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08-15 投稿


stun 发音

英:[st?n]  美:[st?n]

英:  美:

stun 中文意思翻译



stun 网络释义

vt. 使震惊;打昏;给以深刻的印象n. 昏迷;打昏;惊倒;令人惊叹的事物

stun 短语词组

1、stun-guns (stun-gun ─── 的复数) 眩晕枪;电枪

2、stun-gun ─── 眩晕枪;电枪

3、stun chence ─── 使眩晕

4、stun baton ─── [网络] 眩晕警棍;致晕棍;震撼警棍

5、stun gun vs taser ─── 电击枪vs泰瑟枪

6、stun gun ─── 高压电枪

7、stun guitar ─── 眩晕吉他

8、stun grenade ─── 眩晕手榴弹(以响声、闪光令人 ─── 眩晕的防暴武器)

9、brachial stun ─── 臂晕

10、stun guns/tasers ─── 电击枪/泰瑟枪

11、stun guns ─── 电枪(stungun的名词复数)

12、stun gun ammo ─── 眩晕枪弹药

13、stun belt ─── 眩晕带

14、stun crossword clue ─── 眩晕纵横字谜线索

15、stun gun ebay cheap ─── 电击枪便宜吗

16、stun chucks ─── 电击卡盘

17、stun sabas ─── 眩晕萨巴斯

18、stun box ─── [计] 功能控制盒

stun 词性/词形变化,stun变形

动词过去分词: stunned |动词现在分词: stunning |动词第三人称单数: stuns |动词过去式: stunned |

stun 相似词语短语

1、stuns ─── v.使晕倒;使惊吓(stun的第三人称单数形式);n.令人震惊的事物(stun的复数形式)

2、stan ─── n.斯坦(男子名);n.铁杆粉丝

3、staun ─── 住手

4、stunk ─── n.恶臭,异味;丑闻;讨厌的人;v.发出恶臭;惹人讨厌;质量极差(stink的过去分词)

5、spun ─── v.(使)旋转;(使)急转身;纺线;结网;驾车飞驰(spin的过去式及过去分词);adj.纺制的

6、stung ─── v.刺;螫;使疼痛(sting的过去式及过去分词)

7、stunt ─── n.噱头,手腕;绝技;vt.阻碍…的正常生长或发展;vi.表演特技;作惊人表演;n.(Stunt)人名;(英)斯坦特

8、shun ─── vt.避开,避免;回避;n.(Shun)人名;(日)春(姓)

9、astun ─── 阿斯顿

stun 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The paladin could wing + bubble, then go in with a stun, DS, CS, JoC and maybe Consecrate, all within a few GCDs. ─── 圣骑士开无敌+翅膀,然后神圣风暴,十字军打击,命令审判甚至奉献,短短几个GCD就能完成。

2、On the Infinite Product and Infinite Stun of the Infinitely Large Quantity ─── 关于无穷大量的无穷乘积与无穷和

3、Unbreakable Will: Increases your chance to resist Stun, Fear, and Silence effects by 3%. ─── 坚定意志:增加抵抗昏眩,恐惧和沉默的几率3%

4、Rogue's seem to be able to stun lock a lot more for a lot longer and I couldn't tell why, but it was obnoxious. ─── 盗贼可以把人晕更长时间了,我说不出为什么,但我很讨厌这样。

5、Level 2 - Bash has a 5% chance to deal 25 bonus damage and stun for 2 seconds. ─── 二级-攻击中有5%的几率造成额外的50点的伤害,晕眩2秒。

6、A guard zapped him with the stun gun. ─── 一名警卫用眩晕枪击中了他。

7、Additional terms that further classify NAPT are defined in more recent work [STUN]. ─── 另外,关于NAPT的分类和术语,[STUN]在最近做了更多的定义。

8、He maybe do not know how should be nature and begins to stun. ─── 他可能也不知道应该怎样才叫自然了,开始发呆。

9、Prepare the boarding party and set for your weapons for stun ─── 去准备登船部队武器攻击

10、Nor does it sing on just any occasion, but when it does, it will stun the world with a single cry. ─── 伍举说:“楚国有一只大鸟,身披五彩,可是一停三年,不飞也不叫,这是什么鸟?”

