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dandy 发音

英:['d?nd?]  美:['d?ndi]

英:  美:

dandy 中文意思翻译




dandy 网络释义

adj. 上等的,极好的(口语);服装华丽的n. 花花公子;好打扮的人n. (Dandy)人名;(英、法)丹迪

dandy 反义词


dandy 词性/词形变化,dandy变形

现在分词:dandying 名词复数形式:dandies 形容词最高级:dandiest

dandy 同义词

gallant | slap-up | nifty | great | excellent | peachy | cracking | beau | superb | fashion plate | coxcomb | smashing | clotheshorse | fine | neat | fop | not bad | groovy | swell | keen | dude | sheik |peacock | cool | corking | bang-up | bully | yawl

dandy 短语词组

1、dandy-cart n. ─── 牛奶送货车

2、a dandy of a boy ─── 漂亮的男孩,翩翩少年

3、dandy brush ─── 刷马的硬毛 ─── 刷

4、Jack-a-dandy n. ─── 花 ─── 花公子

5、handy-dandy n. ─── 猜游戏

6、jim-dandy n. ─── 出色的人/东西 a. ─── 出色的

7、dandy walker ─── 花 ─── 花公子沃克

8、dandy boy ─── 花 ─── 花公子

9、dandy jack ─── 花 ─── 花公子杰克

10、mr dandy ─── 丹迪先生

11、for dandy ─── 为了美观, ─── 为了外表漂亮

12、come out dandy ─── 结果良好,皆大欢喜

13、dandy boy adventures ─── 花 ─── 花公子冒险

14、Handy Dandy Orbital Computer ─── 灵巧的丹迪轨道计算机

15、dandy note ─── [经] 出库证书

16、dandy walk ─── 花 ─── 花公子散步

17、Dandy-Nanta disease ─── [医] 甘-南二氏病, 铁质沉着性脾大

18、dandy vs dandy vs

19、dandy fever ─── [医] 登革热

dandy 相似词语短语

1、Handy ─── adj.有用的;便利的;手边的;手巧的,灵活的;n.(Handy)(美、印、加)汉迪(人名)

2、danny ─── n.手(尤用于与幼儿说话时);侦察用车

3、Kandy ─── 康堤(斯里兰卡中部城市,佛教圣地)

4、daddy ─── n.爸爸

5、Sandy ─── adj.沙地的;多沙的;含沙的;n.(Sandy)人名;(法、喀、罗、西、英)桑迪(教名Alasdair、Alastair、Alexander、Alister、Elshender的昵称)

6、dancy ─── adj.(音乐)适合跳舞的;n.(Dancy)丹西(人名)

7、Candy ─── n.坎迪(女子名)

8、Mandy ─── n.曼蒂(女子名);镇静片(等于Mandrax)

9、bandy ─── adj.向外弯曲的;(双腿)罗圈的;v.(网球)打来打去;传播;争吵;n.早期的曲棍球(冰球);曲棍;n.(Bandy)(美、英、加、澳)邦迪(人名)

dandy 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Dandy syndrome ─── 丹迪综合征, 前庭性视觉识别障碍综合征

2、M. chapensis Dandy ─── 乐昌含笑

3、She protested, of course, saying that the wood stove cooked just dandy, that the electric stove was too dear and that it would cost too much hydro to run it. ─── 当然,她总是要表示反对意见,她强调烧木材一样能做出好吃的饭菜,而电热炉太贵,而且太耗水。

4、The traditional formation tool on older slow-speed machines was the dandy roll. ─── 在老式传统的纸机上应用的成型工具是水印辊。

5、You do your thing and I do mine.We are just being different.Everything is fine and dandy. ─── 你走你的阳关道,我过我的独木桥,我们只是不一样而已,没有什麽不好的。

6、Dandy's hemostat ─── 丹迪(氏)止血钳

7、The value conformity and transmitting of the European-style range hood of Dandy's "the crystal color" series ─── 德意"晶彩"系列欧式吸油烟机的价值整合传播

8、Nancy, Judy and Margaret, Peter, Dandy ,Paul and John. ─── 南希,朱迪,还有玛格丽特,彼得,丹迪,保罗和约翰。

9、Based on its high technology development, Beijing Dandi Automatic System and Engineering Corporation mainly undertakes various automatic system projects. ─── 以高技术开发为主体,承接各类自动化系统工程,并进行产品开发及科研仪器销售工作,是技、工、贸结合的实体。

10、This is all fine and dandy, but you run into a problem when you are invited to a prestigious conference to give a presentation. ─── 这样简直是太完美了,但是当您被邀请到一个很有威望的会议去演讲时您却陷进了一个问题。

