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axiom 发音

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axiom 中文意思翻译



axiom 短语词组

1、axiom of choice ─── [计] 选择公理

2、Euclid's second axiom ─── [网络] 欧几里得的第二个公理

3、assignment axiom ─── [计] 赋值公理

4、Euclid's third axiom ─── [网络] 欧几里德的第三个公理

5、constructivity axiom ─── [计] 构造性公理

6、coordinate axiom ─── [计] 坐标公理

7、equality axiom ─── [计] 等词公理

8、Euclid's axiom ─── [网络] 欧几里德的公理

9、complete axiom set ─── [计] 完备公理集

10、Euclid's fifth axiom ─── [网络] 欧几里德的第五个公理

11、axiom of union ─── [计] 并集公理

12、Hoare axiom ─── [计] 霍尔公理

13、frame axiom ─── [计] 框架公理

14、multiplicative axiom ─── [计] 乘法公理

15、Euclid's first axiom ─── [网络] 欧几里德的第一个公理

16、Euclidean axiom ─── [网络] 欧几理得公理

17、axiom of induction ─── [计] 归纳公理

18、Euclid's fourth axiom ─── [网络] 欧几里德的第四个公理

19、extensionality axiom ─── [计] 外延定理

axiom 词性/词形变化,axiom变形


axiom 相似词语短语

1、-xion ─── 雄

2、axion ─── n.轴;脑脊髓

3、axions ─── n.轴;脑脊髓

4、Ixion ─── n.伊克西翁

5、Maxim ─── n.格言;准则;座右铭;n.(Maxim)人名;(英、罗、俄、哈萨)马克西姆

6、axioms ─── n.[数]公理;公设;原理(axiom的复数)

7、abdom ─── abbr.腹部(abdomen)

8、adios ─── int.(西)再见

9、agio ─── n.贴水;[会计]扣头;折扣;贴水率;汇兑行情(等于agiotage)

axiom 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Independence of Axiom System of BCI-Algebra ─── BCI-代数公理系的独立性问题

2、The name of the ship that the humans are living on is "Axiom." In logic and math, an axiom is something unquestionable or taken for granted. ─── 人类居住的飞船名叫“艾克西姆(公理)”。在逻辑学和数学中,公理的意思是一个毋庸置疑或理所当然的事实。

3、Algebraic Substitution Axiom and the Principle of Duality ─── 代数替换公理与对偶原理

4、There is an important axiom: "what exists is the necessary. ─── 它的一条重要格言是:存在的即必然的。

5、The supremum axiom of the reals refers to subsets of the reals and is therefore a second-order logical statement. ─── 实数集的上确界公理用到了实数集的子集,这是一种二阶逻辑的陈述。

6、Buddhist is the axiom that will offer you perfect life and impeccable character. ─── 发表邪论的人总是执著于男女的表象看问题。

7、Using Momentum Axiom to Meter the Mass Rate of Feeding Fuel in Coalfired Boiler ─── 压差法测量一次风管送粉量

8、Axiom 4: If a property is positive, then it is necessarily positive. ─── 公理4:一个肯定性质是必然肯定的。

9、completeness of axiom systems of propositional calculus ─── 命题演算公理系统的完备性

10、On Axiom Systems for Lattice Implication Algebras ─── 关于格蕴含代数的公理系统

11、completeness of axiom systems ─── 公理系统的完全性

12、She had emphasized the corollary of this axiom even more vehemently: when you desired a consequence you had damned well better take the action that would create it. ─── 她着重强调了这个公理的推论:当你期待一种后果,你要做好能带来这个后果的行动。----罗伊斯.迈克马斯特.洛伊德,作家。

13、This axiom implies the axiom of global choice because the class of ordinals is not a set;hence there exists a bijection between the ordinals and the universe. ─── 如果需要的话,它可以被弱化为“任何其定义域被包含在一个集合中的类函数的值域等于一个集合”;

14、It is an axiom that the analytical results obtained in the laboratory can never be more reliable than the sample upon which the tests are performed. ─── 实验室得到的分析结果,永远不可能比标样的结果更加可靠,这是一条规律。

