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08-15 投稿


greased 发音

英:[ɡri?st]  美:[ɡri?st]

英:  美:

greased 中文意思翻译



greased 词性/词形变化,greased变形

原型:grease 过去式:greased 过去分词:greased

greased 短语词组

1、greased lightning degreaser ─── 润滑闪电脱脂剂

2、greased lightning lowes ─── 润滑闪电洛斯

3、greased lightning ─── 神速

4、greased lightning cleaner ─── 润滑闪电清洁剂

5、greased lightning car ─── 润滑闪电车

6、greased light ─── 润滑灯

7、greased lightning lyrics ─── 润色闪电歌词

8、like greased lightning ─── 风驰电掣地

9、greased up deaf man ─── 油腻的聋子

10、queef greased

greased 相似词语短语

1、greases ─── n.[机]润滑脂;油脂(grease的复数形式);v.给…上油(grease的第三人称单数形式)

2、creased ─── adj.有折痕的;有皱纹的

3、greaved ─── 灰色

4、greasers ─── n.润滑器;润滑工;加油脂或涂油脂的工人;n.(Greaser)人名;(英)格里瑟

5、grease ─── n.油脂;润滑油;(非正式)贿赂;v.涂脂于;给……加润滑油;(非正式)向某人行贿

6、degreased ─── v.脱脂;去除……的油污(degrease的过去式和过去分词)

7、greaser ─── n.润滑器;润滑工;加油脂或涂油脂的工人;n.(Greaser)人名;(英)格里瑟

8、-greased ─── adj.灌足酒的;患踵炎症的;醉的;加过润滑脂的

9、ungreased ─── vt.脱脂;adj.脱脂的,未加润滑脂润滑的

greased 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He greased the palm of everyone concerned. ─── 他向每一个有关的人行贿。

2、Ladle spoonfuls into 12 greased or lined muffin tins, about ¾ full. Decorate tops of muffins with coconut shreds and brown sugar. Bake for about 25 minutes. ─── 勺入12个抹油或是铺了麦芬纸的烤盘内,大约3/4满即可。在上面洒些椰丝和黄砂糖。入预热烤箱烘焙大约25分钟左右。

3、He greased the machine carefully. ─── 他仔细为机器加润滑油。

4、He’s Panamanian, about so tall, greased dark hair, parted on the side, thin build, a dimple in his chin. ─── 他是巴拿马人,大概这么高,梳着分头、头发黑黑亮亮的,瘦瘦的,下巴上有个酒窝。”

5、Low Dust Raise Greased Bearings with Housings-Single Bearing Type ─── 低尘润滑脂封入型带座轴承-单轴承型

6、I am greased with falsehood and treachery. ─── 我全身都涂满了虚假和不忠实的润滑油。

7、This research also has Shown grea t theoretical andpractical significance on the sp eed &purging of proliferationof Kefir grains of eachgeneration. ─── 同时,确定了开菲尔粒在每一代的增殖速度及清洗对开菲尔粒增殖的影响,具有一定的理论和较强的现实意义。

8、Place cut side down, on a greased or parchment-lined baking pan. ─── 切口朝下,将面团放到抹油或是铺油纸的烤盘上。

9、All sheaves and rollers of life boat davit to be overhauled, cleaned, greased and reassembled. ─── 所有救生艇吊柱,滚轮,滑车,拆检,清洁,加油并装妥。

10、Carol: You had to be twenty-one to get into this place so Debbie and Shelly were about to give up. But I was so cool, I greased the doorman. ─── 卡罗尔:可这种地方只有成人才能够进去,黛比和雪莉都想回来了,可我非常冷静。我贿赂了门卫。

11、SKF also manufactures sealed, greased and preadjusted units based on tapered roller bearings, such as ─── SKF还制造基于圆锥滚子轴承的带密封、润滑脂和预调整的轴承单元,例如

12、My new clothes was all greased up and clayey, and I was dog-tired. ─── 我的新衣服上尽是油渍和土。我困得要命。

13、Place the dough in a lightly greased bowl and let rise until doubled in volume, about 1 hour. ─── 将面团放到抹油的盆中,晃动让面团都均匀沾到油脂,盖上湿布,放到温暖处发酵面团膨胀为双倍大,大约1小时。

14、4.Heat a lightly greased large griddle. ─── 4. 将一个稍大的不煎锅加热。

15、“Grea, I’d like e ake and a p f ffee. ─── (太好了,我想要一些蛋糕和一杯咖啡。)”传教士兴奋的说道。

16、He ran down the stairs like greased lightning, jumped on his bike and rode off. ─── 他飞快地跑下楼,骑上自行车去了。

17、like greased lightning ─── adv. 闪电似地(飞快地)

