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08-15 投稿


sluggishness 发音

英:[['sl?ɡ??n?s]]  美:[['sl?ɡ??n?s]]

英:  美:

sluggishness 中文意思翻译



sluggishness 短语词组

1、sluggishness define ─── 迟缓性定义

2、sluggishness def ─── 迟钝

3、sluggishness antonym ─── 迟钝反义词

4、sluggishness crossword ─── 慢字填字游戏

5、sluggishness mean ─── 迟缓意味着

6、sluggishness crossword clue ─── 迟钝纵横字谜线索

sluggishness 词性/词形变化,sluggishness变形

名词: sluggishness |副词: sluggishly |

sluggishness 相似词语短语

1、Whiggishness ─── 辉格气,

2、hoggishness ─── 猪性

3、lumpishness ─── 块状

4、bluishness ─── n.发绀病

5、blueishness ─── 青色

6、sluttishness ─── 放荡

7、luskishness ─── 甜美

8、doggishness ─── 泼辣;卑鄙

9、haggishness ─── 食欲不振

sluggishness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Sluggish of this kind of product bilges and benefit coast, make the farmer is contused, feel bemused. ─── 农业的这种产品滞胀和效益滑坡,使农民受到挫伤,感到困惑。

2、He's sluggish, just like me, although I don't have a huge carapace on my back to slow me down. ─── 乌龟慢吞吞的,跟我一样,只不过我用不着背着那块大龟甲而放慢速度。

3、A sluggish economy and increased competition brought about by economic reforms are squeezing profit margins. ─── 市场需求不旺,经济改革加剧了行业竞争,导致公司利润率下降。

4、If you pick the high-fat fries and shake, you may feel sluggish and blow that test. ─── 如果你选中了高脂肪的炸薯条和奶昔,你就会感到非常懒散,很可能考砸了。

5、The sluggishness in the economy cannot be explained by cyclical factors; we need structural changes. ─── 周期性因素并不能解释经济停滞不前的原因;我们需要进行经济结构改革。

6、This process is sluggish if you have insulin resistance. ─── 如果你有胰岛素抵抗的话,这个过程就会被延迟。

7、result of study shows:On different height, fuel density with change of time, have a sluggishness at first, then the density rises rapidly. ─── 研究结果表明:在不同的高度上, 燃料浓度随着时间的变化,先有一个迟滞期,然后浓度迅速升高。

8、Warren headed for the 10: 00 position bearing, grimly noting that the craft's response was still sluggish. ─── 华伦朝十点钟方位飞去,心情沉重地意识到飞机的反应还是不大灵活。

9、If the teacher longs to stir the sluggish mind of one of her scholars, she must first find out what the sluggishness is due to. ─── 如果老师渴望打消她一个学生的懒惰心理,那她必须找到造成这种惰性的原因。

10、FEELING TIRED AND SLUGGISH NOW WINTER'S HERE? ─── 在冬天感觉疲倦乏力么?这里有一些恢复精力的方法可供参考。

11、He found himself content to watch idly the sluggish flow of the turbid stream. ─── 他心安理得地懒洋洋地望着混浊的河水缓缓流着。

12、The response is too sluggish. ─── 其响应就显得太迟钝。

13、Sloth is not really a suitable name for it now, because the word has come to mean a sluggishness and inactivity which is chiefly physical. ─── 对这种失败来说,懒惰并不是一个合适的名字,因为懒惰的原意是生理上的呆滞和迟钝。

14、The dominance expression of poor dissimilation is sluggish degrades, recessive expression is to denude change. ─── 差异化的显性表现是滞退化 ,隐性表现是剥蚀化。

15、Using a 9-speed chain with 8-speed front derailleur and crankset will result in sluggish shifting and the adjustment is more critical. ─── 使用9速链条搭配8速前拨及牙盘会导致迟缓的变速并使调整过程更加困难。

16、One, serious economic sluggish bilges 1991 after Russia disintegrate, russia became.. ─── 一、严重的经济滞胀1991年苏联瓦解后,俄罗斯成了一个...

17、Many of the players are getting sluggish and what this team needs is some fresh blood. ─── 很多队员渐渐变得动作迟缓了。这支队所需的是一些新鲜血液。

18、He noticed that along with the sluggishness, the suit had an amplifying effect on movement. ─── 他注意到虽然迟缓但是制服有放大动作的效果。

19、Why Europe Is More Sluggish Than America? ─── 为什么欧洲比美国还要糟糕?

