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08-15 投稿


sexes 发音

英:[?seks?z]  美:[?seks?z]

英:  美:

sexes 中文意思翻译




sexes 词性/词形变化,sexes变形

动词现在分词: sexing |动词过去分词: sexed |动词过去式: sexed |动词第三人称单数: sexes |

sexes 短语词组

1、both sexes ─── [统计]男女合计两性

2、equality between the sexes ─── 男女平等

3、two sexes ─── 两性

4、equal rights for both sexes ─── [法] 女男女平等权

sexes 常用词组

sex education ─── 性教育

have sex ─── 性交

opposite sex ─── 异性

sexes 相似词语短语

1、saxes ─── n.萨克斯管(等于saxophone);石板斧;n.(Sax)人名;(英、法、德、瑞典)萨克斯

2、exes ─── n.费用

3、dexes ─── abbr.电信电话公司电子交换器(DendenkoshaElectronicExchange)

4、senes ─── n.塞尼(西萨摩亚辅币单位);一塞尼或一分硬币

5、seres ─── n.(希腊)赛里斯(指中国人)

6、hexes ─── 六

7、sexers ─── 性别歧视者

8、sees ─── v.看见;理解;领会(see的第三人称单数形式);abbr.扩展企业应用套件(SageExtendedEnterpriseSuite)

9、kexes ─── 凯克斯

sexes 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He shows a precocious interest in the opposite sex. ─── 他年纪轻轻就表现出对异性的兴趣.

2、The woman wants sex: her husband does not. ─── 于是便发生这样的情况:妻子有性要求时丈夫却没有。

3、The breast is a secondary sex organ. ─── 乳腺是属于第二性征器官。

4、He has very forward ideas about sex education. ─── 他对于性教育有非常激进的看法。

5、Does laughter differ between the sexes? ─── 不同的性别有不同的笑吗?

6、They began dating, and after a year they had sex. ─── 他们开始约会,一年过后,他们彼此发生了关系。

7、After his heart attack, uncle was advised to refrain from sex for several weeks. ─── 心脏病发作过后,叔叔被建议几周内节制性生活。

8、There has always been some conflict between the sexes. ─── 两性之间从来就有矛盾。

9、Some people prefer not to use the feminine form 'actress' and use the word 'actor' for both sexes. ─── 有些人不喜欢使用actress这一阴性形式,而用actor一词代表两个性别。

10、A human being regardless of sex or age; a person. ─── 人类,人不论性别或年龄的人;人

11、He failed to add, however, that these preferences are often the result of biological differences between the sexes. ─── 然而他没有补充,这些生活方式的选择经常是两性间生物学特性差异的结果。

12、Darling: the popular form of address used in speaking to a person of the opposite sex whose name you cannot at the moment recall. ─── 亲爱的——是当你和一位异性讲话而霎时间想不起其姓名之时用的一般称谓方式。

13、Can rigidity sex rachitis treat Yo completely now? ─── 强直性脊柱炎现在能不能完全治育?

14、She disguised her true sex under a man's garment. ─── 她身穿男装来掩饰自己的真实性别。

15、Title: Sex Reversal of Grouper (Epinephelus sp. ─── 关键词:石斑鱼;繁殖生物学;性逆转;外源激素

16、The rate of interventing CSW sex act was 96.66%. ─── CSW接受干预人数占96.66%。

17、He feels lack of interest in sex. ─── 他自觉对性的兴趣大减。

18、Battle Of The Sexes In The Anima World. ─── 性别的战争。

19、Between the sexes is difficult to explain such a feeling came from. ─── 很难解释两性之间这样的感觉来自何方。

20、They have to relate to the opposite sex. ─── 他们必须学会和异性相处。

21、Your sex is capricious, you know. ─── 你的女人没有准儿,谁也说不清,你知道。

22、There are members of both sexes in the committee. ─── 委员会里男女委员都有。

23、They have sex and afterwards they feel nothing. ─── 她们也有性生活,之后她们也没有感觉。

24、Sex outside of marriage is usually immoral. ─── 婚外性通常是不道德的。

25、From living a softer life, both sexes also began to lose something of their strength and ferocity. ─── 由于得到了一种比较舒适的生活,两性都开始失去一部分强悍性和气力。

26、Does sex meeting cause vulva itching? ─── 做爱会引起外阴搔痒吗?

27、Sexual orientation to persons of the same sex. ─── 同性恋爱对同性的性倾向

28、Sex brought us together, but gender drove us apart. ─── 性使我们走到了一起,但性别又把我们分开。

29、It should be a intimate relationship between human beings with opposite sexes, and naturally between a man and a woman. ─── 这应该是一个亲密的关系,人与异性,与自然之间的一男一女。

30、Sexual orientation to persons of the opposite sex. ─── 异性恋对异性者的性倾向

31、One who takes on the gender role of the opposite sex. ─── 变性者扮作异性角色的人

32、We have to understand different races, different sexes, different cultures and a different way of doing business. ─── 我们必须了解不同的种族、不同性别和不同文化,以不同的方式做生意。

