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08-15 投稿


gist 发音

英:[d??st]  美:[d??st]

英:  美:

gist 中文意思翻译




gist 网络释义

n. 主旨,要点;依据n. (Gist)人名;(英)吉斯特

gist 短语词组

1、Nathaniel Gist Gee ─── 纳撒尼尔·吉斯特

2、gist slate ─── 基斯特板岩

3、gist of the offense ─── [法] 犯罪要点

4、the gist ─── 要点

5、gist github g github ─── 公司

6、gist university korea ─── 韩国基斯特大学

7、gist of action ─── [法] 诉讼要点

8、gist cancer ─── 胃肠道肿瘤

9、gist university ─── 基斯特大学

10、gist tumor ─── 间质瘤

11、gist crossword clue ─── 关键词纵横字谜线索

12、sarcoma gist ─── 肉瘤

gist 相似词语短语

1、-ist ─── abbr.胰岛素休克疗法(insulinshocktherapy);星际航行(InterplanetarySpaceTravel);独立悬挂减震系统(IndependentSuspensionTechnology)

2、grist ─── n.谷物(尤指磨成粉用或已磨成粉的谷物);酿造用的碎麦芽;n.(Grist)人名;(德)格里斯特

3、cist ─── n.石柜;石棺;圣器箱

4、agist ─── vt.代人放牧(牲口);按比例对(牧场、牧场主)征税

5、gists ─── abbr.胃肠道间质瘤(gastrointestinalstromaltumors)

6、geist ─── n.感性;理智感受性;n.(Geist)人名;(德、捷、英)盖斯特

7、dist ─── abbr.距离(distance);分配(distribution)

8、fist ─── n.拳,拳头;〈口〉笔迹;掌握;[印]指标参见号;vt.紧握;握成拳;用拳打

9、bist ─── n.阿拉伯学者

gist 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Anyone can teach you to use a program,but unless you get the gist of what you're doing when the technology changes,you'll be left computer illiterate. ─── 任何人都可以教你使用一个程序,但当技术发生诸多变化时,除非你掌握了怎样做的要领,否则你仍会成为一个计算机盲。

2、I missed the beginning of the lecture,can you give me the gist of what he said? ─── 我未听到讲座的开头,给我讲讲他说话的要点好吗?

3、A supply chain executive I spoke with recently pointedly summed the gist of the matter this way: another round of incremental change in supply could kill his company. ─── 我最近和一位供应链管理人员谈话时,他尖锐地指出了其要旨:再来一轮供应链增量改革将导致企业破产。

4、The gist of advancing educational modernization and socialization is taking constructing lifelong edu-cation system as the great target of ... ─── 在推进教育现代化、社会化,其主旨不能等同于打造“大学城”,应把构建终身教育体系作为创建学习型城市的重大目标。

5、The Gist: The announcement of allocation results for8 products of Panama Tariff Rate Quota for Lot No.961 of year2007. ─── 主旨:公告96年度我国与巴拿马自由贸易协定第1期(961批次)项产品输入关税配额进口权利核配结果。

6、On the basis of acoustic theory and practical experience, expends the gist of design of room for noise determination. ─── 依据声学理论和工程经验,阐明了噪声测试室的设计要点。

7、The other 10 advanced GIST patients received surgery and imatinib mesylate therapy, and the clinical benefit rate of imatinib mesylate was 75%. ─── 其余10例晚期患者接受手术和甲磺酸伊马替尼治疗,甲磺酸伊马替尼的临床获益率75%。

8、The distinction gist of two sorts of tympani membrane perforated was expounded through comparison and analysis.It would be of great value to clinical forensic medical examination. ─── 在比较分析基础上还提出了两种穿孔的鉴别要点,这对于临床法医检案具有较好的参考价值。

9、He can not understand the gist of their argument. ─── 他不明白他们争论的要点。

10、Gist allows to start off from a pasted bit of text or code and collaborate over the net, either using a web interface or git tools. ─── 使用Gist,用户可以从粘帖一小段文本或者代码开始,然后通过Web界面或者git工具展开网上的协作。

11、Diecasting technology for case part is analysed,and the working process and design gist of diecasting die are discussed. ─── 分析了箱体零件压铸的工艺性,论述了模具的工作过程和设计要点。

12、He gave me the gist of the headmaster's report. ─── 我没有时间看报告。你能把大意告诉我吗?

