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08-15 投稿


assert 发音

英:[?'s??t]  美:[?'s?t]

英:  美:

assert 中文意思翻译



assert 同义词

acquiescence |agree | consent | sanction | concurrence | harmonize | conform | accession | approbation | concession | approve | subscribe to | of | approve of | subscription | soften | acceptance | grant | conformity | admission | allow | yes | adhesion | concur | comply | acquiesce | go along with | accept | approval | nod | harmony | agreement | accede

assert 反义词

disapproval |dissent | disagreement

assert 词性/词形变化,assert变形

动词过去分词: asserted |形容词: assertable |名词: asserter |动词现在分词: asserting |动词过去式: asserted |动词第三人称单数: asserts |

assert 短语词组

assert oneself

1. 坚持自己的权利; 显示自己的权威(或威力)

The laws of historical development will assert themselves.


1、re-assert vt. ─── 重复主张;再断言

2、assert java ─── 断言java

3、assert oneself to ─── 坚持

4、assert oneself collectively ─── 集体维护自己

5、assert that ─── 主张……断言……

6、assert oneself by ─── 断言自己

7、assert a claim ─── [法] 主张债权, 提出要求

8、assert a set-off ─── [法] 提出抵销债权的主张

9、assert null ─── 断言为空

10、striving to assert themselves ─── 努力维护自己

11、to assert oneself ─── 坚持自己的权利, 表明自己, 表现自己的权力/控制力, 引人注意

12、allege assert ─── 协议\t端口/服务\t状态断言

13、assert interpretation ─── 断言解释

14、assert c ─── 断言c

15、assert statement ─── [计] 断言语句

16、assert oneself ─── 坚持自己的权利

17、assert synonym ─── 断言同义词

18、assert a maritime claim ─── [法] 提出海商法上债权主张

19、assert oneself in ─── 坚持自己的立场

assert 习惯用语

1、assert oneself ─── 坚持自己的权利; 表现自己的权威

assert 相似词语短语

1、asset ─── n.资产;优点;有用的东西;有利条件;财产;有价值的人或物;n.(法)阿塞(人名)

2、asserted ─── adj.宣称的;声称的;v.宣称;声称(assert的过去分词)

3、assertor ─── n.主张者;断言者;维护者

4、assent ─── n.赞成;批准;v.(尤指官方)赞成,同意

5、asserter ─── 断言者,维护者

6、reassert ─── vt.重复主张;再断言

7、asserts ─── 维护

8、assort ─── v.(基因)分配;把……归为一类;分类;协调

9、assart ─── n.开垦;开垦地;vt.开垦

assert 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、NBA: Center Bynum continues to assert himself as force in victory, as L.A. sets season-high in points. ─── 中锋拜纳姆继续将自己摆在取胜中不可获缺的位置上,湖人得到赛季得分新高。

2、Eg. You must assert yourself or they will continue to bully you. ─── 坚持自己的权利(或意见),显示自己的权威(或威力)

3、They assert their right to disagree. ─── 他们要求自己有权坚持不同意见。

4、Whenever they are put in charge of a branch of work, they assert their "independence". ─── 在他们掌管一部分事业的时候,就要闹独立性。

5、In a knowledge-intensive world of ceaseless innovation and change, I assert, every professional must be a leader. ─── 在一个知识密集,创新和机会层出的世界,我断言,每个专业人士都要是领袖。

6、"Only the most superficial mind would assert nowadays that man is a reasonable creature" (H.G. Wells). ─── “如今只有最简单的头脑才会断言人是有理智的动物” (H·G·威尔斯)。

7、In fact, some observers assert that the small family farm is no longer viable in the United States. ─── 事实上有些观察家指出,在美国小家庭农场已很难独立生存。

8、The various Assert statements give you flexibility; for example, you can force a test to fail by using the statement Assert.Fail(). ─── 不同的Assert语句为您提供了灵活性;例如,可以使用Assert.Fail()语句强迫测试失败。

9、He was finally able to assert a moral position that is exactly the reverse of his initial belief. ─── 他终于得出了与他最初的信仰完全相反的道德主张。

10、The warlike Tartars and Mongols were therefore able to assert themselves against the Chinese relatively easily. ─── 因此好战的齿垢和蒙古能相对地容易地显示反对中国人。

