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08-15 投稿


disengaging 发音

英:[?d?s?n?ɡe?d???]  美:[?d?s?n?ɡe?d???]

英:  美:

disengaging 中文意思翻译





disengaging 同义词

free | unfasten | uncouple |unlock | undo | liberate | separate | extricate | distance | loosen | withdraw | untie

disengaging 常用词组

disengage from ─── 摆脱;解开

disengaging 短语词组

1、disengaging clutch ─── 脱开式离合器

2、disengaging theory ─── 分离理论

3、disengaging coping ─── 脱离式应对

4、disengaging pipeline ─── 分离管道

5、disengaging mean ─── 分离平均值

6、disengaging def ─── 分离def

7、disengaging syn ─── 分离同步器

8、disengaging dnd ─── 分离dnd

9、automatic disengaging ─── 自动脱离

10、disengaging herself ─── 脱离自我

11、disengaging mechanism ─── 分离机构

12、disengaging effect ─── 分离效应

13、disengaging apparatus ─── 分离装置

14、disengaging environment ─── 脱离环境

15、disengaging hopper ─── 分离料斗

16、disengaging drum ─── 分离滚筒

disengaging 反义词


disengaging 词性/词形变化,disengaging变形

名词: disengage-ment |动词现在分词: disengaging |动词第三人称单数: disengages |动词过去分词: disengaged |动词过去式: disengaged |

disengaging 相似词语短语

1、disenslaving ─── 降低

2、disendowing ─── v.没收基金

3、disengaged ─── adj.空闲的;自由的;已脱离的;v.脱离(disengage的过去分词)

4、disengage ─── vt.使脱离;解开;解除;vi.脱出;松开

5、discaging ─── 讨论

6、disentangling ─── v.松开,解开;使解脱;理顺(disentangle的现在分词)

7、disenabling ─── vt.使不能

8、disedging ─── 分离

9、disentailing ─── v.(使)土地免于限定继承;n.解除限定继承权

disengaging 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、to realize the engaging and disengaging the driving shaft and driven shaft for the purpose of braking and positing. ─── 如精密机床、刷机械、装机械、验设备及办公机械等传动系统中的制动及定位。

2、disengaging coupling ─── 离合联轴节

3、disengaging rod ─── 分离杆停车杆

4、The abilities of reflectivity aspect refer to disengaging from one's original thinking context and thinking from others' viewpoints, or even agreeing on others' discourses. ─── 反思面能力用以指涉公民跳脱自我认同脉络,而从他者角度进行思考,或接受他者认同论述影响的能力;

5、A jointed tool for cleaning an oil pipeline and disengaging obstructions. ─── 刮管器一种用来清洗油管和清除阻塞物的节状工具

6、any of various devices for engaging and disengaging two working parts of a shaft or of a shaft and a driving mechanism ─── 一种使轴的两个职能部分或轴与机械驱动装置处于相咬合或相分离状态的设备

7、Disengaging is painful because you care about them. ─── 分离之所以痛苦是因为你在乎他们。

8、disengaging clutch ─── 脱开式离合器

9、disengaging pallet ─── (天文钟擒纵的)释放宝石(叉瓦式擒纵的)出瓦

10、Two of them are fixed in place, and the third “flex-lock” is released by disengaging a single tab for easy removal. ─── 其中两个是固定的到位,第三“灵活锁”是由脱离单一标签,方便清除。

11、clutch disengaging axle ─── 离合器脱离轴

12、Most of young people thirst for disengaging control which come from the parents. ─── 大部分的年轻人都渴望脱离父母的控制。

13、result, some couples end up disengaging. ─── 结果,有些夫妻最终分手。

14、a jointed tool for cleaning an oil pipeline and disengaging obstructions ─── 一种用来清洗油管和清除阻塞物的节状工具

15、disengaging device push rod ─── 分离机构推杆

16、cause to stop operating by disengaging a switch. ─── 切断电源使停止运作。

17、There is no drag torque,the engaging and disengaging time is tiny. ─── 没有空载力矩。接通与释放时间短。

18、Keywords white sugar;fluidized bed;transport disengaging height;distributor;velocity of gas; ─── 白砂糖;流化床;空间分离高度;分布板;气流速度;

19、Pull the bezel away from the router, disengaging the bezel tab from the AOSS Button on the other end of the router. Set Bezel aside. ─── 继续拉座盘远离路由器,直到路由器的另一端上的AOSS按钮和座盘定位扣完全脱离,使座盘整个拆除。

