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08-15 投稿


arbitrarily 发音

英:[?ɑ?rb??trer?li]  美:[?ɑ?b??trer?li; ?ɑ?b?tr?li]

英:  美:

arbitrarily 中文意思翻译



arbitrarily 词性/词形变化,arbitrarily变形

动词过去分词: arbitraged |动词现在分词: arbitraging |动词过去式: arbitraged |动词第三人称单数: arbitrages |

arbitrarily 短语词组

1、arbitrarily math ─── 任意数学

2、arbitrarily definition ─── 任意定义

3、arbitrarily close ─── 任意关闭

4、arbitrarily set ─── 任意设置

5、arbitrarily ao3 ─── 任意ao3

6、arbitrarily define ─── 任意定义

7、arbitrarily-sectioned file ─── [计] 任意分段文件, 随机分段文件

8、arbitrarily defined ─── 任意定义

9、arbitrarily-traversable graph ─── [计] 可任意行遍的图

10、arbitrarily large ─── 任意大

11、arbitrarily close to ─── 任意接近

arbitrarily 相似词语短语

1、arbitrary ─── adj.[数]任意的;武断的;专制的

2、arbitration ─── n.公断,仲裁

3、arbitrable ─── adj.可仲裁的,可裁决的

4、arbitratrix ─── 仲裁者

5、arbitrating ─── vt.仲裁;公断

6、arbitrative ─── adj.有权仲裁的

7、arbitraries ─── adj.[数]任意的;武断的;专制的

8、arbitral ─── adj.仲裁的;仲裁人的

9、arbitraging ─── v.仲裁;套利交易(arbitrage的ing形式);n.套利交易;仲裁;套汇

arbitrarily 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He would be a rash man who should venture to defy with public opinion and act arbitrarily. ─── 如果有人敢于公然反抗世界公众舆论一意孤行,他一定是个鲁莽之徒。

2、The spherical surfaces defined by several arbitrarily chosen points are all concentric. ─── 凡是由几个任意选点确定的球面都是同心面。

3、"Every day, we're scared that a political agent [of the FATA Secretariat] will arbitrarily shut us down for doing more than entertainment programming," says Tayyab. ─── “每一天,我们都提心吊胆的担心政府代理人(联邦部落管辖区秘书处)因为我们做了超出娱乐节目之外的事情而把我们关闭”,塔亚布说。

4、In a few short years he had broken the power of the Mafia, simply by arbitrarily arresting anyone even suspected of being a mafioso. ─── 只用短短的几年工夫,他就打破了家族地下势力,采取的办法也很简单,不分青红皂白,要抓谁就抓谁,即使是家族地下势力成员嫌疑分子也照抓不误。

5、Citizenship and Immigration Services will charge the applicants arbitrarily. ─── 公民和移民服务部门会任意收费。

6、A single managerial job cannot be arbitrarily spilt. ─── 一个管理职务不能硬性分割。

7、The alleged distinction of duty, conflict and validity between social rights liberal rights, which the mainstream human rights theory claims arbitrarily, are fictive and wrong. ─── 主流人权理论所谓社会权与自由权之间的“义务区别”、“冲突区别”和“效力区别”都是虚构的、错误的。

8、Exercising power arbitrarily and often unjustly; tyrannical. ─── 压迫的武断地但不正当地利用权力的,威迫的

9、They fear us because we have the power to kill arbitrarily. ─── 他们惧怕我们,因为我们有能力任意屠杀他们。

10、Later, a man named Feng Shu Lu of the country to do with the country, he arbitrarily violent, arrogation of court politics. ─── 后来,一个叫丰舒的做了潞国相国,他专横暴戾,独揽朝政。

11、F has a fine structure, i.e. detail on arbitrarily small scales. ─── 分形集合具有精细结构,也就是说,在任意小的尺度下,它总有复杂的细节。

12、There are several features of Debian Installer that combine to allow fairly simple command lines at the boot prompt to result in arbitrarily complex customized automatic installs. ─── Debian安装程序提供了一些特性,可以组合引导提示符后面的简单命令行,达到复杂的自动安装效果。

13、They arbitrarily chose 11 and presented them "not in order of importance, but in rough chronologic order according to the first noteworthy step taken in a given area. ─── 他们任意的选择了11项,将它们以“不是按照重要性排序,而是粗略的以在给定的领域迈出显著一步的年代顺序”予以公布。

14、But though governments or nations have the power of deciding what institutions shall exist, they cannot arbitrarily determine how those institutions shall work. ─── 但是,虽说政府或国家有权决定应该有什么样的制度,可它们却不能任意确定这些制度起作用的方式。