20、Q: (CCTV) Despite the sluggish world economy, China has set its economic growth forecast for this year at 7 percent. ─── 中央电视台记者:在世界经济低迷的情况下,今年中国经济增长率预测目标7%。

21、He has a sluggish mind and shows little interest in anything. ─── 他生性怠惰,对任何事情都不大有兴趣。

22、When hast thou been so sluggish before now? ─── 你什么时候像现在这样懒洋洋过?

23、The second half performance, the scene of Hamlet pace than the first few sluggish performance a lot, even of his arm for the market to complete. ─── 后半场的演出中,舞台上的哈姆雷特步伐比前几场演出迟滞了不少,甚至需要同伴的搀扶才能完成换场。

24、The westward flow of population would have been far more sluggish. ─── 否则人口的向西迁移也将缓慢得多。

25、The Trailblazer itself is rather slow and sluggish, but is equipped with a powerful main gun and a gun turret. ─── “先驱者”级本身行动想当迟缓,但是却可以装备强力的主炮以及炮塔。

26、A person regarded as dull-witted or sluggish. ─── 庸人,笨蛋被认为迟钝的或呆滞的人

27、In detecting sluggish target sites and drainage points, observe for typical texture and shading iris signs. ─── 在发现偷懒的目标方面位于,而且排水点,为典型的质地和留下阴影虹膜告示观察。

28、As shown by last year's experience, these are effective means to stimulate economic growth when overall demand is sluggish. ─── 去年的实践证明,这是在需求不旺的情况下拉动经济发展的有效举措。

29、Strong crude oil import growth synchronized with sluggish domestic oil production. ─── 原油进口增长快速,国内油产品却同步下跌。

30、Governments may need to tackle sluggish wage growth and increased inequality more directly. ─── 作为整体的全体国民都应从经济的增长中得益。

31、A sluggish, sick human is easy to spot. ─── 乏力,容易患病人类现货。

32、And in the euro zone, sluggish economies are looking ever more lethargic. ─── 在欧元区,低迷的经济从来没有这样让人昏昏欲睡。

33、Jordan Farmar tied a career-high 21 points and Pau Gasol added 15 and 10 rebounds as the Lakers were able to overcome a sluggish start. ─── 乔丹·法玛尔追平本赛季最高的21分,保罗·加索尔的15分10个篮板,帮助湖人熬过了那个艰难的开局。

34、Sluggish in the brown-out, it complains, but swallows and digests. ─── 因为电力流失而行动迟缓,它抱怨着,不过还是吞了进去并消化。

35、Deciding how worrying this is depends on what lies behind the sluggishness. ─── 判定这令人多担忧取决于迟缓增长的背后是什么。

36、Bad news for the old, large investment banks could mean two or three more years of sluggishness for the global economy, Shen predicted. ─── 美国老牌投资银行的凋零意味着美国次贷危机在短期之内难以见底,这可能进一步拖累全球经济,沈明高预测。

37、Advice and sluggish agents do not need specialized retailing. ─── 咨询和一手房代理都不需要专门的门店销售。

38、Below him flowed a wide and sluggish river. ─── 下面是一条流得很慢的很宽的河。

39、A sluggish America next year will be a hard inheritance for the next president. ─── 一蹶不振的美国对下一任总统来说是个烫手的山芋。

40、Dull with sleepiness;sluggish. ─── 因困倦而迟钝;懒怠的

41、With very large organisms that are now relatively sluggish, animal food cannot be caught. ─── 体型大的生物由于行动慢,不可能猎取到动物性食物。

42、Germany's strong showing probably reflects a trend as well as the growth in German corporate profits despite sluggish growth in the overall economy. ─── 德国的强劲表现可能反映了一种趋势,也反映了德国企业利润的增长,尽管德国整体经济增长疲软。

43、In the first quarter, growth was a sluggish 0.6 Percent, the slowest in more than four years. ─── 在第一季度,增长乏力0.6左右,最慢在四年以上。

44、In a sluggish automotive market, perhaps BMW is trying to build a bit of momentum with their M-division. ─── 在一个低迷的汽车市场,也许宝马正在试图建立一个位的势头,他们的M-司.

