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08-15 投稿


signifying 发音

英:[?s?ɡn?fa???]  美:[?s?ɡn?fa???]

英:  美:

signifying 中文意思翻译




signifying 词性/词形变化,signifying变形

形容词: signifiable |动词过去分词: signified |名词: signifier |动词第三人称单数: signifies |动词过去式: signified |动词现在分词: signifying |

signifying 同义词

omen | suggest | leave | flag | imply | carry weight | sign | pass | import | disclose | one's | come out with | voice | convey | make | portend | across | on | utter | send | leave one's mark | connote | intend | symbolize | transmit | stand for |mean | stand | point | for | open | show | importance | about | to | signal | proclaim | tell of | lay | telegraph | declare | blurt out | semaphore | communicate | speak | bespeak | mark | put across | bring out | impart | indicate | express | divulge | represent | put | of | with | tell | matter | pass on | pronounce | bring | point to | come | reveal | denote | carry | weigh | weight | known | breathe | blurt | announce | lay open | count | make known | wigwag | significant | be | out | tell about

signifying 反义词


signifying 短语词组

1、signifying definition ─── 表示定义

2、signifying nothing ─── 无意义的

3、signifying act ─── 表示行为

4、signifying define ─── 象征性定义

signifying 相似词语短语

1、sanifying ─── vt.使卫生

2、ignifying ─── 点燃

3、nigrifying ─── vt.使…成黑色;变黑

4、magnifying ─── adj.放大的;v.放大(magnify的ing形式);增加;升高

5、lignifying ─── v.使木质化

6、minifying ─── v.使最小化;减小……的尺寸;降低……的重要性(minify的现在分词)

7、signifyings ─── n.代表;预示;v.象徵;预示(signify的ing形式)

8、vinifying ─── vt.用……酿酒;酿,酿造

9、dignifying ─── v.使高贵;增威严;授以荣誉;抬高……的身价表不满(dignify的现在分词);adj.高贵的,威严的

signifying 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Is painted with a lock before, and bald behind, signifying thereby that we must take time by the forelock, for when it is once passed there is no recalling it. ─── 时间老人被画成前额有绺头发,而后脑却光秃秃的,这就意味着我们必须从前面抓住时间,因为只要时间一过就无可挽回。

2、This paper compares "guran" and "suiran", the former signifying "answering concession" and the latter "independence concession". ─── 摘要通过语料分析,可以发现,“固然”表示回应性让步,“虽然”表示“自主性让步”,直接提出自己的观点。

3、Yet as the swept off they smiled and they made motions signifying, perhaps, that the outrigger was too frail for any more weight, and that Jack and Stephen might swim to the two-master. ─── 不过她们划走的时候还在微笑着,还做着动作,也许是在表示,小划子太脆弱了,载不了太重,杰克和斯蒂芬可以游到双桅船上来。

4、On the reverse the same inscription is repeated, besides a row of five Swastikas as auspicious symbols signifying security and good luck. ─── 倒转的同样碑刻是重复的,此外一排五个纳粹党所用的十字记号如幸运的符号表示安全和好运。

5、Red gel lights flash throughout, signifying an alarm of some sort.White strobe lights also flash, warning of a hazard.Various control panels and counters will take a beating from their sabres. ─── 我无意中听到有工作人员私下议论说,如果不知道自己看的是现场拍摄监控器,会以为这些动作是经过了处理才变得如此之快,对此我很赞同。

6、Even if you don't, you'll still get a piece of paper signifying that you were smart enough to get in and rich enough to pay for it. ─── 即使你什么也没学到,你也仍然可以得到一张毕业证书,用来证明你足够聪明而且足够有钱。

7、of or associated with or bearing a title signifying status or function ─── 与表明身份或功用的头衔有关,或与之相关联,或具有这种头衔

8、In the fourth vision, Amos saw a basket of ripe summer fruit, signifying that Israel was now ripe for judgment. ─── 在第四个异象中,他看到一筐夏天的果子,代表以色列受审的时机已成熟。

9、Hereby, we have touched the other, usually neglected side of the Lacanian teaching: the side of the object in its inertia, the remnants, the left-over of the signifying process. ─── 因此,我们已经触及了他者,拉康教学通常被忽视的方面:客体在其惰性中的方面,能指作用的剩余、残留物。

10、In 229 AD Cao Zhi created Yu-shan Fan-bei, signifying the beginning of “Chinesization” of Buddhism music from abroad. ─── 公元229年由曹植创制的鱼山梵呗,标志着外来佛教音乐开始迈入“中国化”的进程。

