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08-15 投稿


indignity 发音

英:[?n?d?ɡn?ti]  美:[?n?d?ɡn?ti]

英:  美:

indignity 中文意思翻译



indignity 短语词组

1、treat sb with indignity ─── 侮辱某人

indignity 同义词

dishonor | dishonour | injury | embarrassment | offense | humiliation | insult | affront | ignominy | shame | disregard | disgrace | mortification

indignity 词性/词形变化,indignity变形


indignity 反义词


indignity 习惯用语

1、subject sb.to indignities ─── 贬损某人的尊严, 侮辱某人

2、put an indignity upon sb. ─── 贬损某人的尊严, 侮辱某人

indignity 相似词语短语

1、indignities ─── n.侮辱;轻蔑;有伤尊严;无礼举动

2、infinity ─── n.无穷;无限大;无限距

3、indignify ─── 残缺的

4、indignantly ─── adv.愤怒地;愤慨地

5、undignify ─── v.使丧失尊严

6、indignly ─── 可怜地

7、dignity ─── n.尊严;高贵

8、indigenity ─── 本土化

9、indemnity ─── n.补偿,赔偿;保障;赔偿物

indignity 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A state of vexationcaused by a perceived slight or indignity; a feeling of wounded pride. ─── 生气,自尊受损因被看不起或轻视而生气的状态;自尊心受损的感觉。

2、Weariness from overwork, pain, injustice, this all doesn't consider as what, but be can not stand him indignity person! ─── 劳累,辛苦,委屈,这都不算什么,但就是受不了他侮辱人啊!

3、The highjacker inflict all kinds of indignity on their captive. ─── 劫持者对人质百般侮辱。

4、When I think of it now, I marvel at how much courage it must have taken for a grown man to subject himself to such indignity and stress. ─── 当我现在时认为它,我惊奇在多少勇气它一定采取为了一个成年人能服从自己到这样侮辱和重音。

5、treat sb. with indignity ─── 侮辱人

6、My mom's brother tried to have the Nebraska state police bar her from leaving the state so she couldn't marry my dad, which was only the latest legal indignity she had endured. ─── 我妈的兄弟试图让内布拉斯加州的警察阻止我妈离开该州,这样她就不能嫁给我爸了。也因为这事,我妈受到了她有生以来最后一次也是唯一一次法律的侮辱。

7、This is the indignity for female. ─── 这是对女性的侮辱.

8、Ignoring the shameful and indecent way in which some people in the accounting profession have been conducting them selves is an indignity that should no longer be tolerated. ─── 忽视一些从事会计职业的人一直以来不体面的、下流的做法是对我们的侮辱,这再也不应该继续容忍下去了。

9、In a particular indignity for a bank long associated with conservatism, concerns about the level of UBS’s capital ratio had even started to surface. ─── 一个长期以保守见称的银行如今却受到这种侮辱,对于UBS的资金率的担心也就逐渐出现了。

10、Miss Bingley warmly resented the indignity he had received, in an expostulation with her brother for talking such nonsense. ─── 彬格莱小姐看见人家拿他开玩笑,很是生气,便怪她的哥哥干吗要谈这样没意思的话。

11、She was subjected to indignity and humiliation. ─── 她受到侮辱和羞辱。

12、She was struggling to gain control over the pain and indignity by unconsciously acting out a more pleasurable version of her abuse. ─── 对于自己受到的虐待,她表现的很愉快,这并不是无意识的,用这种办法,她努力控制着痛苦和屈辱。

13、The bandits subject us to all sort of indignity. ─── 强盗们对我们加以各种侮辱。

14、For not only was each indignity proof that you still loved me: I also felt that the more you persecuted me, the nobler I should appear in your eyes on the day you finally learned the truth. ─── 因为,除了它证明你始终爱我以外,我还觉得,你越是迫害我,等你知道事实真相以后,我在你心中会显得越加高大。

15、I suffer the Indignity of have to say I am sorry In front of all those people ─── 我蒙受了要在那麽多人面前道歉的屈辱

16、mass indignity ─── 民愤

17、Her heart sickened at the thought of this brutal indignity. ─── 她一想到这件蛮横无礼的事,心里就不舒服。

