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08-15 投稿


virulent 发音

英:[?v?r?l?nt]  美:[?v?r?l?nt]

英:  美:

virulent 中文意思翻译



virulent 词性/词形变化,virulent变形

副词: virulently |名词: virulence |

virulent 常用词组

virulent strain ─── 强毒株;毒性菌株,有毒菌株

virulent 短语词组

1、virulent vs contagious ─── 毒性与传染性

2、virulent strain ─── 有毒菌株

3、virulent bubo ─── 软下疳性腹股沟淋巴结炎

4、virulent bacteriophage ─── [医]烈性噬菌体

5、virulent define ─── 毒力定义

6、virulent bacteria ─── [医] 毒性菌

7、virulent mutant ─── 毒性突变体

8、virulent infection ─── [医]有毒害感染

9、virulent pronounce ─── 恶毒的发音

10、virulent virus ─── [医]裂性病毒,强毒病毒

11、virulent inflation ─── 恶性通货膨胀

12、virulent poison ─── [法] 致命的毒质

13、virulent mutation ─── 毒力突变

14、virulent defined ─── 毒性定义

15、virulent biovar ─── 剧毒的生物病毒

16、virulent phage ─── 烈性噬菌体

virulent 同义词

venomous | active | fierce | sulphurous | acrid | sulfurous | acerbic | powerful | dangerous | contagious | potent | infectious | acerb | lethal | acid | vituperative | vitriolic | acidulous | bitter | cutting | harsh | malicious | deadly | poisonous | hostile | strong | spiteful | blistering |caustic

virulent 反义词


virulent 相似词语短语

1、virement ─── n.转帐;票据交换

2、purulent ─── adj.脓的;化脓的

3、virent ─── 绿色的;变草绿色的

4、virulence ─── n.毒力;毒性;恶意(等于virulency)

5、avirulent ─── adj.无毒性的,无致病力的

6、vinolent ─── 乙烯酯

7、virulently ─── adv.恶毒地

8、violent ─── adj.暴力的;猛烈的

9、virulency ─── n.痛恨;恶意

virulent 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The more virulent bacteria causing the acute bacterial form of infective endocarditis can lead to serious destruction, as shown here in the aortic valve. ─── 如图所示,大多数的有毒的细菌导致的是急性细菌性心内膜炎而引起主动脉瓣较为严重的病变。

2、Pustulant tumors that become infested with maggots deform their faces, forcing teeth from their jaws.The devils eventually starve, but not before passing on the virulent cancer. ─── 在脓胞肿瘤出现大量的蛆寄生后,袋獾的面部会严重畸形,使下颚的牙齿突出、无法咬合,染病的袋獾会先把致命肿瘤传染给其他个体,最后才挨饿而死。

3、They are a virulent poison, giving the numbing illusion of moral sanction to every depravity ever hatched. ─── 它们是剧毒的毒药,使得道德约束力对于每一种,哪怕尚 未成形的恶习都形同虚设。

4、But she would like to start a conversation about why the United States seems particularly vulnerable to such a virulent strain of anti-intellectualism. ─── 但她想要展开一段对话,讨论美国为何似乎特别容易感染反智传统的有毒菌株。

5、Both these are virulent phages, meaning that whenever a phage particle attacks a bacterial cell that cell is inevitably killed. ─── 它们都是烈性噬菌体,也就是说这种病毒颗粒一旦侵袭细胞,细胞就必然死亡。

6、as if that quality of her father which had thwarted her woman's life so many times had been too virulent and too furious to die. ─── 她父亲的性格三番五次地使她那作为女性的一生平添波折,而这种性格仿佛大恶毒,太狂暴,还不肯消失似的。

7、They worked in the virulent sun. ─── 他们在烈日下劳作。

8、Group 3 is the most virulent one and may infect all ofdifferential hosts,including high resistant cultivars as Youbian 30 andKexi 8.391 SMV isolates were collected from Liaoning,Jiling and Heilong-jiang provinces of Northeast China. ─── 3号株系群则对7个鉴别品种包括高抗品种诱变30及科系8号均能发病。

9、We hope that it will not mutate into a more virulent virus. ─── 我们希望不会有异变而成为新的致命病毒。

10、not virulent; unable to produce disease. ─── 不能致病的;不能引起疾病的。

11、Virus writers have adapted to new technology as it has emerged and the most virulent programs use the net to find new victims and cause havoc. ─── 只要新技术一出现,病毒编写者们就可以编写出适应新技术的计算机病毒,而且最恶毒的程序通过网络来寻找新的牺牲品,肆意搞破坏。

