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08-15 投稿


rhubarb 发音

英:['ru?bɑ?b]  美:['r?bɑrb]

英:  美:

rhubarb 中文意思翻译



rhubarb 网络释义

n. 大黄的叶柄,大黄;喧哗

rhubarb 词性/词形变化,rhubarb变形


rhubarb 短语词组

1、rhubarb pie recipe ─── 大黄派食谱

2、rhubarb bread ─── 大黄面包

3、aromatic syrup of rhubarb ─── [机] 大黄香糖浆

4、rhubarb front ─── 大黄正面

5、rhubarb with cashew cream ─── 大黄加腰果奶油

6、rhubarb plant ─── [网络] 大黄植物

7、rhubarb fluidextract ─── [医] 大黄流浸膏

8、carbonized rhubarb ─── 碳化大黄

9、aromatic tincture of rhubarb ─── [机] 大黄香酒

10、bog rhubarb ─── [网络] 沼泽大黄

11、Indian rhubarb ─── [网络] 印度大黄

12、rhubarb pie ─── [网络] 大黄派;蛋黄派

13、garden rhubarb ─── 食用大黄

14、alkaline rhubarb mixture ─── [医] 硷性大黄合剂

15、Himalayan rhubarb ─── [网络] 雅大黄

16、rhubarb pie calories ─── 大黄派热量

17、Chinese rhubarb ─── 大黄

18、aromatic rhubarb tincture ─── [医] 芳香大黄酊

19、Squibb's rhubarb mixture ─── [医] 期奎布氏大黄合剂(复方大黄合剂)

rhubarb 相似词语短语

1、rhubarbing ─── 大黄

2、rhumbatron ─── n.环状共振器;空腔谐振器

3、Chubb ─── n.丘伯保险锁(商标名称)

4、fubar ─── n.信息条;信息面板;adj.无法处置的;无法插手整理的

5、rhubarby ─── 大黄

6、to rhubarb ─── 到大黄

7、rhubarbs ─── n.大黄的叶柄,大黄;喧哗

8、rhubarbed ─── 大黄

9、houbara ─── n.波斑鸨

rhubarb 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Rhubarb is a chinese herbal drug in common use.For many years, the research boost of rhubarb is in the ascendant. ─── 大黄为常用中药,多年来,对其研究热潮方兴未艾。

2、Rhubarb might achieve bett er effects on gastrointestinal failure in patients with critical illness,and red uce the morbidity and mortality of MODS obviously. ─── 大黄对危重病患者胃肠功能衰竭具有较好的治疗作用 ,可明显降低MODS的发生率和病死率。

3、INGREDIENTS: Snow Lotus Cohobation, Natural Plant Essence, Aloe Essence, Angelica, Rhubarb Essence, Etc. ─── 雪莲纯露,配合天然植物提取物及芦荟原液、当归丹参、大黄类提取物、橄榄油。

4、High-quality products: Qin Qiang, Fritillaria, such as rhubarb. ─── 名优特产:秦羌、贝母、大黄等。

5、Rhubarb anthraquinone analogues ─── 大黄蒽醌

6、The main production of wheat, highland barley, broad bean, potato and other food crops, cash crops are Chinese angelica, Codonopsis, rhubarb, red, etc. stilbazolium. ─── 主产小麦、青稞、蚕豆、洋芋等粮食作物,经济作物有当归、党参、大黄、红芪等。

7、Keywords Rhubarb;Coxsackievirus B3;antiviral activity;screening; ─── 大黄;柯萨奇病毒B3型;抗病毒作用;筛选;

8、Go and take a look at any Chinese pharmacy, and you will see cabinets with numerous drawers, each bearing the name of a drug -- toncal, foxglove, rhubarb, saltpetre, indeed, everything that should be there. ─── 你们去看一看中药铺,那里的药柜子上有许多抽屉格子,每个格子上面贴着药名,当归、熟地、大黄、芒硝,应有尽有。

9、Can Chinese rhubarb, chrysanthemum treat toothache? ─── 大黄、菊花可以治牙痛吗?

10、Won't you grow any fruit? No. only rhubarb, God's gift to Scotland and lazy gardeners. ─── 你们这里种水果吗?不种,只种大黄,这是上帝对对苏格兰人和懒人的恩宠。

11、If you give her some mushy rhubarb, she'll most likely spit it out. ─── 如果你喂给她糊状的大黄,她可能会很不高兴地吐掉。

12、Rhubarb root、Chastetree fruit、Chrysanthemum flower、Coptis chinensis root、Angelica dong gui root、Platycodon grandiflori root、Ledebouriella sesloides root、Lovage、Licorice root. ─── 大黄、蔓荆子、菊花、黄莲、当归、桔梗、防风、川芎、甘草。