11、He had previously been anointed secretly by Samuel, signifying his divine commission (1 Samuel 16:13), but here they anointed him in public recognition of his kingship over the house of Judah(2:4). ─── 先前撒母耳已经秘密的膏大卫,代表上帝对他的委任(撒上16:13),但现在犹大人公开的膏大卫,承认大卫是犹大家的王(2:4)。

12、Brain, Mind and the Signifying Body ─── 大脑、精神与身体表示

13、The numerous small rivers that she accommodates may be of a black or yellow colour, but once they flow into her bosom, they instantly take on the green colour signifying peace and tranquility. ─── 她容纳无数的细流,尽管它们的颜色有黑的也有黄的,一旦流到了海的怀抱,便立刻变成碧绿的了。 碧绿是代表和平,代表一种静美。

14、of or associated with or bearing a title signifying nobility ─── 与表明贵族身份的称号相关联,属于这种称号,或拥有这种称号

15、Early-warning antennae should twitch when they detect the word smart, signifying a return to old ways but with lessons learnt: bankers are already talking about smart securitisation. ─── 当预警天线发现用词有技巧,暗示会走老路时,天线就会迅速转动,但是从中也能学到不少东西:银行家已经开始谈论智能证券;

16、By the time Giovanni Antonio Canal, known as Canaletto, was born in 1699, the ritual tossing of a wedding ring into the ocean signifying the Venetian Republic's domination of the Adriatic Sea had become something of an empty gesture. ─── 到了吉奥尼尼·安东尼奥·卡纳尔(通称卡纳莱托)在1699年诞生时,将一枚结婚戒指抛进海洋表示威尼斯共和国统治亚得里亚海的仪式已经成为一种没有意义的习俗。

17、A turning of one's head to the right and left,signifying denial,disapproval,disbelief,doubt,or bemusement. ─── 摇头为表示拒绝、不赞同、不相信、怀疑或困惑而左右摆动某人的头

18、It was authentic, a real light, an afternoon light, signifying life, the sort of light that makes one aware of living. ─── 这是真实的天然光,是午后的日光,象征着生命,会让人觉察到自己是活着的。

19、Through the aid of Ammolite, the Blackfoot were able to survive and ever since, Ammolite has been commonly referred to as the “buffalo stone”, signifying wealth and abundance. ─── 斑彩宝石拯救了黑脚族人,让这一部落繁衍至今日。从此,斑彩宝石也被称之为“水牛之石”,也成了财富和富足的代名词。

20、The Chinese characters "袂" and "袖" are synonymy, both signifying "衣袖"("sleeve"). ─── 摘要“袂”和“袖”在“衣袖”这个义位上,形成同义关系。

21、19 This spake he, signifying by what death he should glorify God. And when he had spoken this, he saith unto him, Follow me. ─── 19耶稣说这话,是指着彼得要怎样死荣耀神。说了这话,就对他说,你跟从我吧。

22、We observe today not a victory of party but a celebration of freedom, symbolizing an end as well as a beginning, signifying renewal as well as change. ─── 我们今天庆祝的不是一个党的胜利,而是自由的庆贺;这项胜利象徵著结束与开始;胜利同时也意味著革新与改变。

23、The landscape building design of Taizhou White Clouds Pavilion is one signifi cative search. ─── 台州市“白云阁”景观建筑设计是一次有意义的探索。

24、The nitrate content in turnip was reduced,while soil organic matter content in the rhizosphere was signifi... ─── 施用有机肥料萝卜的硝酸盐含量明显下降,当季作物收获后根际土壤有机质含量明显提高。

25、as the balls reach the air , they burst into clouds of colored powder , signifying a sudden release from a state of danger. ─── 在龙珠跳出水面的一霎那,它爆裂并化为一股彩烟,这象征着脱离了危险的一瞬间。

26、As the poet's pure mind signifying noema, he transcended the impurity of “transcendental constitution”, made the essence of noema present, and developed the aesthetic creation of poetry purely. ─── 当这种纯净的意识统摄其意向对象时,诗人超越“先验构造”的异质性,当下洞见对象的本质,全然成立其审美创造。

27、We observe today not a victory of party but a celebration of freedom--symbolizing an end as well as a beginning--signifying renewal as well as change. ─── 我们今天庆祝的并不是一次政党的胜利,而是一次自由的庆典;它象征着结束,也象征着开始;它意味着更新,也意味着变革。

28、Modeling A New Type of Relations between Countries: the World-wide Signifi cance for the Development between Russia and China ─── 塑造新型的国家关系:中俄关系发展的世界性意义