15、To take arbitrarily or by force. ─── 任意地或以武力获取

16、Based on a two-dimension homogeneous mathematical model with arbitrarily shaped boundary, two kinds of BEM either in the Real-domain or the Laplace-domain is presented in detail. ─── 以任意形状二维均质油藏的定解问题为基本的数学模型,推导了实空间和拉氏空间中的边界元数值计算方法。

17、Exaggeration does not mean just distorting the actions or objects arbitrarily, but the animator must carefully choose which properties to exaggerate. ─── 夸张并不只是扭曲的行动或任意物体,但漫画家必须慎重选择性能夸大。

18、It can start up in high speed, low speed or with transducer. The high speed can be changed to the low speed arbitrarily and the yarn count cann't be changed. ─── 可进行低速、高速或变频器的开车,高低速任意切换,纱支不会发生变化。

19、The next advance in evolutionism is to be able to begin with a human-designed pattern and then arbitrarily breed from there. ─── 进化(程序)的下一步是能够从人为设计的样式开始,然后从那里随心所欲地繁育开去。

20、Savour carefree romantic emotional appeal, draw the outline of the outline with NOMETRO popular fashion arbitrarily along with the gender. ─── 品味悠闲的浪漫情调,随性恣意地勾勒出NOMETRO时尚流行的轮廓。

21、You cannot have an arbitrarily high common-mode voltage when measuring with a DAQ device. ─── 在DAQ设备测量系统中,用户不能得到一任意高的共模电压。

22、They showed that the generating transformation of the monodromy group can be prescribed arbitrarily. ─── 他们证明了产生单值群的变换可以任意地预先指定。

23、The upper portion of a perfusion tube is provided with a twisted tube and a few arbitrarily changeable jet nozzles. ─── 输液管顶端使用曲折性管件和多个喷嘴,喷嘴可任意调换。

24、Adhere to the principle of democratic centralism; do not act arbitrarily or stay feeble and lax. ─── 坚持民主集中制,反对独断专行、软弱涣散

25、It is unjust if one party should treat a contract arbitrarily at the expense of the other. ─── 如果合同一方可以任意对待履约而使对方蒙受损害,当然不能认为公正。

26、The victims were not chosen arbitrarily. ─── 这些受害者不是被随意选的。

27、Shipping dues were arbitrarily varied and much bickering resulted between the British and Chinese traders. ─── 中国在征收船税方面并无划一标准,时常引起争端。

28、The inclination is somewhat necessary.But this does not mean that ancient Chinese theories should be dismembered arbitrarily by Western theories. ─── 但以西释中决不意味著可以用西方的理论任意地肢解中国古代的学说。

29、Owing to the adoption of swivel device with cam-curve groove different speeds can be selected arbitrarily. ─── 变速采用凸轮曲线槽回轮机构,能按所选速度作任意方向回转。

30、In this simple case, the stack never gets more than two items deep, but in general it can get arbitrarily deep. ─── 在这个简单的例子中,堆栈的深度决不会超过两项,而堆栈的深度通常可以是任意的。

31、One arbitrarily designated a., esp. as the first in order or class. ─── 以a为带称的人或物;尤指居首者。

32、Installing in that directory requires the user to be an administrator so a standard user in an enterprise or a Parental Controls user couldn't arbitrarily install the application. ─── 在该目录中进行安装需要用户具有管理员权限,这样,企业的标准用户或“家长控制”用户就无法任意安装应用程序。

33、No leader is allowed to take decisions arbitrarily or to place himself or herself above the Party organization. ─── 不允许任何领导人实行个人专断和把个人凌驾于组织之上。

34、Integrated circuit that contains power functions. Often the power level is defined arbitrarily. ─── 具有功率功能的集成电路,功率电平是随意定义的。

35、He did everything arbitrarily. ─── 他这人做事非常专断。

36、Doable, approximately. But the point is, we can actually now locate all those lines that we sort of arbitrarily drew on the phase diagrams. ─── 是可以做的,近似地考虑,要强调的是,我们现在可以计算,相图里面的线了。

37、Only the superuser may change the group of a file arbitrarily; other users may change the group of a file to any group of which that user is a member. ─── 只有超级用户可以任意修改文件的组,其它用户可能只能将文件的组改成该用户自己所在的组。

38、Therefore, they cannot arbitrarily access memory buffers not owned by the code. ─── 因此,它们不能随意访问不属于该代码所有的内存缓冲区。

39、Discriminant law applied on the limited siding-to-siding block, boundless siding-to-siding block and arbitrarily siding-to-siding block was given. ─── 分别给出有限区间,无限区间及任意区间上一致连续函数的判别法。