13、There were a few other minor buffs here and there (ice barrier, frost ward, and fire ward getting buffed), but that was the gist of it. ─── 那里是一些其他的较小擦光轮各处(冰障碍,霜守卫,和火守卫得到擦光轮),但是它的要点。

14、The gist of it was that they felt close to the characters in my books and very much wanted to talk with me."A wayfarer in a foreign land longs for home. ─── 从我住的这个城到慕尼黑不过五个多小时的火车行程,称不得远,只是我与他们之中的任何一人皆未见过,我们相约聚会,凭藉的是一份共同的感情;

15、GIST in intestine and mixed cellularity showed more malignant than others. ─── 小肠部位的GIST和混合型的GIST肿瘤恶性程度相对高(P<0.05)。

16、Try to get the gist of the whole, by listening for the global meaning and ignoring words you haven't fully heard or understood. ─── 一定要先抓住所听的内容的大概意思,即先听懂内容的全貌,忽略个别你没有完全听懂或理解的词。

17、In the process of city s development, archives of city construction offer a mass of information resource with law gist, reliable warrant and practical reference value. ─── 城建档案是最真实、最原始的历史记录,在城市的不断发展建设中,为社会各界提供了大量的具有法律依据、可靠凭证和现实参考价值的信息资源。

18、T he article introduced the biological characteristics and cultivation gist of S p ond ias p innata. ─── 介绍了槟榔青的生物学特性、栽培要点及在药用、水果、蔬菜方面的利用价值。

19、It theoretically and practically summarizes the gist of emergency repair of tunnel shaft bearing of ships. ─── 从理论和实践两个方面概括了应急修理中间轴承的要点。

20、Voice: Welcome back to“ The Best of Dr. Marsha Fieldstone”, clinical psycholo gist and the friend you never had. Re member” Marooned in Miami”? ─── 声音:欢迎回到“玛莎?德斯通医生节目精选”,你从来有过的最好的朋友和临床心理学专家。还记得“迈阿密露无助女士”吗?

21、Among these measures,immunohistochemical staining is the most cardinal and simple method for correct diagnosis of GIST. ─── 其中,免疫组织化学检查是目前正确诊断GIST最主要而简便的方法。

22、Managing state affairs by law must first of all manage state affairs by constitution. Constitution is the essential premise、 gist and safeguard of managing state affairs by law. ─── 宪法是依法治国的根本前提、依据和保障。

23、Sex is the gist of rap music by the American black D.J. ─── 性是美国黑人D.J.发展出的绕舌音乐的主题。

24、She's quick in getting the gist of a book. ─── 她快速的捕捉一本书的要义。

25、THE GIST A man minds less when a woman cheats on him with another woman than with another man. ─── 对于女友不忠的对象,异性情人比同性情人更让男士介意。

26、The significance and gist of exploitation and utilization of rainwater in Karst region of Guizhou province are introduced in this paper. ─── 介绍了贵州喀斯特地区雨水开发利用的意义及依据;

27、This is the group of flak forms flatworms that cause the gist Schistosomasis. ─── 大约10%的受害人变得很糟糕,有内出血,缺铁,内藏损伤或其他问题。

28、The distinctions betweenrotary tool and general tool and the gist adapted to high speed cutting of this technique are analyzed. ─── 分析滚切刀具与普通刀具的本质区别及适宜高速切削的依据;

29、Can you talk the basic gist of playing the piano with me? ─── 你能给我讲讲弹钢琴的基本要领吗?

