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08-15 投稿


euphemism 发音

英:[?ju?f?m?z?m]  美:[?ju?f?m?z?m]

英:  美:

euphemism 中文意思翻译



euphemism 同义词

understatement | weasel word | code word | synonym

euphemism 反义词


euphemism 短语词组

1、euphemism mean ─── 委婉的意思

2、rabbit euphemism ─── 兔子委婉语

3、euphemism for hell ─── 地狱的委婉说法

4、insinuation and euphemism ─── 影射与委婉

5、euphemism definition ─── 委婉语定义

6、euphemism for murder ─── 谋杀的委婉语

7、euphemism etymology ─── 委婉语词源

8、carbineer tranships euphemism ─── 卡宾纳转船委婉语

9、euphemism definition literature ─── 委婉语定义文学

euphemism 词性/词形变化,euphemism变形


euphemism 相似词语短语

1、euphemisms ─── n.委婉语;委婉用法;委婉的说法(euphemism的复数形式)

2、euphemists ─── n.用委婉语法的人

3、euphemise ─── 委婉语

4、euphemiser ─── 委婉语

5、euphemises ─── 委婉语

6、euphemised ─── 委婉语

7、euphonism ─── 快感

8、euphemize ─── vt.委婉地说;vi.用婉转的话说

9、euphemist ─── n.用委婉语法的人

euphemism 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The word"euphemism"originates from Greek. ─── 委婉语(euphemism)一词源自希腊语,从字面上理解是指用好听的言语或令人愉快的方式来说话。

2、The caseworkers said he was “hard to place”- a euphemism for unadoptable. ─── 本书对于被肥胖问题困扰着的女士来说,是一部不可多得的减肥指导书;

3、Euphemism is the result of the adjustment of human cognition and the real world. ─── 委婉语是人类认知与现实世界调适下的产物。

4、Now, Marin also alluding to appear euphemism, which led to the Football Association of discontent. ─── 现在,马林也在委婉影射裁判,此举自然引起了足协的不满。

5、Euphemism, as a common linguistic phenomenon in world culture, is widely used in every social class and field. ─── 委婉语是世界文化中普遍存在的语言现象,它广泛应用于社会各阶层和领域。

6、As a kind of rhetoric skill, Euphemism is widespread in English and Chinese, and has many similarities in both languages. ─── 委婉语作为一种修辞手法,在英汉两种不同语言中普遍存在,并有许多相似之处。

7、"Pass away" is a euphemism for "die". ─── "过世"是"死"的委婉语。

8、"Pass away"is a euphemism for"die. ─── “过世”是“死”的委婉语。

9、But figures from cities and provinces still have an unknowable shuifen, or “water content,” as the euphemism has it. ─── 但是,按照委婉的说法,来自各省市的数据仍有不可知的“水分”。

10、"Ye" mainly means sameness or similarity with euphemism and positive mode when used signally or jointly. ─── “也”的语法意义主要是表示相同或类同,在运用时有单用和合用两种情况,“也”还可表委婉语气和肯定语气。

11、Animal-welfare groups call that a euphemism for trophy hunting, which Kenya banned in 1977. ─── 动物福利事业团体称之为对狩猎的战利品一种委婉的说法,而狩猎是肯尼亚在1977年就被禁止了的。

12、Thus political language has to consist largely of euphemism, question-begging and sheer cloudy vagueness. ─── 因此,大部分政治语言不得不由委婉语、词以及绝对含糊的暧昧词组成。

13、He expressed his thought by a euphemism. ─── 他用婉转的说法表达了自己的想法。

14、Moreover, this paper attempts to explain the characteristics of euphemism from the perspective of focalization. ─── 分别从投射映射,语用函数映射,图示映射三个方面解释委婉语的形成及其认知特点。

15、Euphemism is subtle and linguists will use circuitous.ACRONYM. analogy. ─── 是否委婉含蓄.语言学家将运用迂回.缩略.比喻.

