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sphinx 发音

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sphinx 中文意思翻译



sphinx 网络释义

n. 斯芬克斯(带翼的狮身女怪,传说常叫过路行人猜谜,猜不出者即遭噬食);狮身人面像;谜一样的人

sphinx 常用词组

the great sphinx ─── (古埃及)狮身人面像

sphinx 词性/词形变化,sphinx变形


sphinx 短语词组

1、sphinx moth caterpillar ─── 斯芬克 ─── 斯蛾毛虫

2、sphinx-like adj. ─── 像斯芬克斯一样的 [网络] 神秘的;神秘难懂的;高深莫测的

3、Verdant Sphinx ─── 普通狮身人面像

4、Mandrillus sphinx ─── [网络] 山魈;面狒狒

5、carpathian sphinx ─── 喀尔巴阡狮身人面像

6、Cynopterus sphinx ─── [网络] 犬蝠;印度犬果蝠;短吻果蝠

7、sphinx hotel ─── 狮茵克斯酒店

8、sphinx moth ─── 天蛾

9、the one next to sphinx ─── 斯芬克 ─── 斯旁边的那个

10、Giant Sphinx ─── 巨型狮身人面像

sphinx 相似词语短语

1、sphinxes ─── n.(古埃及)狮身人面像;难于理解的人;天蛾

2、sphingid ─── 天蛾

3、-phins ─── 惯性自动导航仪(positionandhominginertialnavigation);进行性肥大性间质性神经炎(progressivehypertrophicinterstitialneuritis);n.(Phin)人名;(泰)屏;(英)菲恩;(柬)平

4、sphering ─── n.范围;球体;vt.包围;放入球内;使…成球形;adj.球体的

5、sphene ─── n.[矿物]榍石(等于titanite)

6、Sphinx ─── n.斯芬克斯(带翼的狮身女怪,传说常叫过路行人猜谜,猜不出者即遭噬食);狮身人面像;谜一样的人

7、sphinges ─── n.天蛾;神秘的人(sphinx的复数)

8、syrinx ─── n.[鸟]鸣管;耳管;潘神销(形似笙的古乐器)

9、sphen- ─── n.榍石

sphinx 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In the art of Mycenaean and Minoan times, the sphinx is a common motif: she is usually winged and crowned. ─── 在希腊古代都市迈锡尼文明和克列特文明时期的艺术中,斯芬克斯是一个共同的主题:她通常是有翼的和戴有王冠。

2、Cynopterus sphinx ─── n. 犬蝠

3、the Sphinx ─── (埃及金字塔附近的)狮身人面石像

4、When Magister Sphinx comes into play, target player's life total becomes 10. ─── 当范师史芬斯进场时,目标牌手的总生命成为10。

5、Feeding and Management of Mandrillus Sphinx ─── 山魈的饲养管理

6、The beginning of one story about the Great Sphinx is written on a stele between the sphinx's paws. ─── 关于狮身人面像的传说被刻在位于他两爪之间的石碑上。

7、The Sphinx Visits Cairo City ─── 作品名称:斯芬克斯造访开罗城

8、After solving the riddle of the Sphinx, he became the king of State Tee. ─── 在帮梯国人解开斯芬克斯之谜以后,梯国人推他为王。

9、The sphinx was so mortified at the solving of her riddle that she cast herself down from the rock and perished ─── 斯芬克斯见到有人破了它的谜语,痛苦万分,纵身跳下岩石摔死了。

10、an ancient Egyptian city on the west bank of the Nile opposite Cairo; site of three Great Pyramids and the Sphinx ─── 位于尼罗河西岸与开罗相对的一座埃及古城;三座雄伟的金字塔和狮身人面像所在地

11、One was a priest of the goddess Isis; the other a sphinx whose face is said to represent Cleopatra's father, King Ptolemy XII. ─── 一个是神父的女神伊希斯;另一个是狮身人面像的脸,据说代表克利欧佩特拉的父亲,国王托勒密十二。