45、But there are longer-term reasons for Britain's comparative sluggishness. ─── 但是英国行动的相对缓慢还有其它长期的原因。

46、Below me in the valley rolled a sluggish stream of caribou, the large deer of the Canadian North. ─── 在我下面的山谷中,加拿大北方的大鹿-驯鹿,正在川流不息地缓慢地向前移动。

47、Accordingly, choose to appropriate shoe accompanies gentleman and go only, ability sluggish asperses lifetime. ─── 因此,只有选择合适的鞋伴君而行,才能滞洒走一生。

48、Some analysts question how much further the stock market can rise if the Fed's actions do not lift the economy out of its sluggishness. ─── 一些分析人士提出疑问,如果美联储的措施不能让经济重现活力,股市还能再上扬多少。

49、The eutectoid reactions which can occur are extremely sluggish. ─── 可能发生的共折反应是非常缓慢的。

50、The prodrome of acute encephalopathy consists of subtle changes in mental attitudes, sluggishness, poor monoy, inability to concentrate, restlessness, and hyper-irritability. ─── 急性脑病的先驱症状包括精神态度的微妙变化,懒惰厌动,记忆力衰退,精神不集中,烦躁不安和过度刺激。

51、At the same time he had grown intellectually more sluggish and showed little inclination to develop new ideas. ─── 同时,他在思想上故步自封,几乎无新的发展。

52、That way, they warn, lies the relatively high unemployment and sluggish growth of Europe and Japan. ─── 他们警告:那样的话,就会出现欧洲和日本式的相对较高的失业率和经济增长不景气。

53、Hurry up! Prepare the carriage for me, hand me my gloves. I'm to be late for my date. You're so, you're always so sluggish. ─── 快点!把马车给我准备好,递我手套。我约会要晚了,你总是那么慢慢腾腾的。

54、It's helpful to pre-adapt the finishing yeast to a small diluted portion of the sluggish fermenting must before adding it to the main fermenter. ─── 它有助于预适应酵母整理一小部分呆滞稀释发酵前必须加入发酵罐为主体。

55、There is a range of opinion among economists, though, and some warn of continued sluggishness, especially in the beginning of the year. ─── 然而经济学家却意见各异。有些经济学家认为经济将继续萎靡不振,特别是在明年年初。

56、This will keep blood sugar levels stable to avoid the low-energy sluggishness that makes you reach for high-calorie treats. ─── 这样可以保持血糖平稳,防止你因为能量不足,反应迟钝,食用高热量的食物。

57、Does your application performance appear sluggish? ─── 应用程序的性能是否显得迟缓了?

58、An old, large, or sluggish fish. ─── 动作迟钝的大鱼一种老的、巨大的或行动迟缓的鱼

59、With supply growth sluggish, the steady increase in demand is hauling prices remorselessly higher. ─── 伴随着供应增长的趋缓和需求的稳步增长,油价毫无疑问会进一步升高。

60、Moreover, we are facing internal difficulties such as the sluggish growth of farmers' income and employment burden of urban residents. ─── 从国内来看,也存在农民收入增长缓慢、城镇居民就业压力较大等困难。

61、So a bit of sluggishness is to be expected. ─── 因此交投清淡一些也在意料之中。

62、This sluggishness is not a problem for many applications, but there are always going to be cases where performance is critical. ─── 这种延缓对于许多应用程序来说不算是问题,但是总是会遇到性能非常关键的情况。

63、The academic circles often owe the sluggish development of agricultural insurance to the lack of governmental support. ─── 对于我国农业保险发展滞后的原因学术界多归于政府支持不力。

64、After practicing for a while, they become sluggish and forget their purpose in coming here. ─── 大家修一阵子就懈怠了,不晓得来这里是为了做什么?

65、Dull with sleepiness; sluggish. ─── 因困倦而迟钝; 懒怠的

66、The pulse of joy that beats in us at twenty becomes sluggish. ─── 二十岁时在我们身上跳动着的欢乐的脉搏会迟缓下来。

67、Deep in the woods, the macaques hunt insects still sluggish after a cool mountain night. ─── 在山林深处一个清凉夜晚之后,猕猴搜寻著行动迟钝的昆虫.

68、The Feasibility of Special Vehicle Help the Heavy Duty Truck Market Come out of Sluggish? ─── 专用汽车能否引导重卡市场走出低迷?