11、'''Description:''' Launch a volley of electric bolts. Critical hits from lightning damage stun targets for 2 sec. ─── '''描述:'''发出一些电球,对敌人造伤害。闪电属性的重击击晕目标2秒

12、Blessing of Protection: This spell can no longer be cast on others when stunned. It can only be cast on self (to break the stun) under those circumstances. ─── 保护祝福:这个法术不再能在瘫痪时对其他人施放。在这些状况下它仅能对自己施放(解除瘫痪)。

13、It usually tries to pounce and stun its foe in the first round of combat and then begins raging in the next round. ─── 它通常会尝试在第一轮扑击并震慑他的对手,然后在下一轮开始时进行狂怒。

14、Combining spectacular songs, spellbinding visuals, and delightful charms, Disney production is set to stun all its fans across the nation! ─── 动人的旋律,绚丽的视觉效果和隽永的舞台魅力,迪斯尼为全国小观众们带来缤纷的视觉盛筵!

15、Without pausing to think, she quickly stepped in front of Greatest Fire just as the claw grabbed for him.But it grabbed hold of the stun gun instead. ─── 她不及思索,立刻跨到火大身前,那一爪堪堪抓来,却抓在电殛棒上。

16、Raise Dead - Raise a Ghoul to fight for you for a limited time.This creature can perform a number of attacks including Fear, apply disease, stun, cause a target bleed and pummel. ─── 复活复活一个食尸鬼为你作战一段时间,它有以下攻击手段,包括恐惧,疾病,击晕,出血,连续攻击。

17、Also, all classes now receive a 40% increased stun resistance. ─── 同时,所有职业都会获得40%的昏迷抵抗.

18、Level 1 - Accelerates towards an enemy unit at a slow rate. Reaching the target results in a 1 second immobilizing stun. ─── 一级-缓慢地加速向一个目标冲去,击中他时造成1秒的晕眩。

19、Maim: Rank 2 of this ability is properly considered a stun and can be escaped by Blink. ─── * 割碎:等级2的割碎现在被正确的区分为昏迷效果并可以用闪现术解除。

20、He has super strong hearing, can see people's auras and has strange mental powers to heal, stun people and open locks. ─── 他有超级强的听力,能看到人们的气氛且还有奇怪的智力愈合,使人震惊而且还可以打开门锁。

21、STUN protocol ─── STUN协议

22、Increases your chance to resist Stun, Fear, and Silence effects by 3%. ─── 使你抵抗昏迷、恐惧和沉默效果的几率提高3%.

23、They should NOT be killable by a single Warrior in two to three hits during the duration of an Intercept stun. ─── 它们不应该被一个战士在拦截昏迷的几秒内,砍2-3下就死了。

24、Conditions that make a creature helpless (such as Paralysis) must be removed first, and Stun must always be removed last. ─── 使生物无助的条件(如麻痹)必须最先解除,而震慑通常是最后解除的。

25、A small folded bag filled with lead pellets, used as ammunition in a stun gun ─── 子弹小袋,豆弹小袋装满铅弹的小折叠袋,用作鸟枪的子弹

26、To stun, as with a heavy blow or shock; stupefy. ─── 使发昏使晕眩,如因重击或震惊;使惊愕

27、Likewise, living in a low-visibility, sediment-filled stretch of the river, the African electric catfish had evolved the ability to stun nearby prey with up to 350 volts of electricity. ─── 一样道理,一种生活在低难见度,满是沉积物的河道里的非洲鲶鱼就进化出能放出350伏电流,电击经过猎物的能力。

28、Note: a shield stun skill of some sort ─── 一个类似用盾击昏敌人的技能,极有可能是

29、Princessfish are a species of coral-reef fish that are captured alive by divers who first stun the individual fish by squirting a certain poison at them. ─── 鱼是一种珊瑚礁鱼,潜水员会先将某种毒药喷到鱼身上,使其昏迷,然后将其活捉。

30、He uses his ability to call upon chaotic energy to damage and stun enemy for random length of time in conjunction with his power to rip holes in space to instant strike down all that stand against him. ─── 他能运用他的能力召唤出混沌能源来伤害并随机击晕他的敌人一段时间,配合他在空间中撕裂出虫洞的力量,可以在一瞬间击倒所有阻碍他的敌人。