40、In VAX / VMS, a set of 0 to 32contiguous bits located arbitrarily with respect to byte boundaries. ─── 在操作系统VAX/VMS中,一组0至32位(二进制位)连续位的集合,这些位相对于字节边界的位置可以是任意的。

41、If tampers with the manuscript origin arbitrarily: The New China net ", this net will hold responsible legally. ─── 如擅自篡改稿件来源:新华网",本网将依法追究责任。

42、No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his nationality nor denied the right to change his nationality. ─── 任何人的国籍不得任意剥夺,亦不得否认其改变国籍的权利。

43、The source blames "arbitrarily high" standards that came as a reaction from "demoralized" SFDA staff. ─── 他抱怨这一“武断的超高标准”来自于“不道德”的SFDA人员的对此事的回应。

44、Arbitrarily complex structures of activities can be formed, such as tree hierarchies. ─── 可以形成活动的任意复合结构,如树状层次。

45、While in UK, only the defense has the opportunity to make a peremptory challenge to the potential juror and arbitrarily reject a number. ─── 在英国,只有辩护方有权利对候选陪审员提出无因回避请求,拒绝一定数量的陪审员。

46、The power of IF power can be distributed between two furnaces arbitrarily, which makes one furnace in charge of melting and the other insulating . ─── 中频电源的总功率可以在两台炉体之间任意分配使用,达到一台炉体熔化另一台炉体保温的效果。

47、His axiom presupposes that there is an arbitrarily large radius at our disposal. ─── 他的公理就是先假定有如我们意愿的任意大半径。

48、Bondsmen may withhold their services arbitrarily. ─── 保人可以任意地不提供服务。

49、Its corrupting effects can be diminished to an arbitrarily small degree by the use of redundancy . ─── 使用冗余可以使其讹误影响减缩到任意小的程度。

50、If there is no sense of design, arbitrarily closed in, although sealed soot, which will definitely affect the appearance. ─── 如果没有设计感,随便封一下,虽然封住了油烟,也确实会影响外观。

51、Indoor decorative gas pipelines to ensure the safety and equipment requirements, not arbitrarily Demolition pipelines, so as not to affect the normal operation of systems. ─── 八、室内装饰要保证煤气管道和设备的安全要求,不要擅自拆改管线,以免影响系统的正常运行。

52、I should not arbitrarily discarded the child, I returned to them. ─── 不要随意丢弃我的孩子,把它们还给我。

53、In applying the concept of substantive due process, we usually say that the government cannot act arbitrarily and capriciously. ─── 在实质性正当程序概念的运用过程中,我们经常说,政府不能专断和反复无常。

54、Using a logger hierarchy it is possible to control which log statements are output at arbitrarily fine granularity but also great ease. ─── 使用一个日志层次对象,它有可能控制日志声明的输出在任意的好的粒度,而且这样做是很容易的。

55、The quotient simply becomes arbitrarily large as h goes to 0. ─── 商,当h趋近0时,只是任意增大。

56、Other reasons why migrants run away is that they were going to be arbitrarily repatriated and their employment contracts have expired. ─── 另外,即将被任意的遣送回国和工作契约即将到期,也都是移工逃跑的原因。

57、No more than one length scale may be chosen arbitrarily. ─── 只有一个长度比例叮供任意选择。

58、The two remaining arguments can be arbitrarily long, but the third argument may not be empty. ─── 其余两个参数可以是变长的,但第三个参数不能为空。

59、It is said arbitrarily that the planning and design concept of the contemporary Chinese University is lagging behind the reality seriously. ─── 武断地说,当代中国高校的规划和设计理念还远远“滞后”于现实。

60、A potential application for optical communication is that two arbitrarily weak light beams separated by the frequency of the Terahertz drive could modulate one another. ─── 一个在光通讯上的潜在运用是由太赫兹级频率所分隔开的任意两个弱光束可以互相进行调制。

61、Mosques and schools in Myanmar are shut down arbitrarily. ─── 在缅甸清真寺和学校被强制关闭。

62、He would be a rash man who should venture to defy world public opinion and act arbitrarily. ─── 如果有人敢于公然反抗世界公众舆论而一意孤行,他定是个鲁莽之徒。

63、The valuable lessons learned therefrom should not be arbitrarily dismissed , but should instead be treasured . ─── 从中获得的宝贵经验不应该任意抛弃,而应该倍加珍惜。

64、No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his property. ─── 二、任何人的财产不得任意剥夺。

65、If tampers with the manuscript to originate arbitrarily, this net will hold responsible legally. ─── 如擅自篡改稿件来源,本网将依法追究责任。