16、Three communicative functions of euphemism: taboo avoidance,expression of politeness and concealment of truth were mainly explored and analyzed. ─── 委婉语是英语中的一种语言现象,在语言交际中发挥着重要作用,它主要有避讳功能、礼貌功能和掩饰功能。

17、Jason: Ben I know your 15 but not everything you hear is a euphemism for sex. ─── 杰森:我只知道你15了,但是你听到的不一定是欲望。

18、English euphemism as a linguistic concept is also a cultural phenomenon. ─── 英语委婉语是一种语言学概念,同时也是一种文化现象。

19、For instance, the word used to hail waitresses in Taiwan xiaojie, or 'miss, ' is a common euphemism for prostitute in mainland China. ─── 例如,在台湾招呼服务员时称“小姐”,而在大陆,“小姐”通常是对妓女的一种委婉说法。

20、Protective reaction was just a euphemism for the BomBers to stage raids over that country. ─── 保护性反应完全是种委婉说法,实际上是用轰炸机对那个国家进行空袭。

21、Based on the relevance-adaptation model, the further study on euphemism is helpful fir us to better understand and use natural languages. ─── 借鉴语用研究者所提出的关联-顺应模式,在这一框架下对委婉语进行委婉语进行探讨研究有助于理解和使用自然语言。

22、It sounds euphemism and drive tensity. ─── 它琴声委婉,驱赶浮躁;

23、A good command of euphemism helps to reduce puzzles and embarrassments in the language communication. ─── 对委婉语的了解,可以减少语言交际中的困惑或尴尬。

24、Enrighr,D.T.1985[ED]Fair of Speech-the Uses of Euphemism[M].New York: Oxford University Press. ─── 杜学增.中英文化习俗比较[M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社,1999.

25、I usually describe things as they are. The excessive use of euphemism is an exception. It's justified when many factors remain uncertain. ─── 我一般不拐弯抹角,不过这次破例用了大量委婉的比喻。在很多因素都不确定的时候,这样还算可以接受。

26、Illustrations of Pragmatic Use of Euphemism and Its Ways of Translation. ─── 从语用学角度试析委婉语使用及其翻译方法.

27、Is weird some new ghetto euphemism for sexy, like bad is good and phat is good? ─── |神秘是不是对性的一种新的委婉的说法 就像坏的就是好的 俗的就是好的?

28、It is beyond doubt that the globalization of culture, called a euphemism for Americanization by some, has already begun. ─── 毋庸置疑,文化一体化(有人觉得这是美国化的委婉说法)已经开始了。

29、Euphemism is a product of human civilization and a comparatively prevalent phenomenon, which extensively exists in the English language. ─── 摘要英语委婉语是语言交际中的一种较为普遍的现象,也是人类文明发展的产物。

30、A euphem ism for a child born to an unw ed m other. ─── 意为“私生子”,这一表达方式是对未婚女子所生婴儿的委婉的说法。

31、The inflated style itself is a kind of euphemism. ─── 夸张的文体本身就是委婉中的一种。

32、User fees' is just a politician's euphemism for taxes. ─── 用户费”不过是政治家对“税款”的委婉说法。

33、It is no wonder many around the world see - and resent - globalization as a euphemism for Americanization. ─── 自然而然的,很多人把全球化这个现象跟美国化打上了等号。

34、Euphemism is a common linguistic phenomenon in different cultures. ─── 委婉的说法是不同的文化的一种共同的语言学现象。

35、The rules governing the ebb and flow of euphemism are the Gresham’s Law and the Law of Succession. ─── 第二章分析了有关委婉语的翻译现状,提出译者可能面临的三个主要问题:1、由于译者对译语文化不够熟悉而使用非委婉语甚至是禁忌语来译委婉语。

36、The second part is the prevue of the Chinese death euphemism. ─── 第二部分是汉语死亡委婉语概说。

37、Some figures of speech, such as pun, metaphor, irony, synaesthesia, allusion and euphemism are the examples of positive ambiguity. ─── 修辞格中的双关、比喻、反语、通感、典故、委婉等就是歧义在语言中的积极利用。

38、Shrinkage is the retail trade's euphemism for shoplifting. ─── 商品损失(Shrinkage)是零售业对有人在店内行窃的委婉说辞。

39、This article, from the aspect of euphemism and vagueness, discuss how to make the language used in foreign trade correspondence more polite. ─── 本文从委婉语、模糊语两个方面就如何在信函中使语言更加礼貌进行了探讨。

40、Economic development is of course a euphemism for an expansion of political influence and a state-endorsed land grab. ─── 当然,发展经济即是扩张政治影响力的托辞,还是占有土地的全民认可的形式。

41、It's not easy to translate Euphemism due to the language and culture dfference between Englishand Chinese. ─── 由于英、两种语言在语言本身和文化上的差异,有时委婉语的翻译很不容易。

