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08-15 投稿


phenomena 发音

英:[f?'n?m?n?]  美:[f?'nɑm?n?]

英:  美:

phenomena 中文意思翻译



phenomena 网络释义

n. 现象(phenomenon 的复数 )

phenomena 短语词组

1、electrokinetic phenomena ─── [机] 电动现象

2、early postmortem phenomena ─── [法] 早期尸体现象

3、margin phenomena ─── [化] 边沿现象

4、surface phenomena ─── [化] 表面现象

5、late postmortem phenomena ─── [法] 晚期尸体现象

6、edge phenomena ─── [化] 边沿现象

7、postmortem phenomena ─── [法] 尸体现象

8、hesitation phenomena ─── 麻木现象

9、Strassmann's phenomena phenomenon ─── [医] 施特腊斯曼氏现象

10、junction phenomena ─── [电] 接面现象

11、coherer phenomena ─── 凝聚现象

12、psychic phenomena na. ─── 心灵现象 [网络] 精神现象;灵异现象; ─── 心理现象

13、forerunning phenomena ─── 火山喷发前兆

14、transient phenomena ─── [计] 瞬变现象

15、Deathbed phenomena ─── 死亡现象

16、Unidentified Atmospheric Phenomena ─── 不明大气现象

17、pyroelectric phenomena ─── [化] 热释电现象

18、critical phenomena ─── [机] 临界现象

19、Oklo phenomena ─── [化] 奥克洛现象

phenomena 词性/词形变化,phenomena变形


phenomena 相似词语短语

1、phenomenise ─── 现象

2、prenomens ─── 普罗蒙(品牌名,PRENOMEN);(古罗马公民姓名中的)第一个名字(如MarcusTulliusCicero中的Marcus)

3、phenomenal ─── adj.现象的;显著的;异常的;能知觉的;惊人的,非凡的

4、prenomen ─── 普罗蒙(品牌名,PRENOMEN);(古罗马公民姓名中的)第一个名字(如MarcusTulliusCicero中的Marcus)

5、phenomenally ─── adv.现象上地;明白地;从感官认识到

6、epiphenomena ─── 副现象

7、phaenomenon ─── 斐诺门农

8、phenomenon ─── n.现象;奇迹;杰出的人才

9、phaenomena ─── 巴拿马

phenomena 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Incidental in use process cottony phenomenon. ─── 在使用过程中轻易发生起毛现象。

2、Explicable phenomena; explicable behavior. ─── 可解释的现象; 可解释的行为

3、The study of the physical universe considered as a totality of phenomena in time and space. ─── 宇宙学把有形的宇宙当做时空中的各种现象的总和来研究的科学

4、We combat the unhealthy phenomenon. ─── 我们同不良现象作斗争。

5、Rain and snow are phenomena of the weather. ─── 下雨和下雪是天气现象。

6、The unwatched phenomenon , the original vagabond. ─── 一种未提防的现象,一个真正的流浪者.

7、Can you find a reasonable explanation for these phenomena? ─── 你能为这些现象找到合理的解释吗?

8、Snow in Egypt is an almost unknown phenomenon. ─── 在埃及,下雪几乎是无人知晓的现象。

9、What do you think of the "idol"phenomenon? ─── 你对偶象现象的看法?

10、The phenomenon under study is very interesting. ─── 在研究中的现象十分有趣。

11、We are particularly interested in phenomena such as telepathy and levitation. ─── 我们对心灵感应及空中漂浮这样的现象特别有兴趣。

12、The pavilion ghost and monster story was one of numerous mysterious social and cultural phenomena in the Han Dynasty. ─── 亭鬼、亭怪故事是汉代诸多神秘社会文化现象之一。

13、We must wage a stern struggle against this phenomenon. ─── 我们要同这种现象作严厉的斗争。

14、Science may be able to provide some explanations of paranormal phenomena. ─── 科学也许能够为超自然现象提供一些解释。