12、He quickly with several aides to the seat of the Sphinx, Egypt's most famous tourist spots Giza. ─── 他带着几名助手迅速飞往狮身人面像所在地、埃及最著名的观光区吉萨。

13、A total of 42 species, 24 genera of sphinx are identified, of which 10 species are new records in Gansu province. ─── 共获标本980号,经鉴定为42种,隶属于24属5亚科,其中甘肃省新记录10种。 区系分析表明,古北界的种类15种,占总种数的35.7%;

14、In fact, the name"sphinx' is not Egyptian, but from the Greak word meaning"strangle". ─── 事实上“斯芬克斯”这个词并不是埃及语,而是从希腊语而来,意为“绞死”。

15、Riddle of The Sphinx - An Egyptian Adventure ─── 斯芬克斯之谜

16、The Great Sphinx faces due east and houses a small temple between its paws. ─── 大狮身人面像面朝东方,爪子之间建有小的寺庙。

17、Scorpio sphinx in a calico dress, ─── 你是人间的斯芬克斯

18、The disparity between Hamlet's mental ability and his physical action makes him a cognitive riddle which rivals that of Sphinx, whose head is incongruent with its body. ─── 哈姆雷特的心智能力和实际行为之间存在差异,这使他成了个认知之谜,犹如身心不一的人面狮身怪兽斯芬克斯。

19、Because they can't see what pleases or displeases, sellers often "shoot the works" in an effort to get a reaction from the sphinx across the table. ─── 因为卖方无法了解什么能使买方高兴,或什么不能使买方不高兴,卖方经常单刀直入,力图从对面的神秘之人那里的到反应。

20、In Greek myths, Sphinx was a daughter of Orthus and Chimaera, a fire-breathing shemonster. ─── 在希腊神话中,斯芬克斯是俄尔托斯与火怪卡马厄拉的女儿。

21、What a strange post looks like a sphinx in Egypt. ─── 一个前所未有的姿态看上去就像埃及的斯芬克斯。

22、Sphingidae; sphinx moths ─── 天蛾科

23、At a meeting with him at his office this past fall, he unrolled one of his countless maps of the Sphinx on a table. ─── 我去年秋天在他办公室拜见雷纳时,他在桌子上摊开了无数狮身人面像地图中的一幅。

24、His necropolis also included the Sphinx, a mysterious limestone monument with the body of a lion and a pharaoh's head. ─── 他的金字塔前卧着谜一样的斯芬克斯像,这座石灰石像长着法老的头颅和雄狮的身躯。

25、" After that, the Sphinx became a stone statue and now it stands in front of the Great Pyramid in Egypt. ─── 听到回答后,斯芬克斯变成了石像,现在座落于埃及的大金字塔前。

26、The Riddle of the Sphinx ─── 斯芬克斯的谜语

27、Sphinx is a winged creature in the Greek Mythology, having the head of a woman and the body of a lion, noted for killing those who could not answer its riddle. ─── 斯芬克斯在古代希腊神话中是一个带翼的狮身女面怪物,专杀那些猜不出其谜语的人.

28、All comers to the Sphinx were asked a riddle, and failure to solve it meant death. ─── 所有来到斯芬克斯面前的人都被问了一个谜语,解答不了就意味着死亡。

29、His necropolis also included the Sphinx, a mysterious limestone monument with the body of a lion and a pharaoh's head. ─── 他的金字塔前卧着谜一样的斯芬克斯像,这座石灰石像长着法老的头颅和雄狮的身躯。

30、Web site contains links to Sphinx and other projects. ─── Web站点包含Sphinx和其他项目的链接。

31、A wise tabby, a blinking sphinx, watched from her warm sill ─── 一只明察秋毫的母花猫,伊然是座眨巴着眼睛的斯芬克斯,呆在暖洋洋的窗台上朝这边望着。