42、Job prospects were grim though, and she said she'd take anything, even "working for a family" (a euphemism for domestic service). ─── 工作前景很糟糕,她说她什么也做不了,“对家庭也一样”(家政服务的委婉说法)。

43、However, Mr Greenspan told the FT that froth "was a euphemism for a bubble". ─── 然而,格林斯潘日前在接受英国《金融时报》采访时表示,浮沫“是泡沫的委婉说法”。

44、Euphemism for a restroom, especially for women, particularly ones in private venues such as restaurants. Nightclubs or stores. Powder room. ─── 是洗手间的委婉语,尤其是指在饭店、夜总会、商店等场所的女士专用洗手间。

45、The inflated style is itself a kind of euphemism. ─── 浮夸的格调本身是一种委婉(的用法)。

46、Therefore, the communicators should use and interpret the euphemism on the basis of the context for the purpose of effective communication. ─── 交际双方应该根据语境动态地选择和理解委婉语,以达到有效交际。

47、Through a quantity of examples the author comes to a conclusion that euphemism is actually a special conversational implica-ture. ─── 文章通过大量的实例分析,来进一步阐明委婉语的实质就是人们为了遵循礼貌原则而不得不故意违反某些合作准则从而产生的一种特殊的会话含义。

48、Mellow: Soft in the mouth, sometimes an euphemism for sweet. ─── 柔和:口感和谐。有时实为甜味的委婉说法。

49、Euphemism is a common linguistic phe-nomenon in various languages. ─── 委婉语是各种语言中普遍存在的一种语言现象。

50、Such a description of a source is generally a euphemism for a club milkman, or a punter in an SW6 pub. ─── 如此描述极像出自俱乐部送奶工人或者酒饭里的服务员之口。

51、As if Military Intelligence were not euphemism enough, it is abbreviated to MI. ─── 好象军事情报局这名称还不够委婉,于是又缩写成MI。

52、Xerox Subsidy - Euphemism for swiping free photocopies from one's workplace. ─── 复印补贴-是从工作场合免费复印(偷偷地干的)的委婉说法。

53、To use euphemism means to realize linguistic civilization. ─── 委婉语的使用,是追求语言文明的表现。

54、The article analyzes the euphemism phenomena; replace form, expressing means and euphemism pragmatic function. ─── 摘要本文从语用角度分析了英语委婉语的语言现象、替代形式、语言表达手段以及语用功能。

55、Pass away' is a euphemism for 'die'. ─── 去世”是“死”的委婉语。

56、The term rumours is often a euphemism for anti-government views in China. ─── 在中国,“谣言”这个词通常作为反对政府意见的委婉说法。

57、The choice and interpretation of the euphemism are connected with a certain context. ─── 人们交际时,委婉语的使用选择和信息解读与一定的语境有关。

58、Pass away' is a euphemism for 'die'. ─── ‘去世’是‘死’的委婉说法.

59、The secret CIA paramilitaries, (the euphemism here is OGA, for "other government agency" ) shouted at him to stop. Khan could not hear them. ─── 中情局的秘密准军事组织(这里委婉的说法是“其它政府机构”简称OGA)大吼,让他停下,而深汗听不到,他继续跑,于是联军开枪向他射击。

60、Because of the difference of culture background, the usage of Japanese and Chinese euphemism has a clear distinction. ─── 摘要日语中日常客套话与汉语的用法,由于文化背景不同,在用法上有着比较明显的区别。

61、The term "early retirement" is nearly always a euphemism for layoffs nowadays. ─── 如今“提前退休”这个词几乎总是下岗的委婉语。

62、In pragmatics, they both have Dayton dang information, additional information and a euphemism to express information. ─── 在是否有指代语义和语义是否自足这两点上,则是两者的语义不同。

63、Whether the reunion will remember the night the miserable euphemism? ─── 是否会记得相逢的夜委婉而凄凉?