30、The system was suitable to analysis the advantages and disadvantages of the small town, and could supply with the criterion and gist of the development trends. ─── 从而得出结论:区位模型可以对小城镇体系的区位优势和适宜程度进行定量评价,对卫星城和小城镇的特续发展提供发展定位和政策依据。

31、Among them colour regards interior design as medium one gist element, we should give close attention more. ─── 其中色彩作为室内设计中的一大要素,我们更应该给予密切的关注。

32、We report a case of esophageal GIST presenting as a mediastinal mass in a 59-year-old male. ─── 在此,我们提出一个59岁男性以纵膈腔肿瘤表现的食道胃肠道间质细胞肿瘤。

33、He related the gist of his conversation to Sam. ─── 他将他谈话的要点告诉了塞姆。

34、When “pease and development”becomes the gist in the world,punishing war crimes has come true with the voice of public and the effort of UN and other organizations. ─── 当“和平与发展”成为世界发展的主旨时 ,严惩战争罪行在民众的呼声和联合国及各种组织的努力下成为现实。

35、Can you give me the gist of this report? ─── 你能告诉我这个报告的要点吗?

36、To predict; to understand concepts of print; to relate to personal experience; to use music and rhyme; to listen for gist and details. ─── 去推测图片所表达的含义,与个人经验相联系;运用音乐和韵律,听主要内容和细节。

37、The whole gist of his words now was obviously to glorify himself and to insult Alexander, precisely what he had least intended doing at the beginning of the interview. ─── 他现在所说的话的全部用意,无非是抬高自己,同时侮辱亚历山大,也就是他做了他一开始接见时最不愿做的事。

38、Whether exaggerated or not, I think the gist of what's being said here is all true. ─── 先不论这些话是否夸大,但我认为这些要点是正确的。

39、The investigation results had been used in the revision of 2004 undergraduate teaching plan, and serve as important gist for the revision. ─── 调研结果已经作为江南大学2004级本科教学计划修订的重要依据之一。

40、The following is the gist of my observations, which may be of interest to readers. ─── 以下是有关的要点,希望与各位读者分享。

41、I missed the beginning of the lecture—can you give me the gist of what he said? ─── 我未听到讲座的开头—给我讲讲他说话的要点好吗?

42、However these problems provide gist for carrying out the study of the future developing strategy. ─── 产品结构不足以支撑公司的进一步发展,为开展未来的发展战略研究提供了依据。

43、Although it can't produce a perfect translation, MT will at least give the non-English speaker the gist of what is written, which is far better than no translation at all. ─── 尽管它并不能创造完美的翻译,MT至少向那些不讲英语的用户提供了一些要点,让他们了解到底那上面写了些什么,这比没有任何翻译要强多了。

44、The deduced formulae can serve as a reference and gist in dynamical geodesy and astrogeodynamics' research. ─── 得出的理论可为动力大地测量学和天文地球动力学的研究提供理论参考和依据。

45、The basic principle,major wear reason of the lining of AOD furnace and the gist for choosing refractories for AOD furnace are introduced. ─── 介绍了AOD炉的基本原理,炉衬损毁的主要原因及选材要点,同时对AOD炉常用的镁铬系和镁钙系材料的性能进行了比较,并且提出了提高AOD炉炉衬寿命的措施。

46、Based on it,cut scores of different years are compared by equating and provide demonstrational gist to constitute the eligibility standard of economist test. ─── 在此基础上,利用等值技术对不同年份试卷的划界分数进行了比较,为经济考试的合格标准制定、确保考试的公平性提供了实证依据。

47、To understand concepts of print; to notice chronological events; to use music and rhyme; to listen for gist and details. ─── 去推测图片所表达的含义,注意时间的表达顺序;运用音乐和韵律,听主要内容和细节。

48、The structure of this device, the designing measure, and method was introduced.Academic gist was provided for the kinetic analysis of this device. ─── 分析了该装置的结构及设计的步骤和方法,并为该装置的运动分析提供了一定的理论依据。

49、Calculation result of correlation was applied to product configuration so as to provide a gist for configuration module selection. ─── 将关联系数计算结果应用于产品配置,为产品配置提供了配置模块选择依据。