18、Indignity --lack of dignity or honor. ─── 有伤尊严,不光彩缺乏尊严或荣誉感。

19、She endured the expected teasing over this indignity, but dutifully lugged the name through high school, apologizing for it each time she introduced herself in a new town. ─── 因为这个名字,她受到了很多人的嘲笑。但是,她仍然遵从父愿,直到高中毕业,一直都使用这个名字。每当到一个新的环境,在作自我介绍时,她都要为自己的名字道歉。

20、This was an indignity too far for the Great Leader, who had staked a lot on getting recalcitrant rebels to the negotiating table. ─── 这对伟大领袖真要称得上是大不敬了,他花费了大量的金钱与精力才将这些顽抗的叛军拉到谈判桌上。

21、The King chafed bitterly over the stupendous indignity thus put upon his royalty, but Hendon was moody and taciturn. ─── 国王对他的王权受到的巨大侮辱感到非常愤怒,亨顿更是憋住一肚子气,沉默寡言。

22、For years, females just put up with the indignity of groping, either out of embarrassment or out of fear that their claim would not be taken seriously. ─── 很多年了,女性刚能忍受被摸的侮辱,走出了她们的声辩无人正视的尴尬和恐惧。

23、This was the last straw.I was very young: the prospect of working under a woman constituted the ultimate indignity. ─── 未来是在一个女性手下干活简直就是极大的侮辱。

24、She suffered the indignity of her decision being overturned by three senior High Court judges. ─── 最后,巴特勒-斯洛斯不要陪审团的建议被最高法院的3名法官否决。

25、Idle industries have cast workers into unemployment, human misery and personal indignity. ─── 工厂停工使工人们失业,蒙受痛苦和失去个人尊严。

26、This was the last straw. I was very young: the prospect of working under a woman constituted the ultimate indignity. ─── 我再也无法忍受了。我当时很年轻,我要在一个女人手下工作,这对我简直是最大的侮辱。

27、This was the last straw. I was very young: the prospect of working under a woman constituted the ultimate indignity. ─── 我再也无法忍受了。我当时很年轻,我要在一个女人手下工作,这对我简直是最大的侮辱。

28、Kobi Kuhn's men were distraught at suffering the indignity of being exiled from their own party and Behrami cut a particularly tragic figure on all fours choking back the tears. ─── 教练库恩的球员对于自己的队伍被淘汰出局,无比遗憾。贝赫拉米爬到在草坪上,掩面而泣。

29、“Half the pleasure of getting big,I think,is to thumb your nose at the indignity of getting dignified.” ─── 公司壮大的一半乐趣,我认为,是对“先贬后褒”毫不在意。

30、indignity n. ─── 侮辱,轻蔑;

31、"This particular sentence imposes a brief period of shame, indignity, whatever you will," he said. "Rather than incarceration, this is a better way of molding attitudes and shaping mind-set." ─── “这种特殊的判决自然强加给犯罪人短时间内的耻辱,有伤尊严,等等,”他说,“但是,相比进监狱,这是一个更好的方式去改变一个人的态度,形成意识规范。”

32、Before he leaves, at least Mr Obama will be spared the traditional indignity of wearing silly clothes for the APEC closing photograph. ─── 无论如何,离开横滨之前,奥巴马还得体验一下APEC的传统陋习,在闭幕式上穿着愚蠢的服装照相。

33、The was the last straw. I was very young:the prospect of working under a woman constituted the ultimate indignity. ─── 直译和意译是翻译中最基本的两种方法。在翻译过程中,有时使用直译法,有时使用意译法,有时则两者并用。例如:

34、'After having long been in danger of my life at the hands of the village, I have been seized, with great violence and indignity, and brought a long journey on foot to Paris. On the road I have suffered a great deal. ─── 在长期冒着被村里的人杀死的危险之后我终于被抓住了,遭到了残酷的虐待和侮辱,然后被押着长途步行列了巴黎,沿途备受折磨。

35、The indignity towards happiness is usually as that towards others' indignity. Under the ingenious disguise , it is the hatred towards humans. ─── 1对幸福的轻蔑通常是对其他人幸福的轻蔑,在精巧的伪装之下是对人类的仇恨。

36、When I think of it now , I marvel at how much courage it must have taken for a grown man to subject himself to such indignity and stress. ─── 如今每当我想起这些,我惊叹一个成年男子要经受这种侮辱和压力得需要多么大的勇气啊!

