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enameled 发音

英:[??n?mld]  美:[??n?m?ld]

英:  美:

enameled 中文意思翻译




enameled 词性/词形变化,enameled变形

动词现在分词: enameling/enamelling |名词: enameler |动词过去分词: enameled/enamelled |动词过去式: enameled/enamelled |动词第三人称单数: enamels/enamels |

enameled 短语词组

1、enameled steel ─── 搪瓷钢

2、enameled rings ─── 搪瓷环

3、enameled wire ─── 漆包线; ─── 漆包铜线

4、enameled steel sink ─── 搪瓷钢水槽

5、enameled bakeware ─── 搪瓷厨具

6、enameled tile ─── 搪瓷瓷砖

7、enameled cast iron ─── 有上搪瓷釉的

8、enameled mugs ─── 搪瓷大杯

9、enameled cast iron cookware ─── 搪瓷铸铁炊具

enameled 常用词组

enameled wire ─── [瓷]漆包线;漆包铜线

enameled 相似词语短语

1、enameller ─── 上釉的工匠

2、enameler ─── 搪瓷机

3、enamored ─── adj.迷恋的;倾心的;v.迷住,使迷恋(enamor的过去分词形式)

4、enamelers ─── 搪瓷机

5、enamelled ─── adj.搪瓷的,瓷漆的;v.涂以瓷釉;彩饰(enamel的过去时和过去分词)

6、enamel ─── n.搪瓷;珐琅;瓷釉;釉质;指甲油;vt.彩饰;涂以瓷釉

7、enabled ─── v.使能够,使成为可能;授权给,批准;(计)启动,激活(enable的过去式和过去分词)

8、easeled ─── 缓和的

9、enamels ─── n.珐琅;瓷釉(enamel的复数形式);[基医]釉质;v.涂瓷釉;使…光滑;给…上珐琅(enamel的第三人称单数形式)

enameled 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The exudation of enamel matrix almost stop in ameloblast secretory phase. ─── 在成釉细胞分泌期,釉基质分泌几乎中断;

2、Manufacturing potassium fertilizer, manufacturing porcelain and enamel ware, glass raw material, whet the grain etc. ─── 制造钾肥,制造陶瓷及搪瓷,玻璃原料,磨粒磨具等。

3、Structural changes of dental enamel, dentine, cementum and pulpal reactions in carious process are discussed. ─── 其中,釉质龋的研究资料最为丰富,其次是牙本质,有关牙骨质龋的资料最少。

4、Our main products are enameled copper wire, flexible insulation material, electrical adhesive tapes, litz wire and impregnants. ─── 我们的主要产品包括漆包铜线,柔软绝缘材料,电工胶带,绞合线和浸渍材料。

5、The jacket shall be rectangular 16-gauge galvanized steel with acrylic enamel finish. ─── 外壳应该是矩形16级电镀钢,外覆亚克力珐琅表面。

6、Juye Sunshine Enamel Ware Co., Ltd. ─── 巨野县阳光搪瓷制品有限公司。

7、The coils are of AWG 18 enameled magnet wire, each coil has 50 wraps. ─── 线圈是特设工作组18漆包线电磁线,每圈有50套。

8、Laser irradiation combined with APF treatment can increase the acid resistance of enamel. ─── 10 0mJ激光照射后再使用 12 .3g/LAPF可明显增强光滑面及咬合面牙釉质的抗酸性

9、You'll never have to hope for a Better nail enamel ever again. ─── 从今以后,你永远不必奢望更好的指甲油了。

10、A disfigurement in the teeth of humans known as mottled enamel has been recognized for many years. ─── 多年来公认珐琅斑会毁坏人们牙齿的外观。

11、We are a manufacturer of producing enameled cast iron bathtubs.Our factory established in 1998.We have a good reputation .There is a long warranty! ─── 地方我是知道一些的.可是做的人呢?怎么都没见过他们发帖子啊?卫浴产品我都有做,也跟很多厂家的人很熟,跟我联系吧!

