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08-15 投稿


tuft 发音

英:[t?ft]  美:[t?ft]

英:  美:

tuft 中文意思翻译





tuft 网络释义

n. 一簇;丛生植物;一丛vt. 用丛毛装饰vi. 丛生n. (Tuft)人名;(英)塔夫特

tuft 短语词组

1、scent tuft ─── [医]臭毛丛

2、tuft observation ─── 簇状观察

3、tuft cell ─── [医]丛细胞

4、tuft lach ─── 强颜欢笑

5、tuft and needle mattress review ─── 毛绒针床垫回顾

6、sulphur tuft ─── 硫簇

7、apical tuft ─── 顶端丛

8、tuft-hunter n. ─── 逢迎权贵的人, 势利小人

9、tuft diagram ─── 簇状图

10、tuft definition ─── 严格的定义

11、tuft fracture ─── [医] 指(趾)端粉碎骨折

12、tuft of hair ─── 毛发

13、terminal tuft ─── 顶纤毛

14、renal tuft ─── 肾丛

15、tuft and needle ─── 簇和针

16、enamel tuft ─── 釉丛

17、basal tuft ─── 基簇

18、Malpighian tuft ─── [医] 肾小球

19、tuft grid method ─── 簇状网格法

tuft 词性/词形变化,tuft变形

动词过去式: tufted |动词现在分词: tufting |动词第三人称单数: tufts |形容词: tufty |动词过去分词: tufted |名词: tufter |

tuft 相似词语短语

1、scuft ─── 浮渣

2、toft ─── n.宅地;小丘;n.(Toft)人名;(英、瑞典)托夫特

3、tufts ─── n.塔夫茨大学(美国马萨诸塞州的一所大学)

4、tufa ─── n.[地质]石灰华;凝灰岩;泉华;n.(Tufa)人名;(埃塞)图法

5、Cruft ─── 令人讨厌的东西,不整齐的部分

6、yuft ─── 尤夫特

7、tufty ─── adj.分成束(或簇)的;(每隔一定距离)用线束钉住的;n.(Tufty)(美、加)塔夫蒂(人名)

8、tuff ─── n.凝灰岩;n.(Tuff)(美)塔夫(人名)

9、tut ─── n.啧啧声;vi.发啧啧声;int.啧(表示不耐烦或指责);n.(Tut)人名;(土库、阿塞、哈萨、乌兹、塔吉、吉尔、阿拉伯)图特;(中)夺(广东话·威妥玛)

tuft 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、It is concluded that the tuft should be opened step by step. ─── 开毛辊速度越大,纤维受力越大,开毛辊与喂入罗拉之间的隔距越大,纤维受力越小。

2、Likewise, a plumulaceous tuft of barbs evolved before the pennaceous feather with a rachis because the rachis is formed by the fusion of barb ridges. ─── 同样的,绒羽的羽枝簇比拥有羽轴的正羽更早演化出来,因为羽轴是由羽枝脊接合而成。

3、crest: a usually ornamental tuft, ridge, or similar projection on the head of a Bird or other animal. ─── 鸟或其它动物头上通常作装饰用的冠毛、脊状突起或类似突起物。

4、A projecting tuft of hair on the head that grows in a different direction from the rest of the hair and will not lie flat. ─── 反毛头上翘着的一绺头发,与其他头发的方向不一致且不易压平。

5、tuft fracture ─── [医] 指(趾)端粉碎骨折

6、The sacred thread and the tuft of hair were consigned to the fire, completing his severance from caste, sex, and society. ─── 婆罗门圣线和杂乱丛生的头发都要交付给火焰,完全地弃绝了种姓,性别和社会。

7、It's common in some Buddhist cultures to shave children's heads, often leaving a small unshaved tuft above the forehead. ─── 在某些佛教文化中,儿童剃光头非常普遍,常常只留下前额的一小撮刘海。

8、a tuft of black hair ─── 一撮黑毛

9、having or resembling a tuft or brush of fine hairs,as those on caterpillars and certain grasses ─── 如毛虫和某些草上具有的或类似的细毛簇或毛刷的

10、Any of several long-tailed monkeys of the genus Cebus,native to Central and South America and often having a hoodlike tuft of hair on the head. ─── 僧帽猴,一种悬猴属长尾猴,原产于中美洲和南美洲,头上有类似风帽的一簇毛发。

11、a tuft or ball of wool,feathers,or other material used as a decoration,especially on shoes,caps,and curtains ─── 一簇或一团毛、羽毛或其它材料,尤用于鞋、帽和窗帘等的装饰物

12、A feathery tuft or fringe of hair, as on the legs or tail of some dogs. ─── 丛毛软软的一束垂毛,如在某些狗的腿部或尾部

