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08-15 投稿


parasitical 发音


英:  美:

parasitical 中文意思翻译



parasitical 同义词

spaniel | bur | flatterer | flea | jackal | courtier | cestode | minion | organism | lickspittle | sponger | attendant | moocher | crawler | lickspit | louse | beggar | toady | bug | cringer | sycophant | lackey | bootlicker | insect | satellite | freeloader | adherent | pest | dependent | plant louse | bloodsucker | tufthunter | sponge | creature | hanger-on | time-server | plant | yesman |leech | follower

parasitical 反义词


parasitical 词性/词形变化,parasitical变形

异体字: parasitical |副词: parasitically |

parasitical 短语词组

1、parasitical moment ─── 寄生力矩

2、parasitical infestation ─── 寄生性感染

3、parasitical reaction ─── 寄生反应

4、parasitical light ─── 杂散光

5、parasitical capacitance ─── 寄生电容

6、parasitical oscillation ─── 寄生振荡

7、parasitical stress ─── 寄生应力

parasitical 相似词语短语

1、parasiticidal ─── 杀寄生物的;杀寄生虫的

2、parasitic ─── adj.寄生的(等于parasitical)

3、paraenetical ─── 同源的

4、paradisaical ─── adj.天堂的;乐园的;天堂似的

5、paradisical ─── 天堂

6、parasitically ─── 寄生地;由寄生虫引起地

7、parasitic male ─── n.寄生雄性

8、marcasitical ─── 马克思主义的

9、paradisiacal ─── adj.乐园的;天堂的;天堂似的

parasitical 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、At present,32 species,14 genus,4 family in parasitical wasps of leafminer have been found in China. ─── 目前,在我国已经发现的斑潜蝇寄生蜂有4科14属32种。

2、More effort on this peculiarity might be helpful to enhance the radiation in specified wavelength, thus reduce the parasitical heat. ─── 对于这一特性的充分研究,可能有助于提高光源有效带宽内辐射,减小寄生热。

3、Study on Parasitical Fleas of Citellus Dauricus in Plague Natural Foci of Hebei Province ─── 河北省鼠疫自然疫源地内达乌尔黄鼠寄生蚤的研究

4、A distributed capacitance model for monolithic inductors is developed to predict the equivalently parasitical capacitances of the inductor. ─── 摘要建立了预测片上等效寄生电容的片上电感分布电容模型。

5、Two differential inductors with low parasitical capacitance are developed and validated. ─── 设计和验证了低寄生电容的差分电感。

6、Then, NLDMOS with low parasitical capacitance is applied to a level shifter circuit. ─── 在不影响NLDMOS直流特性的前提下,通过改变鸟嘴位置,得到具有低寄生电容的高性能器件。

7、Finally, the array antennas composed of parasitical cells are mainly researched. ─── 最后,本文重点研究了由加寄生天线的单元组成的天线阵列。

8、package parasitical parameter ─── 封装寄生参数


10、Research Progress on Parasitical Natural Enemies of Leafminer in China ─── 国内斑潜蝇寄生性天敌研究进展

11、Parasitical infections, such as toxoplasmosis. ─── 寄生虫感染,如弓形虫病。

12、Parasitical modulation ─── 干扰

13、Parasitical infections , such as toxoplasmosis. ─── 寄生虫感染,如弓形虫病。

14、It is related to her prior infestation by the dominant parasitical species here. ─── 那是涉及在她身上已经滋生了的具备支配权的优势寄生物种.

15、we found Polycide process for reducing the gate parasitical resistors in CMOS gate; ─── 为了降低 CMOS器件栅极的寄生电阻 Rg,而发展出 Polycide 工艺 ;

16、Study on Parasitical Fleas of Citellus dauricus in Hebei Province ─── 河北省达乌尔黄鼠寄生蚤的研究

17、Survey on Rattus losea and it's Parasitical fleas in the plague natural foci of Hepu County Guangxi ─── 广西合浦县鼠疫自然疫源地黄毛鼠及其寄生蚤的调查

18、parasitical bacteria ─── 寄生细菌

19、More effort on this peculiarity might be helpful to enhance the radiation in specified wavelength, thus reduce the parasitical heat. ─── 对于这一特性的充分研究,可能有助于提高光源有效带宽内辐射,减小寄生热。