13、"Rhubarb" inspection, they found a fisherman to take advantage of added water on the island when I picked up a military jacket. ─── “大黄”巡视时,发现一渔民趁上岛加淡水之时,拿起了我的一件军上衣。

14、Rhein,a main constituent of rhubarb, is a well-characterized anti-inflammatory agent with recognized utility in a range of inflammatory diseases such as ostarthritis, diabetic nephropathy etc. ─── 大黄酸是中药大黄的主要成分之一,临床可用于治疗骨关节炎、糖尿病肾病等疾病,并且具有协同抗肿瘤的作用。

15、the large - leaved rhubarb and cabbage plants slept too , their broad limp surfaces hanging in the sun like half - closed umbrellas. ─── 大叶子的大黄和卷心菜也都睡着了,它们那些宽阔发蔫的叶片在日光下低垂,好像半开半闭的伞。

16、Rhubarb could effectively reduce the secondary CNS damage in rats with AHS, it might be related with the suppressive effect of rhubarb on tPA mRNA and PLG mRNA expression in CNS. ─── 大黄能有效治疗急性出血性卒中大鼠中枢神经二次损伤 ,这一作用与大黄抑制急性出血性卒中大鼠中枢tPAmRNA及PLGmRNA表达有关。

17、Case Study: A woman in the first trimester of a pregnancy aborted her fetus before dying from rhubarb poisoning herself. ─── 案例:一个怀胎三个月的女人先是堕了胎,而后因为吃大黄花叶自己也中毒身亡。

18、Keywords rhubarb;anthraquinone derivate;rhein substance;stability; ─── 大黄;蒽醌衍生物;大黄酸类物质;稳定性;

19、Concluded that compound rhubarb decoction retent ion-enema may alleviate symptoms in uremia patients. ─── 可见,复方大黄煎剂保留灌肠可缓解尿毒症病人症状。

20、Resource-rich territory of Wild Fauna and Flora, and Qingyang, argali,獐zi , bears and other wildlife and rhubarb, dangshen Chinese herbal medicines, such as 150 kinds of wildlife. ─── 境内野生动植物资源丰富,有青羊、盘羊、獐子、熊等野生动物及大黄、党参等150种野生中药材。

21、Liuwei Anxiao Capsule and rhubarb do not influence the colonic expression of MUC2. ─── 六味安消胶囊和大黄对结肠MUC2的表达无明显影响。

22、Effect of rhubarb on acute hemorrhagic pancreatitis in rats ─── 大黄对大鼠急性出血性胰腺炎的影响

23、Keywords ST5"B3 Rhubarb;Chronic renal failure;Systematic review; ─── 大黄;慢性肾功能衰竭;系统评价;

24、pie containing diced rhubarb and much sugar. ─── 夹切成块的大黄和许多食糖的馅饼。

25、Decoction of Rhubarb and Moutan Root Bark ─── 大黄牡丹皮汤

26、Bacteriostatic action of Rhubarb on main pathogenic bacterium of acnes ─── 大黄对痤疮主要致病菌的体外抑菌作用研究

27、free anthraquinones of rhubarb ─── 大黄游离蒽醌

28、Study survey on Rhubarb in Recent years ─── 大黄研究进展

29、Rhubarb contains toxic Oxalates and anthraquinone glycoside. ─── 大黄含有毒草酸以及蒽醌苷。

30、Or is it all a rhubarb goulash, as Murdoch would have it? ─── 或者还是像默多克所言,Google新闻只不过是一盘大黄牛肉(rhubarb goulash)呢?

31、Stilamin and rhubarb can prevent complication and promise successful therapy. ─── :施他宁联合大黄治疗重症胰腺炎可减少并发症 ,提高治疗成功率

32、Rhubarb + realgar group and glycyrrhiza + realgar group were decreased significantly and the content of soluble arsenic is 84.9% and 81.1%, lower than that in realgar. ─── 其中大黄+雄黄组和甘草+雄黄组使可溶性砷含量减少为84.9%和81.1%,而冰片+雄黄组等影响不显著。

33、Chen DC,Yang XY,Li HJ,et al.Studies of Rhubarb against gastrointestinal complications in critically ill patients[J].Zhonghua Jizhen Yixue Zazhi(Chin J Emerg Med),2001,10(3):164-167. ─── [20]陈德昌,杨兴易,李红江,等.大黄对危重病患者胃肠道并发症的治疗研究[J].中华急诊医学杂志,2001,10(3): 164-167.