50、At the same time, analyses the academic gist for land intensivism utilization, therefore, put forward the countermeasure for land intensivis... ─── 同时,分析了土地集约利用的理论依据,并提出了我国城市土地集约利用的对策。

51、From the following stamps and postmarks, we can see the gist something of the immersed tunnels. ─── 当然,作为建造大型隧道,会同时采用许多施工方法,这里说的是其主体结构的主要施工法。

52、Based on the analysis of the effect of excitation force of vibration aging on the fatigue life of white cast iron parts, the selection gist for excitation force was determined. ─── 从理论上分析了振动时效激振力对白口铸铁工件疲劳寿命的影响,确定了白口铸铁疲劳破坏工件振动时效激振力的选择依据。

53、And its structure and designing gist are also introduced in detail. ─── 并对其结构、设计要点做了详细介绍。

54、Analyzing the source data and the all kinds of fact table, building up the collection of data marts and supplying the gist of how to achieve the ETL. ─── 2.针对现有的财务数据信息,分析了数据源和各种事实表,建立了元数据集,为ETL实现提供了依据。

55、The important thought of three represents offers Political Participation of Private Enterpriser the theoretical gist. ─── “三个代表”重要思想的提出为私营企业主政治参与提供了理论根据。

56、He is quick in grasping the gist of a book. ─── 他敏于了解书的要点。

57、Accordingly, it provides theoretical gist for varies factors knowing about fire, and takes a guidance for finding out fire reason as soon as prossible. ─── 从而为分析火灾现场情况,了解火灾的各种因素提供了理论依据,为尽快查明火灾原因起指导作用。

58、Look for non-verbal cues such as facial expressions and posture to get the full gist of what the speaker is telling you. ─── 寻找非语言的暗示,比如说话者的面部表情,姿势等,全面理解别人说话的重点。

59、Unfortunately, however, it expresses the gist of the political philosophy of the leaders of the Comintern. ─── 可是不幸的是,它正好表露了共产国际领袖们的政治哲学的要点。

60、Localize the devision &harmony of profit just on finding gist objectively. ─── 将利益分割协调问题仅局限于寻找客观的依据上。

61、I was able to follow its gist. ─── 我可以听懂大意。

62、She paused as though feeling it indecorous to speak of her condition before Pierre, though the whole gist of the matter lay in that. ─── 她默不作声了,似乎她认为在皮埃尔面前说到她怀孕是件不体面的事,而这正是问题的实质所在。

63、To predict; to understand concepts of print; to use music and rhyme; to listen for gist and details. ─── 去推测图片所表达的含义;运用音乐和韵律,听主要内容和细节。

64、To classify; to predict; to use picture clues; to use music and rhyme; to listen for gist and details. ─── 分类,推测;运用图片所给的线索,音乐和韵律,听主要内容和细节。

65、In this review, we describe the experience in the treatment of GIST located in esophagus, gastrointestinalinal tract and colorectum. ─── 对位于食管、胃肠道、结直肠的GIST病例的治疗经验进行了总结。

66、About the web design, we emphasize “refinement” and “originality”, renovating creativity, consummating artifice, rectifying gist and embellish design. ─── 在网页设计方面,我们突出“精美”和“创意”,创意新颖、技术全面、切点准确、构思精妙。

67、To make connections to real life, to make associations, to classify, to identify details, to use charts, to use music and rhyme, to listen for gist and details. ─── 与现实生活相联系,归类,识别细节;运用图表,音乐和韵律,听大意以及细节。

68、Receive a visitor the passageway of the area wants concise, the space wants capacious, the light wants bright, can achieve warmth, having affinity is gist. ─── 会客区的通道要简洁,空间要宽敞,光线要明亮,能够达到温馨、具有亲和力是主旨。

69、The logic connection way of noumenon and implication is mode of "one-noumenon-many-fable" and its superiority is showing of fables' gist from many perspectives and side aspects. ─── 其寓言的本、喻体之间的逻辑联系方式乃是“一本多寓式”,其优越性则在于寓言主旨可以得到多角度多侧面的论述。