32、Main attractions: the Egyptian Museum, pyramids (location), the Sphinx, Valley of the Kings, manong statues, temple of Queen Hai Qiepu Souter, the Red Sea and the Karnak Temple and so on. ─── 主要景点:埃及博物馆、金字塔(外景)、狮身人面像、帝王谷、孟农神像、海切普苏特女王神庙、红海及卡纳克神庙等。

33、A city of northern Egypt, an industrial suburb of Cairo on the Nile River. The Great Pyramids and the Sphinx are nearby. Population, 1,608,400. ─── 吉萨:埃及北部的一个城市,位于尼罗河上开罗的一个工业区。雄伟的金字塔和狮身人面像就在附近。人口1,608,400

34、I've always found her rather sphinx like. ─── 我总觉得她像个谜一样,难以捉摸.

35、The issue of efficiency, equity and their relationship has always been one of the puzzles argued in the economic field, even some called it the“Sphinx's Riddle”in the economic area. ─── 公平、效率及其关系问题一直是经济学界所争论的难题之一,甚至有的人称之为经济学的“斯芬克斯之谜”。

36、At the end of your turn, you gain 3 life if Sphinx Sovereign is untapped. Otherwise, each opponent loses 3 life. ─── 在你的回合结束时,如果史芬斯君王未横置,则你获得3点生命。若否,则每位对手各失去3点生命。

37、She was the picture of a serene and exquisite but impenetrable sphinx ─── 她看上去就象一尊非常安详精致、但又高深莫测的狮身人面像。

38、father of Cerberus and the Chimera and the Sphinx. ─── 刻尔柏洛斯、客迈拉和斯芬克斯之父。

39、We set off to see the Pyramids and Sphinx. ─── 我们出发去看金字塔和狮身人面像。

40、Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy ─── 斯芬克斯与木乃伊

41、Women as a sex Sphinx without secrets . ─── 作为性对象的女人,等于没有秘密之谜的狮身女怪。

42、Jiya pyramid of Kafra Wang left, the right belongs to the husband Wang, it is linked with a Sphinx nearby.Limestone is the main construction material, some granite. ─── 吉札金字塔左边属于卡夫拉王,右边属于库夫王,附近连着一座狮身人面像.主要建材为石灰岩,部分为花岗岩。

43、It is widely believed that the strange phenomenon of the produce, because of ancient Egypt in the dry climate and strong sense of Desert Storm that the Sphinx has been weathering. ─── 人们普遍认为,这一奇特的现象的产生,是因为古埃及地区干燥的气候和强烈的沙漠风暴使狮身人面像受到了风化。

44、an ancient Egyptian city on the west bank of the Nile opposite Cairo; site of three Great Pyramids and the Sphinx. ─── 位于尼罗河西岸与开罗相对的一座埃及古城;三座雄伟的金字塔和狮身人面像所在地。

45、When Sphinx Summoner comes into play, you may search your library for an artifact creature card, reveal it, and put it into your hand. ─── 当史芬斯召唤师进场时,你可以从你的牌库中搜寻一张神器生物牌,展示该牌,并将它置入你手上。

46、And of course there are the Pyramids and the Sphinx just outside Cairo, in Giza. Cairo is also a great place to shop and soak up some Islamic culture. ─── 当然还有金字塔和斯芬克司狮身人面像就坐落在开罗城外,在吉萨。开罗也是个购物的好去处,同时它还吸收了一些伊斯兰文化。

47、Besides, Hong, owning 36 patents, was one of the co-inventors of CMU SPHINX System. ─── 另外,洪小文拥有着36项专利发明,是CMUSPHINXSystem的联合发明人之一。

48、I made enough sand bags to fill the Sphinx! That抯 enough. ─── 我需要足够的沙袋来填满这斯芬克司!足够了。

49、A large,fierce baboon(Papio sphinx) of western Africa,having a beard,crest,and mane and brilliant blue,purple,and scarlet facial markings in the adult male. ─── 山魈一种产于西非的大型狒狒(山魈山魈属),性情暴烈,成年雄性山魈有胡子,头上有冠状物和鬃毛,脸部有明亮的蓝色、紫色和红色标记。

50、I heard the Sphinx, but I did not understand. ─── 我听到了斯芬·克斯的话,但是我不懂得。

51、In Egypt there are red birds called ibises.They stand by the river Nile and catch fish.There is a Sphinx, too. ─── 快乐王子之三:破碎的心 原著:奥斯卡.王尔德 The next day the Swallow tells the Prince stories about strange places.