69、If the teacher longs to stir the sluggish mind of one of her scholars, she must first find out what the sluggishness is due to. ─── 如果老师渴望打消她一个学生的懒惰心理,那她必须找到造成这种惰性的原因。

70、On the whole, however, there was something decidedly sluggish and insignificant about Jean Valjean in appearance, at least. ─── 但是他多少有些昏昏沉沉、无足轻重的味儿,至少表面如此。

71、She made all European progress seem sluggish and tentative by comparison. ─── 它使欧洲的一切进步相形之下显得是缓慢的和暂时的。

72、Although she is lazy and sluggish, she is keen and neat in her work. ─── 别看她日常懒散疲沓,干起工作来还挺麻利的!

73、Periodic the others day (outside dividing menses) , vulva feels dry, sticky sluggish, for infecund period. ─── 周期的其余日子(除月经期外),外阴感到干燥、黏滞,为不孕期。

74、If the temperature cycle of the ocean salt is sluggish,the heat distribution on the Earth will be unven. ─── 人血液循环不畅,就会中风、肢体坏死,大洋盐温循环不畅,地球就会冷热不均。

75、Never frown at your parents' sluggishness , because you can't imagine how they taught you to walk when you were a toddler. ─── 永远不要嫌弃你的父母行动迟缓,因为你永远想象不出你小的时候他们是如何耐心地教你走路;

76、You tend to eat fattening foods, to be sluggish and indolent, and to dislike exercise. ─── 你喜欢吃含油脂量过高的食物, 细嚼慢咽是你的特色。

77、We felt sluggish on such a boiling hot day and could only slop around. ─── 在如此酷热的天气下,我们动也不想动,只能懒洋洋地走。

78、Warm weather was blamed for the languid winter sales.But retail sales have been sluggish all year. ─── 和暖的冬季不能成为全年零售数据不佳的理由。

79、The economy may be sluggish, but “the very poor are living Chinese growth rates,” says Marcelo Neri of the Fundação Getulio Vargas. ─── 也许经济仍不景气,但“极端贫困的人口正享受着中国式的增长速度(番达曹格图里奥瓦尔加斯大学的马塞罗.内里说)”。

80、If the professional sluggishness of university journal editing does not get regulation on time or effectively, it will affect the quality of the journal and the quality of life. ─── 学报编辑职业倦怠如果得不到及时、有效的调适,将会对学报质量和编辑的生活质量产生负面影响。

81、Interest rates that seemed right for the whole euro area were too high for sluggish Germany and too low for friskier Greece, Ireland and Spain. ─── 利率似乎对欧元区整体来说还算合理,但对于发展略慢的德国过高,而相对经济更为活跃的希腊、爱尔兰和西班牙则又过低。

82、On the whole, China's modern police system displays the basic features of duality in theory and sluggishness in practice. ─── 中国近代警察制度总体上显示出理论层面的双重性和实践层面的滞后性等基本面貌。

83、Silver Fangs: A pack leader must lead. They have grown fat and sluggish and mad. ─── 一个组织的头儿必须能领导大家。他们变的又肥胖又迟钝又疯狂。

84、How to explain " sluggish bilges " became again.. ─── 如何解释“滞胀”又成了...

85、Sloth is not really a suitable name for it now, because the word has come to mean a sluggishness and inactivity which is chiefly physical. ─── 怠惰”大概不是一个恰当的词语,因为现在它的语义主要是指在生理方面的行动迟缓或疏于运动。

86、He said China offered more opportunities as South Korea struggles with a sluggish economy. ─── 他说,中国提供了更多的机会,而韩国正在跟不景气的经济斗争。

87、It is clearly important to distinguish between a "sluggish" antiviral response, development of resistance, and noncompliance. ─── 对缓慢的抗病毒应答、抵抗的发展和不依从三者进行区分是非常重要的。

88、For this.People thinks generally, sluggish bilges is to develop the peculiar child of market economy country. ─── 为此.人们普遍认为,滞胀是发达市场经济国家的特有产物。

89、But they do seem to be linked to the perseverance of narrow elites and to the countries' sluggishness in overcoming old rivalries and building an integrated regional market. ─── 但这些原因似乎都与少数社会高层掌控大局、国家无力克服老大难问题以及无法建立一个统一的地区市场有关。

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