66、The 28-year-old Adams complained: "I gave her a second chance, and Phil - Michel arbitrarily simply too laughable. ─── 28岁的亚当抱怨道:“我给了她第二次机会,但和菲尔-米歇尔乱搞简直太可笑了。

67、In order to spur exports, significant export subsidies had to be given to compensate for the arbitrarily high value of the cruzeiro. ─── 为刺激出口,给予相当出口补贴以补偿巴西货币的高价值。

68、It is forbidden to arbitrarily downgrade agricultural products or claim high water content in them. ─── 压秤、压级是不允许的。

69、flowers as gifts, we can't choose flowers arbitrarily, because different flowers may carry different meanings. ─── 送花的时候,我们不能随意选择,因为不同的花可能有不同的含义。

70、Buy back contract can coordinate supply chain and allot the whole expected profit between supplier and retailers arbitrarily. ─── 回购合同可实现供应链协调,能在供应商和经销商间任意分配供应链利润。

71、By putting homosexual unions on a legal plane analogous to that of marriage and the family, the State acts arbitrarily and in contradiction with its duties. ─── 国家把同性配偶的结合,放在类似婚姻与家庭的法律地位上,便是任意妄为和渎职。

72、They arbitrarily apply what they imagine to be an unalterable formula everywhere. ─── 他们使用一种自以为不可改变的公式到处硬套。

73、If leakproof, must lay down the ground carefully in the construction, do not destroy the waterproof layer and modify on the sewer and the heating system arbitrarily. ─── 如果不漏的话,也要在施工中小心铺设地面,不要破坏防水层和擅自改动上下水及暖气系统。

74、In computation, or at least in our old models of computation, an arbitrarily small event can and often does cause an arbitrarily large effect. ─── 在计算科学中,或至少在计算科学旧的模式中,一个随意的微小事件有可能,也往往会造成随意的重大影响。

75、A word, in telegraph usage, arbitrarily six characters in length. ─── 在电报应用中,任意长度为6个字符的一个字。

76、The paper gives the recount for the method and function of calculating distortion geometric nature of arbitrarily section in continuous box beam. ─── 叙述任意截面箱形连续梁畸变几何性质的计算方法和作用。

77、But we still cannot deterministically predict how arbitrarily complex assemblages of these three elemental components will finally behave en masse. ─── 但这三种粒子一旦聚集起来会产生什麽复杂的集体行为,我们仍然无法预测。

78、Make view at arbitrarily the angle cans be alternant to to revolve, drag along to move, put the etc. the method to enjoy three the object . ─── 使浏览者在任意角度都能交互的以旋转、拖动、放缩等方式来欣赏三维物体。

79、One can arbitrarily set their own style of window, if you want to design a shocking window, you can try. ─── 一个可以自已任意设定的窗口样式,如果你想设计一个让人吃惊的窗口,可以试一下。

80、You can not compare him with someone you knew before, then judge him arbitrarily. ─── 不能拿他跟旧相识去比较,然后武断地去评判他的好坏。

81、An instant in time that is arbitrarily selected as a point of reference. ─── 历元被随机选作参考点的时间中的某一瞬间

82、Arbitrarily raising of lodgment charges or seeking of profits by illicit means. ─── 任意哄抬收费或以其他方式巧取利益。

83、But his opinion also highlights concerns over the hasty passage of the new legislation and the danger that it may be interpreted arbitrarily. ─── 但他在意见中也对仓促通过这一新法规表达了一些担忧,认为它可能有被任意解释的危险。

84、He always acts arbitrarily and never listens to others. ─── 他总是这样独断专行,不听从别人的意见。

85、By now, all the buzzwords and adjectives are being mixed up arbitrarily. ─── 在观看动画镜头时,相同的区域兴奋,只是程度较弱。

86、All sorts of material are arranged through inducing, stylist is decorating a design in, can attemper arbitrarily, make plan next, reach budget. ─── 各种材料通过归纳整理,设计师在装修设计中,便能任意调度,然后制定方案,得出预算。

87、CLPM can be used to compute dynamic response of arbitrarily shaped surface and embedment lumped foundations harmonically vertical oscillating on a homogeneous half-space. ─── 利用该模型可以计算均质半空间上块体基础在竖向扰力作用下任意频率、任意形状(不包括环型)的明置和埋置基础的动力响应。

88、And besides, if your life were on the line, you know you could perform long division of any arbitrarily large numbers. ─── 除此以外,如果你命悬一线,你可以运用任意大的数来做长除法。

89、The principle of consistency implies that accounting methods should be consistent from one period to the other and should not be arbitrarily changed. ─── 一致性原则是指会计处理方法前后各期应当一致,不得随意变更。

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