18、I greased my glove to soften its leather. ─── 我给手套抹油以使皮革变软。

19、Tall Negro cowherds came up to us with their greased curls and their deep lips ─── 一群高大的牧牛黑人拥上前来,一个个长着厚厚的嘴唇。

20、I had struggled with English for many years without completely mastering it, but when we went to live in American our children picked it up like greased lighning. ─── 多年来我一直在努力学英语,但并没有完全掌握它,可我们移居美国后,我们的孩子很快就学会了。

21、Pour the batter into greased cups carefully. ─── 将面粉糊放入已涂上牛油的?h杯中。

22、Loosely braid the ropes and put on a greased baking tray. ─── 将其编织成辫子状放到抹油烤盘上。

23、Iron corrodes unless it is greased or kept clean. ─── 铁除非擦过油或保持清洁,否则会腐蚀。

24、greased it in ─── vt. 使飞机顺利着陆

25、When mealtime approached, she would slither through the porridge or the vegetables, and thus everything was greased and salted and ready to eat. ─── 到了要吃饭的时候,了事,不到一分钟就干完了。

26、For the sake of maintaining grea t figure of Yao, the later people fabricate many excuse for Gun should be killed . They libeled Gun and made him become a failure, an incapable person and one of "Four Scoundrels". ─── 后世人们为了维护尧的光辉形象,遂为鲧制造出种种该杀的理由,并加上了种种诬蔑之辞,使其成为失败者,“不才子”,“四凶”之一。

27、Clean Greased Bearings with Holder-T Shaped Type ─── 低尘润滑脂封入型带座轴承-T型

28、You wouldn't think, lookin' at him. Caught his wife in bed with some golf pro. Greased 'em both. C'mon, boy, back to work. . . ─── 看外表是看不出来,把妻子与一个高尔夫球手捉奸在床,开枪打死了他们。来吧,孩子,回去干活。

29、Iron corrodes unless it is greased or kept clean. ─── 如果不涂油或保持清洁铁便会腐蚀。

30、Cut an "X" in the top and bake on a greased baking sheet for 45 to 50 minutes. Makes one 8-inch-wide loaf. ─── 将奶油切成豌豆大小,并混入葡萄乾、奶油或优格。将面团放入,捏1分钟,并放在圆盘中塑形。

31、The greased lightning of yours nearly blew my head off. ─── 你们这种烈酒几乎使我完蛋。

32、5. All sheaves and rollers of life boat davit to be overhauled, cleaned, greased and reassembled. ─── 所有救生艇吊柱,滚轮,滑车,拆检,清洁,加油并装妥。收藏指正

33、Only passion,grea passion,can elevate the soul to great things! ─── 只有激情,伟大的激情,才能够提升灵魂以成就伟业!

34、Fry chops in oil in a frying pan. Put them in a greased oven dish and pour sauce over. ─── 在煎锅中加入油再煎猪排,然后放在一个刷有油脂的深盘中,浇上以上做好的汁酱放入烤箱。

35、Yorkshire pudding is cooked by pouring batter into a greased baking tin, and baking at a very high heat until it has risen. ─── 约克郡布丁的制作方法是将面糊浇注在涂过油的烘培罐里,然后在高温下烘烤加热至其膨胀。

36、Take out the dough and lightly press it against the bottom and sides (up to 3cm high) of a greased 26cm springform pan. ─── 取出夸克底,放到一个抹油的26厘米烤模里,轻轻推向周圈,高度约为3厘米。

37、He had a ducktail hairdo, crew cut on top, long hair greased back on the sides. ─── 他做了个鸭尾巴发型,顶部留着板儿寸,两边梳着涂了油的长发。

38、He got out of there like greased lightning. ─── 他飞快而去,如风驰电掣。

39、All units are supplied ready assembled and greased. ─── 所有轴承单元都是组装好并上好油脂后供货的。

40、But do you think my hands were as grea t a handicap as the bone spurs? ─── 但是,你可以为,我这双受伤的手跟骨刺一样是个很大的不利条件?

