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08-15 投稿


forepart 发音

英:[?f??r?pɑ?rt; ?fo?r?pɑ?rt]  美:[?f???pɑ?t]

英:  美:

forepart 中文意思翻译



forepart 网络释义

n. 前段;最前部;最初

forepart 短语词组

1、forepart dress ─── 前裙

2、forepart lastpart ─── 前半部后半部

3、forepart production ─── 早期生产

4、forepart danger ─── 早期危险

5、forepart synonym ─── 早期同义词

6、forepart shoe ─── 早期鞋

7、forepart definition ─── 早期定义

8、forepart lasting machine ─── 早期定型机

9、forepart meaning ─── 早期意义

10、forepart define ─── 早期定义

forepart 词性/词形变化,forepart变形


forepart 相似词语短语

1、forecars ─── 预报员

2、forecar ─── 叉

3、foreparts ─── n.前段;最前部;最初

4、forepast ─── adj.既往的,过去的

5、forecast ─── n.(天气、财经等的)预测,预报;预想;v.预报,预测;预示;预言;进行预报,作预测

6、forepaw ─── n.前爪;前掌

7、foremast ─── n.前桅

8、forepaws ─── n.前爪;前掌

9、forearm ─── n.前臂;vt.预先武装;准备

forepart 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Some women probably are suffered from breast cancer at the forepart of lives, and that, two breasts will lead to the development of cancer. ─── 有些妇女可能在生命早期染上乳腺癌,而且是两只乳房均会出现癌变。

2、Effect of dressing-pretreatment of Chinese Traditional Medicine membranous plaster on forepart inflammation in adjuvant arthritis rats ─── 中药膜贴预处理对随后佐剂性关节炎大鼠早期炎症的影响

3、This paper introduces a new type of linear B ultrasonic system composed of the forepart of B scan imaging circuit and PC . ─── 介绍了一种由 B超成像前端电路结合 PC机组成的新型线阵 B超诊断系统。

4、Beware of the forepart of a woman, the hind of a mule and all sides of a priest. ─── 当心女性的美貌,骡子的后蹄,牧师的一切。

5、Oxygen Deplet Course Numerical Simulation in Natural Fire Forepart of spontaneous Combustion Inchoate Goaf ─── 回采采空区自燃的早期过程及数值模拟分析

6、The text is divided into four parts:Chapter 1 mainly reviews the forepart theories of investor's behavior and points out the deficiency and limitation of those theories. ─── 本文共分为四个部分:第一章主要对早期投资者理论进行了回顾,并指出了早期投资者行为理论的不足及缺陷。

7、The Reasearch on the Bohai Forepart National Name ─── 渤海早期国号考索

8、In the forepart of Chinese and western civilization, there were two different philosophical schools-skepticism and Confucianism. ─── 摘要在中西文明的早期,存在着儒学和怀疑主义两种不同的哲学创设。

9、Her seat is in the forepart of the aircraft. ─── 她的座位在飞机前部。

10、Forepart distinction ─── 早期识别

11、forepart danger ─── 早期病害

12、Method The results of the forepart and middle segment urine samples in urine routine test from 84 female patients in the nephrology outpatient department were analyzed. ─── 方法对门诊肾内科就诊的84例女性患者前段尿和中段尿标本的检查结果进行分析。

13、Forepart identification ─── 早期鉴定

14、Beware of the forepart of women,the hind part of a mule,and all sides of a priest. ─── 当心女人的美貌,骡子的后蹄和牧师的一切。

15、forepart of hepatocirrhosis ─── 代偿性肝硬化

16、And the outward wall that went about by the chambers, which were towards the outward court on the forepart of the chambers, was fifty cubits long. ─── 沿着楼房外边,靠着外院有道墙,长五十肘,立在楼房前面,

17、And two other rings of gold thou shalt make, and shalt put them on the two sides of the ephod underneath, toward the forepart thereof, over against the other coupling thereof, above the curious girdle of the ephod. ─── 又要作两个金环,安在以弗得前面两条肩带的下边,挨近相接之处,在以弗得巧工织的带子以上。

18、forepart diagnose ─── 早期诊断

19、From the design point of view,we analysis on forepart water breaking reasons of asphalt pavement,we want to find out a way to comprehensive control it in quickly and permanence. ─── 从设计的角度分析沥青路面早期破坏的因素之一即水因破坏,寻找快捷、合理、永久的科学治理方法,可为提高路面使用的耐久性提供依据。