29、Ites not only popular but profitable, bringing in signifi ent revenue to network operators. ─── 不仅流行而且有利可图,给网络运行商带来了丰厚的收入。

30、Signifying "a reversal of the tides of time ", now it is the right time to promote the Chinese language and the "golden age" for mastering it. ─── 所谓“风水轮流转”,今时今日却是华语抬头的时候,也是华语的黄金时代。

31、In sailing-crazy Annapolis, boaters celebrate the first day of spring with a ceremonial Burning of the Socks, signifying it will soon be warm enough to wear shoes without socks. ─── 在“航海之乡”安纳波利斯(美国马里兰州首府),船工们会在春季的第一天举行烧袜子仪式,以庆祝春天的到来。这标志着不久之后天气就会变暖,他们就可以光脚穿鞋了。

32、As he hiked, the sun slowly rose to it's apex in the sky, turning the sky a rich, golden blue and signifying that it was now noon. ─── 在他爬山的时候,太阳缓慢的爬上了天空的最高点,把整个蓝色的天空渲染成了明亮的金色,提醒他已经是中午了。

33、Islamic feminity reflects the conception of mutual promotion between men and women, and the gender harmony on the subjective aspect, signifying women's social attribution as human being. ─── 摘要伊斯兰教妇女观,在主体方面体现了“男女相生”、“性别和谐”的观念,凸现了妇女作为“人”的社会属性。

34、Chertoff said he has no immediate plans to raise the overall threat level in the United States, which is at yellow, signifying an elevated level.Since last August, the U. ─── 我并没说那些人与基地有联系,但这肯定暗示出这些人激进化的可能性,以及决定用他们自己实施袭击事件。

35、Rub-out: Computer code signifying "null" and used to delete. ─── 擦去:表示“无效”的电脑代码,用来作取消用。

36、As the balls reach the air, they burst into clouds of colored powder, signifying a sudden release from a state of danger. ─── 在龙珠跳出水面的一霎那,它爆裂并化为一股彩烟,这象征着脱离了危险的一瞬间。

37、signifying renewal as well as change. ─── 意味着更新,亦意味着变化。

38、But it’s time some papers stop pretending to be relevant, if that relevancy means compromising journalistic integrity to en masse photos and graphics signifying nothing. ─── 但它的一些文件有时要及时停止,如果相关手段损害了新闻的完整性,集体照片和图形象征了什么?

39、The 1.8-metre-long great drawers, full of goods also need to be pushed back one lightly, lithe without acerbic sense, signifying its ramp quality reliability. ─── 巨大的1.8米长的抽屉,装满物品也只需轻轻一推即可还原,轻盈而毫无涩感,足见其滑轨质量的可靠性。

40、Life is tale told by an idiot,full of sound and fury,signifying nothing. ─── 中文的魅力就在于能够准确的表达一种很朦胧丰富的感**彩。

41、Intense contraction of facial muscles, such as those used in signifying fear, heightens arousal. ─── 面部肌肉因紧张而收缩会加强这种刺激,如人们感到恐惧时所表现出的肌肉收缩。

42、a Chinese character signifying double happiness ─── 喜

43、an ornamental headdress signifying sovereignty. ─── 代表主权的一种装饰性的头饰。

44、In Jewish belief of the time of Christ this was taken as signifying a personal name, Adam, and this tradition was adopted into Christianity. ─── 在基督时期的犹太人信仰里面,这用来代表一个人的名字:亚当,这种传统被基督教所吸收。

45、Tied with Chinese ribbons symbolizing wealth, honor and auspiciousness, the big turnip is plump and full, signifying the arrival of good fortune and plenty of good luck. ─── 与中国并列丝带象征着财富,荣誉和吉祥,大萝卜是丰满和全面,标志着到达好运气和足够的好运气。

46、Life's but a walking shadow,a poor player.That struts and frets his hour upon the stage.And then is heard no more.It is a tale.Told by an idot,full of sound and fury,signifying nothing. ─── 人生不过是一个行走的影子.一个在舞台上指手画脚的拙劣伶人,登场了片刻,救灾无声无息中悄然退下,它是一个愚人所讲的的故事,充满了喧哗和骚动,找不到一点意义。

47、Life is but a walking shadow, a poor player That struts and frets his hour upon the stage And then is heard no more: it is a tale Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury Signifying nothing. ─── 人生只是个走影,可怜的演员, 在台上摇摆了,暴跳了一阵子以后 就没有下落了。这是篇荒唐故事, 是白痴讲的,充满了喧嚣的吵闹, 没有一点儿意义。