37、Now scientists claim to have discovered that humans suffer the same indignity when we are economical with the truth. ─── 如今科学家声称,他们发现人类在说假话,不吐真言时也会蒙受同样的羞辱。

38、To be scolded and suffer indignity ─── 挨骂受气

39、Well-being’s diverse elements (freedom from hunger, disease, indignity and discrimination, to name four) are generally observable and, he believes, measurable. ─── 桑认为,幸福包涵的多种要素,例如不必忍饥挨饿,不受疾病威胁,活得有尊严及不受歧视等,大都能看得见,衡量得了。

40、Even those who bitterly opposed Saddam feel the indignity of his humiliation at American hands. ─── 甚至那些极端反对海珊的人也感受到美国人对他羞辱。

41、Prisoners are spared the indignity of wearing uniforms. ─── 囚犯们被免于遭受身穿统一服装的侮辱。

42、"You don't need that d**ned job anyway," said my poor dad with indignity. ─── 爸爸气愤地说:“你根本不需要那份该死的工作。”

43、treat sb with indignity ─── 侮辱某人

44、They also face the indignity of often having their visa applications refused when they try to attend conferences in the West. ─── 当申请参加在西方国家举办的学会时,他们同样还要面临护照申请被拒的羞辱。

45、movement indignity suicides ─── 运动激愤式自杀

46、Probably no more than 5 per cent of the world's population now suffers this indignity. ─── 现在大概有不到5%的世界人口仍属于贫困人群。

47、A state of vexation caused by a perceived slight or indignity; a feeling of wounded pride ─── 生气,自尊受损因被看不起或轻视而生气的状态;自尊心受损的感觉

48、She must suffer through the indignity of princess lessons at the hands of her stern grandmother... ─── 在16岁生日之际,她必须面临抉择:是搬到吉尼维亚去当公主呢,还是继续留在曼哈顿和艺术家的母亲生活在一起。

49、Put an indignity upon sb. ─── 贬损某人的尊严,侮辱某人

50、Indian soldiers were sometimes thrown out of their boats by the impact, but they had to bear the indignity. ─── 有时,印度士兵甚至因此而被掀出艇外,但他们却依然不得不忍受这种侮辱。

51、I was very young;the prospect of working under a woman constituted the ultimate indignity. ─── 我还很年轻,即将在一名女上司手下工作的前景,是对我最大的侮辱。

52、And for the indignity and degradation thus inflicted on a proud people and a proud culture, we say sorry. ─── 对于给一个自豪的民族和自豪的文化带来的侮辱和贬低,我们要说对不起。”

53、I suffer the indignity of having to say I am sorry in front of all those people. ─── 我蒙受了要在那么多人面前道歉的屈辱。

54、be subjected to indignity and humiliation ─── 受到侮慢和羞辱.

55、Amid this rout, SS chief Himmler had his chance at being an army group commander and suffered the indignity of being sacked by Hitler for incompetence. ─── 面对这种情况,党卫队头目希姆莱有机会来担任一个集团军群的司令,却因无能被希特勒的解职。

56、Spanking is an indignity to a teenager. ─── (用巴掌、拖鞋等)打一个十几岁的孩子,是对他的侮辱。

57、"You do not need that damned job anyway," said my poor dad with indignity. ─── 爸爸气愤地说:“你根本不需要那份该死的工作。”

58、Those who worked were looked down upon with contempt, and subjected to every possible indignity. ─── 从事劳动的人被人轻视,受尽侮辱。

59、Indignity or not, he would change his unofficial shirt for a regulation one. ─── 不管丢脸不丢脸,他一定要把普通衬衫换成规定的衬衫。

60、Unhappily, when Smith and his colleagues arrived at the airport, another indignity frayed their already taut nerves even further. ─── 不幸当史密斯和他的同事们到达机场时,另一件失礼的行动进一步刺激了他们本来已经十分不舒畅的心情。

61、No seeds.no harvest. no pains,no gains, no indignity no glory, no difficulties, no ,no brilliant. ─── 1没有播种,何来收获;没有辛劳,何来成功;没有磨难,何来荣耀;没有挫折,何来辉煌。

62、But the ultimate indignity would have to be a holiday card showing Santa Claus in a convertible racing car running over a horrified snowman, who is screaming for dear life. ─── 但是对雪人最大的侮辱出现在一张圣诞节卡片上,上面画着一位圣诞老人开着一辆敞篷跑车,从一个惊慌失措的雪人身上轧过去,当时这个雪人还在高喊救命呢!