11、On some modem installations, overspeeding the dandy by up to 5% has provided improvements in formation and surface characteristics. ─── 在一些现代的应用中,水印辊速度超过网速5%可以改善纸页成型和获得某些表面特性。

12、Dysplasia of cerebellum, and cystic enlargement of the fourth ventricle of cerebrum, and Dandy Walker syndrome were observed on MRI scanning. ─── MRI提示小脑发育不良,第4脑室囊状扩大,显示DandyWalker征象。

13、Kmeria septentrionalis Dandy ─── 单性木兰

14、Well, you're a dandy! ─── 嘿,你真是个大美人儿。

15、Everything was to be fine and dandy once Peter started his new job ─── 一旦彼得有了新工作,一切都会好的。

16、The handy dandy Seal Lock allows you to never worry for your equipments again! ─── 便利绝妙的封印锁让你再也不用担心你的装备!

17、Dandy reserves the right to change the swap value applicable to the CFDs on a daily basis and inform Client. ─── 丹迪有权每天修改差价合同的隔夜利息并通知客户。

18、Laid paper: Paper with watermark lines about 1mm apart crossed at 90 degrees by lines 25mm apart formed by a dandy roll on the paper making machine. ─── 帘纹纸:造纸时,由水印辊压上横直相同间线条的纸。横线约隔1毫米,直线约隔断5毫米,极像竹帘纹理。

19、"Isn't it a dandy, Jim? ─── “漂亮吗,吉姆?

20、Within a brushing of the wind, Dandy grabbed Daniel's hand in a ruthlessly crushing manner. ─── 唰在风中闪过,有钱仔以掩耳不及闪雷之势,恶狠狠地钳住了忧郁伟的手。

21、Dandy, formulating your life of high quality ─── 德意,建构你的品质生活

22、FORREST: I'm nothing at all, thank you. My legs are just fine and dandy. ─── 弗勒斯:没什么,谢谢你,我的腿好得很。

23、"Say, she was a little dandy, I tell you," went on Drouet confidentially, and trying to impress his friend. ─── “真的,她真是漂亮,不骗你,"杜洛埃推心置腹地说道,竭力想给他的朋友留下深刻印象。

24、16)Julien was a dandy now, and understood the art of living in Paris. He behaved with exemplary coldness toward Miss de La Mole. ─── 于连当时已经成了个浪荡子,懂得巴黎的生活艺术。他对德拉莫尔小姐刻意地冷淡。

25、Study on the Cutting Propagation of Michelia chapensis Dandy ─── 乐昌含笑扦插繁殖技术研究

26、What seemed fine and dandy yesterday or last week just isn't satisfying as this week gets going. ─── 什么似乎很好和昨天花花公子或者当这星期变得流行,上星期仅仅不是满意的。

27、A dandy who had lost his way and who lounged past the end of the street created a diversion! ─── 一个在街头闲逛的花花公子转移了他们的注意力。

28、Dandy's scalp hemostatic forceps ─── 丹迪(氏)头皮止血镊

29、"You're a dandy, Hurstwood," his friend Walker said. He was standing again well dressed, smiling, good-natured, the recipient of encores for a good story. ─── “你太棒了,赫斯渥,"他的朋友沃克说,他又打扮得漂漂亮亮地站在那里,满面笑容,态度和善,刚才讲了一个好听的故事,此刻正在接受旁人的喝彩。

30、The dandy took advantage of the incident to make his escape. ─── 佳公子乘机溜走了。

31、the third mast from the bow in a vessel having three or more masts; the after and shorter mast of a yawl, ketch, or dandy. ─── 帆船上从船头算起的第三条桅杆有三根或多根桅杆;快艇、双桅船或双桅帆船上后面的短的桅杆。

32、A small black satin cylindrical clutch trimmed with a beaded fringe. Features three shades of pink-tinted lip colours including Plum Dandy and All Revealing Lipsticks, and Rose Champagne Lipglass. ─── 如果有来世,就让我们做一对小小的松鼠吧。笨笨的相爱,拙拙的依偎,傻傻的在一起。即使大雪封山,还可以窝在松果堆紧紧的抱着咬你的耳朵。

33、Any investment information as may be announced by Dandy to the Client does not constitute investment advice but aims merely to assist him in his investment decision making. ─── 丹迪提供给客户的投资信息并不是帮客户作出投资决定的建议。

34、Beau Brummell was highlighted in black tie, scarf, collar and cuff design details, and promote the Men’s Fashion Dandy Look. ─── 博布卢默尔是黑色领带,围巾,领子,并强调袖口设计细节,促进时尚男装丹迪查询。

35、Keta keta...the previous shirt worn on Daniel's, broken already in so many spots by the damaging blows of the Dandy, is now being ruptured. ─── 咔嗒喀嗒地,身上的衬衣,原本在有钱仔的重击下,在很多位置已破烂,此刻,在忧郁伟的那股气耸动下,逐渐爆裂。