48、Language ideologies are briefly discussed, focusing on the way linguistic features (lexicon, phonology) can serve non-linguistic purposes such as signifying ethnic and national identity. ─── 我们简短讨论语言意识形态,焦点放在语言特征(词汇、音韵学)可达成非语言目的,例如表现族群或民族认同。

49、The Study on the Method of Signifying the Shape Coefficient of Grain in Image Recognition ─── 图像识别中颗粒形状表征方法的研究

50、In 229 AD Cao Zhi created Yu-shan Fan-bei, signifying the beginning of "Chinesization" of Buddhism music from abroad. ─── 公元229年由曹植创制的鱼山梵呗,标志着外来佛教音乐开始迈入“中国化”的进程。

51、Graduate training leading to the Ph.D., an ancient German degree signifying the highest level of advanced scholarly attainment, was introduced. ─── 并引进了一种德国古老的学位制,研究生经过训练可以取得表明最高学术水平的博士学位。

52、no signifi cant changes of MDA and Lipofusoin levels were observed in Liver and Brain of male ATx rats; ─── 实验结果表明,在去胸腺大鼠中,雌鼠肝脏LPO增高,脑组织LPO无明显变化,而雄鼠肝、脑组织LPO均未见增高;

53、Any exhibition of museum is a kind of construction as well as a complicated signifying system. ─── 任何博物馆的展览都是一个建构的事件,一种复杂的意指系统。

54、Keywords micro structure;quantization signifying;mathematics model;weight; ─── 微观结构;量化表征;数学模型;权重;

55、ECHA will prioritise substances to be assessed for inclusion in Annex XIV of the REACH Regulation, signifying that they are subject to authorisation. ─── ECHA将根据优先次序对物质加以评估,并纳入REACH法规附件XIV,以表示该物质需要得到授权。

56、A goat's horn overflowing with fruit, flowers, and grain, signifying prosperity. ─── 丰饶角饰装满水果、花朵和谷物用来象征繁荣的山羊角

57、Book: Just a tale told by an idiot full of sound and fruity and signifying nothing, no a fancy ashtray. ─── 书:这是白痴讲的故事,觉得唾沫横飞,而内容空洞。

58、Life is like a tale,told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing! ─── 你不要只是拿你们专业的情况说好不好,国际关系学院不是只有你们一个专业!!!

59、As he hiked , the sun slowly rose to it's apex in the sky, turning the sky a rich, golden blue and signifying that it was now noon. ─── 在他爬山的时候,太阳缓慢的爬上了天空的最高点,把整个蓝色的天空渲染成了明亮的金色,提醒他已经是中午了。

60、) is on the same footing logically as are his hand and arm , two anthropomorphisms signifying his almighty power, and as is his zeal, a personification signifying his firmness of purpose. ─── 在逻辑上,与祂的手,祂的膀臂两个形容上帝大能的拟人法字汇处于同等地位。同样,说到祂的热心的时候,也是一种拟人法,表示祂的目标坚定。

61、The passenger capsules signifying "time", is lit internally at the point of embarcation. ─── 象征“时间”的乘客胶囊,被发亮在乘船之际在内部。

62、The “gao” in niangao is a homophone (homonym) for “high”, meaning (signifying) “rising higher and higher in the coming year”. ─── “年糕”这个词里的“糕”字与“高”谐音,寓意来年“节节高”。

63、four Hebrew letters (usually transliterated as YHWH (Yahweh) or JHVH (Jehovah)) signifying the Hebrew name for God (which the Jews regarded as too holy to pronounce). ─── 四个字母的希伯来文(通常用耶和华)来表示上帝的希伯来语名字(这样犹太人会觉得太神圣无法发声)。

64、This paper utilizes the data from a large corpus to analyze the words signifying "dog" and explores the cultural differences between English and Chinese languages and their various generalizations. ─── 文章通过对英语“狗”的词汇的研究,论述了“狗”在英汉两种文化间的差异以及在语言这一层面上的具体表现形式的不同。

65、Ezekiel likens the Pharoah to both a young lion, signifying royalty, and a monsterous water creature (possibly a crocodile) that stirred up trouble among the nations (32:2). ─── 以西结又把法老比作少壮狮子--象徵君王,和海中怪兽(可能是鳄鱼)在搅动河水(32:2)。