63、inflict an indignity on someone ─── 对某人加以侮辱

64、The trace elements of belief vanish when it becomes apparent that the.officer.never has suffered the indignity of combat(Lewis H.Lapham) ─── 当一切清楚地表明那官员从未蒙受过斗争的侮辱时,仅有的一点信仰都消失了(刘易斯H.拉伯姆)

65、That was the last straw. I was very young; the prospect of working under a woman constituted the ultimate indignity. ─── 这就好象是加在我身上的最后一根稻草。我还非常年轻,想到将在一个女人手下工作,对我来说,这简直就是最大的侮辱!

66、To incur the wrath or indignity of all ─── 神人共愤

67、It might be a way to avoid the indignity of having to ask for money all the time. ─── 这可能是个免得你不得不一直要钱丢尽脸面的办法。

68、Of indignity, will annoy to be good at camouflage at the same time of you. ─── 的侮辱,同时会厌烦善于伪装的你。

69、Why then, not put it out of the power of the vicious and the Lawless to use us with cruelty and indignity with impunity. ─── 那麽,你们为什麽不使那些邪恶之徒和目无法纪的人无法以残忍的手段和侮辱来对待我们时逍遥法外。

70、Act that subjects one's person to indignity ─── 人身侮辱的行为

71、A state of vexation caused by a perceived slight or indignity; a feeling of wounded pride. ─── 生气,自尊受损因被看不起或轻视而生气的状态; 自尊心受损的感觉

72、For more than a year we have suffered the indignity. ─── 在一年多的时间里,我们丢尽了丑。

73、To Bear the shame and indignity ─── 含垢忍辱

74、The chairman suffered the indignity of being refused admission to the meeting. ─── 主席蒙受了被拒于会议之外的侮辱。

75、I repeatedly have to suffer the indignity of telling people that I live with my parents. ─── 我再三地忍受到侮辱,告诉他们我现在和我的双亲一起生活。

76、"The trace elements of belief vanish when it becomes apparent that the . . . officer . . . never has suffered the indignity of combat" (Lewis H. Lapham) ─── “当一切清楚地表明那官员从未蒙受过斗争的侮辱时,仅有的一点信仰都消失了”(刘易斯H.拉伯姆)

77、The indignity was unbearable, yet none of us cried out, knowing that such an emotional display would not have been manly. ─── 那种耻辱简直无法忍受,然而我们当中却没有一个人哭,我们知道那种情绪化的表现不是一个男子汉所该有的。

78、Over the case of Mr Shaikh, the official press indulged in the predictable and puerile ritual of railing about the historical indignity of the Opium War. ─── 比如,中国一面向非洲出口破坏稳定的武器,一面向非派遣维和部队,而正是前者促生了后者的需求。

79、The administrative practices of the Nixon Administration tended to inflict this sort of indignity on decent and able men, usually by accident, occasionally by design. ─── 尼克松政府里办公事的方式往往会使正派的和能干的人受到这种亏待。这一般是无意造成的,有时则是有意的。

80、The appraisal institutions play indign cahoots’ roles. ─── 同时,要对尚未成熟的资产评估中介行业进行重新准确地法律定位。

81、A man who loses position and influence may be subjected to much indignity ─── 虎落平原被犬欺

82、put an indignity upon ─── 侮辱

83、She was subjected to indignity and humiliation . ─── 这个耻辱忘掉是难以做到的。

84、For a big shot like Mr Emanuel, who can attract a camera any time he wants, the indignity obviously outweighs the publicity.But for politicians no one has heard of, it may not. ─── 像伊曼纽尔这样的大人物,只要愿意就能随时引来采访,因此遭受的羞辱显然会令获得的公众宣传得不偿失,但对于无名之辈则非如此。

85、Besides, suffering, injury and indignity inflame and excite our minds: they first demanded me, your leader, for punishment, and then all of you who had laid siege to Saguntum; ─── 此外,我们经受的苦难、伤痛和屈辱在胸中燃烧沸腾,这促使我,你们的主帅,痛惩敌人;也要求你们,曾围攻萨贡塔姆的士兵和我并肩作战。

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