70、The Gist: The announcement of reallocation result for Peanut of Nicaragua Tariff Rate Quota for Lot No. 971 of year 2008. ─── 主旨:公告97年度我国与尼加拉瓜自由贸易协定(971批次)花生类输入关税配额进口权利再开标核配结果。

71、She repeated the gist of the AP bulletin. ─── 她把美联社电讯的要点又讲了一遍。

72、Gist said Sprewell, who also considers the Los Angeles Lakers a desirable destination, would contact coach George Karl in the near future. ─── 养家男的经纪人说,养家男同时认为湖人对于他来说也是一个非常不错的队伍,他也将会和湖人的教练拉拉家常。

73、I'm afraid I don't quite follow your gist(= what you really mean). ─── 对不起,我还不太明白你的意思。

74、The paper can also provide the academic gist for pining up the local parts of the dam in case the collapse. ─── 为实际工程的土石坝防震及边坡局部加固提供了参考依据。

75、To classify, to compare and contrast, to make connections to real life, to use charts, to use music and rhyme, to listen for gist and details. ─── 去分类,类比和对比,与现实生活相联系;运用图表,音乐和韵律,听大意以及细节。

76、You remember only the gist of breakfasts past. ─── 你只记得吃过的早饭的大概情况。

77、At the same time, structure parameters of SLFD are confirmed through experiments and the important gist is provided for optimal design of the damper. ─── 同时,通过试验确定了精镗孔挤压液膜阻尼器部分结构参数,为阻尼器的优化设计提供了重要依据。

78、You get the gist I'm sure. And I've no doubt that you can add some questions of your own. ─── 我相信你能获得要领,我也相信你会问一些你自己想问的问题。

79、Bidding a farewell to fresh flowers, titles, applauses and trophies, and immersed in contemplation, on will get the gist of philosophy. ─── 告别鲜花、头衔、掌声和奖品,钟情于思,就会有真哲学。

80、In this paper,taking the architecture and configuration of hybrid control systems (HCS) as the key gist,some concepts,characteristics and properties of HCS are discussed in depth. ─── 从分析基本组织结构入手,深入讨论了混杂控制系统的概念、特征和性质。

81、The general gist of it is like details of the issues or to answer a brief? ─── 对中心思想的概括,是喜欢细节性的问题还是简略回答?

82、Esophageal GIST should be in the differential diagnosis of a mediastinal mass, even if there is little evidence of luminal involvement of the esophagus demonstrated on imaging. ─── 因此,尽管影像上食道管腔内肿瘤的侵犯很少,我们也必须将食道胃肠道间质细胞肿瘤列入纵膈腔肿瘤的鑑别诊断中。

83、Through hearing stories with a clear beginning, middle, and ending children may learn too extract the gist f events in ways that they will be able to describe many years later. ─── 通过聆听有清晰开头、主体和结尾的故事,孩子们可能会学着提取事情的主旨,在多年后能以同样的方式形容出来。

84、There are different opinions about the gist of crime of nonfeasance. ─── 就该类犯罪中作为义务的来源众说纷纭。

85、Small park design must foresee people's behavior pattern in certainty environment. To analyze such behavior pattern is gist to design small park. ─── 小游园的设计必须预见到人在一定环境中的行为模式,分析这种模式,是进行小游园设计的依据。

86、I understand the gist, but cannot tell whether or not it is fluent and grammatical. ─── 他写的大意,我约略懂得,文法通不通,我不知道。

87、Put forward propositionally to reach its gist works and endowment.. ─── 命题的提出及其主旨劳动和资...

88、Voice: Welcome back to "The Best of Dr. Marsha Fieldstone", clinical psycholo gist and the friend you never had. Re member" Marooned in Miami"? ─── 声音:欢迎回到“玛莎·菲德斯通医生节目精选”,你从来有过的最好的朋友和临床心理学专家。还记得“迈阿密露无助女士”吗?

89、And the popedom of the examination and approvement was adjusted. but I think the financial department needs offical documemts instead of oral notice as payment gist. ─── 但是,我想财务部需要书面的正式文件而不是口头通知作为付款依据。

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