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08-15 投稿


alluded 发音

英:[??lu?d?d]  美:[??lu?d?d]

英:  美:

alluded 中文意思翻译



alluded 词性/词形变化,alluded变形

动词过去式: alluded |动词第三人称单数: alludes |动词过去分词: alluded |动词现在分词: alluding |

alluded 短语词组

1、alluded above ─── 上文提及

2、alluded to briefly ─── 简要提及

3、ordinary life alluded me ─── 平凡的生活暗示着我

4、alluded defined ─── 暗示定义

5、alluded me ─── 暗示我

6、alluded syn ─── 暗指syn

7、alluded define ─── 暗指定义

8、alluded definition ─── 暗指定义

9、alluded work ─── 暗指作品

10、alluded to ─── 暗指,提到

alluded 相似词语短语

1、illuded ─── v.(诗/文)欺骗,诓骗;置……于幻觉中

2、allude ─── vi.暗指,转弯抹角地说到;略为提及,顺便提到

3、alludes ─── vi.暗指,转弯抹角地说到;略为提及,顺便提到

4、allayed ─── vt.减轻;使缓和;使平静

5、-cluded ─── 包括

6、-luded ─── 路德

7、alledged ─── 阿列德

8、colluded ─── vi.勾结;串通;共谋

9、allured ─── n.诱惑力;引诱力;吸引力;v.吸引;引诱;n.(Allure)(俄、美、印)艾罗尔(人名)

alluded 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The story alluded to a mystery in her past. ─── 故事影射她过去生活中的一个秘密。

2、Later, to commemorate that time, they selected a name for their daughter that alluded to the May Fourth era. ─── 后来他们为纪念五四、取名为“玖”的女儿。

3、The woman likes a man to feel feminine hand gently, when feeling a hand some are alluded, the heart that allows a woman ripples rise, want to let a man hold move, kiss in the arms to wear. ─── 女人喜欢男人轻柔地摸女人的手,在摸手时有些暗示,让女人的心荡漾起来,想让男人抱着、吻着。

4、alluded to ─── vt. 提到(涉及均)

5、And as they sat there, drinking the wine he offered them, he alluded with the cheerful indifference of old age to his love-affair, as though he took for granted that they had heard of it already. ─── 于是当他们坐定之后,一边饮着酒时,他便以老年人满不在乎的欣然神情,略微提了提他的一段旧情,仿佛他相信他们对此一定早有所闻似的。

6、Mr Obama alluded to his hope that China's exchange rate might become more market-driven, but there was no hint of agreement. ─── 奥巴马先生曾在访华时提及希望人民币汇率可以更加“市场化”,而中方并未表态。

7、You alluded to certain developments in your speech what exactly did you mean? ─── 你在讲话中提到某些发展--确切的意思是什么呢?

8、“There had (have) been discripcies aloted (discrepancies alluded to) by certain parties, the (and) IOC (is) simply wanted (wanting) to qualified (clarify) the situation and put is (this) to a rest. ─── “某些人暗暗指出这一不合法的地方,而奥组委仅仅是想澄清问题,停止这场争论。”

9、Compere: You a moment ago alluded having poineering reason is to value wireless Internet. ─── 主持人:你刚才提及有创业原因是看好无线互联网。

10、When he spoke of courage, their looks were firm and responsive; when he alluded to their injuries, their eyes kindled with fury. ─── 当他讲到他们的勇敢时,他们的目光变得坚定而又严峻。当他提到他们所受的创伤时,大伙的眼睛中都激起了愤怒。

11、Later,to commemorate that time,they selected a name for their daughter that alluded to the May Fourth era. ─── 后来,他们为纪念五四、取名为“玖”的女儿。

12、Be not alluded with the action, and should speak out with the language. ─── 不要用行动去暗示,而要用语言说出来。