34、Chinese rhubarb function is valuable the word is understood in, will thousands of years be in clinical applying and long fill do not decline. ─── 大黄作用贵在一个通字,几千年来在临床应用而久盛不衰。

35、The large-leaved rhubarb and cabbage plants slept too, their broad limp surfaces hanging in the sun like half-closed umbrellas. ─── 大叶子的大黄和卷心菜也都睡着了,它们那些宽阔发蔫的叶片在日光下低垂,好象半开半闭的

36、To optimize the extracting technique of rhubarb and rumex madaio in the Coating Material of Yinxieling(treating psoriasis effectively). ─── 优选银屑灵涂膜剂中大黄、土大黄的优化提取工艺。

37、Decoction with Rhubarb and Moutan Bark ─── 大黄丹皮汤

38、Chinese rhubarb can remove again small loop obstacle, restore to organize a cell to metabolize to be supplied with blood normally, make liver rejuvenesce. ─── 大黄又能解除微循环障碍,恢复组织细胞正常代谢和血液供给,促使肝细胞再生。

39、Chinese rhubarb polysaccharide ─── 大黄多糖

40、Study on the Quantity Standard of Rhubarb Pills ─── 大黄胶囊质量标准的研究

41、The effective rate of rhubarb for hemorrhage of gastrointestinal mucosa was 62.5% and for toxic enteroparalysis was 66.7% respectively. ─── 大黄对常规组胃肠黏膜出血治疗的有效率达62.5%,对中毒性肠麻痹治疗的有效率达66.7%。

42、The two men swallow, blink, start waving their arms and, with veins in their necks swelling to resemble stalks of rhubarb, scream and holler at the dog to stop. ─── 两个人傻了,咽下口水,开始挥动双臂,脖子上青筋暴跳,冲着狗拼命的喊叫,企图制止它。

43、The Usage of Rhubarb in Treatment of Stomachache ─── 大黄在治疗胃脘痛中的应用

44、The study of effect of weight loss of rhubarb ─── 大黄减肥作用的实验研究

45、"Won't you grow any fruit?" "No. only rhubarb, God's gift to Scotland and lazy gardeners." ─── "你们这里种水果吗?""不种,只种大黄,这是上帝对对苏格兰人和懒人的恩宠。"

46、Advancement of the Study on Rhubarb ─── 大黄的研究进展

47、Chinese herbal medicines have Notopterygium, Gentiana, such as rhubarb. ─── 中药材有羌活、秦艽、大黄等。

48、The Influence of Rhubarb on Cruor Function in SAP ─── 大黄对重症急性胰腺炎患者凝血功能的影响

49、Conclusion: Stilamin and rhubarb can prevent complication and promise successful therapy. ─── 9%,治愈者平均住院26天。

50、Research Progress of Chinese Rhubarb Application in the Neurosurgery ─── 中药大黄在神经外科应用研究进展

51、Rhubarb Preparation Used for Bowl Preparation for Gynecological Operations ─── 大黄制剂用于术前肠道准备的效果

52、The land is fertile territory, the main grain producing wheat, corn, potato, have a party to the cash crops, rhubarb, red stilbazolium, oil, walnuts, and other wild bracken. ─── 境内土地肥沃,粮食主产小麦、玉米、洋芋,经济作物有党归、大黄、红芪、油料、核桃、野生蕨菜等。

53、The Analysis of Anthraquinone Derivate Component and Its Stability in Rhubarb ─── 中药大黄中蒽醌衍生物成分分析及其稳定性

54、It was that rhubarb that generally is credited with producing all the reforms the last two years regarding player behavior and dress. ─── 人们广泛认为,正是这场斗殴直接导致近两年来一系列有关球员行为和穿着的改革。

55、Rhubarb for Intractable High Fever ─── 单味大黄治疗顽固性高热

56、Rhubarb Acute Toxicity and Innate Immune Modulation in Mice ─── 大黄制剂对小鼠的急性毒性和自然免疫调节作用

57、A detail procedure for extracting anthraqinones from Rhubarb was developed by using an obturated microwave-assisted extraction(MAE)device with a pressure controlling unit. ─── 利用具有压力控制附件的密闭微波萃取装置,提取大黄中的蒽醌类化合物。

58、Aroma: Complex nose with a lot going on. Savoury feral barnyard characters, mingle with lifted violets and rhubarb characters. Stalks there as well. leather and boot polish characters. ─── 口感:口感集中,浑厚有力。大量的单宁酸使其保持浓厚、结实的口感,是一款酒体结构极佳的黑比诺

59、But the crucial, less predictable flourish was a rhubarb foam on top of that. It cut the fattiness of the liver. ─── 让人意想不到的关键在于,鹅肝酱上还有些黄色泡沫,这些是鹅肝中提取的油脂。

60、Rhubarb's alcoholic extract product ─── 大黄醇提制剂

61、aromatic tincture of rhubarb ─── [机] 大黄香酒

62、Rhubarb's water extract product ─── 大黄水提制剂

63、Effect of rhubarb ethanol-extract on herpes simplex encephalitis ─── 大黄乙醇提取物对小鼠疱疹性脑炎的治疗作用