12、Under the same condition, the order of virulent germs is“ bark-rot” germ,“ blister” germ and“ big spot” germ respectively. ─── 在同一条件下,3种病原菌的致病强弱依次为杨树烂皮型溃疡病病原菌、树水泡型溃疡病病原菌、树大斑型溃疡病病原菌。

13、But some symptoms are serious, and brings the burden to the heart cold to be very possible is the virulent myocarditis's preliminary symptom. ─── 但一些症状严重且给心脏带来负担的感冒很可能就是病毒性心肌炎的前期症状。

14、Health experts are worried that a new, more virulent strain may be to blame. ─── 卫生专家考虑这归咎于一种毒力更强的新菌种。

15、According to WHO experts, there are currently no signs that the H1N1 virus has mutated to a more virulent or lethal form. ─── WHO的专家指出,当前没有迹象表明H1N1病毒已经变异成毒性更强更致命的形式。

16、As descendants of intermarriages between European settlers and Indian people in the 1870s, the Metis Nation of Manitoba, Canada, has faced virulent discrimination from both whites and Indians. ─── 为子孙通婚欧洲定居者和印第安人的1870,混血民族马尼托巴,加拿大面对恶毒的歧视,无论是白人和印度人.

17、It had not been emitted directly by fuel rods, which would be far more virulent, they said. ─── 它没有被排出的燃料棒,这将是更致命的直接,他们说。

18、virulent nationalism/hatred/criticism ─── 不共戴天的民族主义/仇恨;恶意的批评

19、They are furious that protests in other countries are marring the occasion and have flooded their Internet bulletin boards with virulent antiforeign sentiment. ─── 其它国家发生的抗议行为对奥运会造成了损害,对此中国人感到十分愤怒,排外的过激言论充斥了网上论坛。

20、Widely used in the industries of petroleum and chemicals etc.,with all flow components made of nonmetal materials to make it an optimal choice to handle strong acidic,alaline,oxidable,inflammable,explosive,virulent and precious liquids. ─── 广泛应用于石油、化工等行业,所有过流部件都是由非金属材料制造是输送强酸、强碱、强氧化性、易燃、易爆、剧毒、贵重液体的最理想泵。

21、The results of biological characterizations demonstrated that 13 isolates of virus are high virulent Newcastle disease viruses. ─── 13株病毒的生物学特性测定实验结果证明该13株病毒均为新城疫病毒强毒株。

22、Some virulent strains of PVX cause rugosity go the leaves even crinkling, called PVX crinkle. ─── PVX的有些强毒株系引起叶子的粗缩甚至皱缩,叫做PVX皱缩。

23、Chickens were challenged with 30 LD50 NDV virulent strains at 35 day-old. ─── 35d龄则用30LD50的NDV强毒进行攻毒保护试验。

24、This year's variety has been particularly virulent: the emotional stuff offends not so much for its mushiness but for its rank insincerity. ─── 今年流行的废话就特别恶毒:光是煽情也就罢了,不会让人过分反感,问题是它虚假得厉害!

25、The most virulent opposition to reform came from Republican House members who were obsessed with cracking down on illegals and building a 700-mile (1,125km) fence along the border with Mexico. ─── 反对改革最强烈的呼声来自于众议院的共和党人,他们在打击非法移民及在美国沿墨西哥边境修筑一道700英里(1125公里)防护栏始问题上终持强硬态度。

26、Manage not to be pooh-poohed to dangerous article, like the knife, cut, virulent medicaments by person filch, yi Kefa gives birth to accident. ─── 对危险物品管理不善,如刀、剪、剧毒药物被人窃取,亦可发生意外事件。

27、I do not know. But I do know that, if the virus mutates to a more virulent form, the immunisation may in any case not work. ─── 我不知道流感的第二波会不会更加凶猛,但是我知道如果病毒发生了变种,导致病毒毒性增强的话,那么现在这个疫苗也许是怎么也不管用了。

28、Although S.sobrinus was less frequently detected in human oral cavities than S.mutans, it has been described as more virulent than S.mutans due to its high acidogenicity and acid tolerance. ─── 与变异链球菌相比较,表兄链球菌的产酸性和耐酸性更强,与高度龋活性的关系更为密切,日益引起学者们的重视。

29、The aether of glycol kind also be a kind of virulent dissolvent, by strict taboo. ─── 乙二醇的醚类也是一类剧毒的溶剂,被严格禁止使用。