52、A large, fierce baboon(Papio sphinx) of western Africa, having a beard, crest, and mane and brilliant blue, purple, and scarlet facial markings in the adult male. ─── 山魈一种产于西非的大型狒狒(山魈山魈属),性情暴烈,成年雄性山魈有胡子,头上有冠状物和鬃毛,脸部有明亮的蓝色、紫色和红色标记

53、the Great Sphinx ─── (古埃及)狮身人面像

54、In appearance, the Asian sphinx differed from its Egyptian model mostly in the addition of wings to the leonine body. ─── 在外表中,亚洲的斯芬克斯主要在狮子的身体加上了翅膀不同于它的埃及模型。

55、A city of northern Egypt, an industrial suburb of Cairo on the Nile River.The Great Pyramids and the Sphinx are nearby.Population, 1, 608, 400. ─── 吉萨埃及北部的一个城市,位于尼罗河上开罗的一个工业区。雄伟的金字塔和狮身人面像就在附近。人口1,608,

56、He remembers "climbing all over the Sphinx like the Lilliputians on Gulliver, and mapping it stone by stone. " ─── 他记得,“他像格列佛笔下的小人国臣民一样,爬遍狮身人面像,一块石头一块石头地绘制地图。”

57、A city of northern Egypt, an industrial suburb of Cairo on the Nile River. The Great Pyramids and the Sphinx are nearby. Population,1, 608, 400. ─── 吉萨埃及北部的一个城市,位于尼罗河上开罗的一个工业区。雄伟的金字塔和狮身人面像就在附近。人口1,608,400

58、Today, the Great Pyramid is enclosed, together with the other pyramids and the Sphinx, in the touristic region of the Giza Plateau. ─── 今天,大金字塔同其他金字塔以及狮身人面像一起被包括在吉萨高地的游览区内。

59、But beside all this, something creaked, there was a whiff of fresh air, and a new white sphinx appeared standing before the doorway. ─── 但是,除开所有这一切,有某种东西在咿呀作响,拂来一股清凉的风,随后,一个新的白色的斯芬克斯,站立着,显现在门的前面。

60、Sphinx Myth ─── 斯芬克司之谜

61、It tries at the same time to help the reader get a deeper understanding of Emily Bronte, the Sphinx in English Literature and give her a new interpretation and spirit through the revealing of the process of the creation of Heathcliff. ─── 同时也希望通过展示希斯克利夫的创作过程 ,使我们对艾米莉·勃朗特有更深、更透彻的理解 ,为这个英国文学史上的“斯芬克斯”之谜增添新的注释 ,赋予它以新的灵魂

62、I heard the Sphinx, but I did not understand. ─── 我听到了斯蒂芬斯的话,却不懂得。

63、The female sphinx reappears around 750 BC, as communications reopen with the east, and by the 7th century the winged female sphinx predominates. ─── 女性的斯芬克斯在公元前750年左右出现,作为与东方重新沟通一样,而到7世纪有翼的女性斯芬克斯占据统治地位。

64、sphinx moth ─── 天蛾

65、Sphinx rs riddle ─── 怪谜, 难题

66、Giza is a city of northern Egypt,an industrial suburb of Cairo on the Nile River. The Great Pyramids and the Sphinx are nearby with a population of 1,608,400. ─── 吉萨埃及北部的一个城市,位于尼罗河上开罗的一个工业区。雄伟的金字塔和狮身人面像就在附近,有人口1608400。