13、They knew not each other's opinion, either its constancy or its change, on the one leading point of Anne's conduct, for the subject was never alluded to; ─── 对于安妮的行为,她们在一个主要问题上并不了解相互间的观点,不知道对方的观点改变了没有,因为这个问题从来不曾谈起过。

14、In his letter he alluded me to a matter which I had completely forgotten. ─── 他的信中提及了一件我已完全忘却的事情。

15、They alluded also to other and more recent woe, but in the midst of their talk their voices seemed to melt into the sound of the wind sweeping mournfully among the autumn leaves; ─── 他们还说到更多近来的不幸,可是他们的交谈好像消融在那扫落秋叶的萧萧秋风之中。

16、She did not mention Mr. Lee by name,but it was clear she was alluded to him. ─── 她没提李先生的名字,但她显然在暗示著他。

17、When casting the net to before the child gets online, be being mixed, undertake psychology is alluded; ─── 对孩子上网前和下网时进行心理暗示;

18、And painters 11)alluded to her 12)eroticism in their 13)bare breasted portrayals of the dying queen. ─── 文艺复兴时期的诗人将她视成为爱情献身的女英雄。画家们把她描绘为裸胸垂死的贪欲的女王。

19、In 1953 an article appeared in the American "Reader's Digest" which consistently alluded to old age as "the vintage years". ─── 1953年美国《读者文摘》的一篇文章常把老年比喻成“酒成熟之年"。

20、She often alluded to her poverty. ─── 她常常谈起她的贫穷。

21、Most Yahoo partner ever was alluded, they are willing to accept every 34 to 35 dollars buy quoted price, think with the price difference between Microsoft it is OK of close. ─── 大多数雅虎股东曾暗示,他们愿意接受每股34到35美元的收购报价,并认为与微软之间的价格分歧是可以弥合的。

22、Mr. Jobs alluded to his leave but neither commented on his health nor said whether he planned to return to the company in the near future. ─── 乔布斯在此次发布会上谈到了他的因病休假,但没有提及他的健康状况,也没有表示他是否打算在不久的将来重返苹果公司。

23、be alluded to as ─── prep. 称作

24、Ba Ci is alluded, likelihood and gregarious website seek cooperation and not be the product that develops oneself in this domain. ─── 巴茨暗示,可能与社交网站寻求合作而不是在此领域开发自己的产品。

25、A personification of wickedness and ungodliness alluded to in the Old and New Testaments. ─── 彼勒《旧约》和《新约》中邪恶和罪孽的化身。

26、In fact there are even references to the C-word, with it being alluded to three times in Shakespeare's plays. ─── 事实上,书中还有很多关于女性生殖器官的注解,这些词汇在莎士比亚的3部作品中都有所提及。

27、There are so many parts of Paris that are sort of alluded to in guidebooks, but as a first time visitor, there just isn’t time to hit everything. ─── 在旅行指南中多少有提到些巴黎的旅游胜地,但是作为一个第一次来到巴黎的旅游者,你没有时间逛完所有地方。

28、He alluded to his difficulties with his motherinlaw. ─── 他向岳母婉转地说起他的困难。

29、Press place alluded a few days ago 51 with China do it 100 million yuan of between big collaboration, be not true condition. ─── 日前新闻报道所提及的51与华为之间之间的亿元大合作,并非真实情况。

30、And when I told you I had foreseen the result, it is the honor of your visit I alluded to." ─── 我告诉您,说我预料将要发生什么事的时候,当然指您光临这件事。”

31、Nevertheless that paragraph of word of Li Kaifu was alluded from flank, musical search is potential to Gu Ge's meaning the share of integrated search market that more consists enlarging his. ─── 不过李开复的那段话从侧面暗示了,音乐搜索对谷歌的意义可能更多在于扩大自己的综合搜索市场份额。

32、The layout of kitchen and dining-room alluded host to be almost to the use of this place 0. ─── 厨房和餐厅的布局暗示了主人对这个地方的使用几乎为零。