30、The virulent nationalism and brutality of the First World War served to confirm Einstein's pacifist and internationalist convictions. ─── 德国的那种极端的民族主义和残酷的第一次世界大战坚定了爱因斯坦要成为一个和平主义者和国际主义者的坚强信念。

31、It is also more virulent because the inoculum required for Septicum to cause an infection is ~300 times lower in mice compared with Perfringens. ─── 小鼠实验证实梭状芽孢杆菌比产气荚膜杆菌的毒性更强,因为前者造成感染的接种量仅为后者的约1/300。

32、The second wave of swine flu may be worse.I do not know.But I do know that, if the virus mutates to a more virulent form, the immunisation may in any case not work.We are in the run-up to an election. ─── 我不知道流感的第二波会不会更加凶猛,但是我知道如果病毒发生了变种,导致病毒毒性增强的话,那么现在这个疫苗也许是怎么也不管用了。

33、If economies stall and unemployment starts rising across the world, irritation with its perceived failings as a trading partner could easily escalate into virulent anger. ─── 如果全球经济停滞、失业率上升,对这位贸易伙伴的所谓“过错”的恼怒,很可能会升级为满腔怒火。

34、Virulent position from anti-US Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr and from other Shiite leaders close to Iran had threaten to derail the new pact. ─── 充满仇恨的反美叶什派教徒和其他亲近伊朗的大叶什派领导人发出威胁要使新协议难产。撒东说道美国离开了伊拉克但是没有离开任何一个基地。

35、Long-period Virulent Test of Curcumin ─── 姜黄素长期毒性试验

36、Animal experiment showed that it was virulent to mice. ─── 动物试验结果表明,该菌对小白鼠有致病力。

37、The strain is so virulent that it can resist at least half of the six main second-generation tuberculosis drugs, leaving patients "virtually untreatable," the WHO warns. ─── 世界卫生组织警告,这类变种非常棘手,因为它可以抵抗六种主要第二代结核病药物中的至少一半,它对患者而言几近“实质上不可治疗”。

38、Now he faces virulent attacks from the Italian media. ─── 现在他面临着意大利媒体的恶毒攻击。

39、I stood up for her despite the virulent criticism. ─── 尽管她遭到恶毒的批评,我还是维护她。

40、It woke in some men a virulent hatred of a black skin. ─── 在某些人身上这类事会引起他们对黑皮肤的人的刻骨仇恨。

41、By the end of 1990, the total area of fenced grassland had reached 183,000 hectares, while 161,000 hectares were under irrigation. Rats, pests and virulent plants have been kept under control over 1.187 million hectares of grassland. ─── 到1990年底,全区草场围栏面积达18.3万公顷,草场灌溉面积16.1万公顷,灭鼠、灭虫、灭毒草面积118.7万公顷。

42、His virulent opposition to Zionism reassured the radicals. ─── 他以恶毒的语言反对犹太复国主义,这使激进分子放心。

43、Some bacterial cells can swim, morph into new forms and even become dangerously virulent - all without initial involvement of DNA. ─── 一些细菌细胞能够游动、变形,甚至变得剧毒。这一切都与DNA无关。

44、What struck me most was the script. It was appalling , and I also thought the acting was virulent. ─── 我感触最深的是剧本。它使人感到震惊,我也觉得表演技巧是十分出色的。

45、The feminine considered not as a sex, but as the form transversal to every sex, as well as to every power, as the secret, virulent form of in-sexuality. ─── 女性作为性没考虑,但是作为到性横过的形式,象每到权力一样,当秘密,在里面性被恶毒只是一种形式。

46、In Belgium and the Netherlands, a virulent new strain of avian flu was wiping out entire chicken farms. ─── 在比利时和荷兰,一种新的恶性的禽流感病毒株系席卷了所有的养鸡场。

47、Twenty-six strains of virulent Escherichia coli were isolated during epidemiological survey of colibacillosis in ducks in Zhejiang and the characteristics of the disease were studied. ─── 对浙江等地鸭大肠杆菌病流行病学进行调查,并研究其发病特点。

48、I was a precocious actress in her eyes; she sincerely looked on me as a compound of virulent passions, mean spirit, and dangerous duplicity . ─── 在她眼里我是个早熟的演员,她打心底里认为,我是个本性恶毒、魂卑劣、人阴险的货色。

49、Poinsettia, entire individual plant has virulent, juice of bine, leaf can stimulate the skin, eat the risk that has toxic death by accident. ─── 一品红,整株有剧毒,茎、叶汁液会刺激皮肤,误食有中毒死亡之危险。

50、Wilson's difficulties at Paris were compounded by virulent opposition to his peace program in United States. ─── 威尔逊在巴黎遇到的困难,由于国内恶性反对他的和平纲领,变得复杂起来。

51、The artificial infection experiment showed that 80 percent of strains (8/10) were highly virulent and the disease was easily reproduced by subcutaneous, intramuscular or webfoot injection. ─── 人工感染试验表明,80%(8/10)菌株毒力强,皮下、肌肉、足蹼3种途径均易复制该病;

52、a particularly virulent form of racism ─── 不共戴天的种族主义表现.

