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08-15 投稿


alleviation 发音

英:[??li?vi?e??n]  美:[??li?vi?e??n]

英:  美:

alleviation 中文意思翻译



alleviation 常用词组

poverty alleviation ─── 扶贫

alleviation 短语词组

1、alleviation of poverty ─── 扶贫

2、alleviation of pain ─── 减轻疼痛

3、alleviation hh ─── 缓解hh

4、alleviation of pressure ─── 缓解压力

5、alleviation chinese ─── 缓解汉语

6、alleviation syn ─── 减缓syn

7、alleviation edema ─── 减轻水肿

8、alleviation mean ─── 缓解平均值

9、alleviation poverty ─── 缓解贫困

10、abject poverty alleviation ─── 赤贫扶贫

11、alleviation factor ─── 缓和因数

12、alleviation def ─── 减缓定义

13、poverty alleviation ─── 扶贫;

alleviation 词性/词形变化,alleviation变形

动词过去式: alleviated |动词第三人称单数: alleviates |动词现在分词: alleviating |名词: alleviation |动词过去分词: alleviated |

alleviation 相似词语短语

1、palletisation ─── 货盘运输

2、alleviating ─── 缓解

3、palletization ─── n.托盘化;托盘化运输

4、abbreviation ─── n.缩写;缩写词

5、allegation ─── n.指控;陈述,主张;宣称;陈词,陈述;

6、alleviator ─── n.减轻者;缓和剂

7、alleviative ─── adj.减轻的,缓解的

8、alleviations ─── n.缓和;镇痛物

9、illuviation ─── n.[地质]淀积作用

alleviation 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、MT may have important role in the recovery of antioxidase activities alleviation of lipid peroxidation and elimination of free radicals,and protection from injury of hepatocytes. ─── MT对肝脏抗氧化酶活力的恢复、脂质过氧化的减轻、自由基的清除及损伤的肝胞的保护可能有重要作用。

2、Based on analysis of the potential in applying the environment sound techniques,some measures of poverty alleviation by development of rural enterprises were studied. ─── 在分析运用环境无害化技术的乡镇企业扶贫潜力后,探讨了乡镇企业扶贫时所应采用的具体措施。

3、The extra funds are to help with the speed and efficiency of the bank's poverty alleviation efforts. ─── 新增资金将用于提高亚行减少贫困项目的进展速度和效率。

4、In the meantime, transparent qualitative acid and curium fruit of Xie Zong Lv is extractive, alleviation of can composed easy purifies skin further. ─── 同时,透明质酸和锯叶棕榈果萃取,能镇静舒缓和进一步净化肌肤。

5、After our conscientiously implementing and basically fulfilling the Seven-Year Priority Poverty Alleviation Program,we have formulated and begun to implement a rural anti-poverty program for the first ten years of the 21st century. ─── 在认真落实并基本完成“八七”扶贫攻坚计划后,我们已经制定了和开始实施新世纪头十年农村扶贫开发纲要。

6、An interesting partnership example relates to the Rural Development and Rural Poverty Alleviation Programs Northeast Brazil (NRDP, 1995-present). ─── 伙伴关系的一个有趣例子涉及巴西东北部乡村发展及乡村减贫计划(NRDP,1995年至今)。

7、As the application of DFC,a system of Gust Load Alleviation(GLA) is designed. DFC is used for suppressing the additional nomal load. ─── 作为直接升力控制的应用,设计了阵风载荷减缓系统,考虑了采用直接升力控制可以不改变飞行姿态而改变飞行航迹的特点来进行飞机上附加法向载荷的抑制。

8、Medicine: the science concerned with the maintenance of health and the prevention, alleviation, or cure of disease. ─── 对此定义的权威性还有什么问题?还能否认医学不是科学吗?