15、What's more, the combination of equilibrium axiom and mathematical methods helps to make solving Fermat-Steiner problems easier. ─── 同时,用势能最小原理和数学方法相结合,可以更简便地解决费马-斯坦勒尔问题。

16、Keywords safety science;the science of science;methodology;axiom;research directions; ─── 安全学科;科学学;方法学;公理;研究方向;

17、If ever you needed proof about that old Los Angeles sports axiom, this is your ticket. ─── 如果你曾经想要洛杉矶的古老运动史,这是你的事。

18、Yet war is in no way supernatural, but a mundane process governed by necessity. That is why Sun Wu Tzu's axiom, "Know the enemy and know yourself, and you can fight a hundred battles with no danger of defeat", remains a scientific truth. ─── 但战争不是神物,仍是世间的一种必然运动,因此,孙子的规律,“知彼知己,百战不殆”,仍是科学的真理。

19、Axiom 3: The property of being God-like is positive. ─── 公理3:则上帝类的性质是肯定的。

20、We should explore the relation between the Martin Axiom and Continuum Hypothesis. ─── 我们应该探讨马丁公理和连续统假设之间的关系。

21、zero-sided Lindenmayer system with finite axiom set ─── F0L系统, 带有限公理集的林氏无关系统

22、At present, when caching is on, AXIOM builds the tree as if the user were accessing those parts of the tree through the document API. ─── 目前如果启用缓冲,AXIOM就会像用户在通过文档API访问树的这些部分一样构造树。

23、The Complete Axiom Set of MPM ─── 中介命题演算系统MPM的公理完备集

24、The concern about this axiom stemmed from the fact. ─── 对于这个公理的考虑是基于这样的事实。

25、People generally prefer doing business with friends, an axiom that applies just as well to Asia as it does to this country. ─── 人们通常倾向于和朋友做生意,这个原则在美国适用,在亚洲也适用。

26、Stacked tabs illustrate the following axiom of user-interface design: All idioms, regardless of their merits, have practical limits. ─── 堆叠标签说明了下面的用户界面设计公理,即所有的习惯用法,无论有多少优点,都有其实践性约束。

27、The step by which a new axiom is added cannot itself be mechanized. ─── 一个新公理得以产生,但产生公理的这个步骤自身却非机械的。

28、BUT ARROW'S THEOREM is unduly negative.It requires that an electoral method must satisfy a given axiom, no matter what voters' rankings turn out to be. ─── 但亚洛的定理矫枉过正,该定理主张,选举方法须符合某一特定原则,不管投票者的评比结果为何。

29、The belief that "transparency results in responsibility and ethics" seems to be a new axiom for our time. ─── “透明度成就责任感和道德感”的想法似乎成为了我们这一时代的新定理。

30、Axiomatic Design is based on function independence axiom whereas it couldn t deal with coupled design involving functional coupling relationships. ─── 公理设计是以独立公理为基础的,并未提供分析和处理具有功能耦合关系的耦合设计手段。

31、Axiom Systems for the Automorphism Group of an Antimatroid and its Properties ─── 反拟阵自同构群的公理系统及其性质

32、"A, for Axiom, our home, sweet home; ─── 代表‘公理号’,我们的家,甜美可爱的家;

33、ZFC has an infinite number of axioms because the Replacement axiom is actually an axiom schema. ─── ZFC有无穷多个公理,因为替代公理实际上是公理模式。

34、Several Equivalent Axiom Systems on BCK/BEI-Algebra ─── 关于BCK/BCI-代数的几个等价公理系

35、(3)The relation between the deterministic axiom and large cardinals. ─── (3)决定性公理和大基数之间的关系.

36、"It is an economic axiom as old as the hills that goods and services can be paid for only with goods and services" (Albert Jay Nock) ─── “只有用商品和服务才能换来商品和服务,这是和山一样古老的经济原理”(艾伯特·杰·诺克)

37、The contests are popular affairs when the axiom "more is better" seems to be the order of the day . ─── 吃喝大赛在把“越多越好”这句格言作为风尚的地区大受欢迎。

38、Thus, for derrida, there is no such a thing as axiom of axiom which is forever an axiom. ─── 因此,为了德里达,没有任何一件事作为哲理的哲理是一个永久哲理.