31、Added picture and description of Ranged Stun ability. ─── 为远程击晕添加图标与说明。

32、it twirled and spun around, and used those spins to produce a vicious stun attack with a knockback effect. ─── 它快速旋转,并用尖刺攻击产生带背击效果的眩晕攻击。

33、Improved Revenge (Protection) now increases damage Revenge causes by 10/20% and gives a 25/50% chance to stun. ─── 天赋强化复仇(防护)现在增加复仇造成的伤害10/20%,有25/50%的几率使目标昏迷。

34、"Aphotic Shield prevents damage but can also be used to remove certain debuffs, such as removing the stun duration effect on an ally." ─── "无光之盾抵抗伤害,同样可以用于移除负面效果,比如移除友军的持续晕眩效果。"

35、She concealed the secret from her parents, fearing the exposure would stun them. ─── 她对父母隐瞒了这个秘密,担心秘密暴露会令父母震惊。

36、Improved Revenge - The stun effect can now be resisted. ─── 增强复仇--现在昏效果会被抵抗。

37、Second Wind - Reduced to 2 ranks, now "Whenever you are struck by a Stun or Immobilize effect you will generate 10/20 rage and 5/10% of your total health over 10 sec." ─── 二风(第二春?)---减少为2点技能,现在当你被打晕或受到类似限制移动的技能影响了时候,你会产生10/20怒气和回复5/10%的生命总量

38、Increases the users damage and gives him a chance to stun a target. ─── 增加一定的伤害,并有一定几率眩晕目标。

39、Hammer of Justice: The interrupt from this ability will also be redirected when the stun is redirected. In addition, the interrupt will now work on targets immune to stun. ─── 制裁之锤:当昏迷被移除的同时反制效果也将移除.并且现在反制效果将会正确作用于免疫昏迷的单位.

40、Only moves such as stun and can allow you to successfully execute this. ─── 仅仅用在击晕或者在允许你成功发射的时候。

41、A 20% chance to stun your opponent is absolutely amazing. ─── 20%的几率击晕对手是很惊人的。

42、Grants all Juggernaut Skills a X% chance to stun enemies for X seconds. ─── 使所有毁灭天赋技能有X%几率造成敌人晕眩X秒。

43、His vision cleared, and the shadows resolved themselves into objects. A table. A chair. He saw that his wrists and ankles were encircled by stun cuffs. ─── 他的视线逐渐清晰起来,光影下隐约浮现出物体的轮廓。一张桌子,一把椅子。他看清他的手脚正是被铐锁捆绑在一起。

44、Fortitude (76): Increases resistance against stun and paralysis. Continuously drains MP. ─── 刚毅(76):增强抵抗晕击和痲痹。持续消耗MP。

45、Basically, kill Kaw's mount with Ability #1 and then you can "kite" Kaw. Run away from him, use the charge stun and follow it up with ─── 基本上,使用技能#1殺死卡乌的座骑后你才能和卡乌对决,使用技能#2向卡乌冲蜂后使用技能#1,再次跑远并重覆这些

46、And besides, -two dollars was quite a stun, not to be picked up every day. ─── 再说呢,两块钱是两块钱,这不是天天能遇到的事。

47、Charge: Duration of stun effect now lasts 1.5 seconds. This effect no longer has diminishing returns. ─── 冲锋:晕眩效果持续1.5秒。这个效果不会递减。

48、A driver was sentenced to eight months imprisonment for possessing a stun gun without a licence. ─── 一名司机,无牌拥有一支眩晕枪,被判入狱八个月。

49、He maybe do not know how should be nature and begins to stun. ─── 他可能也不知道应该怎样才叫自然了,开始发呆。

50、Added Ranged Stun ability to Orc - chance to deafen target by hit of their axe (depends on inflicted damage). ─── 为兽人的远程攻击增加击晕特技-飞斧有可能把敌人打晕(机率取决于伤害)