9、Their energies were focused on the alleviation of the refugees' misery. ─── 他们把精力集中在了对难民苦难的减轻上。

10、Responsibilities: Responsible for agriculture and rural areas, water recourses, poverty alleviation and development, flood control and drought relief, ecological construction and other work. ─── 分管工作:负责农业农村、水利、扶贫开发、防汛抗旱和生态建设工作等方面工作。

11、Load Alleviation and Stabilization ─── 减载和稳定(系统)

12、Making poverty alleviation for the disabled an important part of the state's poverty alleviation program. The state makes unified arrangements to implement poverty alleviation work for the disabled. ─── 将残疾人扶贫作为一项重要内容列入国家扶贫计划,统筹安排,统一组织,同步实施。

13、Through years of exploration, we have found a road of poverty alleviation through development by proceeding from China's realities. ─── 经过多年探索,走出了一条符合中国国情的扶贫开发道路。

14、The Poverty Alleviation Program for Ethnic Minorities and Minority Areas. ─── 少数民族和民族地区扶贫开发。

15、If on the vehicle has equipped the side security aerocyst, may to attack the cushioning effect, the alleviation hit to the crew member forehead and the shoulder impulse, will thus injure falls lowly. ─── 如果车上装备了侧面安全气囊,就可以对冲击起到缓冲作用,缓解撞击对乘员头部和肩部的冲击力,从而将伤害降到最低。

16、There is no alleviation for the sufferings of mankind except veracity of thought and action and the resolute facing of the world as it is. ─── 人类的痛苦是不会减轻的,除非我们具有真正的思想行为,并以坚定的决心去面对现实的世界。

17、The idea behind Project Pyramid was to give students the tools and knowledge with which to apply business solutions to poverty alleviation. ─── 金字塔计划的目的,是赋予学生们工具和知识,将商业解决方案应用于减少贫困。

18、The majority of Local authority appears “to rescue the city” the policy starting point is the stable house price, the stimulation purchases homes demand, the help developer alleviation fund pressure. ─── 大部分地方政府出台的“救市”政策出发点是稳定房价、刺激买房需求、帮助开发商缓解资金压力。

19、Tzu Chi volunteers launched a poverty alleviation program in the remote Yi County in China, where they made 23 home visitations to assess the aid they require. ─── 慈济志工在中国易县发起扶贫关怀计画,访视23户家庭、评估援助所需。

20、Active flutter suppression and gust alleviation controller was designed for a delta wing model with two trailing edge control surfaces, by using linear quadratic Gaussian (LQG)/robust control theory. ─── 多输入/多输出系统的颤振主动抑制与阵风减缓是主动气动弹性机翼技术的重要研究方面。

21、Just a few minutes late, Allevi arrived. ─── 如果您还不是会员,请点击这里注册!

22、Fu said China can't use its reserves to fund poverty alleviation at home or to bail out foreign countries. ─── 傅莹说中国政府不能动用外汇作为国内消除贫困的资金或救助其他国家。

23、Overall, because of poor foundation, Xiaxian still relatively backward economic development, poverty alleviation and development work is a provincial key counties. ─── 总体来看,由于基础太差,夏县经济发展仍相对落后,属省扶贫开发工作重点县。

24、developmental Poverty Alleviation ─── 开发式扶贫

25、Assist project staff with the administration of our integrated poverty alleviation projects in villages of Ganluo and Hanyuan Counties. ─── 为项目工作人员在我们甘洛与汉源综合扶贫项目的行政方面的工作提供帮助维护所有在电脑上和项目文件夹里的文件。

26、China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation won't disclose any information of international volunteers. The volunteers should inform the foundation if any personal information is altered. ─── 不经本人同意,中国扶贫基金会不得泄露国际义工的信息,国际义工的个人信息有变动应及时通知中国扶贫基金会。

27、poverty alleviation of rural finance ─── 农村金融扶贫

28、Work in poverty alleviation and development has made outstanding achievements, the realization of the Stone. ─── 在扶贫开发工作中做出了优异的成绩,实现了四通。

29、Early this year, to further address the poverty problem, the Government set up the Commission on Poverty to co-ordinate relevant policies and implement district-based poverty alleviation measures. ─── 为进一步纾贫解困,政府自今年初成立了扶贫委员会,协调有关政策及推动落实以社区为本的扶贫工作。

30、We should unswervingly uphold the poverty alleviation policy to lead all rural works in the poverty-stricken areas. ─── 坚持以扶贫攻坚总揽贫困地区农村工作全局。

31、The Outline is another programmatic document following the Seven-Year Priority Poverty Alleviation Program for guiding the poverty alleviation work in the rural areas. ─── 《中国农村扶贫开发纲要》是继《国家八七扶贫攻坚计划》之后,又一个指导中国农村扶贫开发工作的纲领性文件。