36、She had a jim - dandy voice. ─── 她有个出色的嗓子。

37、Author Yang Dandi;Long Dahong;Xuan Aiguo;Hong Lepeng (Department of Anatomy;Guangzhou Medical College;Guangzhou 510182); ─── 作者杨丹迪;龙大宏;宣爱国;洪乐鹏;

38、Oh, that's dandy, but I don't need a ride. Thanks. ─── 哦,没问题,不过我不需要你接。谢谢。

39、Author Luo Xiumei Long Dahong Pan Xuebing Yang Dandi Leng Shuilong (Department of Anatomy;Guangzhou Medical College;Guangzhou 510182;China); ─── 作者罗秀梅;龙大宏;潘学兵;杨丹迪;冷水龙;

40、Do you consider the lowly dandelion as nothing more than a weed? Think again - it makes a dandy astringent. ─── 你有没有考虑过其实谦卑的蒲公英其实不只是野草?再想想--它是一种上好的止血剂。

41、Dandy's fever virus ─── 丹迪(氏)热病毒, 登革热病毒

42、On the march to Dandi even a plate of ice cream it was forbidden to take. ─── 向丹地海岸跋涉途中他们连一碟冰淇淋都不准吃。

43、I know him to be nothing but a man of pleasure, a dandy who has given himself up to the relentless pursuit of sensual pleasure. ─── 我知道他是一个放荡的人,一个不顾一切、死心塌地地追求情欲之欢的花花公子。

44、He was the perfect type of a military dandy ─── 他是优秀军人的完美典范

45、Author Xuan Aiguo;Long Dahong;Yang Dandi;Gu Haigang;Leng Shuilong(Department of Anatomy;Guangzhou Medical College;Guangzhou 510182); ─── 作者宣爱国;龙大宏;杨丹迪;谷海刚;冷水龙;

46、With her beauty, she was able to be employed as a waitress easily in any famous restaurants or even married a sugar dandy. ─── 天生丽质的她很轻易地便能在各种高档餐厅做女招待,甚至傍上大款。

47、This stout young man was the illegitimate son of a celebrated dandy of the days of Catherine, Count Bezuhov, who was now dying at Moscow. ─── 这个略嫌肥胖的年轻人是叶卡捷琳娜在位时一位大名鼎鼎的达官、目前正在莫斯科奄奄一息的别祖霍夫伯爵的私生子。

48、Keywords Kmeria septentrionalis dandy;Calocedrus macrolepis kurz;Ready-extinct plant;Element migration;Mulun;Guangxi; ─── 单性木兰;翠柏;珍稀濒危植物;元素迁移;广西木论;

49、Shiny new touches such as epaulettes and buttons have been added, and units are crisper and more dandy, in fitting with the period's gentleman soldiers. ─── 全新的互动,如肩章和勋章,更多的精细华丽的单位,适合该时期的绅士化士兵。

50、Dandy operation ─── 丹迪手术

51、for dandy ─── 为了外表好看

52、He is a dandy, who plays loves anywhere. He can't even be serious to one girl. ─── 他是一个花花公子。他到处玩弄感情,从没对哪个女孩子认真过。

53、He says it's a dandy." ─── 他说那船很漂亮。”

54、Genetic Diversity of Michelia chapensis Dandy Populations ─── 乐昌含笑种群遗传多样性的研究

55、"Let's go out tonight! ". "Fine and dandy; I'll see you at 8." ─── “我们今晚出去吧”“好极了,8点钟见”

56、Forrest: I'm nothing at all thank you. My legs are just fine and dandy. ─── 弗勒斯:根本没什么,谢谢你,我的腿好得很。

57、However, in real life he is a dandy. ─── 但在现实生活中,他却是个游戏人间的花花公子。

58、Wove paper: Paper produced using a plain, woven dandy roll and there fore without laid lines, as distinct from Laid paper. ─── 布纹纸:造纸时,水印辘用平坦的织物包面,纸面于是无压线纹理,有别于纹纸。

59、That was three days ago when all seemed well and dandy with the world. ─── 那是三天以前,一切似乎都没问题了。

60、"You're a dandy, Hurstwood," his friend Walker said.He was standing again well dressed, smiling, good-natured, the recipient of encores for a good story.All at once he looked up. ─── “你太棒了,赫斯渥,”他的朋友沃克说,他又打扮得漂漂亮亮地站在那里,满面笑容,态度和善,刚才讲了一个好听的故事,此刻正在接受旁人的喝彩。

61、Don't worry.Everything will come out dandy. ─── 别着急,一切都会很好的。

62、a jim - dandy sports car ─── 上等的跑车

63、dandify:To dress as or cause to resemble a dandy. ─── 使象花花公子:穿得像或使象花花公子.