15、The phenomenon of the existence of isomers. ─── 同分异构现象存在同分异构体的现象

16、The "culture island" is especial culture phenomena. ─── 孤岛文化是一种特殊的文化现象。

17、I think that Tiger Woods is a phenomenon. ─── 张:我想伍兹是个奇才。

18、Each of her works has an essence of its own; each of her phenomena a special characterisation : and yet their diversity is in unity. ─── 她的作品,各具精华;她的现象,各具特性;分散迥异,又归一统。

19、No shrinking phenomena after compounding and cutting-off. ─── 复合切断后无收缩现象。

20、The root of all phenomena is your mind. ─── 心是万象之源。

21、Creational legends are a global phenomenon. ─── 创世的传说是一个全球性的现象。

22、All social phenomena are interconnected. ─── 一切社会现象都是互相联系的。

23、Some unusual phenomena are chasing through my mind. ─── 一些奇奇怪怪的现象浮现于我的脑海。

24、We can't relate the phenomena with anything we knew. ─── 我们不能把这些现象跟我们知道的任何事情联系起来。

25、Her new book is a publishing phenomenon. ─── 她的新书是出版业的一个奇迹。

26、There are complicated factors that lead to those phenomena. ─── 产生这些现象的原因是多方面的。

27、Observable phenomena; an observable change in demeanor. ─── 可观察到的现象; 可观察到的态度上的变化

28、Some working phenomena of the arcjet are observed and discussed. ─── 对所观察到的一些工作现象进行了讨论。

29、Actually, those calamities are all natural phenomena. ─── 其实那些灾祸都是自然现象。

30、The world is full of marvels and phenomena. ─── 世界是充满奇迹和现象。

31、The explanation of this phenomenon is straightforward. ─── 对这个现象的解释是简单的。

32、The spin phenomenon exists only in quantum theory. ─── 只有在量子理论中才出现这样的自转效应。

33、Light is assumed to be a wave phenomenon. ─── 假设光是一种波动现象。

34、We think of magnetism as a molecular phenomenon . ─── 我们认为电磁是一种分子现象。

35、We still cannot explain a great many phenomena in the world. ─── 我们依然无法解释这个世界上的很多现象。

36、We should dare to combat unhealthy phenomena. ─── 我们要敢于同不良现象作斗争。

37、He declared his total disbelief in psychic phenomena. ─── 他宣称他完全不相信通灵现象。

38、Electromagnetic radiation produced by natural phenomena such as lightning. ─── 大气电,自然电波由自然现象,如闪电等产生的电磁辐射等

39、Light is the fleetest of phenomena. ─── 光是最快的现象。不是吗?

40、He has not found reasonable explaination for these phenomena. ─── 对于这些现象他没能找到合理的解释。

41、He had the correct idea of trying to explain chemical phenomena in terms of ultimate particles. ─── 他有试图用最终的微粒解释化学现象的正确想法。

42、A rainbow is a natural phenomenon. ─── 彩虹是自然现象。

43、A phenomenon or occurrence that is not normal. ─── 不合常规的现象或事件

44、A public debate has arisen as to the phenomenon of. ─── 关于。的现象引发了一场公众讨论。

45、b. What seems to be a negative co-variation between phenomena is in reality a positive co-variation between phenomena. ─── 那些被视为是负相关的现象,其实是正相关的现象。

46、In oral sentences, there are many ellipsis phenomena, e. ─── 唐诗在句法方面省略现象非常多见。

47、Reaction is an easy physical phenomena to observe. ─── 反作用力是很容易观察到的物理现象。

48、Snow in Australia is an almost unknown phenomenon. ─── 下雪在澳大利亚是大家几乎不知道的现象。

49、The boom by them is only a temporary phenomena. ─── 他们所谓的繁荣只是一个暂时的现象。

50、Housing problem tends to be a city phenomenon. ─── 住房问题往往是一种城市现象。

51、The law of gravitation explains many phenomena not previously, understood. ─── 引力定律解释了许多以前所不能理解的现象。

52、A child who could read at the age of one would indeed be a phenomenon. ─── 一个一岁的孩子能阅读,会被认为是个神童。