32、Strengthening the building of the poverty alleviation service system of the China Disabled Persons'Federation at the grassroots level to provide promptand effective service for the rural disabled. ─── 加强基层残联扶贫服务体系建设,为农村残疾人提供及时、有效的服务。

33、China today is blessed with many favorable conditions, some of them much more favorable than in the past, in its poverty alleviation drive. ─── 二十一世纪初中国的扶贫开发存在着许多有利条件,而且一些条件较之过去更为有利。

34、China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation ─── 中国扶贫基金会

35、Alleviation of mass illiteracy on a global scale is essential to the alleviation of health, hunger and other major world problems. ─── 以全球性的规模减轻大众文盲问题是减轻卫生、饥饿及其他世界性问题所不可或缺的条件。

36、In 1992, the state established a special rehabilitation and poverty alleviation loan to aid the impoverished disabled. ─── 从1992年起,国家设立康复扶贫专项贷款,对贫困残疾人予以扶持。

37、Poverty alleviation and development efforts to develop laborwo xian work skills training. ─── 努力开拓我县扶贫开发劳务技能培训工作新局面。

38、In charge of City Water Conservancy Bureau, Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Bureau, Forestry Bureau, the Bureau of Township Enterprises, agriculture Office (Poverty Alleviation Office). ─── 分管市水利局、农牧局、林业局(绿化办)、乡镇企业局、农办(扶贫办)。

39、Mr. He Daofeng Chairman, The China Foundation of Poverty Alleviation The Enviroment Protection and SMEs Development in Rural Region. ─── 中国农村中小企业发展与环境保护。

40、But more and more developers adopt the reduction promotion and the meaning open lowly, also enables the unsalable aspect to have the alleviation. ─── 但越来越多的开发商采取降价促销和新盘低开,也使得滞销局面有所缓解。

41、For poverty alleviation loans, RMB 30 billion. ─── 对于扶贫贷款,300亿元人民币。

42、poverty alleviation of information in rural areas ─── 农村信息扶贫

43、Increasing budgetary funds and loans for poverty alleviation. ─── 增加财政扶贫资金和扶贫贷款。

44、While ensuring a good job on social security,reemployment and rural poverty alleviation,we made great efforts to solve such problems as wage arrears by enterprises and excessively heavy burden on farmers. ─── 在积极做好社会保障、再就业和农村扶贫工作的同时,我们用很大力气解决拖欠职工工资、农民负担过重的问题。

45、Another example comes from the World Bank Rural Development and Rural Poverty Alleviation Programs Northeast Brazil (NRDP). ─── 另一个例子是世界银行巴西东北部乡村发展及乡村减贫计划(URDP)。

46、The development-oriented poverty alleviation drive in rural China early in the 21st century is a rare historical opportunity,but it still faces serious challenges and problems. ─── 二十一世纪初中国的农村扶贫开发,既面临难得的历史机遇,也面临严峻挑战和尖锐问题。

47、The effect of pallidotomy for alleviation of akinetic parkinsonism is modest but significant, and continues to be effective for at least 2 years. ─── 对于中、晚期的帕金森氏症病患,立体定位苍白球烧灼术可以提供病患在运动症状上相当程度的缓解,且效果可以持续两年以上。

48、Strengthening the building of the poverty alleviation service system of the China Disabled Persons'Federation at the grassroots level to provide prompt and effective service for the rural disabled. ─── 加强基层残联扶贫服务体系建设,为农村残疾人提供及时、有效的服务。

49、The solution to pressure alleviation and sustainable development should be sought from a macro-perspective of circular economy, which puts great emphasis on industrial structure readjustment. ─── 因此应该把产业结构的调整作为当前发展循环经济的重点,惟此才能从根本上缓解资源环境压力,实现国民经济的可持续发展。

50、Very fast, wagon flow is shed by block, content not the phenomenon of free is appeased gradually come down, in short supply phenomenon also gets goods and materials alleviation. ─── 很快 ,车流被阻、物流不畅的现象逐渐平息下来 ,物资紧缺现象亦得到缓和。

51、That this appreciation of human society is a great alleviation of many of the miseries which the Chinese suffer, cannot be doubted. ─── 这种人与人之间的相互欣赏,无疑极大地缓解了中国人的种种不幸遭际。