39、Were this to happen, then the assumption of their parallel axiom would be invalid . ─── 如果这一情况发生,他们的平行公理假设便会不正确。

40、An old accounting axiom says that everything will take twice as long and cost twice as much as you expect. ─── 一个老会计说每一件事情所需的时间和每一项开支所需的费用都比事先考虑的要多出两倍来。

41、independence of the axiom of propositional calculus ─── 命题演算公理的独立性

42、" Once you have basic needs met, the axiom is true: more money does not make more happiness. ─── 一旦基本需要得到满足,下面这条理论就是适用的:更多的钱并不能带来更多的快乐。

43、Since he recommended to his son that he take up the problem of the parallel axiom, he almost certainly retailed what he knew. ─── 因为他要他的儿子继续研究他所从事的平行公理的工作,所以几乎可以肯定他会把自己所知道的一切传给他的儿子的。

44、An ancient Thracian axiom states “you can exist without a toaster oven, but is it ain’t really living? ─── 古希腊国公理" ,你可以存在一个烤箱烤,但它并非真正的生活" ?

45、"People generally prefer doing business with friends, an axiom that applies just as well to asia as it does to this country." ─── 人们通常倾向于和朋友做生意,这个原则在美国适用,在亚洲也适用。

46、It seemed to Catherine that if she were his sister she would disprove this axiom ─── 凯瑟琳觉得如果她是他的姐姐,她就会反对这条通则。

47、"I have been nearly mad; and you know the axiom,--non bis in idem ─── “我是几乎发过疯,您知道有一句格言说‘一事不重现。’

48、Axiom 1: If a property is positive, then its negation is not positive. ─── 公理1:一个性质是肯定的当且仅当它的否定是否定的。

49、It is an economic axiom as old as the hills that goods and services can be paid for only with goods and services(Albert Jay Nock) ─── 只有用商品和服务才能换来商品和服务,这是和山一样古老的经济原理(艾伯特 杰 诺克)

50、His axiom presupposes that there is an arbitrarily large radius at our disposal ─── 他的公理就是先假定有如我们意愿的任意大半径。

51、New XML Object Model (AXIOM). ─── 新xml对象模型(AXIOM)。

52、The word "globalization," minted not much more than a decade ago, has become the inescapable and admittedly useful axiom of the international economy. ─── “全球化”这个词,十几年前就创造出来,已经成为国际经济的不可避免的和公认为有用的定理。

53、But what does it matter, the fact is that linguistics was born from this irrevocable redeployment, and it constitutes the fundamental axiom and rule for all those who continue Saussure’s work. ─── 但是它有什么关系,事实是语言学是在这不可取消的事物中衍生,而且它所组成的基本原理公理和规则都是继承沙士修尔的工作。

54、general terminological axiom ─── 一般术语公理

55、The freight car bogies with the axle load of 25 t developed in the British Axiom Rail Company in recent years are described. ─── 介绍了英国Axiom Rail公司近几年推出的25t轴重货车转向架。

56、Axiom Principle and Human Being Medical Revolution between Chinese and Western Medicine ─── 中西医之间的公理化原则和人类医学革命

57、The contests are popular affairs when the axiom “more is better” seems to be the order of the day. ─── 吃喝大赛在把“越多越好”这句格言作为风尚的地区大受欢迎。

58、People's attitude is suspicion of axiom of choice and axiom of parallelism. ─── 人们对平行公理和选择公理的态度都表现为:怀疑。

59、Some Results on Space with Axiom of Countatility and Axiom of Seperation ─── 可数性公理与分离性公理关系的几个结论

60、Several Equivalent Propositions with Respect to the Octahedral Axiom in a Triangulated Category ─── 三角范畴中八面体公理的几个等价命题

61、A New Axiom System Can Eliminate the Difficulty of the Theory of Relativity ─── 一种可以消除相对论困难的公理系统

62、This was not the axiom he wanted. ─── 他需要的可不是这种不言自明的道理。

63、1233 It is possible to imagine a world in which the axiom of reducibility is not valid. ─── 1233可能设想一个世界,其中可归约性公理是无效的。