33、In speaking of it nevertheless as a myth, I echo that philosophy of mathematics to which I alluded earlier under the name of formalism. ─── 不过称它为神话,我是仿效上面我在形式主义的名义下提到的那种数理哲学的。

34、He often alluded to his poverty . ─── 他常提及他的穷困。

35、Personalized concept often is alluded in home outfit design. ─── 个性化的概念在家装设计中经常被提及。

36、When casting the net to before the child gets online, be being mixed, undertake psychology is alluded (for example, get online, this paragraph of time belongs to you; ─── 对孩子上网前和下网时进行心理暗示(例如,上网,这段时间是属于你的;

37、"WMSC members were convinced that the comment (by Whitmarsh) alluded to Dennis' complicity," a writer for the Daily Mail surmised. ─── "WMSC成员深信,评论(由怀特马什)提到丹尼斯同谋,“一个作家的每日邮报推测.

38、As others have already alluded, this team works best when McGrady dominates the ball and makes all decisions on offense. ─── 就像有人说的那样,当麦迪掌控球,在进攻中做出选择的时候,球队运转的最好。

39、The candidate alluded to the recent war by saying, "We've all made sacrifices." ─── 候选人间接提到最近发生的战争时说“我们都做出了牺牲。”

40、Many of the planning steps and preliminary requirements are left out or only vaguely alluded to. ─── 很多规划步骤和初步要求都被忽略或只略微提及。

41、Be alluded sometimes and autosuggestion, also have certain effect; ─── 有时暗示和自我暗示,也起一定的作用;

42、He alluded mysteriously to contingents of physical and non-physical beings who appear to be waiting poised just beyond our earth to help us in our coming difficulties. ─── 他还神秘地间接提到了一部分肉身和非肉身的生命,他们似乎在地球以外泰然自若地等待着帮助我们克服即将来临的困难。

43、I have already alluded to the fact that I don't think that a "hard of hearing" entity exists. ─── 我已经暗示了一个事实:我不认为存在有”重听”实体。

44、Asked if he was excited about the move, Obama alluded to the grueling presidential campaign when he said: "Yeah, although for two weeks -- we kind of did that for two years. ─── 在被问及搬来华盛顿是否激动时,奥巴马暗指让人精疲力尽的总统大选说:“是啊,尽管我们要在宾馆住两周---不过我们似乎已经住了两年。”

45、He alluded to his own death to come, carelessly, with a philosophical air. ─── 他以充满哲理的口吻暗示他自己的死也会自然而然地到来。

46、Additional, the psychological element in the design, sexual distinction element already more and more be alluded. ─── 另外,设计中的心理元素、性别元素已经越来越被提及。

47、In revealing the "secret" alluded to in its title, the film turns abruptly into paranormal territory, though there are plenty of visual cues and clues that it flashes back to later in the picture. ─── 为了揭开标题提到的秘密,电影突然变成了有很多视觉暗示和线索的异常场景。

48、However, current circumstances may be an exception to that standard view--the exception to which I alluded earlier. ─── 然而,当前的环境可能是相对于标准观点的一个例外,这个我早前有所提及。

49、Mr. Peter alluded to his difficulties with his mother-in-law . ─── 彼得先生向他岳母很婉转的说出他的困难。

50、The two questions that alluded to Diaw's tying 3-point shot allowed by Odom produced these curt replies from Bryant: “We've just got to learn from our mistakes” and “Diaw hit a big shot. ─── 有两个问题是关于在奥多姆的疏忽下迪奥的这记关键的扳平比分的三分的,科比简略地回答:“我们会从我们的错误中总结经验的”,“迪奥投出了一记漂亮的进球”.