20、steam disengaging surface ─── 蒸发表面

21、The coupling similar switch, the joint or breaks to the power transmission function, therefore, any form's automobile has the engaging and disengaging gear, is only the form is different. ─── 离合器类似开关,接合或断离动力传递作用,因此,任何形式的汽车都有离合装置,只是形式不同而已。

22、Study on Model Experiment of Optical Fiber Sensing Disengaging at Interface of Steel Tube-Confined Concrete ─── 光纤检测钢管混凝土界面脱空模型的试验研究

23、The retracting spring pulls the pressure plate away from the clutch plate thus disengaging the clutch . ─── 回动弹簧将压力板拉远离合器板,因此可以分离离合器。

24、disengaging device operating lever ─── 分离机构操纵杆

25、disengaging movement ─── 分离运动

26、, to realize the engaging and disengaging the driving shaft and driven shaft tor the purpose of braking and positioning. ─── 如精密机械、印刷机械、包装机械、试验设备,及办公机械等传动系统中的制动及定位。

27、By disengaging his mind from the problems of his day, gradually he can relax. ─── 他会因心灵得到解脱而逐渐感到简易。

28、Israel acted unilaterally in disengaging from Gaza, with Prime Minister Ariel Sharon saying that keeping the settlements came at too high a price in lives and money. ─── 以色列单方面决定从加沙撤出。以色列总理沙龙表示,以色列为了维持在加沙地带的犹太人定居点付出的生命和金钱的代价太高。

29、Eventually, we must change our relationships by disengaging from the people we’ve outgrown. ─── 最终,我们必须离开那些我们再也容不下的人,以此来改变我们的交际关系。

30、While one controls the upshift to the next gear, the other pack is disengaging the previous gear, for a near seamless transition. ─── 虽然有一个控制upshift下一个齿轮,其他Pack是脱离前齿轮,为不久的无缝过渡。

31、disengaging pawl ─── 分离爪

32、disengaging zone ─── 分离区

33、2.Easy on/off:sphere disengaging from seal seat on opening and closing without any contact but small torque and flexible rotation. ─── 开关轻便:启、闭时,球面与密封座脱离,无任何接触,扭矩小,转动灵活。

34、disengaging hooks" monitoring ─── 脱缆钩监控

35、The gas flow field in the vortex quick separation system with a inner cylinder for fluid catalytic cracking gas disengaging was measured by an intelligent five-hole probe. ─── 用智能型五孔探针对催化裂化沉降器带筒状物的旋流快分系统(在旋流头上插入了一个筒状物)内的气体流场进行了测试。

36、Solar matter absorbs a lot of space matter, shrinks and elongates during disengaging from the solar gravitation. ─── 太阳物质在脱离太阳引力的行径过程中,它会收缩、吸附大量太空物质,也会拉长。

37、Keywords fluidization classification;particle concentration equilibrium;separation factor;transport disengaging height; ─── 流态化分级;颗粒浓度平衡;分离分子;输送分离高度;

38、left disengaging fork lever ─── 左分离叉杆

39、disengaging section ─── 拆卸部分

40、If we do not re-engage China at the most senior political level, we will be disengaging ourselves from any role in the integration of China into global economic and geopolitical institutions. ─── 如果我们不与中国进行政治最高层的重新接触,我们将无缘中国融入全球经济和地缘政治的进程。

41、But Buffett, for all his affability, is shrewd about disengaging himself to avoid any unnecessary distractions that might impair his judgment. ─── 但是巴菲特这么个和蔼可亲的人,却是非常精明的让自己脱离出来,避免受到任何不必要的、可能有损他判断的干扰。

42、Local disengaging design origins analysis in the plate rubber support of bridge ─── 桥梁板式橡胶支座局部脱空设计成因分析

43、a mechanical device for engaging and disengaging gears. ─── 用来结合和分解齿轮的机械装置。

44、disengaging fork lever ─── 分离叉杆

45、disengaging bar ─── 分离杆

46、right disengaging fork lever ─── 右分离叉杆

47、disconnecting apparatus and disengaging gear ─── 拆卸器械

48、disengaging zero position ─── 未占用的零位

49、1.Most of young people look forward disengaging the control by their parents. ─── 1.大部分的年轻人都渴望脱离父母的控制。

50、Whenever possible, the disengaging movement should form the commencement of an attack. ─── 任何时候,只要可能,解脱动作就应该是进攻的开始。

51、disengaging mechanism ─── 分离机构

52、, to realize the engaging and disengaging the driving shaft and driven shaft for the purpose of braking and positing. ─── 如精密机床、印刷机械、包装机械、试验设备及办公机械等传动系统中的制动及定位。