41、Don't constantly switch priorities just because people make loud demands. Be very careful about which squeaky wheels get greased. ─── 不要因为他人的干扰不断改变优先秩序,慎重考虑哪个吱吱叫的轮子该擦油。

42、Fully enclosed and greased stem nut drive protected from dirt, dust, sand ─── 全封闭和上油脂阀杆螺母免受污物、灰尘和沙粒的损害

43、Place the dough on a greased work surface and roll out tto a 10-cm wide and 1-cm thick strip. Cover it with plastic wrap and let rest for 30 minutes. ─── 取出面团,放在抹上少许油的案板上,用手将其稍微按长后,再用擀面棍擀成10厘米宽,1厘米厚的长条面坯。盖上保鲜膜再松弛30分钟。

44、Ladle spoonfuls into 12 greased or lined muffin tins, about ?full. ─── 勺入12个抹油或是铺了麦芬纸的烤盘内,大约3/4满即可。

45、3.and the issue of cartridges greased with cow-fat, which offended Hindus, or pig-fat, which offended Muslims. ─── 3发放涂有牛油的子弹冒犯了印度教,发放涂有猪油的子弹冒犯了伊斯兰教。

46、Punch the dough down, and lightly knead it again for about 1 minute.Divide in half.Roll each half in a rectangle to fit your bread pan.Place each half in a greased and floured loaf pan. ─── 取出面团,轻揉1分钟,排挤出气体,然后分割成两份,将面团擀成和模型宽度差不多,然后翻面卷起,排入模型进行最后发酵。

47、Wrap and chill for 30 minutes. Press dough evenly against the bottom and sides (up to 4cm high)of a greased 9-10-inch springform pan. ─── 取出后放到一个9-10寸的抹油可脱烤模中,轻轻将面团朝烤模四周匀推开,(大约4厘米高度)。

48、Booker T. put on his grimed and greased coat. ─── 布克?特穿上了他那件肮脏油污的上衣。

49、You have to grea down when you drive to a crossroad. ─── 开车接近十字路口时,要减小油门。

50、Wrap and chill for 30 minutes.Press dough evenly against the bottom and sides (up to 4cm high) of a greased 26cm springform pan. ─── 取出后放到一个26厘米抹油烤模中,轻轻将面团朝烤模四周匀推开,(大约4厘米高度)。

51、Stir in chopped pecans.Fold in egg whites.Spread in a 10-by-15-by-1-inch greased and floured jellyroll pan.Bake for 20 to 25 minutes.When cool, spread on frosting. ─── 准备一个长宽为15、10英寸,高1英寸的涂油面粉蛋糕烘模,将充分搅匀的混合物倒入蛋糕模中,摄氏180度左右烘烤20到25分钟,冷却后,待涂抹糖浆。

52、Ferris wheels, carousels, and friendly competitions such as the wheelbarrow race, pie-eating contest, and greased pig race are some things you might find at a fair. ─── 您可以在展览会上发现摩天轮、旋转木马和种种友好竞赛,如手推车比赛、吃派竞赛及抓猪比赛。

53、Motors will run well provide that they are greased in time. ─── 只要给马达及时上油,它会很好运转的。

54、Word spread among the troops, which comprised both Hindus and Muslims, that the paper cartridges were greased with lard, regarded as unclean by Muslims, or beef fat, regarded as sacred by Hindus. ─── 军队中传言,那些纸制子弹壳不是涂了回教徒视为不洁的猪油,就是涂了印度教徒视为神圣的牛油,而当时军中既有印度教徒,也有回教徒。

55、B. Okay. Next, put the mixture into a greased baking pan. ─── 好。下一步,把拌好的料放进一个抹了油的平烤盘里,

56、Stir in rice mixture.Transfer to a greased 1.5 -qt.Baking dish.Sprinkle with remaining cheese. ─── 加入煮熟的米,混合均匀,移入1.5夸脱大小的烤盘(或9吋圆烤盘)。

57、Place dough in a greased bowl, and turn once. ─── 室温发酵直到双倍大。

58、She moved into his house faster than greased lightning. ─── 她闪电似地搬进他家。

59、He went out and got himself greased, even though he knew it would probably kill him. ─── 他出去喝得烂醉如泥,尽管他心里明白这会要他的命。

60、The derrick to be laid down on deck, cargo blocks, span takles, guide rollers and all moving parts of derrick of derrick to be dismantled. Cleaned and greased with special grese. ─── 吊杆放置甲板上,吊货滑车,调节跨幅复式滑车,导轮及吊货杆上所有活动部件拆开,清洁,加优质润滑脂。

61、When he finished his work for the day, Tom was off home like greased lightning. ─── 做完一天的活后,汤姆下班飞快地跑回家。

62、greased lightning ─── n. 高度烈性酒

63、Wrap and chill for 30 minutes.Press dough evenly against the bottom and sides (up to 4cm high) of a greased 9-10-inch springform pan. ─── 取出后放到一个9-10寸的抹油可脱烤模中,轻轻将面团朝烤模四周匀推开,(大约4厘米高度)。

64、The cook greased the pan before frying the vegetables. ─── 厨师炒菜前先在锅底涂上一层油。

65、Pour into a greased 8-inch bundt pan and bake in 180C/350F oven for 1 hour or until a wooden pick comes out clean. ─── 倒入一个抹油的8寸中空模,入180C/350F烤箱烘焙约1个小时,用烤肉小木叉叉到蛋糕中,取出后没有粘着面糊即可。