20、It has four chapters:Chapter one discusses Jew disperses the Occident and its forepart economy activity. ─── 全文共分四章:第一章主要论述了犹太人散居西欧及其早期的经济活动。

21、Tuft should be opened gradually.The proper arrangement of the forepart ought be multi-opener with lower speed. ─── 本文提出逐级开松的原则,即采用多个开毛辊而降低每个开毛辊速度的预梳工艺。

22、It is one of the approaches to reveal the history of forepart Qin to identify the credit and shadiness of the tales. ─── 辨清传说的可信之处和信史的可疑之处,是揭示早期琴史的途径之一。

23、A Brief Talk On Forepart Contraction Crack In Cement Concrete Road Surface ─── 浅谈水泥混凝土路面早期收缩裂缝

24、Egotism is an inevitable phase for the development of the children's forepart self-conscience and a natural process from the infancy to the mature as well. ─── 摘要自我中心是儿童早期自我意识发展的一个必然阶段,也是人类从幼年走向成熟的一个自然必经阶段。

25、Objective To identify the impact of the forepart and middle segment urine samples on the result of urine routine test in female patients. ─── 目的探讨门诊女性患者尿常规留取时前段尿和中段尿标本对检查结果的影响。

26、Clinic study of detecting mumps virus antigen in forepart ─── 流行性腮腺炎病毒早期抗原测定的临床研究

27、This safety helmet provides the protection of top of head department only, can't provide forepart, empress the protection of the department. ─── 本安全帽仅提供头顶部的保护,无法提供前部,后部的保护。

28、It takes PIC18F452 micro-controller as the core, and the sensor is used in measurement of oil color, which design the forepart measurement circuit and communication measurement software. ─── 以PIC18F452微控制器为核心,将该传感器用于油脂颜色的检测,设计了前端检测电路和通讯测量软件。

29、Forepart,FTP has not deal with the security problem,but along with the fast development of the internet application,the demands for the security has risen up increasingly. ─── 早期ftp并没有涉及安全问题 ,随着互连网应用的快速增长 ,人们对安全的要求也不断提高 .

30、Wei Family Between Afternoon of Shang Dynasty and Forepart of Zhou Dynasty ─── 商末周初的微氏家族

31、Damage reasons of cement road in forepart and its repair ─── 水泥路面早期损坏原因及检测修复

32、Not only the most important matter of individual socialization is to mother s attaching in baby time,but also forepart memory in baby time had influence on individual socialization. ─── 对母亲的依恋不但是儿童时期个体社会化的重要内容,而且儿童时期最早记忆的形成也影响到成年后个体能否顺利完成社会化。

33、the forepart of Bronze Age include: the lower-level cultural stage of Xiajiadian (4000-3500B. ─── 早期青铜时代考古学文化有夏家店下层文化(4000-3500B.

34、The performance program with fete as its main part should be one kind of religious fete ceremony on the stage of pre-drama Luo, which is valuable as a living fossil for us to learn about forepart faith of human. ─── 从其以祭祀为主的表演程式看,应该是处于前傩戏阶段的一种宗教祭祀仪式,对我们认识人类的早期宗教信仰无疑有活化石般的价值。

35、Analysis on the Information Processing During the Forepart of New Product Development ─── 新产品开发前端信息处理分析

36、Methods 56 cervical vertebra trauma forepart patients were randomly divided into the experiment group and the control group. ─── 方法将56例颈椎外伤早期患者随机分为实验组和对照组,实验组采取平卧位压疮预防护理,对照组行常规翻身护理。

37、the forepart of the Republic of China ─── 民初

38、C.steel sleeve: in case based on process request, if the length is more than 30m, the steel base support could be used through chief tube forepart &removed as repeated usage purpose. ─── C. 钢套管 套管为钢制套管时,根据施工工艺要求,若套管长度大于30米,主管穿越前端可使用钢制托管支撑,当穿越主管出套管后,托管支撑拆掉后可供重复使用。

39、The operation treating mensical injuries with arthroscope has a good result in ill forepart. ─── 关节镜治疗半月板损伤的优势在于关节镜检查的准确性和关节镜手术的微创性;

