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08-15 投稿


insinuation 发音

英:[?n?s?nju?e??n]  美:[?n?s?nju?e??n]

英:  美:

insinuation 中文意思翻译



insinuation 反义词


insinuation 词性/词形变化,insinuation变形


insinuation 同义词

lip service | hypocrisy | deceit | disingenuousness | service |dishonesty | hollowness | mendacity | deviousness | falseness | lip

insinuation 短语词组

1、insinuation anxiety ─── 影射焦虑

2、insinuation clue ─── 影射线索

3、insinuation syn ─── 影射

4、insinuation defined ─── 影射定义

5、insinuation and euphemism ─── 影射与委婉

6、insinuation define ─── 影射定义

7、insinuation oyo ─── 含沙射影oyo

8、insinuation 5e ─── 影射5e

9、insinuation dnd ─── 影射

10、synonyme de insinuation ─── 影射的同义词

11、insinuation song ─── 影射歌

12、insinuation of a will ─── [法] 遗嘱的公证

13、insinuation definition ─── 影射定义

insinuation 相似词语短语

1、continuation ─── n.继续;续集;延长;附加部分;扩建物

2、insanitation ─── n.卫生设施的缺乏;不卫生

3、insinuator ─── 影射者

4、insinuative ─── adj.暗示的;巧妙巴结的;讽刺的

5、insemination ─── n.[畜牧]授精;播种;受胎

6、subinsinuation ─── 暗示

7、sinuation ─── n.曲折

8、insinuations ─── n.暗示;暗讽;间接的讽刺

9、insinuating ─── adj.暗示的;曲意巴结的;v.暗示;使…潜入;讨好(insinuate的ing形式)

insinuation 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、vilify sb. by insinuation ─── 含沙射影, 恶语中伤

2、insinuate; insinuation ─── 含沙射影

3、In his speech he blamed her not directly but by insinuation. ─── 他在发言中没有直接点名, 但影射了她。

4、3. She bridled at the insinuation . ─── 她对那暗讽昂首表示轻视。

5、An indirect or subtle,usually derogatory implication in expression;an insinuation. ─── 暗示,影射词句中的不直接的或微妙的,通常贬损的含义;暗示

6、blacken sb's character by insinuation ─── 含沙射影地贬低某人的品格.

7、There was such an ingratiating tone about Hurstwood's voice, the insinuation was so perceptible that even Carrie got the humour of it.26quot; ─── 尽管斯宾塞和现代自然哲学家们已经作了大量分析,我们对道德的理解仍很幼稚肤浅。

8、To this insinuation Christ gave no heed. ─── 基督不理睬这种污蔑的话。

9、The place that this game attracts eyeball still depends on architect insinuation politician and political reality. ─── 这款游戏吸引眼球的地方还在于设计者暗讽政治人物和政治现实。

10、There is an insinuation in that remark. or That's an insinuating remark. ─── 话里有文章。

11、and this insinuation, even if not conclusive by itself, is certainly well calculated to edge us a little closer towards just the position where the sense-datum theorist wants to have us. ─── 这种暗示,即使还算不上结论,也肯定处心积虑推挤我们一把,恰恰向感觉与料理论家要我们接受的立场推挤得更近一点儿。

12、This is because they are not sufficiently woven into the fabric of the organization to permit their insinuation into discussions at the right moment。 ─── 仅供参考的几个小窍门:根据判断题的命题规律及对目前流行的雅思判断题进行分析,不难发现这样的一些规律或倾向。

13、In his speech he blamed her not directly but by insinuation. ─── 他在发言中没有直接点名,但影射了她。

14、insinuation; implication; meaning between lines ─── 言外之意

15、The insinuation fortified her resistance ─── 那含沙射影的暗示增添了她抵抗的力量。

16、She blamed him, not directly but by insinuation. ─── 她不是直截了当地,而是含沙射影地责怪他。

17、She bridled at the insinuation. ─── 她对那暗讽昂首表示轻视。

18、This is something which has clearly got to Mourinho; the mere insinuation that his achievement with Chelsea can be accredited to the chequebook is something which doesn't sit well with him at all. ─── 这是穆里尼奥很明显可以获得的东西;唯一的暗示就是他在切尔西的成功全都是建立在支票簿上,而这正是他所不具备的东西。

19、When thinking stops, the insinuation of the presence of a mind doing the thinking will cease, and confusion will be nonexistent. ─── 当思考停止时,对那从事思考的心灵所影射出来的存在也会中断,混乱无明的状态便不复存在。

20、He is always blackening others' character by insinuation. ─── 他总是含沙射影地贬低别人的人格。

21、the mere insinuation that his achievement with Chelsea can be accredited to the chequebook is something which doesn't sit well with him at all. ─── 唯一的暗示就是他在切尔西的成功全都是建立在支票簿上,而这正是他所不具备的东西。

22、It was too cheap to sit around after such an insinuation as this. ─── 受了这样一顿含沙射影的指责之后还闲坐在家里,这也太不自重了。

23、The young Scotsman felt somewhat offended at the insinuation; ─── 年轻的苏格兰人对这一暗讽感到有点生气。

24、The Russian insinuation is that Ukraine will siphon off gas meant for Western Europe. ─── 俄罗斯暗示乌克兰将吸走给西欧的天然气。

25、She resented the insinuation that she was too old for the job. ─── 她憎恶暗示她太老不适合这项工作的话。

26、Pakistanis fumed about America's incursion into their territory and its insinuation that they knew where bin Laden had been hiding. ─── 巴基斯坦对于美国人侵入其领土并暗指巴基斯坦知道本?拉登的藏身地感到愤怒。

27、The reason for this sudden spate of spurious insinuation? ─── 突然爆发的这些恶意指责,原因是什么呢?