51、Stun: I was stunned to hear that the two had divorced. ─── 听说那两个人要离婚我很吃惊。

52、stun box ─── [计] 功能控制盒

53、Utilizing their environment, the spore walkers are able to derive toxins from the spores and fungi of the marsh, which they in turn use to stun or immobilize their prey. ─── 它们能充分的利用环境,从沼泽里的真菌以及孢子获得毒素,在捕猎的时候能让它们的猎物失去行动能力甚至晕厥。

54、Decreased base Stun Attack Strength by 50%. ─── 下跌基地眩晕攻击强度50%。

55、Electric eels, for example, can stun prey with strong shocks generated by a specialized organ. ─── 例如电鳗利用特化器官产生强烈电击来电昏猎物;

56、Use by Polearms. Range attack and stun around player ─── 使用长戟,攻击你周围的敌人并使他们眩晕。距离攻击

57、The electric eel, for example, is a freshwater predator that can produce a large electric field around its body, strong enough to stun prey and ward off enemies. ─── 例如,带电的鳗鱼,就是生活在淡水里的生物。它能在它周围的地方产生大电流,大到足以捕食食物,震慑敌人。

58、'''Description:''' Lightning arcs from the wizard's fingertips towards enemies, electrocuting up to two targets. Critical hits from lightning damage stun targets for 2 sec. ─── '''描述:'''电弧从巫师的指端射向敌人,电击多至2个目标。来自闪电伤害的重击击晕敌人2秒

59、Shield Bash >>>At every attack creature has a chance to stun the enemy so they wont be able to retaliate and lose initiative (mechanical creatures are not affected). ─── 具有该技能的兵种能自动保护与其相邻的己方兵种,使敌方远程非魔法攻击的伤害减少50%。

60、Affixes your rune weapon with a rune that has a chance to strike undead for extra Fire damage and stun them for 5 sec.Modifying your rune weapon requires a Rune Forge in Ebon Hold. ─── 在你的符文武器上镶嵌一枚符文,有一定几率对亡灵生物造成而外的火焰伤害并使之昏迷5秒。

61、Pet Buff. Increases your abomination damage by 60% and makes it immune to fear, stun and movement effects for 30 seconds. ─── 宠物增益法术,在30秒内增加你的憎恨(宠物)60%伤害,并使其对惊吓,打晕及影响移动速度的魔法免疫

62、Such a scenario would stun a global financial community long-accustomed to China growing by 10 per cent or more a year. ─── 对于长期以来已习惯于中国年增长率在10%以上的全球金融市场来说,这种情形可能会让它们目瞪口呆。

63、Six technical modes for H.323 traffic to travel through NAT are addressed and analyzed: H.323 proxy, application layer gateway, MIDCOM, tunneling, extended protocol, and Simple Traversal of User Datagram Protocol (STUN). ─── 323协议穿越NAT的6种方式:H. 323代理方式、应用层网关方式、中间盒通信(MIDCOM)方式、隧道方式、扩展协议方式、STUN方式,并对不同的穿越方式进行了分析。

64、Start out with a stun then follow up with Steel Breath and Blindness. ─── 以眩晕开始接窃取呼吸和致盲。

65、Intercept will now cause damage to targets that are immune to stun. ─── 即使目标免疫昏迷,拦截也会对其造成伤害。。

66、An Apps first stun skill which petrifies a foe and while Arrests condition lasts it will take only 1-2 damage from attacks, won't be affected by any status and the HP will regenerate faster. ─── 一个应用服务第一眩晕技能petrifies敌人逮捕条件的同时,将持续采取损害的只有1-2的攻击,不会受到任何地位和惠普公司将恢复得更快。

67、They use their tails to stun fish or to round them up ready for attack. ─── 它们用尾巴把鱼打晕,或者将其围拢以攻击。

68、To stun,as with a heavy blow or shock;stupefy. ─── 使发昏使晕眩,如因重击或震惊;使惊愕

69、Level 3 - Accelerates towards an enemy unit at a fast rate. Reaching the target results in a 2 second immobilizing stun. ─── 三级-较快地加速向一个目标冲去,击中他时造成2秒的晕眩。

70、Gives a chance that an attack will do bonus damage and stun an opponent for 1 second. ─── 在攻击中有一定几率对目标造成额外的伤害,并晕眩1(2)秒。