52、participatory poverty alleviation ─── 参与式扶贫

53、rural development - oriented poverty alleviation ─── 农村开发式扶贫

54、We advocate a variety of force coact, implementation is solved of obtain employment at all again, the alleviation with brief and rather than. ─── 我们主张多种力量共同合作,实现再就业的根本解决,而非短暂的缓和。

55、While ensuring a good job on social security, reemployment and rural poverty alleviation, we made great efforts to solve such problems as wage arrears by enterprises and excessively heavy burden on farmers. ─── 在积极做好社会保障、再就业和农村扶贫工作的同时,用很大力气解决拖欠职工工资、农民负担过重的问题。

56、Christian organisation focussing on practical alleviation of the adverse effects of climate change and natural disasters. ─── 基督教组织,关注切实缓和气候变化和自然灾难的负面影响。

57、The alleviation and prevention of the natural disaster caused by outbursts in coal mines are of great significance. ─── 对减轻和防止煤矿瓦斯突出自然灾害具有重要意义。

58、For alleviation angst, the person can use depressive, projectile, retrorse action, fixed action, retrogression to wait for ego of psychological defense mechanism to adjust. ─── 为了缓和焦虑,人可以用压抑、投射、反向作用、固定作用、倒退等心理防御机制自我调整。

59、We will intensify poverty alleviation work and increase investment init to further reduce the number of people living in poverty. ─── 加大扶贫投入和工作力度,进一步减少贫困人口。

60、In addition, with different earthquakes which have different characteristics, the degree of the energy dissipation and earthquake alleviation of the frames with energy dissipating devices is varied. ─── 且每次地震的特性均不相同,故加消能器构架的消能减震效果亦会不同。

61、Micro-finance was born in Bangladesh in 1970s. It has become one of effective and important methods of poverty alleviation by offering financial services to poor people. ─── 小额信贷在70年代发端于孟加拉国,它通过向贫困人口提供金融服务,成为农村扶贫的一种有效工具。

62、"We note with great admiration your commitment to the respect of human rights, democracy, and good governance as well as your humanitarian support for the drive toward poverty alleviation," he said. ─── 库福尔说:“我们非常敬佩您尊重人权的努力,良好的执政业绩和为减轻贫困提供的人道主义援助。”

63、poverty alleviation via information ─── 信息扶贫

64、Small direct loan is one form of small loan, which plays an active role in poverty and difficulty alleviation in minority areas of Liaoning province. ─── 小额直贷是小额信贷的一种形式,它在辽宁民族地区农村扶贫帮困工作中已经发挥起积极的作用。

65、A Christian organisation focussing on practical alleviation of the adverse effects of climate change and natural disasters. ─── 基督教组织,关注切实缓和气候变化和自然灾难的负面影响。

66、Urban Poverty Alleviation Office air from the city of Ai that the situation and decided that these two families of poor farmers AIDS grant funds to support the development of production. ─── 市扶贫办从市艾防办了解到这一情况后,决定对这两户艾滋病贫困农户发展生产给予资金扶持。

67、Simulation results show that the gust load alleviation control system based on LQG control theory can obtain good capability of restraining the gust turbulence. ─── 以该增广模型为设计对象,应用LQG控制理论,设计了阵风载荷减缓系统。

68、The Chinese government pays great attention to poverty alleviation work for these special groups, adopting effective measures to help them get rid of poverty together with other impoverished people. ─── 中国政府重视这些特殊贫困群体的扶贫开发工作,采取各种有效措施帮助他们与其他贫困人口同时脱贫。

69、It is an effective economical method in the desulphidation and dust alleviation of middle and small sized coal fired boilers. ─── 中小型燃煤锅炉的脱硫、除尘以及节能与整个系统的工艺运行参数和结构参数有关。

70、Force majeure should not be one of the exemption causes but only as the cause of liability alleviation under certain circumstances. ─── 不可抗力不应成为环境侵权民事责任的免责事由,而只能在一定条件下作为减轻民事责任的事由加以援引。

71、What Brazil loses in efficiency it does not gain in poverty alleviation. ─── 巴西在效率方面的损失也并没有使贫困问题得到改善。

72、Despite the fact that most fellow initiates in Singapore were attending a two-day retreat and praying for the alleviation of world suffering, the relief work was launched anyway. ─── 当时很多新加坡同修都在叁加禅二,祈求减轻世界苦难,但是援助工作还是同时展开。