64、A minor change in a single axiom produces a drastic change in the game. ─── 一项原理上的微小改变,会在游戏中引起剧烈的变化。

65、12. An axiom ofinsurance isindemnity.That sto say the insured cannotexpectto make a profitoutofthe insurance contract. ─── 保险的一条原则是赔偿。也就是说,被保险者不能期望从保险合同获利。

66、When a mathematical result requires the axiom of choice, this fact is often stated explicitly. ─── 在数学成果要求选择公理的时候,有时明显的这么声明。

67、Simultaneously, the minimization of the axiom group, which requests that each axiom is an equation and each is independent, is proved. ─── 同时还证明了公理组的极小性,即公理组中每条公理是粗糙不等式且各公理是相互独立的。

68、Other examples are the law of the excluded middle in logic and the axiom of choice in set theory. ─── 其他的例子包括逻辑的排中律,或是集合论的选择公设。

69、He was setting forth an important axiom. ─── 他是在阐明一个重要的原理。

70、Chronic hemarthrosis, such as hemphilia, inevitably causes joint damages , which has been accepted as an axiom. ─── 但对于单纯的、偶发的关节内出血会对软骨及滑膜产生什么样的影响,国内未见报道,国外这方面研究也较少。

71、Strong Completely Normal Separation Axiom in L-Topological Spaces ─── L-拓扑空间的强完全正规分离性

72、From their work emerged the axiom schema of replacement. ─── 从他们的工作促成了替代公理。

73、It is an axiom in the business world that a satisfied customer is the best advertisement. ─── 满意的顾客是最好的广告,这是商界的格言。

74、The Express of the Linear Axiom in Junior High School Mathematics Textbook Should Be Unified ─── 初中数学教材中关于线段公理的表述应该统一

75、When a mathematical result requires the axiom of choice, this fact is often stated explicitly. ─── 在数学成果要求选择公理的时候,有时明显的这么声明。

76、Multi-Agent System Model Based on Negotiation Axiom System of BDI ─── 基于BDI的协商公理体系多Agent系统模型

77、The hybrid entropies proposed by several other authors are analyzed and the axiom that a hybrid entropy should satisfy is given. ─── 分析讨论了其他作者提出的几种混合熵并给出混合熵应遵循的公理。

78、"Baiyangdian mats are best," is quite an axiom. ─── “好席子,白洋淀席

79、Ergo, our first axiom for evaluation: HONOR CARDS ARE WORTH MORE WHEN COMBINED THAN WHEN ISOLATED. ─── 于是,我们第一个估算原则是:大牌组合在一起时比分散时更有价值。

80、On the basis of broad surveys and studies and practical experiments,investigated results of training objectives,characteristics,axiom and knowledge structure of IE subject are presented in the paper. ─── 从工业工程师是什么样的人谈起,对IE特性,公理,意识和IE专业知识,能力结构及培养目标等问题发表了一些见解。

81、complete regularity separation axiom ─── 完全正则性分离公理

82、With the feeling that he was speaking to O'Brien, and also that he was setting forth an important axiom, he wrote: ─── 他觉出自己乃是说给奥勃良,也觉出自己阐明了一个重要的公理,便写道:

83、It also proves with tragic clarity the old axiom: you never know what you have until you lose it. ─── 它也悲惨的事实验证了一句谚语:直到你失去的时候,才能了解曾经拥有。

84、Information Axiom and its Application in Axiomatic Design ─── 公理化设计中信息公理及其应用研究

85、axiom based on utility difference ─── 以效用差为基础的公理

86、axiom for value wise independence ─── 值态独立公理

87、Analysis of Information Axiom and Complexity in Axiomatic Design ─── 公理设计中的信息公理和复杂性分析

88、This article introduces fuzzy information axiom (FLA) and presents a new evaluation approach based on FLA. ─── 在信息公理的基础上,引入了模糊信息公理的概念,提出了基于模糊信息公理的评价方法。

89、To characterize similar rough set theory, an axiom group named S, consisting of 3 axioms, is proposed. ─── 为刻画基于相似关系粗糙集理论,给出了公理组S,它含有3个公理。









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