64、"Well, " he said, "I've got a dandy tip on Burlington. I'm going to play it if I can get somebody to go in with me. " ─── “呃,”他说,“我得到了一个关于伯灵顿股票的极好的内幕消息。如果有人能跟我一起,我打算去玩玩。”

65、Physical property of wood from plantation and natural forest of Michelia tsoi Dandy ─── 乐昌含笑人工林和天然林木材物理性质的比较

66、Do not buy so many dandy things which we do not really need, otherwise you will have to take the bother to sell them when you graduate ─── 不要买那么多华而不实的东西, 那些我们并不是真的需要,否则你在毕业时就要麻烦自已把这些东西卖掉

67、However, Dandy draws Client's attention to the following possibilities of a conflict of interest. ─── 一方面来自丹迪与相关员工和客户之间,另一方面来自客户与客户之间。

68、Dandy's operation ─── 丹迪(氏)手术:前庭神经切断术

69、What do they need another loan for now? I understood that everything was to be fine and dandy once Peter started his new job. ─── 他们现在又要贷款干什么用?我知道只要彼得一旦开始他的新工作,一切都会好的。

70、The provincial dandy wore the longest of spurs and the fiercest of mustaches. ─── 外省佳公子的刺马距比较长,髭须也比较粗野。

71、If you folks want to come along, fine and dandy. ─── 如果你们俩愿意和我一块去,那再好不过了。

72、He has a rep as a cheesy dandy among girls. ─── 他在姑娘们中间以帅哥而闻名。

73、Author Yang Dandi;Long Dahong;Xuan Aiguo;et al.(Department of Anatomy;Guangzhou Medical College;Guangzhou 510182;China); ─── 作者杨丹迪;龙大宏;宣爱国;冷水龙;

74、Now this is all fine and dandy, except for the fact that you also can no longer experience the joys brought on by life. ─── 现在一切安好,除了你无法再享受人生所带来的欢愉。

75、Dandy's nerve hook ─── 丹迪(氏)神经钩

76、Dandy symptom ─── 丹迪症状

77、Instant shaping technology on grafting Magnolia Conspicus onto Michelica chapensis Dandy at a high position ─── 乐昌含笑高位改接玉兰快速成形技术

78、Mostly I sell Star Wars figures.Sometimes I buy figures or their accessories.My husband, Glenn, is currently selling loads of annuals - Beano, Dandy etc. ─── 为保障出价者的私隐,当物品的价格或最高出价达到或超过某金额时,会员帐号就会以匿名显示。

79、"He was the perfect type of a military dandy" (Joyce Cary) ─── “他是优秀军人的完美典范”(乔伊丝·卡里)

80、his dress, half artist, half dandy, did not excite any suspicion, and, consequently, no disquietude ─── 他的服装半似艺术家,半似花花公子,并没有引起对方的怀疑,因此也没有惹起什么不安。

81、To dress as or cause to resemble a dandy. ─── 使象花花公子穿得像或使象花花公子

82、Also he was a sixty-year-old dandy and woman-chaser. And he had ample opportunity to indulge his weakness. ─── 另一个原因,他还是一个年逾花甲的花花公子,一个见到女人就追的色鬼,他也有充分机会满足自己的兽欲,纵情享受。

83、Author Luo Xiumei;Long Dahong;Pan Xuebing;Yang Dandi;Xuan Aiguo;Li Jiamei (Department of Anatomy;Guangzhou Medical College;Guangzhou 510182); ─── 作者罗秀梅;龙大宏;潘学兵;杨丹迪;宣爱国;李佳楣;

84、He is a dandy, he never studies anything. ─── 他是个纨绔子弟, 从来都是不学无术的。

85、3.dandy: playboy, a man who cares too much about the smartness of his appearance and isn't responsible for his wrong doing. ─── 一个过分注重外表却对自己错误行为不负责任的人;花花公子。

86、The third mast from the bow in a vessel having three or more masts,the after and shorter mast of a yawl,ketch,or dandy. ─── 帆船上从船头算起的第三条桅杆有三根或多根桅杆,快艇、双桅船或双桅帆船上后面的短的桅杆。

87、Beijing Dandi Automatic System and Engineering Corporation belongs to the Institute of Mechanics, Academia Sinica. ─── 北京丹迪自动化系统工程公司是中国科学院力学研究所所办公司。

88、At the ingoing side, there is compression of the sheet between the dandy and the wire. ─── 在旋转方向内侧,水印辊和网子中间的湿纸页受到一定的挤压作用。

89、Change places and handy dandy, which is the justice, which is the thief? ─── 改变地方和随处可见的花花公子,哪个是正义,哪个是窃贼?

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