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08-15 投稿


enfranchised 发音

英:[?n?fr?nt?a?zd]  美:[?n?fr?nt?a?zd]

英:  美:

enfranchised 中文意思翻译




enfranchised 词性/词形变化,enfranchised变形

动词现在分词: enfranchising |动词第三人称单数: enfranchises |动词过去分词: enfranchised |名词: enfranchisement |动词过去式: enfranchised |

enfranchised 短语词组

1、enfranchised one ─── 特许经营权

2、enfranchised means ─── 特许经营方式

3、enfranchised grief ─── 特许的悲痛

4、enfranchised syn ─── 特许syn

5、enfranchised antonym ─── 反义词

6、enfranchised one crossword ─── 获得一个纵横字谜

enfranchised 反义词


enfranchised 同义词

loosen | set | charter | emancipate | set free | unshackle | affranchise | privilege | free | disimprison | authorize | release | disenthral | empower | manumit | unfetter |naturalize | admit | citizenship | license | to | liberate

enfranchised 相似词语短语

1、enfranchises ─── vt.给予选举权;给予自治权;解放,释放

2、affranchised ─── vt.恢复自由;释放;给予公民权

3、enfranchise ─── vt.给予选举权;给予自治权;解放,释放

4、disfranchised ─── v.剥夺选举权;剥夺权利(或特权);剥夺(某地)往国会派代表的权利;剥夺……的居住权(等于disenfranchise)

5、franchised ─── v.出售……的特许经营权(franchise的过去式和过去分词)

6、disenfranchised ─── adj.无权的,无社会归属感的;v.剥夺(某人)的权利(尤指选举权)(disenfranchise的过去式和过去分词)

7、unfranchised ─── 没有权利,

8、enfranchiser ─── 授权人

9、enfranchising ─── vt.给予选举权;给予自治权;解放,释放

enfranchised 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The 19th Amendment enfranchised women in 1920. ─── 1920年,宪法第19修正案授予女性选举权。

2、Slaves were enfranchised in the mid-19th century. ─── 十九世纪中期奴隶们都恢复了自由。

3、that had just enfranchised him with citizenship. ─── 刚授予他公民权的。

4、that had just enfranchised him with citizenship. ─── 刚授予他公民权的.

5、It seemed to me that he found it difficult fully to understand why, in a country where workers were enfranchised, there was still no workers' government. ─── 他似乎觉得很难理解,像英国那样工人有参政权的国家,为什么仍没有一个工人的政府。我的答案恐怕并没有使他满意。

6、dance with dream-enfranchised feet. ─── 出它们的双脚,舞蹈不停。

7、Here, three women, newly enfranchised to vote, cast their ballots in New York in 1917. ─── 图为刚刚获得选举权的3名妇女1917年在纽约投票。

8、Slaves were enfranchised in the mid-19th century. ─── 十九世纪中期奴隶们都恢复了自由。

9、On the other hand, a much higher share of France's 5m Muslim residents is enfranchised; ─── 另一方面,在法国500万穆斯林居民中,高出很大比例的穆斯林已经获得了选举权;

10、The newly enfranchised majority has decided to formulate law on the same principle of legal plunder that was used by their predecessors when the vote was limited. ─── 当投票被限制时,新掌权的多数派就会依照制他们前任曾使用的合法掠夺的相一原则制定法律。

11、Democracy is no benefit to those enfranchised. ─── 民主实际上对广大民众毫无益处。

12、Britain women were enfranchised in 1918. ─── 英国妇女失掉议会选举权。

13、when reformers swept away "rotten" boroughs with handfuls of voters, and enfranchised new industrial cities. ─── 一会儿撤掉腐化不堪的自治郡以及人浮于事的选民,一会儿赋予新型工业城市选举权。

14、It seemed to me that he found it difficult fully to understand why, in a country where workers were enfranchised, there was still no workers'government. ─── 他似乎觉得很难理解,像英国那样工人有参政权的国家,为什么仍没有一个工人的政府。我的答案恐怕并没有使他满意。

15、It is you enfranchised men. It is the Bernard Shaws and all the rest of them. (Cheers and laughter.) They say the science of government is only suited to the male sex. ─── 就怪那些有公民权的人,就该怪萧伯纳之流,(叫好,笑声)他们声称政治管理只适合男性。

16、Newly-enfranchised citizens in the Arab world face the task of building institutions to entrench the rule of law. ─── 阿拉伯世界刚赢得政治权利的公民们,面临着建立制度、巩固法治的任务。

17、Compulsory voting (CV) is a system of laws and/or norms mandating that enfranchised citizens turn out to vote. ─── 强制投票是一项旨在命令有选举权的公民参加投票的法律或者规范制度。

18、2.In Britain women were enfranchised in 1918. ─── 1918年英国妇女获得议会选举权。

19、the body of enfranchised citizens ─── 享有公民劝的全体公民

20、the body of enfranchised citizens; those qualified to vote. ─── 享有公民劝的全体公民;有资格投票。

21、1. The slaves were enfranchised . ─── 奴隶们被释放了。


心有猛虎细嗅蔷薇”,是余光中译的英国诗人 西格夫里·萨松的句子。说的是人性的两面:阳刚与阴柔。英国当代诗人西格夫里·萨松曾写过一行不朽的警句:“In me the tiger sniffe the rose.”把它译成中文,便是:“心有猛虎细嗅蔷薇。


“心有猛虎,细嗅蔷薇”是一句诗句,出自英国诗人西格里夫·萨松的作品《于我,过去,现在以及未来 》,原句是“In me the tiger sniffs the rose.”,是我国的著名作家余光中先生将它翻译为“心有猛虎,细嗅蔷薇”。


In me, past, present, future meet.于我,过去、现在和未来

To hold long chiding conference. 商讨聚会 各执一词 纷扰不息。

My lusts usurp the present tense.林林总总的欲望,掠取着我的现在

And strangle Reason in his seat. 把“理性”扼杀于它的宝座

My loves leap through the future's fence 我的爱越过未来的藩篱

To dance with dream-enfranchised feet.梦想解放出它们的双脚,舞蹈不停。

In me the cave-man clasps the seer, 于我,穴居人攫取了先知

And garlanded Apollo goes 佩戴花环的阿波罗神

Chanting to Abraham's deaf ear. 向亚伯拉罕的聋耳唱叹歌吟。

In me the tiger sniffs the rose. 心有猛虎,细嗅蔷薇。

Look in my heart, kind friends, and tremble, 审视我的内心吧,亲爱的朋友,你应颤栗,

Since there your elements assemble. 因为那才是你本来的面目。

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