12、I want a pair of enameled leather shoes in size 38. ─── 我要一双38号的亮漆皮鞋。

13、of the following items come in enameled cast iron. ─── 下面要介绍的这些炊具都是用搪瓷铸铁做成的。

14、He collected coloured enamel bowls from Yugoslavia. ─── 他藏有来自南斯拉夫的彩色搪瓷碗。

15、Due to soft and hard bristles, the top of the special treatment, to avoid damage gums and enamel. ─── 刷毛要软硬适当,顶端经过特殊处理,免得损伤牙龈及牙釉质。

16、Analysed the sheding porcelain of enamel reaction jar,found the reason of shedding porcelain and resolvent. ─── 对搪瓷反应罐的脱瓷问题进行了分析,找出了脱瓷的原因,提出了解决办法。

17、Responding to special glue motor rotor winding, tighten the protection of cementing motor rotor motor enameled wire, , prolong life. ─── 马达转子绕线以特殊胶封固,加强保护马达转子漆包线,延长马达寿命。

18、I watched as Mother peeled the tissue paper off a large box that read, "Eaton's Finest Enamel Dishpan" on its lid. ─── 我看着妈妈撕掉一个大盒子上的包装纸,盒盖上写着“伊顿最精美的洗碟盆”。

19、From the vague accounts we have of their beauty, many people are apt to picture to themselves enameled and softly swelling plains. ─── 从那些描写其美丽景色的模糊记载里,许多人往往只是想起一幅加了油彩的起伏的草原之画。

20、Instead of a whiny turbine drill, he uses a flash of laser light to blast away dentin and enamel. ─── 他用的是一道激光而不是烦人的涡轮钻来清除象牙质和牙齿的珐琅质。

21、So this demineralization system can be use for reproducible preparation of artificial carious lesions in dental enamel. ─── 与人牙具有相似化学组成的牛牙很适合代替人牙来检测脱矿和再矿化的效果。

22、The proteolytic phenomenon in enamel caries has been investigated from three directions. ─── 摘要作者从三个方面探讨牙釉质龋病变中的蛋白溶解现象。

23、Inside the tooth, under the white enamel and a hard layer called the dentin, is a soft tissue called the pulp. ─── 在牙齿内部,在白色的牙釉质和(淡黄色)硬质的牙本质下,是被称作牙髓的软组织。牙髓组织中包含了血管、神经和结缔组织。

24、The results show that enamel fish scales have been effectively restrained by this mill addition. ─── 实验结果表明,在搪瓷釉中磨加超细镍酸锂晶体有效地抑制了搪瓷材料鱼鳞爆缺陷的产生。

25、PEW 155 is a kind of enameled round copper wire, thermal class 155, coated by modified polyester resin. ─── PEW 155是由改性聚酯树脂涂制而成、热级为155的漆包铜圆线。

26、They have a bright golden brass color with the faces enameled in various colors. ─── 他们有一个光明的金色黄铜颜色与漆包线的脸在不同的颜色。

27、ZSS920 is a two-component, high-solid, high-gloss, polysiloxane enamel with excellent gloss and colour retention. ─── ZSS920是一种双组分、高固含、高光泽的聚硅氧烷面漆,具有非常优异的保色保光性。

28、bought the enameled milk jug and wire egg basket at Brimfield. ─── 彩釉牛奶罐和铁丝鸡蛋篮是在Brimfield买的。

29、A funerary purple hologram effect enamel, encapsulating the shrouded living corpse. ─── 一个紫色棺材的珐琅全息效果,用裹尸布将生者封入戒指内。

30、I sat down in the streetcar--and there against the seat was a beautiful silk umbrella with a silver handle inlaid with gold and necks of bright enamel. ─── 我在有轨电车里坐下来,发现座位边有一把漂亮的丝质伞,银把手上面还镶嵌着金子和亮丽的小片珐琅。

31、A little clock ornamented with gilt bronze rocaille foliage supporting the mechanism with its enameled dial. ─── 一个小钟饰以树叶金铜洛可可支持其漆包线拨号机制。

32、To coat, inlay, or decorate with enamel. ─── 上珐琅,上釉用瓷漆覆盖、镶嵌或装饰

33、Showing as they sleep, the cool enamel of their mouths? ─── 在他们沉睡之际露出嘴里清凉的牙釉?

34、The odontogenic keratocyst (OKC) is classified as a developmental cyst that derived from the enamel organ or the dental lamina. ─── 摘要齿源性角化囊肿乃起源于牙釉器官或是牙板的发育性囊肿。

35、Francesca moved through it with a dishpan done in cracked white enamel. ─── 弗朗西丝卡拿着一个搪瓷平锅在园子里走来走去。

36、Mottled enamel will also occur on the healthy teeth which have grown in the high fluoride area. ─── 在高氟地区即使是生长健康的牙齿还可以患氟牙症。

37、His armor was plate steel, enameled white and bright as a maiden's hopes, and worn over gilded mail. ─── 盔甲为板钢打造,饰以白釉,就像少女的希望一样明亮,然后配着一身镀金锁甲。

38、A mineral of the feldspar group, chiefly KAlSi3O8, used in making glass, porcelain, and enamel. ─── 微斜长石长石群中的一种矿物,主要是KAISi3O8用于制造玻璃、瓷和瓷漆

39、The chilling sound of crying at the moon, with pearlescent white enamel. ─── 在月亮出嚎出令人生寒的叫声,嵌有珍珠般光泽的白色珐琅.