20、The results showed that the parasitical death rate of Sxleroderma guani on Monochamus alternatus raised with the increasing of touching S.guani. ─── 利用管氏肿腿蜂及其携带球孢白僵菌进行室内防治松墨天牛幼虫试验,结果表明:管氏肿腿蜂对松墨天牛幼虫的寄生死亡率随着接蜂量的增加而提高。

21、Study on Parasitical Fleas of Citellus in Plague Naturel Foci of Hebei Province ─── 河北省鼠疫自然疫源地内黑线毛足鼠寄生蚤的研究

22、It is now a bunch of "the parasitical" made his first step bravely. ─── 这也是现在的一帮“啃老族”勇敢迈出自己的第一步的表现。

23、Storage: In covered, clean, dry sheds at room temperature, free from parasitical infestations and any kind of foreign smell. ─── 贮存:室温下,置于洁净、干燥和密闭的容器中保藏,远离外界污染及不良气味。

24、Keywords Phodopus sungorus;Parasitical fleas;Species;Composing; ─── 关键词黑线毛足鼠;寄生蚤;种类;构成;

25、Objective: To study the species,composition and seasonal fluctuation of Rattus losea and it s parasitical fleas,and provide with the evidences for the policy made in Hepu county of Guangxi. ─── 目的:研究广西合浦县鼠疫自然疫源地内黄毛鼠及其寄生蚤的种类、构成和季节消长,为制定鼠疫防制对策提供依据。

26、The parasitical capacitance and fringing effect can't be neglected for the calculating of the detection capacitance; ─── 在计算微结构电容时,电容的边缘效应和寄生电容不可忽略;

27、Objective To investigate the species and composing of parasitical fleas of Phodopus sungorus in plague natural foci of Hebei province. ─── 目的了解河北省鼠疫自然疫源地内黑线毛足鼠寄生蚤种类和构成。

28、Title: Study on Parasitical Natural Enemy Insect of Saperda populnea L. ─── 关键词:青杨天牛;寄生性天敌昆虫;重寄生;研究

29、parasitical transistor ─── 寄生晶体管

30、This paper reported the natural parasitical instance and the biological characteristic of the adult, the lay eggs habit and the parthenogenesis, established a foundation for the biological control. ─── 本文报道了桑螟绒茧蜂的自然寄生情况及成虫的生物学特性,特别是成虫的产卵习性和孤雌生殖现象,为进一步开展桑螟的生物防治奠定了基础。

31、Investigation on Rats and Its parasitical Fleas in Shenzhen City ─── 深圳市鼠类及鼠体寄生蚤类调查

32、parasitical capacitance ─── 寄生电容

33、Parasitical ratio ─── 寄生率

34、It was pointed out that such defence mechanisms and the components of helm inth in the hosts had the potential to develop other novel approaches of parasit e prevention and therapy. ─── 指出蠕虫在宿主中的防御机制及其功能性成分对畜禽蠕虫病预防和治疗新方法的开发具有重要意义。

35、Screening of the parasitical fungi of root knot nematode in tobacco ─── 烟草根结线虫生物防治方法应用研究

36、parasitical disease ─── 寄生物病

37、Keywords Meriones unguiculatus;Parasitical fleas;Species;Composition;Seasonal fluctuation; ─── 长爪沙鼠;寄生蚤;种类;构成;季节消长;

38、The diagnosis and preventive measure of parasitical helminthiasis ─── 寄生性蠕虫病的诊断与防制措施

39、parasitical monofier circuit ─── 寄生振荡电路

40、Then parasitical fleas of Allactaga sibirica were identified under microspcope. ─── 结果共发现寄生蚤3科7属12种,角尖眼蚤指名亚种为优势种,占36.60%;

41、parasitical plant ─── 寄生植物

42、parasitical bipolar transistor ─── 寄生双极型晶体管

43、The results showed that the parasitical death rate of Sxleroderma guani on Monochamus alternatus raised with the increasing of touching S. guani. ─── 摘要利用管氏肿腿蜂及其携带球孢白僵菌进行室内防治松墨天牛幼虫试验,结果表明:管氏肿腿蜂对松墨天牛幼虫的寄生死亡率随著接蜂量的增加而提高。

44、Parasitical fleas ─── 寄生蚤

45、His heavenly court resembles the earthly court in all ways, having an army, a bureaucracy, a royal family and parasitical courtiers. ─── 他的天庭总是类似于地上的宫庭,拥有军队,一副官僚机构,还有皇室成员和拍马屁的大臣。