11、In the checked build of your driver, ASSERT generates code to evaluate the Boolean expression. ─── 在你驱动的检测创建中,ASSERT产生代码来评价布尔表达式。

12、Typically, you add an Assert. Inconclusive statement to a test that you are still working on to indicate it is not yet ready to be run. ─── 通常,向仍在处理的测试添加Assert.Inconclusive语句可指示该测试尚未准备好,不能运行。

13、Further, if denied variances, the sources may be able to assert their claims of infeasibility in the state courts. ─── 如果这种待遇被否决,那么污染源就可以在州法庭上提出不可行断定。

14、They can be cleared out only when they are unmasked in the course of struggle and the poor peasants assert themselves. ─── 只有在斗争中揭破了他们的假面,贫农阶级起来之后,方能去掉他们。

15、Nevertheless, it would be equally wrong to assert that there are still large numbers of counter-revolutionaries. ─── 但是,说现在还有很多反革命,也是不对的。

16、An ASSERT failure in a retail build of the operating system with no kernel debugger running generates a bug check. ─── 使用运行的非内核调试器,一个操作系统的复述创建中的assert失败产生一个错误检查。

17、You should assert your own opinions more. ─── 你应该更加坚持自己的意见。

18、If that link is compromised, an intruder could then assert any identity and completely undermine the security of the infrastructure. ─── 如果该链接受到威胁,则入侵者就可以断言任何身份并彻底破坏基础设施的安全性。

19、He was hever able to assert himself sufficiently. ─── 他从来不能有效地维护自己的权利。

20、I was determined to assert my authority from the beginning. ─── 我决心一开始就维护我的权威。

21、Indeed, the only way we could assert that there was a gene in an organism was by finding a mutant allele for it. ─── 事实上,唯一能确定一个生物体内存在某一种基因的方法就是找到这个基因的突变等位基因。

22、Only the most superficial mind would assert nowadays that man is a reasonable creature(H.G.Wells. ─── 如今只有最简单的头脑才会断言人是有理智的动物 G 威尔斯)。

23、Criville's high-speed fall left him with a Burst artery -- ironically he'd earlier claimed Assert was his favorite circuit. ─── 克里维尔从高速急驰的车上摔下来导致一根动脉破裂---具有讽刺意义的是,他早些时候还声称艾森赛车场是他最喜欢的赛车

24、The assessor assert s that he inserted the deserted dessert s in the desert with alert . ─── 估价人认定他用警惕把被抛弃的甜点心插入沙漠中。

25、When you call the assert method in your code, express the success of an operation as true or false and use that value for condition. ─── 在代码中调用assert方法时,请以true或false来表示操作是否成功,并将该值用于condition。

26、A unit test that contains no Assert statement automatically passes as long as it does not time out and does not throw an unexpected exception. ─── 不包含Assert语句的单元测试只要不超时,并且不引发意外的异常,就会自动通过。

27、To assert positivelyand often arrogantly. ─── 发号施令肯定且通常是傲慢地宣称。

28、The body of the method is typically made of a bunch of assert statements, but you can put whatever sanity-checking code in there. ─── 这个方法中通常包含了一些断言,但是你也可以放任何检查性代码在里面。

29、She continued to assert her innocence. ─── 她仍然坚称自己无辜。

30、Most importantly, you get to assert your power of choice and people won’t treat you like a doormat. ─── 如果你在以上两个问题中皆回答以“好的,同意”,你就要学学说“不”的艺术。

31、Made assert() accept the array(&$obj, 'methodname') syntax. ─── 使得assert()接受数组

32、They are a very determined bunch of players and want to assert themselves at this level of football. ─── 他们是运动员的非常坚决的串而且想要在这水平的足球断言他们自己。

33、Because ASSERT statements are commented out in a release build of an MFC program, the code does not run in a release build. ─── 因为ASSERT语句在MFC程序的发布版本中被注释掉了,该代码在发布版本中不会运行。

34、She continued to assert her innocence. ─── 她仍然坚称自己无辜。

35、In both cases, the context node is set by the "rule" parent element of the report or assert node. ─── 如果在上下文节点中有任何属性,它抛出一个错误。

36、Don't let Tony walk all over you like that; why don't you assert yourself more? ─── 别让托尼盛气凌人地对待你,你为何不更多地显示威力呢?