40、Effect of the Ground Has Been Covered with Sunshade Net and Grass in the Forepart of Spring on the Blossom and Fruiting Rate of Almond-apricot ─── 早春地面覆盖对仁用杏开花座果的影响

41、hydraulic pulling-over and forepart lasting machine ─── 液压套帮和鞋尖粘固机

42、the forepart of Bronze Age ─── 早期青铜时代

43、afternoon of Shang Dynasty and forepart of Zhou Dynasty ─── 商末周初

44、Emperor Han Wu's Forepart Years ─── 汉武帝前期

45、The Eliminating Nationalism and the Growing Cosmopolitism --On the Forepart Thought of Lu-Xun ─── 民族主义与世界主义的此消彼长--鲁迅早期思想略论

46、4.The forepart faces the guest pedal to take a part of car assemble contain luminary of LED.While openning the car door, the LED light flicker, send forth the reserved gaudiness lingering charm. ─── 前部迎宾踏板带车名部分装配有LED发光体.打开车门时,LED灯闪烁,散发含蓄的华美韵味.

47、The fibre breakage generally occures in the forepart of the card during carding. ─── 梳理过程中纤维的断裂主要发生在梳毛机的预梳部位。

48、Mo-tse and his theory Mohism that founded on opposing the Confucianism in the forepart of Qin dynasty. ─── 墨子及其创立的墨家学派,其思想观点多以儒家的反对命题而提出,儒墨两家相互辩难,分庭抗礼。

49、But as the shipmen sought to fly out of the ship, having let down the boat into the sea, under colour, as though they would have cast anchors out of the forepart of the ship, ─── 水手想法离船逃走,便将小艇系到海里,假装要从船头抛锚的样子,

50、Antinomy and Complementarity on the Means of Administering the Country between Confucianism and Taoism in the Forepart of China ─── 中国早期儒道治国方略的对立与互补

51、Be good at selection and forepart training of juvenile high jumpers is the key of fostering topnotch jumpers. ─── 把握好少儿跳高运动员徐扬选材及早期教学训练的过程是培养该高水平运动人才的关键。

52、forepart urine sample ─── 前段尿标本

53、Beware of the forepart of a woman, the hind part of a mule, and all sides of a priest ─── 当心女人的美貌,骡子的后蹄和牧师的一切

54、Changes of Body Temperature and Oxygen Consumption of Shivering or Non-shivering Patients in Postoperative Forepart after General Anesthesia ─── 全麻术后早期寒颤与非寒颤病人体温和耗氧量变化

55、forepart configuration ─── 形态特征

56、Anatole, with his everlasting companion Makarin, dashed by in a sledge with a pair of grey trotting-horses, who were kicking up the snow on to the forepart of the sledge. ─── 两匹灰色的走马拉着一辆双套雪橇,马蹄翻起的雪花溅到雪橇的前部,阿纳托利和那个常有往来的伙伴马卡林乘坐这辆雪橇飞逝而过。

57、forepart Qin ─── 早期琴

58、This shear equipment and the sheet die were successively linked to forepart of the single-screw extruder. ─── 可控剪切专用装置和片材成型口模依次联接在挤出机前端。

59、the forepart of the train ─── 列车的前部

60、The leading idea: Mikhail Bakhtin in the forepart of his lifetime was how to put forward these basic concepts of his theory of dialogue. ─── 主要内容是:巴赫金早期是如何开始关注和提出对话理论中的基本概念“自我”与“他者”的。

61、Forepart woody ─── 早期树林化

62、The effects of dietary chitosan on forepart growth performance and lipometabolism for yellow-feathered broilers ─── 壳聚糖对黄羽肉鸡早期生长性能与脂肪代谢的影响

63、Measure the forepart consolidation pressure of cohesive soil with resistance awl produced ─── 用锥尖阻力测定黏性土先期固结压力

64、in military application , sar is of great value in obtaining forepart stratagems and battlefield conditions. ─── 在军事遥感领域,在对早期战略的获取和战场情况的侦察方面,合成孔径雷达表现出强大的威力。

65、The forepart of a foot or hoof. ─── 身躯的前部和头仍然往上抬起着。

66、Be Able to Stand at the Apex: On the Forepart Poesy of Du Fu ─── 会当凌绝顶:杜甫早期诗歌创作研究