53、To make(bacteria or viruses) less virulent. ─── 使病毒减弱减弱(细菌或真菌)的毒性

54、Regarded simply as an attack on the Government, his speech was virulent to a degree. He laid about him right and left; there was hardly a single member of the Gabinet who didn't receive one or two shrewd blows. ─── 他的讲话十分刻毒,人们认为这简直是在攻击政府。他多方攻击,几乎没有一个内阁成员免遭到他的严词抨击。

55、Applies virulent or when the radiochemistry goods pays attention protects oneself . ─── 应用有毒或放射性化学物品时注意保护自己。

56、He has also attracted unfavourable attention for his virulent attacks on Israel, especially during its war in Gaza, and for his budding friendships with Iran and Sudan. ─── 他对以色列恶毒的攻击也引发了反对的声音,特别是以色列在加沙交战的时候,还有他与伊朗和苏丹开始发展友好关系。

57、virulent criticism.See Synonyms at poisonous ─── 恶毒的批评参见

58、Total 12 birds from of 5 flocks were positive of virulent MDV, 29.41% of the flocks and 24% of the birds in the positive flocks were positive. ─── 另对17群未进行MD免疫的肉鸡进行随机抽样检测,其中5个鸡群检测出马立克氏病病毒强毒,阳性率为29.41%(5/17),阳性群的平均检出率为24%。

59、A very virulent form of the disease appeared in Belgium. ─── 该疾病的一种极其致命形式在比利时出现。

60、A virulent new strain of salmonella, DT104, has been created in part through the food industry's feeding antibiotics to chickens and livestock. ─── 一个沙门氏菌,DT104的恶性的新负担,已经被部分透过食品工业喂抗菌素给鸡和家畜建立。

61、But, because phosgene is virulent, strong caustic chemical, make MDI development got restrict, but very great progress already was obtained since abroad is not phosgene law craft 25 years. ─── 但是,由于光气是剧毒、强腐蚀性的化学品,使MDI发展受到了限制,但国外非光气法工艺25年以来已取得了很大进展。

62、FS-15A also undergone about 20kb deletion in large plasmid, no invasive gene deletion was found in FS-15A and Fs-15V. Ipa ABCD was expressed on the surfaces of FS-15A and FS-15V. FS-15A was avirulent, while FS-15V was virulent. ─── FS-15A与FS-15V侵袭基因完整,但Tn5插入位点的不同可能是它们毒力表型不同的原因。

63、Thus, by adding high antigenic virulent factors to the inactivated Av. paragallinarum vaccines would improve the efficiency of the vaccines now used. ─── 以高抗原性的毒力因子或再将其添加于非活化疫苗中,可提高疫苗的免疫效果。

64、The white plastic bag has the flavor which irritates the nose, installs the apple with this kind of bag, the pear, the pork can be virulent? ─── 您的位置:我也知道>生活>生活常识>白色的塑料袋有一股刺鼻的味道,用这种袋子装苹果,梨,猪肉会不会有毒?

65、They are furious that protests in other countries are marring the occasion and have flooded their Internet bulletin boards with virulent anti foreign sentiment. ─── 他们对在其他国家的示威行动坏其好事而愤怒, 在网路论坛上如潮的贴满了敌意的反外情绪。

66、Virulent TB in South Africa May Imperil Millions ─── 南非致命结核病可能会危及数百万人

67、The isolates virulent H4,H2,Y3 were positive by the use of IBD strips or AGP. ─── 分离强毒H4、H2、Y3试纸及琼扩对照均为阳性。 法氏囊样品测定结果显示.