33、Two teachers get the sack over sex. ─── 两名教员因桃色事件被革职。

34、They believe that sex is primarily for procreation. ─── 他们认为,性交主要是为了繁衍。

35、He never associated with the sex. ─── 他从不和女性交往。

36、She certainly knows how to sex up the men. ─── 她当然知道如何去勾引这些男人。

37、A domesticated bovine of either sex or any age. ─── 不分性别和年龄的家牛

38、His opinions about sex are very Victorian. ─── 他对性的看法是非常维多利亚式的。

39、She does not enjoy the company of the opposite sex. ─── 她不喜欢由异性奉陪。

40、It has not two but seven sexes, and each one can mate with any of the others, which opens up the field considerably. ─── 它远不止有两种性别,而是七种,每个个体可以和任何其他个体交配,这就大大地打开了求偶的场面。

41、At age 60, success is...having sex. ─── 在60岁时,成功就是拥有性生活。

42、Everybody can come to this school, without respect to class, race, or sex. ─── 不论阶级,种族,性别,人人都可进这所学校上课。

43、American youth in the sixties were rather open about sex. ─── 六十年代的美国青年对两性关系相当开放。

44、He had abused his own daughter(= had sex with her). ─── 他曾奸污了自己的亲生女儿。

45、They stood for equality between sexes. ─── 他们主张男女平等。

46、The worst ones can propagate crime and sex. ─── 下焉者诲盗诲淫,

47、Women as a sex Sphinx without secrets . ─── 作为性对象的女人,等于没有秘密之谜的狮身女怪。

48、battle of the sexes also took a new twist. ─── 性别之战也有了意想不到的新进展。

49、Made up of people of different sex, race, or social class. ─── 不同种族混合的由不同性别,种族或社会阶层组成的人和

50、Skewed sex ratios raised the competition. ─── 倾斜的性别比例引发了竞争。

51、He's rather play golf than have sex. ─── 他宁肯打高尔夫球也不愿做爱。

52、Sex differences should be ignored in education. ─── 在教育上,性别差异应该要被忽视。

53、Existing or occurring between the sexes. ─── 两性间的存在或发生于两性之间的

54、Be courteous to the weaker sex. ─── 对女士要有礼貌。

55、In 1999, Sweden criminalized the buying of sex. ─── 1999年,瑞典判定嫖娼有罪。

56、How should be papule sex urticaria treated? ─── 丘疹性荨麻疹应怎么治疗?

57、Of or relating to both sexes. ─── 两性的两性的或与两性有关的

58、She is very inhibited about sex. ─── 她羞于谈性的问题。

59、Of or relating to different sexes. ─── 异性的异性的与异性有关的

60、Yehuda notes another difference between the sexes. ─── 耶胡达指出了另一个性别差异。

61、Are there important psychological differences between the two sexes? ─── 两性之间有无重要的心理差别?

62、Do you remember of sex of the child? ─── 你可还记得那个孩子是男是女?

63、I wish he wouldn't tell dirty jokes(= about sex). ─── 但愿他别开下流的玩笑。

64、It is independent of age and sex. ─── 它和年龄、性别无关。

65、Continental people have sex life; the English have hot-water bottle. ─── (欧洲)大陆人有性生活,英国人则有热水瓶。

66、Anyone can join the club, without respect to class, race, or sex. ─── 任何人,无论阶级、种族或性别,都可以加入该俱乐部。

67、Has "relationship" become synonymous with "sex"? ─── “男女关系”已经变成了“性”的同义词了吗?

68、Sex, typically, was one battleground. ─── 两性问题是一个典型的战场。

69、How ear vy is too early for sex? ─── 如何早期是太早性别?

70、No. I write a column called Sex And The City. ─── 不是。我有一个专栏叫欲望都市。

71、He's got a dirty mind(= he often thinks about sex). ─── 他满脑子下流事儿。

72、What calls erythema oozy sex gastritis? ─── 什么叫红斑渗出性胃炎?

73、Flowers unisexual, with both sexes in same head, minute. ─── 单性的花,具两性在相同头状花序内,小。

74、Is how knowing pseudomyopia or true sex? ─── 怎么知道是假性近视还是真性?

75、Nowadays, smart studs practice safe sex. ─── 在今日,聪明的性活跃者会选择安全的性。

76、A chromosome that is not a sex chromosome. ─── 常染色体非性染色体的一个常染色体

77、Are Vampires the ultimate sex symbols? ─── 吸血鬼是性的象徵?

78、Can you talk openly about sex with your parents? ─── 你可以跟父母敞开谈性的问题吗?

79、He resigned after his implication in a sex scandal. ─── 他在涉及一件性丑闻之后辞职了。

80、When we use "he", we generalize for both sex. ─── 当我们用he时, 我们泛指男女。

81、How can you tell what sex a fish is? ─── 你怎样辨别一条鱼的雌雄?

82、The number of deaths caused by pneumonia for both sexes with unknown age is 1. ─── 年不详的男性及女性因肺炎引致的死亡人数是1。

83、That's not funny! You sex maniac! ─── 一点也不好笑!你这色狼!

84、Both sexes, therefore, have reason to show off. ─── 因此,两性都有理由炫耀自己的魅力。

85、Now there was three sexes then, one that looked like two men, glued up back to back, called the children of the sun. ─── 现在有了三种性别,一个看起来像两个男人,背靠背粘在一起,叫做太阳的子民。

86、"I did not conceive Playboy as a sex magazine. ─── “我认为《花花公子》不是一本性杂志。

87、One who has undergone a sex change. ─── 变性人已经改变性别的人

88、Women as a sex are sphinxes without secrets. ─── 作为性对像的女人,等于没有秘密之谜的狮身女怪。

89、She was of the sex born mutable and explosive. ─── 她是一个天生变化无常和容易发火的女人。

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