37、Unit tests can verify specific application behavior by their use of various kinds of Assert statements, exceptions, and attributes. ─── 单元测试可以通过使用各种Assert语句、异常和属性来验证特定的应用程序行为。

38、Only the most superficial mind would assert nowadays that man is a reasonable creature . ─── 如今只有头脑简单的人才会断言人是很理性的动物。

39、If what you assert is true, then we need to question the information source's creditability. ─── 如果你所坚称的是真的,那么我们就必须质疑这消息来源的可信性了。

40、To assert this is to denigrate the effectiveness of the police. ─── 坚持这一点就是贬低警方的办事能力。

41、You're too timid you must try to assert yourself more. ─── 你太畏缩了--要尽量增强自信心。

42、You are too timid,you must try to assert yourself more. ─── 你太胆怯了,你必须争取表达自己的主张。

43、Its more reasoned critics assert that the ACLU's exclusive focus on rights leads it to undermine the ties that bind society together. ─── 一些更注重逻辑推理的批评家声称,ACLU专一对准权利问题导致它危害了将社会连接在一起的纽带。

44、Correct people when they assert that introverts have nothing to say. ─── 不需要为独处向别人道歉。

45、Several federal attempts to assert sovereignty have trampled on northern sensitivities. ─── 加拿大几次强调其统治权的决定都牵涉到了北部的敏感问题。

46、For instance, you can assert that the response to a query will contain some particular text. ─── 例如,你可以断言一个查询的响应会包含一些特殊的文本。

47、Instead, interrupt gracefully. Redirect the dialogue so that you can assert your point. ─── 你要礼貌地打断,指导话题的方向,这样你才能坚持你的观点。

48、Some people assert that nothing is impossible . ─── 一些人断言没有什么事是不可能的。

49、You can assert that a string, table, or a form-input element with a given label is present or not present in the page. ─── 可以对字符串、表或者带有指定标签的表单输入元素是否存在于页面上进行断言。

50、The design adopted involves a requirement for the publishers that control the businesses that are related to assert in a symmetric fashion that the relationship exists. ─── 在具体的设计中包含了这样一个需求的表现,管理控制商业实体的发布者与该实体所在的关联关系的断言表现,对于双方发布者而言是对等的。

51、But one need only glance at the list of workers' organizations to assert, fascism has not conquered yet in Germany. ─── 但是只要有人瞄一眼工人组织的名单,他就可以断言,法西斯主义还没有在德国胜利。

52、Ten times smaller again, the individuals assert their identity and a single defect can wreck havoc. ─── 如果部件的尺寸在此基础上再缩小9/0,单个的原子便会表现出自己的特性,只要有一个缺陷就会造成大破坏。

53、You can alienate some people as you assert your rights, or what you believe to be your rights. ─── 因你坚持你的权利,或是你相信是你的权益,你可能隔离某些人。

54、Women should assert themselves more! ─── 妇女应该继续维护她们的权利。

55、Critics assert that this flow of genes helps to undermine any concept of species in microbes. ─── 批评者认为这类基因流动无益于微生物的物种观念。

56、Now that you're a brand-new party member, you ought to assert your authority and try your hand at something important and distinguish yourself! ─── 你刚进了党,正要露露脸,办一件大事,挂一个头功!

57、A leader must assert himself sometimes in order to be followed . ─── 一个领导有时应该表现出自己的领导权威,好让别人照你说的去做。

58、The upshot of this is that it is simply foolish to assert that science and rationality support atheism. ─── 其结果是,断言科学和理性支持无神论完全是愚蠢的。

59、The project is created with TODO comments, attributed code, and custom assert and trace handling support. ─── 创建具有TODO注释、属性化代码以及自定义断言和跟踪处理支持的项目。

60、Thus a stable population of relatively healthy dogs will assert territoriality and not allow new strays to enter. ─── 如此一来一群健康的狗狗会守护住牠们的家园,不让其他外来的流浪狗 介入。

61、Something like a blush tried to assert itself in the farmer's weather-beaten cheek. ─── 农夫饱经风霜的脸颊上隐隐泛起了红晕。

62、To assert the right to retaliate against Hamas is not to say that it is just, or wise, to shell large swathes of Gaza. ─── 主张有报复哈马斯的权利,并不是说轰炸加沙的大片地区就是正义的,或是明智的。

63、You must assert yourself or they will continue to bully you . ─── 你必须维护自己的权利,否则他们还会欺负你。