13、The Lenten rose is not really a rose at all, but it's flower shape reminds us of a single petaled rose with a tuft of dense short stamens in the center. ─── 四旬期玫瑰不是真正的玫瑰,但是花的形状让我们认为这是一个有花瓣的玫瑰,短雄蕊在中心处形成一小撮。

14、he was alone when we met him; she is alone much of the time; the lone skier on the mountain; a lonely fisherman stood on a tuft of gravel; a lonely soul; a solitary traveler. ─── 我们碰到他时他独自一人;她有很多独处的时间;山上孤独的滑雪人;一个孤单的渔夫站在碎石丛中;孤独的灵魂;孤独的旅者。

15、This chakra is located at the back of the head, at the point where Hindu Brahmins keep a tuft hair or shikha. ─── 宾度位于头的后端,在这个点上,古代印度留着一小撮头发。

16、micro tuft opener ─── 小棉块开棉机

17、a tuft of (hair, feathers, grass, etc.); a skein of (yarn, thread, etc.); a hank of (wool, silk, etc.); a bob of (silk, hair, etc.) ─── 一束

18、From amid a tuft of cotton grass which bore it up out of the slime some dark thing was projecting. ─── 在我们走着的时候,那些泥一直死死地拖住我们的脚跟。

19、A small wisp or tuft, as of wool or cotton. ─── 一束或一簇,如羊毛或棉花

20、tuft observation ─── 丝丛法观察

21、The main X-ray appearance of earlier period breast cancer are Simple Tuft and Calcification、tuberculum minus、region dysplasia and little patching pykno- shadow. ─── 早期乳腺癌主要X线表现为单纯簇状细微钙化、小结节、局部结构不良和小斑片状致密影。

22、an eastern Asian tropical shrub(Cordyline terminalis) having a terminal tuft of long narrow leaves and panicles of white,yellowish,or reddish flowers ─── 亚洲东部的一种热带灌木(朱蕉朱蕉属),生有成簇细长的顶生叶和白色、黄色或红色的圆锥花序

23、large beautiful Mediterranean species having sterile bluish-violet flowers with fringed corollas forming a tuft above the fertile flowers. ─── 一种大的、非常漂亮的地中海地区的品种,具有不育花,呈浅蓝色,具穗的花冠,生在分支的茎上,成松散的簇状。

24、Many people mistake it for a hummingbird because of the way it moves and the small tuft of hair on its backend, making it look like feathers. ─── 因为它的飞行方式和蜂鸟很像,还有背部尾端的小毛丛看起来也很像是羽毛,很多人都把它当成是蜂鸟。

25、Ningbo Yinzhou Yingxin Tuft Embroidery Machine Co., Ltd. ─── 宁波市鄞州盈鑫刺绣机有限公司。

26、A tuft of grass atop the wall sways right and left in the wind. ─── 墙上一棵草,风吹两边倒。

27、1.lush growth; dense growth; 2.tufted3.to grow in tuft; to grow in clumps ─── 丛生

28、A goat has a tuft of hwaterdrop on its chin. ─── 山羊的下巴上长有一撮胡须。

29、He was just picking up the telephone, when the door opened and a squarish face with a tuft of beard on its chin peered round the door as if wondering whether to come in or wait outside. ─── 刚刚把电话筒拿到手里,书房的门开了,颔下有一撮小胡子的长方脸儿在门缝中探一下,似乎请示进止。

30、This stage produced a tuft of barbs fused to the hollow cylinder, or calamus. ─── 在这一阶段,有一簇羽枝会与中空圆柱融合在一起,形成翮(即羽根)。

31、Any of various slender,long-tailed Asian monkeys of the genus Presbytis and related genera that eat leaves,fruits,and seeds and have a chin tuft and bushy eyebrows. ─── 叶猴,叶猴属中的一种尾巴细长的亚洲猴,和食树叶和种子并有下颚胡须和浓密眉毛的猴类有亲源关系。

32、Increased kidney weight, ratio of kidney weight to body weight, AER and expansion of mesangial as well as tuft areas on histological examination of the kidney were significantly attenuated by the treatment of enalapril (P

33、One side of the head seems to be shaved, while the other side remains a long plaited tuft. ─── 住在不同的城市又没什么言语的交流,当然也就不存在冲突和矛盾。

34、rabbit on a tuft of grass. ─── 我们看见在一簇草中有一只兔子。

35、A tuft of grass atop the wall sways right and left in the wind. ─── 墙上一棵草, 风吹两边倒。

36、A tuft of grass atop the wall sways right and left in the wind ─── 墙上一棵草,风吹两边倒。