66、a tangible symbol signifying approval or distinction. ─── 意味者赞成或者荣誉的明确的记号。

67、A better expression of the same concept would be a property signifying the classification of operations. ─── 对这一概念的更好表述是指定对操作进行分类的一个属性。

68、On hour 12 and 24, the AWR scores in SD rats were signifi cantly lower than in YC and HC rats during CRD at the intensity of 80mmHg (P

69、The fool foretells a time when the individual will launch into a new adventure, perhaps signifying a new job or major move. ─── 愚人预言一个时机来临时,他将独自一人投入一项新的冒险,或许表示一个新工作或较大的变动。

70、As the horse was deemed as signifying strife and sorrow , Athens was named after the goddess, who forthwith took the city under her protection. ─── 因为马被视为斗争和痛苦的象征,所以雅典城最终以雅典娜的名字命名,而女神也立刻将这座城市置于自己的保护之下。

71、of or associated with or bearing a title signifying nobility. ─── 与表明贵族身份的称号相关联,属于这种称号,或拥有这种称号。

72、After Hosea's marriage, children are born, each bearing a name signifying a divine message (chapter 1). ─── 何西阿结婚后,孩子就接连出世,每个孩子的名字都象征着一个神圣的信息(第1章)。

73、of or associated with or bearing a title signifying status or function. ─── 与表明身份或功用的头衔有关,或与之相关联,或具有这种头衔。

74、The various sacrifices for the Levites were to atone for their sins, signifying inner cleansing. ─── 为利未人献祭是要赎他们的罪,表示他们内心的洁净。

75、That the word of Jesus might be fulfilled which He spoke, signifying by what kind of death He was to die. ─── 这是要应验耶稣所说,那指明他将要怎样死的话。

76、On top of a lotus, signifying renunciation of worldly entanglements, there is a sun disc on top of a moon disc, signifying wisdom and compassion in union as the basis. ─── 在一朵莲华的上头,是表出离尘染的意思,有日轮在月轮之上,乃表示智悲一体作为基底。

77、Days became weeks as many doubters spread fearful rumors about the edge.At last, from nowhere, welcome winged creatures appeared, signifying momentous success. ─── 如科普文章相对来讲要比叙事性的文章难理解,从而加深任务难度。

78、Fisher braces for his crossed-rifles pin, signifying his completion of training. ─── 费舍尔将接受他的十字来福徽针,这意味着他完成了训练。

79、Initially an object's state mask is set to all 1's - signifying that all the object's states need to be updated. ─── 初始化时对象的状态掩码都被置成1,表示所有的对象的状态都需要被更新。


81、So let us try to see, in these signifying terms that define what I called just now "mean and extreme" , what results from it. ─── 所以,让我们设法瞧一瞧,以这些意符化的术语,定义我刚才所谓的「黄金比率」,它的结果会是什麽?

82、For example, a serial port interrupt may test each received character to see if it is an ETX character (presumably signifying the end of a message). ─── 例如,一个串行通讯中断会检测接收到的每一个字节是否为ETX信号(以便来确认一个消息帧的结束标志)。

83、The study of diagnostics of Chinese medicine includes many basic diagnostic techniques of Chinese medicine.Therefore clinical probation is of great signifi cance during the teaching process. ─── 中医诊断学包含了很多中医诊断的基本技能,临床见习在其教学中具有重要意义。

84、On the other hand,tuition classes in the Chinese language are sprouting up everywhere,signifying "a reversal of the tides of time ". The truth is,now is the right time to promote the Chinese language and the "golden age" for mastering it. ─── 华语补习学校却犹如雨后春笋的设立起来。所谓“风水轮流转”,今时今日却是华语抬头的时候,也是华语的黄金时代。

85、Conclusion The escharectomy in shock phase proves to be available and signifi... ─── 休克期切痂植皮组较非休克期切痂植皮组愈合时间缩短。

86、A String signifying the key of the attribute to be set. ─── 一个String,表示要设置的属性的键。

87、It is a tale told by a idot,full of sound and fury,signifying nothing. ─── 它是一个愚人所讲的故事,充满了喧哗和骚动,却找不到一点意义。

88、So developing the research on the reliability test technology of thermal overload relay has great signifi. ─── 因此开展对热过载继电器可靠性试验技术的研究具有重要意义。

89、Kinesics: Body language including postures, movement of body, facial expression. Nodding signifying agreement, upper body incline suggests assuring attitude, smiling implies welcome. ─── 动作学:即肢体动作或身体语言,包括姿势、身体移动、面部表情等。点头表示赞同,姿势稍微前倾表现亲切感,微笑表示欢迎。

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