73、We need to do a better job of poverty alleviation by encouraging rural development, increasing funding from various sources to aid the poor, and expanding programs that provide jobs for people as an alternative to relief. ─── 信息、生物等高新技术产业快速发展。

74、The Communist VIP system also has the philanthropic function of poverty alleviation. ─── 共产会员制也具有扶贫济困的慈善功能。

75、Responsibilities: In charge of agriculture, water recourses, oceanic economy, fishermen and fishery, supply and market, poverty alleviation, culture, radio, press and publication, sports, and tourism. ─── 分管工作:分管农业、水利、海洋经济、渔业渔民、供销社、扶贫、文化广电新闻出版、体育、旅游工作。

76、He said he and his organization have worked for 36 years for the alleviation of poverty. ─── 他说,他和他的组织已经努力工作了36年来缓解贫穷。

77、Regarding the tubulus renalis acidemia and the urine Shi Zheng patient, nearly all patients reduce the urine lithogeny, has the nearly 60% sickness to have the alleviation symptom effect. ─── 对于肾小管酸血症并尿石症的病人,几乎所有病人都减少尿石形成,有近六成的病患有缓解症状的效果。

78、When you have exhausted feeling, it is exhausted that soft comfortable massage function have alleviation, muscle ache , promote blood cycle , quickly metabolize. ─── 当你感觉疲劳时,轻柔舒适的按摩功能,有缓解疲劳,肌肉酸痛,促进血液循环,加快新陈代谢。

79、"In the past few years, microfinance has been widely heralded as a successful contributor to alleviation of poverty and a valuable tool for achieving the Millennium Development Goals. ─── “在过去几年里,小额贷款对消除贫困做出了极大贡献,同时作为达到联合国千禧年目标的有利工具,而受到广泛追捧。

80、Responsibilities: Responsible for agriculture, rural economy, water conservancy, poverty alleviation, and oceanic industry. ─── 分管工作:分管农业农村经济、水利、林业、粮食、扶贫、海洋方面工作。

81、This paper reviews the formation and feature of iron and manganese plaque, alleviation of metal (loid) toxicity via adsorption and accumulation, eutrophica. ─── 因其所具有的特殊的物理或化学结构,植物根表的铁锰氧化物胶膜在环境生态中起重要作用。

82、Even if rice prices were to plummet, other brakes on poverty alleviation remain. ─── 就算大米价格下滑,其它阻止导致贫困的因素仍然存在。

83、Fuxingmen-Bawangfen Subway Beijing's 13.5-km-long Fuxingmen-Bawangfen Subway is significant to the alleviation of the city's cramped traffic condetion. ─── 北京地铁复八线西起复兴门,东至八王坟,全长13.5公里,对缓解北京交通紧张状况具有重要意义。

84、If treats two weeks later the above method, bone ache, the convulsions have not obtained the alleviation, should arrive at the hospital to carry on the further inspection treatment. ─── 如果按照上述方法治疗两周后,骨痛、抽筋没有得到缓解,应到医院进行进一步的检查治疗。

85、The cause, he said, was poverty, bad nourishment and general ill-health. The solution was not expensive western medicine, but the alleviation of poverty in Africa. ─── 他说,免疫系统崩溃的原因是贫穷、缺乏营养以及普遍的不健康。其解决方法不是靠昂贵的西药,而是靠减少非洲的贫困。

86、We focus on frontline organizations that work on poverty alleviation, environmental protection, disaster relief, and improving the lives of marginalized and vulnerable communities. ─── 他们专注于以下领域工作的基层公益机构:扶贫,环保,赈灾,和改善弱势和边缘群体生活状况。

87、Responsibilities: Responsible for agriculture, poverty alleviation, nationality, civil affairs and other work. ─── 分管工作:负责农业、扶贫、民族、民政等方面工作。

88、We must establish the focus and special features of our campus culture,and carefully seek in a disaster prevention and alleviation culture the soul which symbolizes the spirit of our school. ─── 我们必须确立校园文化建设的特色与重点;必须认真搜寻并确立在防灾减灾文化之中凝炼出来的具有灵魂象征的学校精神。


\"三支一扶\":支教、支农、支医和扶贫 \"three supports and one alleviation\" support and participate in educational service, agricultural activities, public health service and alleviate poverty in the mass rural area of China.

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