46、Design of Parasitical Transmission System for Information ─── 信息寄生传输系统设计

47、As he pointed out in 1936, “technological reproducibility emancipates the work of art from its parasitical subservience to ritual” and this emancipation politicizes the social function of art (3:106). ─── 正如1936年他曾指出,“技术可复制性将艺术作品从礼仪的依附性中解脱出来”,这种解放使得艺术的社会功能政治化(3:106)。

48、single parasitical group ─── 单身寄生族

49、Conclusion The seasonal fluctuation of R. flavipectus and the species composition of parasitical fleas were clear.The host animal and Xenopsylla cheopis should be controled. ─── 结论摸清了合浦县黄胸鼠及其寄生蚤的种类、构成和季节消长,表明它们仍是合浦县鼠疫预防控制的主要对象。

50、Creation, Danger and Remove of Parasitical Return Circuit in Secondary Circuit ─── 二次回路中寄生回路的产生、危害与消除

51、That man is simply living a parasitical life! ─── 那个人过的简直就是寄生虫的生活。

52、All these parasitical tones are often increased in volume through sympathetic vibration of surrounding objects. ─── 声源周围物体的共振会加强这类附着音的声量。

53、parasitical fungi ─── 寄生真菌

54、To verify the model, a test circuit has been designed to simulate parasitical latch-up paths in CMOS devices and relevant parameters are reported. ─── 为了实验验证该模型,设计了实验电路以模拟CMOS器件的寄生闭锁路径,给出了相应的参数。

55、Objective To investigate the species and composing of parasitical fleas of Allactaga sibirica in plague natural foci of Hebei Province. ─── 目的了解河北省鼠疫自然疫源地内五趾跳鼠寄生蚤的种类和构成。

56、Finally in this chapter, the parasitical strip and the folded slot have been used to implement the dual band-notched characteristic. ─── 在本章的最后,采用寄生条带和贴片开槽的方法,实现了天线的双阻带特性。

57、parasitical conjunctivitis ─── 寄生虫性结膜炎

58、In this paper the layout design of a power transistor for motor drive IC chip has been present and how to reduce the parasitical parameter of layout is described in detail. ─── 通过分析传统大功率管版图设计的特点,结合分析双极型工艺条件下晶体管寄生参量产生的原因,设计了一个适用于汽车环境下工作的驱动电机功率驱动芯片中大功率输出管的版图。

59、[7]Xu JB,Gao XZ.Observation on microfilaments of Trichomonas vaginalis treated with dihydroartemisinin in vitro[J].Chin J Parasit Dis Control,2004,17:12-14. ─── (in Chinese)(许静波,高兴政.双氢青蒿素对阴道毛滴虫微丝作用的观察[J].中国寄生虫病防治杂志,2004,17:12-14).

60、The outdoor parasitical efficiency of T. brontispae was normally 40%-50% and tiptop was 100%, A. hispinarum was normally 20%-30% and tiptop was 47%. ─── 椰心叶甲啮小蜂的大田寄生率一般为40%~50%,最高可达100%。

61、we found Silicide process for reducing the parasitical resistors in CMOS source and drain (Rs and Rd); ─── 为了降低CMOS器件漏极(drain)与源极(source)的寄生电阻(sheet resistance) Rs 与 Rd,而发展出Silicide工艺;

62、Objective:To investigate the kinds, composing and seasonal quantity fluctuation of parasitical fleas of Citallus dauricus in Hebei province. ─── 目的:了解河北省达乌尔黄鼠寄生蚤种类、构成、季节消长。

63、The more the spore content was, the more the increasing range of the parasitical ratio in the three suspending solutions which had 105 、 106 and 107 gradient contentrations. ─── 107三种浓度梯度的菌悬液中,孢子含量越高,侵染寄生率的增长幅度越大。

64、Now cash-strapped newspapers want to put legal pressure on what they see as parasitical news aggregators. ─── 如今,这些被拮据的报社视为寄生虫的新闻汇总网站又将面临法律的压力。

65、The experimental results indicate that,with a parasitical capacitance of 2pF,a single channel is able to work at bite rates of up to 2.5Gb/s,and a clear eye diagram is obtained with a 0.8mV_ pp input. ─── 测试结果表明,在2pF的寄生电容下单信道传输速率达到了2.5Gb/s,在0.8mVpp输入下得到了清晰的眼图.