67、The Sphinx burst into tears ─── 斯芬克斯在哭泣

68、Sphinx ligustri nuclear polyhedrosis virus ─── 女贞天蛾核型多角体病毒

69、Moreover, one pair of ancient Egypt ignorant of the people, any of his on the Sphinx can be ignored by the demonstration. ─── 而且,对于一个对古埃及学一无所知的人而言,他的任何关于狮身人面像的论证都是可以置之不理的。

70、Pyramid and the Sphinx are also appear on the screen.Furthermore there are scenes of ancient wars in a dream. ─── 埃及金字塔和狮身人面像也出现在屏幕上,梦中还有古代战争的场面。

71、Giant Sphinx ─── 基黄大天蛾(天蛾科)

72、In Greek mythology, the Sphinx was a terrible monster with the body of a winged lion and the head of a woman. ─── 在古希腊神话里,斯芬克斯是一个狮身人面女怪,长着翅膀。

73、Sphinx and the Crused Mummy ─── 斯芬克斯于被诅咒的木乃伊

74、Sphinx Form - Transforms the Obsidian Statue into a powerful flying unit. Attacks land and air units. ─── 斯芬克司形态-把黑曜石雕像变为一个强大的飞行单位.攻击地面和空中单位.

75、All the sacred symbols engraved on the Sphinx are downloaded into you, and the 12 merge into one within your heart. ─── 所有雕刻在人面狮身像上的神圣符号,现在都被下载进入你,这12个神圣的人面狮身像,在你的心中融合为一。

76、Sphinx ligustri constricta ─── n. 红节天蛾

77、“In Egypt there are red birds called ibises.They stand by the river Nile and catch fish.There is a Sphinx, too. ─── “在埃及,有一种叫做朱鹭的红色鸟儿,它们站在尼罗河边捉鱼吃。

78、Attractions on the Jungfraujoch: Ice Palace; Ice Gateway; Sphinx observation terrace;"Top of Europe" Glacier Restaurant;The Great Aletsch Glacier, the longest ice-stream in the Alps. ─── 少女山岗景点:冰宫、冰雪通道、斯芬克斯观景台、"欧洲之巅"冰川餐厅、阿尔卑斯山最长的阿莱奇大冰川。

79、Egyptian sphinx ─── 埃及狮身人面像

80、4. A large, fierce baboon(Papio sphinx) of western Africa, having a beard, crest, and mane and brilliant blue, purple, and scarlet facial markings in the adult male. ─── 山魈一种产于西非的大型狒狒(山魈山魈属),性情暴烈,成年雄性山魈有胡子,头上有冠状物和鬃毛,脸部有明亮的蓝色、紫色和红色标记收藏指正

81、You can see the smaller pyramids and the Sphinx, the great stone statue of the lion with a human head. ─── 你可以看到一些小一些的金字塔和斯芬克斯,这是一座巨大的狮身人面石头雕像。

82、Carolina Sphinx ─── 南美虾壳天蛾(天蛾科)

83、It would have required the penetration of Oedipus or the Sphinx to have divined the irony the count concealed beneath these words, apparently uttered with the greatest politeness. ─── 伯爵这一番话显然说得非常客气,要想猜透他话里所隐藏的讽刺意味,得具有身狄波斯或斯芬克斯的洞察力才行。

84、Artificial breeding of newborn Mandrillus sphinx ─── 山魈初生幼仔人工育幼

85、a sphinx riddle ─── 怪谜;[喻]难题

86、The Sphinx is a must for most foreign visitors to Egypt. ─── 大多数外国游客在埃及必看的景点就是人面狮身像。

87、Papio sphinx ─── n. 鬼狒狒

88、The Great Sphinx of Egypt is the largest known colossal sculpture ever carved in the round. ─── 大狮身人面像,埃及是最大的称为巨大的雕塑以往任何时候都刻在了比赛。

89、"The Sphinx has thus emerged into the landscape out of shadows of what seemed to be an impenetrable oblivion, " the New York Times declared. ─── “斯芬克斯从此从看似不可摧毁的遗忘阴影中解脱,成为了一处景观。”当时的《纽约时报》如此宣称。

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