64、If the first ASSERT succeeds and the second one fails, it means that the memory overwrite must have occurred in the function between the two calls. ─── 如果第一个ASSERT成功而第二个失败,这表示内存改写一定发生在这两次调用之间的函数中。

65、He's getting too darn fresh. I'll stand for a good deal, but once in a while I got to assert my authority, and jumped him. ─── 他越来越不象话了,平时我都忍着,可是偶尔也得维护我的威信,我训了他一顿。

66、The more you try to assert yourself at the beginning of the week, the more muddled things get. ─── 在星期的开始,你越想设法说明某件事,越会使事情变得乱七八糟的。

67、Somalia's interim government is trying to assert authority in the city which it seized from fleeing Islamist fighters late last Month. ─── 索马里临时政府正努力在摩加迪沙确立权威,该城上月前被现正逃散的伊斯兰武装分子占据。

68、The natural world will assert its needs in the sharing of the flower dream with humanity. ─── 在与人类分享花朵梦想中,自然界将会表明自己的需要。

69、But the spirit has stirred and the nation has begun to assert itself. ─── 但是精神已经振奋,这个民族已开始显示自己。

70、To assert positively and often arrogantly. ─── 发号施令肯定且通常是傲慢地宣称

71、And China has submitted a map that seems to assert ownership of a vast part of the South China sea. ─── 中国提交的地图显示了该国对中国南海的一大片海域的主权的坚持。

72、The laws of historical development will assert themselves. ─── 历史发展的规律是不可抗拒的。

73、Attempting to connect with an invalid userid or password results in memory corruption or an Assert failure. ─── 使用错误的用户名或者密码导致内存出错或者断言失败。

74、His assert is estimate at about $800000. ─── 他的财产约值80万美元。

75、However, no software vendor can reliably assert that a product is secure against unknown future attacks. ─── 但是,没有任何软件供应商可以断言某种产品可以免受以后未知的攻击。

76、Neville has marked Reyes out of contests like this in the past and he attempted to assert himself straight away. ─── 在过去,内维尔就以盯人把雷耶斯顶出了比赛,而在比赛中他试图立即达到这一目的。

77、The Unit Testing Framework provides numerous additional Assert classes and methods that give you flexibility in writing useful Assert statements. ─── 单元测试框架提供了众多的附加Assert类和方法,为您编写有用的Assert语句带来了极大的灵活性。

78、It is hard to predict how much the acting president will assert himself in the coming months. ─── 很难预计代理总统在接下来的几个月中能够实现多少自己曾经断言过的承诺。

79、Instead, interrupt gracefully. Redirect the dialogue so those you can assert your point. ─── 你要礼貌地打断,引导话题的方向,那样你才能坚持你的观点。

80、Because I chose specially to assert my love to you. ─── 097因为我特地在情人节这一天对你表白。

81、In this crowded mega-city,a mish-mash of 8m, each culture wants to assert its identity, to claim its day. ─── 在这个挤满800万人口、大杂烩一般的超级都市里,每种文化都想证明自己的存在,要求有自己的节日。

82、When you have made your fortune, you must come back and assert yourself in London. ─── 你发迹以后一定要回来在伦敦显姓扬名。

83、Within this file, you can enable and disable the assert or set the name of its log file. ─── 在该文件中,可以启用和禁用该断言或设置其日志文件的名称。

84、They are agitating to assert autonomy. ─── 他们正在鼓吹实行自治。

85、But Chelsea began to assert authority.Ayala was booked after jumping with Drogba midway inside his own half. ─── 不过之后切尔西又发起了一波攻势,阿亚拉在与德罗巴争顶时犯规吃到黄牌。

86、You should assert yourself more. ─── 你应该更加表现自己。

87、Something like a blush tried to assert itself in his weather-beaten cheek. ─── 他饱经风霜的脸颊上隐隐泛起了红晕。

88、The Assert class provides many static methods for verifying suppositions of truth. ─── Assert类提供了许多用于验证真假设的静态方法。



读法:英 [si?k] 美 [sik]


1、vt. 寻求;寻找;探索;搜索

2、vi. 寻找;探索;搜索

seek through找遍

goal seek目标搜寻

seek redress要求赔偿


1、The enemy will invariably seek opportunities to assert himself.


2、He explains that his conversion requires that he not only seek forgiveness, but also provide forgiveness for those who betrayed him.


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