66、Studies on Parasitical Fleas of Meriones unguiculatus in Hebei Province ─── 河北省长爪沙鼠寄生蚤的研究

67、Results There were 6 species parasitical fleas in Rattus flavipectus,it s annual average density,infection rate of fleas,index of Xenopsylla cheopis were 4.09%,43.13% and 1.0982 respectively. ─── 结果合浦县黄胸鼠体表共有寄生蚤6种,年平均鼠密度为4.09%,平均染蚤率为43.13%,黄胸鼠体表印鼠客蚤指数为1.0982。

68、Research on Occurring Disciplinarian of Scale Insect Parasitized by Parasitical Wasp in Sophora japonica ─── 国槐蚧虫寄生蜂发生规律的研究

69、Devices with less parasitical parameters should be selected. ─── 相角误差是影响此系统测量精度的重要因素。

70、It showed that the three populations of the diamondback moth, the parasitical natural enemies and the predatory natural enemies would keep on surviving along with the time. ─── 这表明在参数满足条件的情况下:小菜蛾种群、寄生性天敌和捕食性天敌三种群随着时间的推移,种群持续生存;

71、parasitical return circuit ─── 寄生回路

72、The parasitical oscillation with high frequency introduced by the grounding inductance doesn't change the peak value of pre-pulse voltage. ─── 由于接地电感的引入带来的高频寄生振荡不会引起预脉冲幅值的变化。

73、Research and Development of Parasitical DFA System Based on Solidworks ─── 基于Solidworks的寄生式设计系统研究与开发

74、Effects of Parasitical Parameter on High-Frequency and High-Voltage Power Supply for Electrostatic Precipitator ─── 分布参数对静电除尘用高频高压电源的影响

75、Histological and histochemical observation on the effect of mebendazole against larvae of Trichinella Spiralis and its parasitical muscle ─── 甲苯咪唑对旋毛虫幼虫及其寄生肌肉的组织学与组织化学观察

76、Results: There were 3 species parasitical fleas in Rattus losea,it s annual average density,infected with fleas,index of Nosopsyllus wualis and Xenopsylla Cheopis were 6.86%,14.14%,0.1611 and 0.0713. ─── 结果:合浦县黄毛鼠体共有3种寄生蚤,年平均鼠密度为6.86%,平均染蚤率为14.14%,黄毛鼠体伍氏病蚤指数为0.1611,印鼠客蚤指数为0.0713。

77、parasitical wasp ─── 寄生蜂

78、The parasitical capacitances of power devices greatly influence the power dissipation and performance of driver ICs for flat panel display. ─── 摘要功率器件寄生电容的大小直接关系到平板显示器驱动芯片的功耗及性能。

79、These parasitical wasps help the farmers a lot. They can control the breeding of agricultural insects. ─── 这种寄生蜂是农民的好帮手,它可以抑制农业害虫的繁殖。

80、Parasitical thermal radiation loss is one of the main factors which greatly influences the thermal-to-electric convening efficiency of AMTEC. ─── 寄生热辐射损失特别是BASE管外表面的热辐射是影响碱金属热电转换器高效运行的主要因素之一。

81、Small Parasitical Signal ─── 寄生小信号

82、parasitical potential ─── 寄生潜力

83、Occasionally the marks were hidden under tufts of myrtle, which spread into large bushes laden with blossoms, or beneath parasitical lichen ─── 这些记号相当有规律,大概是故意留下来的,有几处已被覆盖化一丛丛鲜花盛开着的香桃木底下,或寄生的地衣底下。

84、His heavenly court resembles the earthly court in all ways, having an army, a bureaucracy, a royal family and parasitical courtiers. ─── 他的天庭总是类似于地上的宫庭,拥有军队,一副官僚机构,还有皇室成员和拍马屁的大臣。

85、enemies include predacity and parasitical enemy. ─── 天敌包括捕食性天敌与寄生性天敌。

86、It provided a safety pressure controlling method in the condition of continuously gas injection of parasitical pipe (temporary casing) gas charging approach. ─── 并给出了寄生管(临时套管)充气方式连续注气条件下的安全控压方法。

87、Experimental results indicate that with a parasitical capacitance of 2pF,this circuit works at 1.25Gb/s. A clear eye diagram is obtained with an input optical signal of -17dBm. ─── 测试结果表明,在2pF的寄生电容下,前端放大器工作速率达到了1·25Gb/s ,在光功率为-17dBm的光信号输入下得到了清晰的眼图.

88、parasitical efficiency ─── 寄生效能

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