28、An indirect or subtle, usually derogatory implication in expression;an insinuation. ─── 暗示,影射词句中的不直接的或微妙的,通常贬损的含义;暗示

29、insinuation of a will ─── [法] 遗嘱的公证

30、Or Gunongxuanxu, or Xinkoukaihe, or Xuyuweishe, or Shunshouqianyang, or Pangqiaoceji, or insinuation. ─── 或故弄玄虚,或信口开河,或虚与委蛇,或顺手牵羊,或旁敲侧击,或含沙射影。

31、Of implication, insinuation and Ill will, till' you cannot lie still, ─── 暗示着,讽刺与憎恶,直到你再也不会说谎,

32、1.to waste; to spoil; to ruin 2.[Informal] to insult by sarcasm, insinuation, etc.; to trample on; to ravage3.to violate ─── 糟蹋

33、eg. Their years in parliament had sharpened their wits and made them adept at insinuation. ─── 在议会里的那些年月使他们变得更加机敏,说话善于含沙射影。

34、To cover his embarrassment, he pretended not to notice the suspected insinuation, and half-heartedly tried to steer the conversation away ─── 可是他只得假装痴呆,懒洋洋地打算把话岔开

35、2.An indirect or subtle, usually derogatory implication in expression;an insinuation. ─── 暗示,影射词句中的不直接的或微妙的,通常贬损的含义;

36、Weddings, divorces, dating, best friends, daily conversation, jobs, independence, fears and so on. Sarcasm, metaphors, slang, colloquial, tone, insinuation and humor will all be looked at . ─── 话题涉及实际生活的各个方面,例如:婚礼,离婚,约会,朋友,日常对话,工作,独立,恐惧等。还会谈论讽刺,比喻,俚语,俗语,音调,暗讽以及幽默手法的运用。

37、As far as object is concerned, the works of calligraphy need to have implication or insinuation. ─── 对于书法客体来说,即书作要能有“余意”、“态度”、“书外意”、“幽趣”;

38、Where are the gatekeepers, the editors and news managers who guarded against mistakes, editorial insinuation and fabrication? ─── 那些能够防范错误、防范报纸含沙射影和捏造事实的“看门人”、编辑和新闻管理人员到哪里去了?

39、The insinuation at its root has not been proved. ─── 这些暗示的根源并没有被证实。

40、attack by insinuation ─── 含沙射影地攻击

41、There were four forms in comedian's language: narration, rhyme, joke and insinuation. ─── 文中分析了俳优的语言特点:铺陈、韵语、诙谐、隐语。

42、The insinuation at its root has not been proved. ─── 这些暗示的根源并没有被证实。

43、I was astounded at this insinuation and simply ejaculated: "Caroline!" ─── 我对她能说出这种嘲讽的话感到吃惊,大声叫道:“卡罗琳!”

44、The elegant wine, soft insinuation that it is the dynamic,charming, elegant features. ─── 酒体的高贵、柔和影射出它的多变、迷人、文雅的特点。

45、This is because they are not sufficiently woven into the fabric of the organization to permit their insinuation into discussions at the right moment. ─── 找文中对应句,题中考察点(观点和信息点)的对应范围,看语法结构,如时态,语态是否不同,是否需要进一步推理等,最后再做判断。

46、"Of course I do, " he said pettishly, troubling only a little over the disgrace of the insinuation. ─── “我当然是在找啦,”他有些生气地说,对这个羞辱他的暗示只是稍微有点感到不安。

47、resort to insinuation ─── 采用含沙射影的卑劣手法

48、I deeply resent the insinuation that I'm only interested in the money. ─── 我对他人旁敲侧击地说我只对金钱感兴趣十分反感。

49、Where are the gatekeepers, the editors and news managers who guarded against mistakes, editorial insinuation and fabrication? ─── 那些能够防范错误、防范报纸含沙射影和捏造事实的“看门人”、编辑和新闻管理人员到哪里去了?

50、But this morning, I must say, I found it quite offensive and it may well have been the urge to demonstrate just how foolish his insinuation had been that caused me to set off up the footpath. ─── 可能就是他这句话,促使我开始爬山以证明他的嘲讽是多么的愚蠢。

51、Mortality in the Philippines a "malicious insinuation. ─── 死亡率在菲律宾的"恶意影射"

52、Neronian propaganda countered with the insinuation that the paternity of both Britannicus and Octavia was in question because of the their mother 's promiscuity. ─── 于是尼禄大肆宣扬不列颠尼库斯和屋大维娅的母亲行为放荡,其意不外乎暗指这两位的出身血统其实也值得怀疑。很快不列颠尼库斯就于公元55年被尼禄鸩杀。

53、In his speech he blamed her not directly but by insinuation . ─── 他在发言中没有直接点名, 但影射了她。

54、Another, he also affected by the Symbolism in art expressing method which emphasizes symbol and insinuation, and likes to symbolize innermost being by using “impersonality counterpoint”. ─── 另外在艺术方法上受法国象征派重象征、暗示的影响,喜欢通过“客观对应物”来象征、暗示自己的内心世界。

55、An indirect or subtle, usually derogatory implication in expression; an insinuation. ─── 暗示,影射词句中的不直接的或微妙的,通常贬损的含义; 暗示

56、The father could no longer control himself when his son threw back an insinuation. ─── 当儿子反唇相讥的时候,父亲再也不能控制自己了。

57、There was such an ingratiating tone about Hurstwood's voice, the insinuation was so perceptible that even Carrie got the humour of it. ─── 赫斯渥说话时带着讨好的口气,他的意思那么明显,连嘉莉也听出了话中的诙谐意思。

58、She purposely abstained from mentioning Mrs. Wale's more special insinuation ─── 她故意避而不谈沃尔太太那些阴险的挑拨。

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