40、The sensitivity and accuracy of BWR was higher than those of CE or LF at the level of enamel caries. ─── BWR的准确性、敏感性、一致性水平明显优于CE和LF ,但敏感度仍属中等 ,观察者自身一致性不理想。

41、Professional development, production and electronic information, household appliances and national defense science and technology supporting the fine and special enameled wire. ─── 公司始终以市场为导向,通过技术与管理的持续改进,为客户提供一流的产品和服务。

42、QZYB is a kind of enameled flat copper wire, thermal class 180, coated by polyesterimid resin. ─── QZYB是由聚酯亚胺树脂涂制而成、热级为180的漆包铜扁线。

43、If the bath is stained, don't try to scour the stain off; you'll only scrath the Enamel. ─── 如果浴室弄脏了,不用试图擦掉污点,你只要刮刮瓷盆就行了。

44、Structural changes of dental enamel,dentine,cementum and pulpal reactions in carious process are discussed. ─── 其中,釉质龋的研究资料最为丰富,其次是牙本质,有关牙骨质龋的资料最少。

45、All these rise to protect action to dental enamel. ─── 所有这些都对牙齿的珐琅质起到保护作用。

46、Microscope: The epithelial attachment migrates from enamel on to cementum, forming the floor of the pocket. ─── 与龈缘炎比较,结合上皮向根方增殖,与牙面分离,有深的牙周袋形成。

47、Looking into purchasing ceramic eyelets for enameled wire. i would like more information on your products. ─── 我想买一台家用电脑刺绣机,请问 价格是多少了?

48、It be proved that the repaired enamel reactor could be prolonged its porformance life and reduce the unnecessary loss. ─── 实践证明,经修补过的搪瓷反应器延长了使用寿命,减少了不必要的损失。

49、My third was, that there was nothing but the enamel paint, which had dissolved with boiling water. ─── 又一想,顿然释怀,原来我一切都好好的,这只是瓷漆,在热水中融化了。

50、A hardener is added to the acrylic enamel just before use. ─── 在用之前添加硬化剂到丙烯酸瓷釉中。

51、Linyi Luxing Enamel Ware Co., Ltd. ─── 临沂鲁星搪瓷有限责任公司

52、The B-dish for each class was filled to repletion in a huge enamel basin. ─── 只有乙菜各班都用烧瓷大脚盆盛着,海海漫漫的,显然大部分人都吃这种既不奢侈也不寒酸的菜。

53、The enamel of his teeth is very white. ─── 他牙齿的珐琅质很白。

54、The solubility of the hypoplastic enamel powder was higher than that of the normal enamel in the same teeth. ─── 乳牙釉质混浊和釉质发育不全分别与龋齿的发生显著相关。

55、Dry brushing is essential in cockpit. I always use silver enamel onto black cockpit. ─── 在座舱的制作过程中干扫是必不可少的。我总是用银色珐琅漆在座舱的黑色漆面上干扫。

56、In addition,some examples of dose reconstruction by ESR using tooth enamel are given. ─── 另外,还介绍了此技术在剂量重建中的一些应用实例。

57、Note: the above mentioned phenomenon caused by quality of shaft or enameled wire shall not fall into the calculation. ─── 以上现象由转子质量,漆包线质量引起的不作为计算依据。

58、Black matte enameled interior does not discolor or rust and gets better with use. ─── 黑色磨砂漆包线内部不褪色或生锈,更好的获取与使用。

59、Has developed into a professional production of various specifications aluminum enameled wire glass envelope and professional enterprises. ─── 已发展成为一家专业生产各种规格铝漆包线和玻璃丝包线的专业企业。

60、Iron utensils with a mottled enamel resembling granite. ─── 单涂搪瓷器皿表面涂以搪瓷使外观象花岗岩的铁制品

61、To keep up with the fast change of the world,we will pay more attention to market studying and researching to catch the market trend in enameled wire industry. ─── 我们将放眼世界,广泛研究漆包线的发展走向,把目光锁定于最有潜力的发展领域,向客户传达漆包线运用的最有价值的资讯。

62、In the indentations, it will be filled with enamel. ─── 它将有一个后盾代替被削减。

63、moreover, the enameled wire is anticorrosion, and the pattern made thereof can be preserved for a long period even under wet environment. ─── 另外,漆包线耐腐蚀,漆包线制作的图案即使在很潮湿的环境中也能长期保存。