64、root and rhizome of medicinal rhubarb ─── [化] 大黄

65、beds of strawberries and rhubarb ─── 一小片一小片的草莓和大黄

66、Keywords Rhubarb;Emodin;Epilepsy;Brain protection; ─── 大黄;大黄素;癫痫;脑保护;

67、Qing - zang Tanguticum Rhubarb ─── 唐古特大黄

68、Compound rhubarb oral liquid ─── 复方大黄

69、Chinese herbal medicines have Gentiana, Notopterygium, Cordyceps sinensis, rhubarb and so on. ─── 中药材有秦艽、羌活、冬虫夏草、大黄等。

70、RHUBARB snaps his claws at fish, keeping them off the bottom of your tank. ─── RHUBARB仅一爪子在鱼,使他们从底部的坦克。

71、Won't you grow any fruit?" "No. Only rhubarb, God's gift to Scotland and lazy gardeners. ─── "你们这里种水果吗?"不种,只种大黄,这是上帝对对苏格兰人和懒人的恩宠。

72、Some Simple Method for Use of Rhubarb ─── 大黄的几种简易用法

73、Rhubarb is one of the effective herbs for chronic renal failure(CRF) and the most common one as well. ─── 大黄是治疗慢性肾功能衰竭(CRF)的有效药物,也是最常用的药物。

74、Ahrysophanol and physcion are effective anthraquinones in rhubarb,but it is difficult to separate than other anthraquinones because of resemble structure and close characters. ─── 大黄酚和大黄素甲醚是大黄中有功效的蒽醌类成份,由于两者结构相似,酸性与极性相近,往往难以分离。

75、Well-known specialty: producing Qin Xiang, Niuhuang, Cordyceps sinensis, Qin Qiang, rhubarb and other Chinese herbal medicines. ─── 名优特产:出产秦香、牛黄、冬虫夏草、秦羌、大黄等中药材.

76、Rape-seed-rich territory, Chinese herbal medicine, with "Shuanglu card" the most famous rhubarb. ─── 境内盛产菜子、中药材,其中以“双鹿牌”大黄最为驰名。

77、Seaweed, mushrooms, rhubarb, luxury products such as ephedra, famous nationwide. ─── 发菜、蘑菇、大黄、麻黄等名贵特产,誉满全国。

78、Protective Effect of Rhubarb Anthraquinone Derivant on Rats'Acute Lung Injury ─── 大黄蒽醌衍生物对大鼠急性肺损伤的保护作用

79、Chinese rhubarb is a kind of widely used Traditional Chinese Medicine,which has many active ingredient and wide pharmacologic action. ─── 大黄是一味应用广泛的传统中药,大黄具有多种有效成分和广泛的药理作用,应用于临床多种危重病症的抢救治疗。

80、night, we walk along the beach around the island on the edge, "rhubarb" on the front foot after foot to Sahuan. ─── 晚下,人们在孤岛上沿四周海边散步,“大黄”就脚前足后地撒欢。

81、Palate: Sweet berry, damson plum and stewed rhubarb fruits embrace a tight structural core, which is reinforced by integrated French oak. ─── 口感:酒体厚,口感有浓郁的樱桃果香、甘甜的巧克力味。

82、Keywords Rhubarb injection;Herpes simplex;Herpes zoster; ─── 大黄注射液;单纯疱疹;带状疱疹;

83、Keywords Rhubarb;Chrysophanol;Emodin;Rhein;Anthraquinone; ─── 大黄;大黄酚;大黄素;大黄酸;蒽醌;

84、Produced from Cabernet Sauvignon grapes and displaying overtones of blackcurrant and stewed rhubarb emerge on the palate, this red wine is soft and approachable. ─── 以赤霞珠酿造的这款酒口感柔顺随和,展现出熟大黄与黑醋栗结合的精美味觉。使得她喝起来口味深长,层次丰富多样。

85、Title: Study on Seed Germination Characteristics of European Rhubarb (Rheum rhaponticum L. ─── 关键词:欧洲大黄种子;发芽特性;发芽率;发芽势;发芽指数

86、medicinal rhubarb root and rhizome ─── 大黄

87、Chinese rhubarb eel, abluent go splanchnic add condiment edible of braise in soy sauce. ─── 大黄鳝鱼一条,洗净去内脏加调料红烧食用。

88、Studies on Purgative Activity of Rhubarb Extracts by Different Technologies ─── 大黄不同工艺产物泻下活性比较研究

89、With pepper, apple, walnut and fruit-based to rhubarb, dangshen, red stilbene-based Chinese herbal medicines such as industry has become a pillar industry in the township. ─── 以花椒、苹果、核桃为主的林果业和以大黄、党参、红芪等为主的中药材产业已成为全乡的支柱产业。

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