53、No shrinking phenomena after compounding cutting off. ─── 复合切断后基材无收缩现象。

54、The employment problem tends to be a city phenomenon. ─── 就业问题常常是一个城市现象。

55、The phenomenon of cot death has yet to be explained. ─── 婴儿猝死的现象仍然不可解。

56、The phenomena were observed by astronomers throughout the world. ─── 全世界的天文学家都观测到了这种现象。

57、China Town is one of these phenomena. ─── 唐人街就是这样一种现象。

58、But there is evidence beyond these striking phenomena. ─── 但是,除了这些令人注目的现象外,还有其他一些情况。

59、But their so-called prosperity is only a temporary phenomenon. ─── 但他们所谓的繁荣只是一个暂时的现象。

60、The object of these experiments was to find the connection, if any, between the two phenomena. ─── 这些实验的目的就是探索这两种现象之间的联系,如果存在着任何联系的话。

61、How to .prehend these phenomenon? ─── 怎样解释这两大现象呢?

62、How do you think of this phenomenon? ─── 您如何看待这种现象呢?

63、So far, the proton-proton collisions have been designed to generate energies that might produce exotic phenomena like the Higgs boson. ─── 到目前为止,质子与质子间的对撞已被计划用来产生可能导致神奇如希格斯玻色子的现象的能量。

64、Solar flares are perhaps the most complex phenomena observed on the sun. ─── 太阳耀斑大概是在太阳上观测到的最复杂的现象。

65、The period of time during which property, an object, a process, or a phenomenon exists or functions. ─── 存在期,有效期某种性质、物体、过程或现象存在或起作用的一段时间

66、What do you think about this phenomenon? ─── 你怎么看待这种现象?

67、Both are based on observations of field phenomena. ─── 两者都以流场现象的观测结果为基础。

68、You got any idea on this phenomenon? ─── 对此,您有什么想法?

69、Sunspots are photospheric phenomena. ─── 太阳黑子是光球上的现象。

70、The theory that all geologic phenomena may be explained as the result of existing forces having operated uniformly from the origin of the earth to the present time. ─── (地)均变说一种理论,可以将所有地质现象解释为从地球起源到现在已均匀作用的现存力的结果

71、He finally find out the method for apply his theory to phenomena. ─── 他终于发现了他的理论运用在某种特殊现象的方法。

72、The earthquake is one of the most impressive geological phenomena. ─── 地震是一种最令人印象深刻的地质现象。

73、I have experienced this phenomena many times during projection. ─── 在投射期间,我多次经历了这种现象。

74、We do not think such an abnormal phenomenon will last long. ─── 我们认为这样的反常现象不会持续很久。

75、The young people are easy to be misled by superficial phenomenon. ─── 年青人容易为表面现象所迷惑。

76、The conflict process is a dynamic phenomenon. ─── 冲突过程是一种动态现象。

77、Explicable phenomena;explicable behavior. ─── 可解释的现象;

78、Fever and inflammation are phenomenon of disease. ─── 发烧和炎症是得病的现象。

79、All phenomena are external but involve the mind. ─── 一切法虽显现在外?却缘自于心。

80、A related phenomenon is evolutionary parallelism. ─── 另一个有关的现象是进化上的并行现象。

81、What was clear to Wheeler's group was that emergence was a common natural phenomena. ─── 惠勒团队清楚的是:涌现是一种非常普遍的自然现象。

82、An adjective for this phenomenon is, "snobbish". ─── 形容这种现象的一个形容词就是“势利的”。

83、Is globalization really a new phenomenon? ─── 全球化真是一种新的现象吗?

84、We cannot relate these two phenomena. ─── 我们无法说明这两种现象之间的关系。

85、The unemployment is a global phenomenon. ─── 失业问题是一个全球现象。

86、However,there were also some healthy phenomena even in that decade. ─── 但是,这十年中间,也还有健康的方面。


88、This phenomenon is not confined to individuals. ─── 华文名不受重视的现象似乎不仅仅止于个人。

89、Another important wave phenomenon is diffraction. ─── 另一个重要的波现象是衍射。


origin 这个单词只有一个词性, 是名词 具体词义: n.出身; 起源,根源; [数] 原点,起点; [解] (筋,神经的) 起端;

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