64、Porcelain Enamel Institute technical forum. ─── 搪瓷学会技术讨论会会报。

65、The wear resistance of Sculpture and Bayer is similar to that of enamel, and suitable for restoration. ─── Sculpture和Bayer的耐磨性接近于牙釉质。

66、The enamel of her teeth is very white. ─── 她牙齿的珐琅质很白。

67、A black enamel or lacquer used to produce a durable glossy finish. ─── 亮漆,假漆用来制作持久的、有光泽的罩面漆的瓷漆或油漆

68、Through precise control of welding process parameters, one-side welding enameled wire to copper foil is realized. ─── 通过对焊接工艺参数进行精密控制,实现了铜箔漆包线的单面直接焊接。

69、Development deformation is enamel commonly depauperate, spot glair tooth and too small tooth. ─── 发育畸形常见的为釉质发育不全,斑釉牙及过小牙等。

70、Study of the Ablation Threshold of Er:YAG and Er,Cr:YSGG Lased Dental Enamel[J]. ─── 引用该论文 Lin Shi,Peng Qiming,Zhan Zhenlin,Liu Qinghua,Lin Qi.

71、Instead of a whiny turbine drill,he uses a flash of laser light to blast away dentin and enamel. ─── 他用的是一道激光,而不是烦人的涡轮钻来清除象牙质和牙齿的珐琅质。

72、I rummaged for 20 minutes in the kitchen cabinet and pulled out a huge white enamel pot. ─── 我在厨房里翻箱倒柜找了20分钟,才拖出一个白色大搪瓷罐。

73、The company's main types of headphones, computer cable, enameled wire, speakers, etc. of both domestic and foreign trade, Product novel, high-quality, affordable. ─── 公司主营各类耳机、电脑连接线、漆包线、喇叭等的国内、国外贸易,产品新颖,质量上乘,价格适宜。

74、Acrylic and gloss and enamel paint on wooden panel with a 3 cm drilled hole. ─── 丙烯酸,光泽和瓷漆在木制面板上,和一个3厘米深的钻洞。

75、As the beaver chews, the soft dentine behind wears away much faster than the hard enamel in front. ─── 当河狸咀嚼时,后面柔软的牙质比前面坚硬的珐琅质,磨损速度要快得多。

76、The products have five big classes of motor , coincidence device , moderating machine , the condenser , enameled wire. ─── 产品有电动机、偶合器、减速机、电容器、漆包线五大类。

77、A manicure is necessary if you would like to try nail enamel. ─── 你要涂指甲油的话需要先修指甲。

78、SO4-20 polyurethane enamel is the most suitable coating for chromium plated plastics works as compared with the others. ─── 与多种涂料比较,SO4-20聚氨酯磁漆最适用于涂装塑料镀铬件。

79、UEW 155 is a kind of enameled round copper wire, thermal class 155, coated by polyurethane resin. ─── UEW 155是由聚氨酯树脂涂制而成的,热级为155的漆包铜圆线。

80、Using a steel brush or heavy tool to hit the bathtub may break the enameled bathtub. ─── 切忌使用钢刷或重物敲撞而造成表面跳搪或破裂。

81、Enamel wares clean easily. ─── 搪瓷器皿容易弄干净。

82、Widely used insecurity door, coopery, enamel, office supplie, automobile and household electrical appliance,etc. ─── 广泛应用于:防盗门、制桶、搪瓷、办公用品、汽车、家电等。

83、It briefly analyses the deteriorating mechanism of enamel reactor and further introduces several repairing method. ─── 初步分析了搪瓷反应釜损坏机理,介绍了几种本公司常采用的修补方法。

84、The jacket shall be round 16-gauge galvanized steel with acrylic enamel finish. ─── 外壳应该是圆形16级电镀钢,外覆亚克力珐琅表面。

85、For the rubber, the paint, the enamel, the glass, the ceramics and other chemistries are industrial used. ─── 供橡胶、油漆、搪瓷、玻璃、陶瓷及其它化学工业用。

86、I chipped the enamel on my front tooth when I fell over. ─── 我跌倒时门牙的珐琅质碰碎了。

87、My part that protrudes from the gum has a "skin" of enamel . ─── 在我突出于齿龈的部分有一层珐琅“皮”。

88、The cook's helper slung the peeled potatoes into a huge enamel pot. ─── 厨师的帮手把削了皮的土豆扔进了一口巨大的搪瓷锅里。

89、An espresso ice pink frame features an enameled floral and butterfly design along the arm.Lenses are brown/pink. ─── 一个咖啡冰粉红色框具有珐琅彩色花卉及蝴蝶设计样式徽章。

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