66、Remove the dough from the bag and roll out on a greased 26 or 28 cm springform pan.Cover and let rise one more time until the dough doubles in size. ─── 取出面团擀开放到一个抹了油的直径26至28厘米的活动烤模内,盖好后再次发酵至双倍大。

67、Place all dumplings on a greased steamer. Put in place over boiling water. Steam about 10 minutes. ─── 把备好的糯米糍放到抹油的蒸笼里,沸水蒸10分钟左右。

68、Wrap the tortilla around the filling and place it seam side down in a greased baking pan. ─── 在装料平台上卷好玉米面粉饼的接口,并使接口朝下地放在一个适合烘培的盘子里。

69、He ran like greased lightning all the way from the starting gate to the finish line and he broke the track record by more than three seconds. ─── 它从开跑的门出来一直到终点始终像闪电一样跑得飞快。它比以前的记录还要快三秒多。”

70、I would have never let the city get into such a bind if I was governor! Perhaps a few palms need to be greased to gain favor then? ─── 如果我是统治者,我就永远不会让城市陷于这样的境地!那些本不该获得上天垂青的人用了那么多卑鄙的手段来达到它这显赫的地位。

71、How often do you have your car greased? ─── 你多久才给小轿车上一次油?

72、Low Dust Greased Ball Bearings ─── 低尘润滑脂封入型滚珠轴承

73、Heat a lightly greased large griddle. ─── 将一个大点的不煎锅加热。

74、Form the dough into about 12 round or oval rolls and set them on a greased baking sheet. Let rise for about 0 minutes. Preheat the oven to 200C/400F. ─── 将面团分成12等份,揉成椭圆或是圆状,放到抹了油的烤纸上发酵大约10分钟。预热烤箱到200C/400F。

75、Then he crept back to the bear who now lay without a care, sleeping in the sun, and greased his chaps and cheeks with it. ─── 然后,他蹑手蹑脚回到承担谁现在躺在没有照顾,在阳光下睡觉,和他的章润滑与它的脸颊。

76、The development speed of Internet new media always is like greased lightning kind. ─── 互联网新媒体的发展速度总是风驰电掣般。

77、Form dough into ball and place on lightly greased baking sheet.With sharp knife, cut an "X" 1/3 inch deep into top of loaf. ─── 将面团揉成圆球状后放到抹了油的烤纸上,用把锋利的刀在面团上划个十字型,大约1/3寸深。

78、Try a little help from below, like a glycerin suppository or a well greased thermometer if the addition of a little sugar does not work. ─── 尝试下面一些帮助,如甘油栓或脂润滑的温度计,如果额外的糖不起作用。

79、Bearings that are supplied ready greased and which have integral seals or shields on both sides should not be washed before mounting. ─── 如果轴承在供货时已采用润滑脂润滑,且两侧均有内部密封设计或防护罩,则安装前不应清洗。

80、Carol: You have to be 21 to get into this place. Debbie, Shelley were bent to give up. But I was so cool. I greased the doorman. ─── 卡罗尔:去这个地方必须超过21岁,黛比和雪莉都退却了,可我坚持要进去,我买通了看门人。

81、Research on Curdy and Greas Tongue Fur Analysis for Traditional Chinese Medicine ─── 中医舌苔腐腻分析算法的研究

82、I would have never let the city get into such a bind if I was governor ! Perhaps a few palms need to be greased to gain favor then? ─── 如果我是统治者,我就永远不会让城市陷于这样的境地!那些本不该获得上天垂青的人用了那么多卑鄙的手段来达到它这显赫的地位。

83、All cargo wires and topping lift wires need to be brushed, cleaned, examined and greased. ─── 所有吊货索、千斤索需要刷净、清洁、检查并涂油。

84、I won't, either, since she greased my hinges that hadn't been looked after since goodness knows when. ─── 大门却回答:我不能杀死她,我很久没上油了,是她给我上了油。

85、I greased front and rear hubs and adjusted the brakes. ─── 我把前后轮轴都加了润滑油并调试了刹车。

86、Place the mixture into a greased pudding basin and cover. ─── 将混合物放入布丁盆,盖上盖子。

87、Put the dough in a lightly greased plastic bag. ─── 取只塑料袋,抹上适量油脂,放入面团。

88、Ladle spoonfuls into12 greased or lined muffin tins, about? full. Decorate tops of muffins with coconut shreds and brown sugar. Bake forabout25 minutes. ─── 勺入12个抹油或是铺了麦芬纸的烤盘内,大约3/满即可。在上面洒些椰丝和黄砂糖。入预热烤箱烘焙大约25分钟左右。

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