68、In late March, a cluster of SARS cases broke out among residents living in apartments7 and8 in Block E of Amoy Gardens, the first time the epidemic struck in the community, and the world's most virulent outbreak to date. ─── 三月底,(港)大花园的7号,8号公寓里的居民中爆发了一连串SARS病例,这是这个传染病第一次在这个社区爆发,也是至今为止世界上最恶性一次爆发。

69、The isolate V20 was more virulent on third instar of Bemisia tabaci when compared to other isolates. ─── V20菌株比其他菌株对三龄若虫的致病力高。

70、It perplexed her mother and caused her teacher to think I was a militarist at a time when virulent antimilitarism was de rigueur. ─── 这使她妈妈不解,她的老师也以为我是个军国主义者,因为当时正流行着反军国主义的激进思潮。

71、Still, this particularly virulent and infectious strain of the flu virus is thought to have killed as many as 40 million people around the world between 1918 and 1919. ─── 即便如此,这株毒性特强、传染性甚高的流感病毒于1918~1919年肆虐全球,据信造成4000万人死亡。

72、Group of groups of two people attracted numerous person to join, support and antagonistic person colors are vivid, virulent ultra one's words is not scarce also. ─── 两人的群组都吸引了为数众多的人加入,支持与反对的人旗帜鲜明,充满敌意的过激言辞也不少见。

73、Regions of the universe with large positive vacuum energy experience expansions so virulent that a supernova explosion would seem peaceful in comparison. ─── 具有大的正真空能量的宇宙区域,所经历的激烈膨胀,使超新星爆发在相较之下显得相当温和。

74、So their guildmaster, the elvish shaman Savra, doesn't mind letting loose virulent plagues. ─── 公会头领、地精撒满莎弗拉严格按照这种哲学行事, 比如随意散布致命的瘟疫。

75、Like any virulent conspiracy theory, that of Obama's birth has proved immune to the intervention of fact. ─── 如同任何恶毒的阴谋论,奥巴马的出生已证明是不争的事实。

76、A cure for MRSA appears to be within grasp after scientists claimed to have developed a drug that destroys the most virulent strains of the deadly superbug. ─── 一种新的对付MRSA(一种对抗生素有极强抗药性的金黄葡萄状球菌,是医院内主要的感染源)的方法即将成功。科学家宣称已经研发了一种新的药物可以摧毁这种致命的超级细菌。

77、Then the doctor discovered that he was suffering from a virulent form of typhoid, the ravages of which took away his senses for a time and left him very weak. ─── 后来医生发见他害的是恶性伤寒症,厉害的时侯曾经使他暂时失去知觉,弄得他非常虚弱。

78、Use of stronger live IBD vaccines are probably justified for this highly virulent form. ─── 使用毒力强些的IBD活苗也许可以应对这种高致病型的IBD。

79、However, between two isolated strong virulent strains, there was a low homogeneity of 88.2% in nucleotide, and there was a high homogeneity of 93.9% in amino acid residue. ─── 两分离株核苷酸序列同源性较低,为88.2%,但氨基酸序列同源性较高,为93.9%。

80、A very virulent HK46 strain of infectious bursal disease virus(IBDV)was isolated from chicken bursa and the genomic RNA for virus was extracted. ─── 从法氏囊组织分离IBDV超强毒株HK46并提取基因组RNA。

81、Use virulent chemical potassium cyanide, he is set left acridity pit, coax son and wife early or late take poison. ─── 利用剧毒的化学品氰化钾,他设下了狠毒的陷阱,诱骗儿子和妻子先后服毒。

82、On infecting a host cell, bacteriophages known as lytic or virulent phages release replicated viral particles by lysing (bursting) the host cell. ─── 在噬菌体侵染宿主细胞时,这种裂解型噬体或毒性噬体会藉由裂解(迸裂)宿主细胞而释放出复制的滤过性病毒粒子。

83、a noxious disease; a virulent disease ─── 恶疾

84、Now experts fear a virulent fungus could decimate the few thousand frogs they estimate survive. ─── 如今,专家们担心有一种恶性真菌可能会毁灭被他们认为存活的几千只山鸡蛙。

85、Regarded simply as an attack on the Government, his speech was virulent to a degree. ─── 他的讲话十分刻毒,人们认为这简直是在攻击政府。

86、make a virulent attack on the press ─── 恶意抨击新闻界

87、media has waged a virulent hate campaign against her. ─── 媒体向她发起了恶毒的诋毁运动。

88、She is very virulent about her former employer. ─── 她对她过去的老板恨之入骨。

89、Like their walker cousins, the spore bats draw ingredients from the environment and combine them to form virulent toxins used in subduing the spore bats' prey. ─── 和孢子行者同类一样,孢子蝙蝠从环境取得原料并结合它们成为致命的剧毒来制服孢子蝙蝠的猎物。

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