64、The word vintage is copied from its use in wine terminology, as a more elegant-seeming euphemism for "old" clothes. ─── Vintage这个词是从葡萄酒酿酒的术语中借用过来的(原本意思是“陈年的”),在这里是对“旧”衣服的一个委婉的说法,更具古典气质。

65、Euphemism is a very common and complicated linguistic phenomenon. ─── 委婉语是一种十分常见而又非常复杂的语言现象。

66、When writing business letters, euphemism, clearness, conciseness especially courtesy should be paid attention to. ─── 书写商务信函应做到措辞婉约,注重礼节,表达清晰,简明扼要,尤其注意措词的婉转礼貌。

67、Interesting euphemism for “drunk”. ─── 喝醉了的有趣委婉说法。

68、Different expressions and understanding of the euphemism depend on different contexts, which, in turn, has an impact on the communication. ─── 语境不同,委婉语的表达方式和理解不同,从而影响交际的顺利进行。

69、Euphemism is a common linguistic phenomenon in the use of language. ─── 摘要委婉语是人类语言使用过程中的一种常见的语言现象。

70、Alice: What would my euphemism be? ─── 要是我的讣闻会怎么写?

71、A euphemism for "killed." A fate that the SPA says befalls as many as nine million lost and unwanted dogs and cats each year in this country. ─── 一个意思是“杀死“的委婉语。照SPA的说法,一个每年在这个国家都会降临到多达900万失踪和被遗弃的猫狗身上的命运。

72、This paper mainly discusses the usage of euphemism based on its use range. ─── 摘要主要根据委婉语所涉及的对象和范围阐述其用法。

73、Is it not "Love" of the fawning scriptures simply a euphemism for sexual activity, or was the "great teacher" a glorifier of eunuchs? ─── 造作的文书中的“爱”难道不仅仅是性行的委婉说法吗?抑或那些“大师”本就是阉党?

74、The European Commission calls it a "stability bond" , surely a candidate for euphemism of the year. ─── 欧盟委员会(EuropeanCommission)把这种债券称为“稳定债券”——这个词肯定是今年最佳委婉语的一个候选。

75、The expression "He passed away" is a euphemism for "He died". ─── "他去世了"是"他死了"的一种委婉说法。

76、But Varney, tall and professorial, did not hide her message behind legalese or euphemism. ─── 但身材高大、富有教授气质的瓦尼并没有用法律术语或委婉的言辞掩饰她的想法。

77、Enright, D.J. (ED) 1985.Pair of Speech - The Uses of Euphemism. ─── 于海江,1992.英语委婉语的交际功能和构造原则.

78、I know how some particular immature individuals like to use that term as a romantic euphemism. ─── 我知道某些思想幼稚的人会在“大哥哥”等等的名词上套上一些奇怪的代号。

79、As a linguistic phenomenon, euphemism exists in almost all languages; As a means of figure of speech, it is widely used in real communication. ─── 摘要委婉语作为一种语言现象,在各种语言中普遍存在;作为一种修辞手段,在语言交际中被广泛运用。

80、Euphemism exists in every language and shows much alikeness, while a given culture implies some distinctions in its euphemism. ─── 摘要委婉语作为普遍存在的人类语言现象,无论扎根于那一种文化土壤,必具有一定的共性。

81、Highly-educated people tend to use more euphemism. ─── 受教育程度高的人更多地使用委婉语。

82、Euphemism is more frequently used between opposite sexes. ─── 留学解答资讯网:委婉语更多地使用与异性之间。

83、To speak of or refer to by means of a euphemism. ─── 委婉地说用委婉语表达或提及,婉转表示

84、The first is almost always a euphemism, because a simple circumcision of the clitoral foreskin is rare. ─── 第一个术语几乎总是委婉语,因为单纯的阴蒂包皮环切是罕见的。

85、In my personal opinion, a successful communication should not be argument but be negotiation and euphemism. ─── 以我个人的意见,成功的沟通不应是争执,而是协商与婉言。

86、Because of the difference of culture background,the usage of Japanese and Chinese euphemism has a clear distinction. ─── 日语中日常客套话与汉语的用法,由于文化背景不同,在用法上有着比较明显的区别。

87、So we must learn to master euphemism to avoid embarrassment or unpleasant circumstances. ─── 作为英语学习者,英语委婉语与我们的生活息息相关。

88、Euphemism not only belongs to study of the rhetoric sphere, but also to the study of such subjects as sociolinguistics, psychology, philosophy. ─── 委婉语不仅属于修辞学范畴,还是其他学科如社会语言学、心理学、哲学等的研究对象。

89、The article aims at studying the translation of euphemism from the above- mentionedthree levels. ─── 本文从以上三个层次具体探讨了委婉语的翻译方法。

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