67、forepart demolishment ─── 早期破坏

68、The clinical application of selectivity embryo reduction in the forepart multiple pregnancy ─── 孕早期选择性减胎术在多胎妊娠中的临床应用

69、Forepart, electronic manufacturer paid more times on detecting and repairing the bugs in their finished products. ─── 早期,电子制造商花大量的时间和精力去找出和修复成品电路板中的缺陷。

70、And the oracle in the forepart was twenty cubits in length, and twenty cubits in breadth, and twenty cubits in the height thereof: and he overlaid it with pure gold; ─── 内殿长二十肘,宽二十肘,高二十肘,墙面都贴上精金。

71、Only the male athletes could take part in the games in the forepart of the Olympic games' history. ─── 在奥林匹克运动会早期,只有男性运动员才能参加比赛。

72、Discussing forepart diagnosis about non-typical kawasaki disease ─── 不典型川崎病的早期诊断探讨

73、Analysis of the effects factors for patients with forepart acute myocardial infarction patients ─── 急性心肌梗死早期病人心肌耗氧量影响因素的分析

74、hydraulic forepart lasting machine ─── 液压上鞋尖机

75、The accumulation mainly occurred in forepart exposure. ─── 积累效应主要发生于暴露早期。

76、The speed of the opener is too high and it is the main reason of the fiber breakage in the forepart of the present card. ─── 指出目前梳毛机的开毛辊速度过快,是造成纤维在预梳部分过份损伤的主要原因。

77、The engineering practice indicated the improved design could solve the forepart fatigue damage problem very well. ─── 工程实践表明,改进后的设计可以很好地解决连接件的早期疲劳损坏问题,并改善了连接件的变刚度特性。

78、Objective To discuss the clinical significance of the traumatic skull defect's forepart recovery. ─── 目的探讨小儿外伤性颅骨缺损早期修复的临床意义。

79、Mingxing Film Company Ltd. And Its Forepart Production Strategy ─── 机制与风格:明星影片公司早期运作策略初探

80、These activities forms human forepart activities, so that, some of the application of words describes these situations. ─── 由于这些活动是构成人类早期活动的方方面面,因而文字的运用也就脱离不了对这些情况的描述。

81、Boys and girls have chance to know each other and to study how to get on with other in the forepart of life. ─── 男女生之间有机会了解彼此,有机会从人生的早期便开始学习如何相互共处。

82、In the second part, I think the view of beauty and ugliness in forepart China located in achaos situation, ethnics and esthetics are not detached. ─── 在第二部分,本文认为,中国文化早期的美丑观处在美丑善恶交混的混沌状态,伦理学与美学是混沌未分的。

83、The main manage and technical persons are all the careerman who engaged in vehicle gas equipment domestic forepart. ─── 公司主要管理、技术人员均为国内早期从事车用燃气装置的专业人员。

84、The forepart strength enhancing rules of lime fly ash WKL mixed with different kinds and quantities of additives are systematically studied, and the enhancing mechanism is analyzed and discussed. ─── 对二灰(石灰与粉煤灰)稳定尾矿料混合料在不同外加剂掺量下的早期强度增长规律进行系统研究,对其早期强度增长机理进行分析探讨。

85、forepart and head remain raised. ─── 前部和头仍然往上抬起着。

86、It gives three phases, namely, the full appraisal in the forepart, strictly control in the medium and strictly management in the last. ─── 提出了挤压铸件品质综合控制过程的3个阶段,即前期要充分论证、中期要严格控制、后期要严格管理;

87、And they made two other golden rings, and put them on the two sides of the ephod underneath, toward the forepart of it, over against the other coupling thereof, above the curious girdle of the ephod. ─── 20又作两个金环,安在以弗得前面两条肩带的下边,挨近相接之处,在以弗得巧工织的带子以上。

88、And the wall that was without over against the chambers, toward the utter court on the forepart of the chambers, the length thereof was fifty cubits. ─── 圣屋外,东边有墙,靠着外院,长五十肘。

89、Paleolithic Culture in Eastern Liaoning of different period or different place is expatiated, and is plotted to three periods of forepart, metaphase and evening. ─── 摘要阐述同一地点不同时期文化特征及同一时期不同地点文化特征,通过对比将辽东地区旧石器时代划分为早、中、晚三期。

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