37、Any of various slender, long-tailed Asian monkeys of the genus Presbytis and related genera that eat leaves, fruits, and seeds and have a chin tuft and bushy eyebrows. ─── 叶猴叶猴属中的一种尾巴细长的亚洲猴,和食树叶和种子并有下颚胡须和浓密眉毛的猴类有亲源关系

38、She sat down on a tuft of grass. ─── 她坐在一小块草地上。

39、The position of the raised tuft is altered slighhtly by the brushing, but is has not become detached. ─── 因为他的清除,这丛草的位置多少有了改变,但没有与地面分离。

40、Tepals 6, free, often colored, outer and inner ones different in shape, apex usually with a minute tuft of white hairs. ─── 花被片6,离生,经常染色,外部和不同的内部的在外形上,先端通常微小束白色毛。

41、She combed a tuft of her hair up with her hand, which hooded her eye. ─── 她用手把遮住她眼睛的一束头发理了理。

42、porcupine with a tuft of large beaded bristles on the tail. ─── 尾巴上有一丛大的珠状刚毛的豪猪。

43、The gray-brown tuft of a tail has the screwed-tight appearance of a taut knot. ─── 绛灰色的尾毛形若一个拧紧的死结。

44、He may pitch on some tuft of lilacs over a river. ─── 他可以到小河边去采摘一簇丁香花。

45、He read without a variation in expression, without his skin changing color, without an alteration in his breathing, his cockatoo's tuft of hair unmoved by the rhythm of his thoughts. ─── 他读的时候气定神闲,面不改色,头上那簇“鹦鹉发冠”也不见随着思绪的节奏起伏。

46、All that was left was a tiny tuft of feathers on the top of her head. ─── 仅剩下极小的一绺羽毛长在头顶。

47、Ovary obliquely ovoid, stigma sessile, penicillate, with tuft of long hairs; ─── 子房斜卵球形,无柄的柱头,具毛撮,具束长毛;

48、silk tuft ─── 丝束[栓塞治疗用]

49、tuft of small stiff feathers on the first digit of a bird's wing. ─── 一丛小而硬的羽毛,长在鸟翼的第一个骨节处。

50、Under a tuft of jet-black hair over his forehead they could see a curiously shaped cut, like a bolt of lightning. ─── 他们在孩子前额那丛乌黑的头发下面,看到了一处形状诡异的伤口,看上去,就像一道闪电。

51、a tuft of feathers ─── 一簇羽毛

52、It tiptoes through the treetops, rouging a few leaves, then rides a tuft of thistledown across the valleyaway. ─── 它蹑手蹑脚地跨过树梢,掠过些许叶子,又轻踏一簇毛蓟绕过山谷而去。

53、he was alone when we met him; she is alone much of the time; the lone skier on the mountain; a lonely fisherman stood on a tuft of gravel; a lonely soul; a solitary traveler ─── 我们碰到他时他独自一人;她有很多独处的时间;山上孤独的滑雪人;一个孤单的渔夫站在碎石丛中;孤独的灵魂;孤独的旅者

54、He had a small tuft of hair on his chin. ─── 他下巴上有一小撮胡须。

55、A crown is the tuft of leaves at the top of the pineapple, you dork. ─── “王冠就是菠萝顶部的一簇叶子,小傻子。”

56、a tuft of; a tuffet of; a bunch of ─── 一簇

57、Craft divide into tuft split and live tuft not to split two kinds. ─── 工艺上分为死绺裂和活绺裂两类。

58、Characteristics: Terrestrial ferns; stipes tuft, backlish at base; young fronds pinnaye with wider pinnae, when getting older, the fronds become bipinnate or tripinnatifid with slender pinnules. ─── 形态:地生,叶柄丛生,基部黑色;较年轻的叶子一回羽状复叶,较老的叶子二回或三回羽状复叶。

59、It tiptoes through the treetops rouging a few leaves then rides a tuft of thistledown across the valley and away. ─── 它蹑手蹑脚地擦过树稍冬抹红几片树叶,又轻踏一簇蓟花冠毛,越过山谷飘然而往。

60、It tiptoes through the treetops, rouging a few leaves, then rides a tuft of thistledown across the valley and away. ─── 它踮起脚尖从树梢上轻轻走过,搽红了几片叶子,而后乘着一簇蓟种子冠毛轻盈地飞过山谷,翩然而去。

61、Standard Test Method for Tuft Height of Pile Floor Coverings ─── 堆垛地面覆盖材料的线束高度的标准试验方法

62、Any of several North American poplar trees, especially Populus deltoides, which has triangular leaves and a tuft of cottony hairs on the seeds. ─── 三角叶杨,棉白杨北美洲的一种杨树,尤指普通白杨有三角形叶片、种子上有束棉絮状绒毛

63、To perform the investigation, pilling test is used to simulate the process of tuft fibers dissociating from the body of press felt when used in paper machine. ─── 因此,在结合其他产品类似性能的测试方法后,提出了本课题的试验手段一起毛试验,以模拟压毯纤维从压毯结构中游离出来的情况,并初步确定了试验仪器一起毛起球仪。

64、A glomerulus is a capillary tuft surrounded by Bowman's capsule in nephrons of the vertebrate kidney. ─── 什麽是'急性肾炎综合徵-急性炎症的内部肾脏结构'?