71、It is a possible concern that between Chains of Ice, Death Grip, and the ghoul stun that a death knight can lock someone down for a long time. ─── 也许我们需要注意的是,借助冰链术、死亡之握及食尸鬼晕人,死骑能在相当长一段时间控制对方。

72、Warding Arrows >>>This creature shoots charmed arrows: in addition to normal damage, theres a chance they might stun the enemy and delay their turn. ─── 具有该技能的兵种远程攻击后有一定几率能使目标眩晕并延迟其回合顺序。

73、Elom vision is so sensitive to the dark that bright lights can painfully stun an Elom. ─── 伊洛姆人的视觉对黑暗环境敏感,亮光会让他们晕眩难耐。

74、so surprisingly impressive as to stun or overwhelm. ─── 令人惊奇、印象深刻,到了晕倒或者压倒性的程度。

75、You stun Gildamesh with the blunt side of your weapon and with a quick motion, you bring your weapon down a second time, piercing his armor. ─── 你用剑的钝面敲昏Gildamesh接着飞快的把你的武器再次送出,刺穿他的盔甲。

76、to stun,as with a heavy blow or shock; stupefy ─── 使晕眩,如因重击或震惊;使惊愕

77、This is one of the most powerful stun guns made using the lates in solid state technology to create a solid, dependable, self defense weapon that carries a lifetime guaranty. ─── 充电时,推出尾部自充电插头插入市电,红色指示灯亮为正常充电,充电时间12小时。

78、Start out with a stun then follow up with Steel Breath and Shadowmantle. Then Keep nuking they should go down fairly easily. ─── 以眩晕开始,接窃取呼吸和暗影披风.然后持续攻击到他们趴趴,很简单。

79、Military officials also say more needs to be done to assure the international community that directed-energy weapons set to stun rather than kill will not harm noncombatants. ─── 军方官方也说了更多的需要被做,以保证国际的一致,定向能武器设置为击晕胜于杀死,这将不会伤害非作战人员。

80、Then they stun themselves against clear windowpanes and die, fatly baffled in the sun. ─── 不过这本书的封面很是漂亮,花钱买一本也不是不可。

81、It has a 1.5 second cast time, which means you have plenty of time to stun them as they cast Mass Dispel.It also means any other friendlies have an opportunity to interrupt it. ─── 它有1.5秒的师法时间,意味着你有足够的时间去晕掉他们打断.另外也意味着,你的同伴也有机会去打断他.

82、This speech seemed to stun the King. ─── 这番话似乎使国王大吃一惊。

83、In the confusion, Leia managed to momentarily stun Guri by hammering the back of her head with the heavy Ubese bounty hunter helmet. ─── 在混乱中,莱娅用尤贝斯赏金猎人那沉重的头盔给了古丽的后脑勺猛烈的一击,古丽瞬间一愣。

84、To stun or paralyze with terror; daze. ─── 使发呆,使惊呆因恐惧而昏厥或发呆;使茫然

85、To force General Talug to drop his shield in this stage, players must stun him by kiting him into a Flame Mine set by a Sniper. ─── 在此阶段内要让塔鲁格将军放弃盾牌,玩家必须把他引至阻击兵设置的一个烈焰矿井中。

86、“Insignia of the Alliance/Horde” and “Medallion of the Alliance/Horde” now remove “Fear”, “Stun” and “Polymorph” effects and no longer remove “Charm” effects. ─── 估计是术士爱好者的主意?基本上盗贼以后遇到术士又变成没办法了,连环媚惑基本上把盗贼吃的死死的.

87、Increases your chance to resist Stun, Fear, and Silence effects by3%. ─── 使你抵抗昏迷、惧和沉默效果的几率提高3%.

88、Maim still works as a stun, which will also stop casting unless the target is under DR or otherwise has some kind of protection. ─── 割碎仍然可以造成昏迷效果,这同样会停止目标的施法,除非目标在收益递减之下或者受到某种防护效果。

89、Israeli police broke up the protest along with another one at Damascus Gate using tear gas and stun grenades, AP reported. ─── 以色列警察用催泪烟雾和眩晕弹驱散在这里还有另外一支在大马士革门的抗-议者。

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