53、disengaging friction ─── 出啮摩擦放松摩擦

54、disengaging fork ─── 离合器叉

55、And, disengaging the hand which Marius held, he added, with a sort of inexorable dignity: "Moreover, the friend to whom I have recourse is the doing of my duty; ─── 于是,他把马吕斯握着的手收回来,用一种严酷的自尊语气补充了一句:“此外,尽我的天职,这就是我要向它求救的那个朋友;

56、But some investigation indicates that the system is disengaging its good original intention, and its selectivity is oppugning. ─── 但研究表明,该制度现阶段的实施脱离了其良好初衷,其选择性令人质疑。

57、elastic disengaging electrode ─── 弹性脱扣电极

58、And disengaging from any one thing by skipping along the surface of everything is another version of not trying. ─── 跃过每一件事情的表面,不去专注任何事情是不去努力的另一个版本。

59、Aunt Badri, however, had a hard time disengaging emotionally from her house and family and denied the dark cloud that hung above our heads. ─── 而巴德丽姨妈,对于要舍弃她的宅子和家庭非常的纠结,且拒绝承认当前以乌云密闭大灾将至。

60、Disengaging from a given activity is the key to living on schedule. ─── 遵守日程安排来生活的关键是从一项活动中脱离。

61、disengaging exposure ─── 脱离接触

62、Standard friction-fit closures have the problem of popping off or disengaging during microwave heating. ─── 标准摩擦适合关闭的问题,突然关闭或脱钩微波加热过程中。

63、disengaging spring ─── 分离弹簧

64、The British press is also disengaging from factual reporting of Europe. ─── 英国媒体对关于欧洲的报道也不积极。

65、disengaging hook ─── 分离钩

66、clutch disengaging lever ─── 离合器分离杠杆

67、clutch disengaging spring ─── 离合器分离弹簧

68、disengaging plate ─── 脱离板

69、disengaging device ─── 分离装置

70、engaging and disengaging gear ─── 离合装置

71、Safe and Rapid Disengaging Device Using Impaet Test ─── 一种用于冲击试验的安全快速脱开装置

72、The starting and shifting dynamics models for double clutch transmission (DCT) are built, and linear quadric optimal control theory is used to study the engaging and disengaging laws of clutch. ─── 摘要建立了双离合器式自动变速器起步、换挡动力学模型。利用线性二次型最优控制理论研究了离合器接合、分离规律。

73、The soft-landed engaging and fast disengaging function can be automatically achieved with the control of APU instruction. ─── 实现了可根据APU控制指令自动完成离合器快速脱开、缓慢接合的离合器功能。

74、disengaging shaft ─── 分离轴

75、The elasticity epoxy mortar has advantage in resisting crazing and disengaging and can substitute the existing epoxy, especially in open-air environment. ─── 弹性环氧砂浆在抗开裂和抗脱空方面拥有优势,可替代现有的环氧砂浆,特别实在露天环境中。

76、But some investigation indicates that the system is disengaging its good original intention, and its selectivity is oppugning. ─── 但研究表明,该制度现阶段的实施脱离了其良好初衷,其选择性令人质疑。

77、The British press is also disengaging from factual reporting of Europe. ─── 英国媒体对关于欧洲的报道也不积极。

78、disengaging latch ─── 分离链分离掣爪

79、Whenever possible, the disengaging movement should form the commencement of an attack. ─── 任何时候,只要可能,解脱动作就应该是进攻的开始。

80、Disengaging deformation detection of composite structure based on fiber Bragg grating ─── 基于光纤光栅的组合结构界面脱空变形检测

81、disengaging action ─── 撤军,退却

82、Any of various devices for engaging and disengaging two working parts of a shaft or of a shaft and a driving mechanism. ─── 离合器一种使轴的两个职能部分或轴与机械驱动装置处于相咬合或相分离状态的设备

83、disengaging value ─── 继电器释放值

84、A New Correlation for the Transport Disengaging Height (TDH) of Fluidized Bed ─── 流化床输送分离高度的新关联

85、The management of the project is no longer delegated to a project manager, with the customer representative disengaging from the process. ─── 将管理项目的责任单独指派给项目经理,整个过程中没有客户代表的参与,这种项目管理的方式也变了。

86、disengaging gear ─── 分离机构分离装置齿轮离合器

87、All internal settings are easily accessible by disengaging the front panel and board assembly from the housing. ─── 所有内部设置易于检修,通过从外壳处分离前面板和机板组装。

88、worm with disengaging motion ─── 分离蜗杆

89、disengaging brake ─── 脱开式制动器

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