51、The last speaker alluded to this movement as being that of a few disappointed women. ─── 上一位发言者暗示说这个运动是一些失望妇女的运动。

52、She never referred to the incident, but often alluded to it by hinting ─── 她从不直接提到那件事,但是却常常暗示那回事。

53、He alluded to the problem but did not mention it. ─── 他暗指但没有明确指出这个问题。

54、The hooliganism law to which Mr. Usmanov alluded provides up to 15 days in jail for 'uncensored abuse in public places. ' ─── 根据奥斯曼诺夫提到的反流氓法律,公共场合“未经审查的辱骂行为”可能导致最多15天的监禁。

55、In the 25-minute interview, Buss alluded numerous times to the sagging economy and the possibility of its trickling down to the NBA. ─── 在长达25分钟的采访中,巴斯多次暗示现在的金融危机以及NBA所受到的影响。

56、His weaknesses are several times alluded to by Socrates, who, however, will not allow him to be attacked by his brother Adeimantus. ─── 甚至就连他身上的缺点也不少次为苏格拉底提供了启示,可是有一点,他不能让自己成为自家兄弟阿德曼托斯攻击的对象。

57、I could go on like this -- I haven't even alluded to Dennis Rodman, Nick Van Exel, Mr. and Mrs.Glen Rice, J.R.Rider, Smush Parker and Kwame Brown -- but you get the idea. ─── 我还可以继续--虽然我没有提到丹尼斯诺德曼,尼克-范埃克塞尔,远投大王格伦-莱斯夫妇,斯姆什-帕克和夸梅布朗--但你应该知道。

58、I never alluded to this subject . ─── 我没提到这件事。

59、But he alluded also to some of the measures he had undertaken, including “listening in on the enemy” and “asking hardened killers about their plans. ─── 但他也略微提及他采取的措施,包括“窃听敌人”和“讯问意志坚定杀手计划”。

60、You alluded to the issue of HIV. ─── 你暗示了艾滋病的问题。

61、For centuries, sages have alluded to a richness in life's later years that is lost on the young. ─── 数百年来哲人们都曾认为生命晚年中的一种满足是在年轻时无法找到的。

62、In the conversation just alluded to, Astor tells Sulk: "Never mind, your place too low for anybody to dispute with you for it. ─── 暗示后的谈话中,雅斯特告诉索克:“别介意,你的地位低下在任何人眼中都是不对的。”

63、Channel personage is alluded, this company is probable namely for many times what IPO fails and investor is eager to exiting is long swim. ─── 渠道人士暗示,该公司很可能就是多次IPO失败而投资者急于退出的久游。

64、As alluded to earlier, Gucci Medium Tote Black handbag comes with a couple of side pockets. ─── 正如较早时提到,古奇介质包黑色手提包附带了几个边口袋。

65、The nineteenth century has inherited and profited by its work, and to-day, the social catastrophe to which we lately alluded is simply impossible. ─── 十九世纪继承并享受了它的成果,到今天,我们刚才指出的那种社会灾难已干脆变成不可能的了。

66、In speaking of it nevertheless as a myth, I echo that philosophy of mathematics to which I alluded earlier under the name of formalism. ─── 不过称它为神话,我是仿效上面我在形式主义的名义下提到的那种数理哲学的。

67、But, as I alluded to earlier, there remain more questions than answers. ─── 但正如我前面所说的,问题总比答案多。

68、That The 400 Blows is record-even an exorcism-of personal experience is first alluded to in Antoine's scribbling of self-justifying doggereal on the wall while being punished. ─── “四百击”是一个个人经验的记录,即使是驱邪所用的咒语,当安托万.达诺被抓时就有第一次暗示,那是他在墙上乱涂他的自白打油诗。

69、We alluded earlier to the fact that most tags have a beginning and an end and affect the portion of content between them. ─── 我们在前面提到过这样一个事实,大多数标签都有一个开始标签和一个结束标签,而标签的影响范围就是它们之间的内容。

70、He alluded that the best bike for me would be the $200 bike that was displayed in the window photo. ─── 他暗示到,最适合我的自行车就是橱窗照片上价值200美元的那辆。