65、A tuft of grass atop the wall sways right and left in the wind (a saying). ─── 墙上一棵草,风吹两边倒。

66、Publishes poem @The Tuft of Flowers@ in the Derry Enterprise. ─── 在达里公司发表诗歌《花团锦簇》。

67、tuft cell ─── 丛细胞

68、large sweet fleshy tropical fruit with a terminal tuft of stiff leaves; widely cultivated ─── 大的、肉质甜美的热带水果,末端有一丛硬叶;人工栽培比较普遍

69、He plucked at Winston's head and brought away a tuft of hair. ─── 他一揪温斯顿的头发,就掉下一把来。

70、The moment Tseng Tsang-hai saw that the man had a little tuft of beard under his chin, he recognized him as Fei Hsiao-sheng, better known as Fei Little Beard, Wu Sunfu's agent in the town. ─── 曾沧海在苍茫的暮色中一见那人颔下有一撮小胡子,便知道是吴府总管费小胡子费晓生。

71、a tuft of grass ─── 一丛草

72、The cat's grass tuft has grown unchecked. Though only a foot across, its stalks rise two metres. Seed wisps glint silvery green in the sun. ─── 猫咪的草丛也不期而至,虽然也就一英尺宽,它的茎秆却可以长到两米,串串种子在阳光下闪着银绿色的光芒。

73、a lock (or tuft, wisp) of hair ─── 一绺头发

74、Standard Test Method for Tuft Element Length of Uncoated Pile Yarn Floor Coverings ─── 无覆盖的绒面地毯线束单元长度试验方法

75、A small, tight curl or tuft. ─── 小而紧的发卷或头发

76、A lonely fisherman stood on a tuft of gravel. ─── 一个孤单的渔夫站在碎石丛中。

77、It tiptoes through the treetops, roughing a few leaves, then rides a tuft of thistledown across the valley and away. ─── 它蹑手蹑脚地跨过树梢,掠过些许叶子,又轻踏一簇毛蓟绕过山谷而去。

78、cut off a tuft of hair ─── 剪下一撮子头发

79、any of several Australian evergreen perennials having short thick woody stems crowned by a tuft of grasslike foliage and yielding acaroid resins. ─── 几种澳大利亚多年生常青植物的任何一种,茎短,木质,树冠叶多似草,产生禾木树脂。

80、large beautiful Mediterranean species having sterile bluish-violet flowers with fringed corollas forming a tuft above the fertile flowers ─── 一种大的、非常漂亮的地中海地区的品种,具有不育花,呈浅蓝色,具穗的花冠,生在分支的茎上,成松散的簇状

81、It tiptoes through the treetops, rouging a few leaves, then rides a tuft of thistledown across the valley and away. ─── 它蹑手蹑脚地跨过树梢,在几片叶子上涂上胭脂,又轻踏一簇毛蓟绕过山谷而去。

82、A tuft of hair or feathers. ─── 丛簇一绺头发或一撮羽毛

83、Malpighian tuft ─── [医] 肾小球

84、I started to rub what i thought was his neck and playing with a random tuft of fur. ─── 我开始抚摸我认为是它的脖子的地方,也玩了玩一团不知是它身上哪里的毛。

85、The position of the raised tuft is altered slighhtly by the brushing, but is has not become detached.Is the player in breach of Rule 16-1a? ─── 当比赛进行时,每位选手皆负有使比赛公平公正之责任。

86、a tuft of beard ─── 一撮胡子

87、large sweet fleshy tropical fruit with a terminal tuft of stiff leaves; widely cultivated. ─── 大的、肉质甜美的热带水果,末端有一丛硬叶;人工栽培比较普遍。

88、Any of several long - tailed monkeys of the genus Cebus,native to Central and South America and often having a hoodlike tuft of hair on the head. ─── 僧帽猴一种悬猴属长尾猴,原产于中美洲和南美洲,头上有类似风帽的一簇毛发

89、any of several Australian evergreen perennials having short thick woody stems crowned by a tuft of grasslike foliage and yielding acaroid resins ─── 几种澳大利亚多年生常青植物的任何一种,茎短,木质,树冠叶多似草,产生禾木树脂

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