、Pentagon: Iraq in some ways in civil war. ─── 五角大楼:伊拉克某种意义上已处于内战状态。

34、He's got a safe job in the civil service. ─── 他在政府的文职部门有一份很安定的工作。

35、Try to be civil to her, even if you don't like her. ─── 即使你不喜欢她,你也要对她客气些。

36、Did Mencius Believe in Democracy and Civil Rights? ─── 孟子具有民主、民权思想吗?

37、He filed for a civil service job. ─── 他申请公务员的工作。

38、He is at grips with civil architecture. ─── 他在钻研民用建筑学。

39、The secession of some southern states from the U.S.A. in the 1860s led to a civil war. ─── 十九世纪六十年代美国南部一些州退出联邦导致了一场内战。

40、How long have you been working as a civil servant? ─── 你当公务员多久了?

41、It's very civil of you to help me. ─── 你帮助我真是好心。

42、The team captains exchanged civilities before the kickoff. ─── 两队的队长在开球之前互相客套了一番。

43、Man is a civil creature. ─── 人是社会动物。

44、Civil servant is required to sign the official secrets act. ─── 公务员须签署遵守公务保密条例。

45、How to Use Well the Idea of Civil Society in China? ─── 如何在中国用好公民社会理念?

46、This is exactly what civil society means to be. ─── 公民社会是就它做什么,而不是就它是什么而言的。

47、The civil war drained the country of its manpower and wealth. ─── 内战耗尽了国家的人力和财富。

48、She works in the civil service.; She works for the civil service. ─── 她在政府文职机关工作。

49、In 1964 a new Civil Rights Act was passed. ─── 1964年一项新的民权法案得以通过。

50、Civil Law, Commercial and Economic Law Volume. ─── 中国法学文丛.刑事法卷.

51、They are the victims of the civil war. ─── 他们是内战的受害者。

52、Civil rights are extremely important. ─── 公民权很重要。

53、Social programs including the Law and Civil Code. ─── 人际交往训练包括法律和行为准则。

54、Can I avoid the American Civil War? ─── 南北战争可以避免吗?

55、A summons or citation in civil or admiralty law. ─── 传票民法或海事法中的传唤文件或传唤

56、How do the civil servants go to work every day? ─── 公务员们每天怎么去上班?

57、He is a civil engineer just like his father. ─── 他跟父亲一样,都是土建工程师。

58、The army is/are threatening to take over if civil unrest continues. ─── 军方声称如内乱不平息将实行军管。

59、Alongside these civilities, he could also terminate long friendships in a single sentence. ─── 在这份礼貌客气之外,他也会用一句话断送了长久的深厚友情。

60、The civil power is the same in every place. ─── 世俗的权力在任何地方都是这样的道理。

61、The civil rights bill carried by a large majority. ─── 公民权利法案获得大多数同意而通过。

62、She hopes to get a place in the Civil Service. ─── 她希望获得一份公职。

63、He is an active participant in the civil rights movement. ─── 他是人权运动的积极参加者。

64、Maintain a close liaison with Civil Defence. ─── 保持一次与民防短距离的通信。

65、During the civil war thousands of people fled the country. ─── 在内战期间成千上万的人逃离了这个国家。

66、He have a job in the civil service. ─── 他在行政机构工作。

67、After a great number of civilities, Robin took the pipes, and played a piece of music . ─── 这一大套繁文缛节结束后,罗宾拿起笛子,吹了一支曲子。

68、Yugoslavia is torn apart by civil war. ─── 南斯拉夫被内战弄得 四分五裂.

69、A tort is a civil as opposed to a criminal wrong. ─── 侵权是一种与刑事过错相对应的民事过错。

70、Be he a civil engineer or an electrical engineer? ─── 他是土木工程师还是电气工程师?

71、She was civil, kind, attentive even to her cousins. ─── 她甚至对表姊妹也很客气,和蔼,殷勤。

72、Deprive sb. Of sth.. Deprive me of my civil rights. ─── 剥夺我的公民权利。

73、For the list of civil celebrant of marriages. ─── 可查询婚姻监礼人的名单。

74、In the procession were all the dignitaries, civil and religious. ─── 世俗显贵和宗教名流全都参加了游行。

75、A country rent in two by civil war. ─── 一个被内战分裂为二的国家。

76、But she was civil, although distant. ─── 她虽然态度冷淡,倒还算客气。

77、Try to be civil to him,even if you don't like him. ─── 即使你并不喜欢他,也要以礼相待。

78、After the Civil War he was a free man. ─── 南北战争之后他就是个自由人。

79、He loved this civil, half-humorous bargaining. ─── 他喜欢这种心平气和,插科打诨的讨价还价。

80、The country avoided a civil war, but only just. ─── 全国避免了一场战争,但仅仅是险而又险的避过。

81、The Four-part Categorization, a book classification system peculiar to China, is rooted in the Confucian tradition of civilities. ─── 四部分类法是我国特有的书目分类体系,它植根于传统的礼文化。

82、They have called for an end to the civil war. ─── 他们呼吁结束内战。

83、the ladies of the group, the two gentlemen came directly towards them, and began the usual civilities. ─── 这新来的两位绅士看见人堆里有这几位小姐,便连忙来到她们跟前,照常寒喧了一番。

84、She championed the cause of civil rights. ─── 她积极支持民权运动。

85、The civil war lasted fully four years. ─── 内战持续了整整四年。

86、They protest against the continue denial of civil liberty. ─── 他们抗议对公民自由权力的持续否认。

87、Caesar caused a civil war in 49 BC. ─── 凯撒于公元前49年引发一场内战。

88、The country was rent in two by civil war. ─── 国家因内战一分为二。

89、He was received with great friendliness when he called on the next day, when many civilities passed between the gentlemen. ─── 翌日他去拜访的时候,受到了热情的接待,两位先生彼此讲了不少客气话。

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