71、He alluded to every treasure he could imagine. ─── 他暗示了,所有他能想到的宝藏。

72、The process of bringing up the operating system is called booting (originally this was bootstrapping and alluded to the process of pulling yourself up "by your bootstraps"). ─── 一台没有软件运行的电脑只是一堆发热的电子器件。当计算机起电启动开始的第一件事情就是运行一个叫做“操作系统”的特殊程序。

73、A when sit by him civilian urgent alluded him, he just stands up like as if wakening from a dream had received bottle. ─── 坐在他旁边的一位民急暗示了他一下,他才如梦初醒似的站起来接过酒瓶。

74、The cure such as needle of Chinese traditional medicine, report or pinprick can get better curative effect, if can try,when cure utterance is alluded, criterion the effect is much better. ─── 中药、电针或针刺等治疗可收到较好的疗效,在治疗时如能加以言语暗示,则效果更佳。

75、In closing argument, the lawyer improperly alluded to the defendant's prior convitions. ─── 指间接地或仅通过暗示提到某事。

76、This ill diction character is alluded or allude secondhand constant can be successful. ─── 此病用语言暗示或间接暗示常能奏效。

77、She spoke to him civilly, and never alluded to what he had done. But he felt something final had happened. ─── 尽管她对他说话仍旧和和气气,根本不提他干的那件事,可他还是感到已经铸成致命大错。

78、Yet Mr Yeltsin's great rival, Mikhail Gorbachev, reflected the mood of most Russians when he alluded to the dead man's “serious mistakes”. ─── 不过,叶利钦的“冤家对头”戈尔巴乔夫却暗指这个死去的人曾犯下“严重的错误”,这表达了大多数俄罗斯人的心情。

79、" Qiu Baijun is alluded, golden hill interior is current nobody can be competent CEO. ─── 求伯君暗示,金山内部现在无人能胜任CEO。

80、spoke with fervor and little reference to specific products, occasionally mentioned, but also alluded to, the concern is always the market. ─── 听杨总侃侃而谈,很少提及具体的产品,偶尔提到,也一笔带过,关注的始终是市场。

81、As I alluded to earlier, your home will be shaping up as quite a center of attention in the months ahead. ─── 像我早期暗示的一样,你的家会你这个月关注的焦点。

82、He alluded to it only in passing: “[A] man whose father less than 60 years ago might not have been served at a local restaurant can now stand before you to take a most sacred oath. ─── 他影射这一点时只是一带而过:“一个在五十多年前也许还不能进当地的餐厅用餐的人,现在他的儿子却能站在你们面前做最神圣的宣誓。”

83、The monetary historian is giving a lecture today in which he will reveal how Cicero, the Roman orator, gave a speech in 66BC in which he alluded to the credit crunch. ─── 今天,这位货币历史学家在做演讲,他将披露罗马演说家西塞罗,在公元前66年的一次演说中,是如何提到那场信贷紧缩的。

84、But earlier, in describing Chrysler's C3 project, I alluded to the difficulty in extending the use of approaches like XP or even RAD. ─── 但在前面描述Chrysler的C3项目时,我间接的提到,扩展使用类似XP或者甚至是RAD的方法都存在着困难。

85、In your remarks you alluded to a certain sinister design. ─── 在你的谈话中, 你提到了某个阴谋。

86、He explained to President Clinton that his was an Australian tux--the pinstripes alluded to "our penal heritage." ─── 他跟克林顿总统解释说他穿的是一套澳大利亚式的无尾半正式男士晚礼服--细条纹影射“我们的刑事传统”。

87、France was frequently alluded to, but with its peasant proprietorship it is farther off the nationalisation of land than England with its landlordism. ─── 人们常常提到法国,但是法国的农民所有制,比起英国的大地主所有制离土地国有化要远得多。

88、you remember that PR strategy I alluded to the other day? ─── 你还记得我前几天间接提到的公关策略吗?

89、Work to also be alluded in a lot of countries in the bedroom. ─── 在卧室中工作也在很多国家被提及。

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