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08-15 投稿


orchid 发音

英:[???rk?d]  美:[???k?d]

英:  美:

orchid 中文意思翻译



orchid 网络释义

n. 兰花;[植] 兰科植物;淡紫色adj. 淡紫色的

orchid 短语词组

1、frog orchid ─── [网络] 青蛙兰

2、foxtail orchid ─── [网络] 狐尾兰花

3、butterfly orchid ─── 蝴蝶兰(花名)

4、early purple orchid 【 ─── 植物】雄红门蓝(Orchis mascula)

5、bog rein orchid ─── [网络] 沼泽兰花

6、fly orchid ─── 蝇兰

7、greater butterfly orchid ─── [网络] 更大的蝴蝶兰花

8、funnel-crest rosebud orchid ─── [网络] 漏斗冠玫瑰花蕾兰花

9、fragrant orchid ─── [网络] 手参;图形

10、common spotted orchid ─── [网络] 紫斑红门兰

11、early spider orchid ─── [网络] 早花蜘蛛兰

12、fen orchid ─── [网络] 兰花

13、dancing lady orchid ─── [网络] 跳舞兰;跳舞女郎兰;舞女兰

14、bee orchid 【 ─── 植物】对叶兰 (Ophrys apifera, 产于欧洲)

15、fringed orchid ─── [网络] 流苏兰花

16、blue orchid ─── 蓝色的兰花

17、coastal rein orchid ─── [网络] 沿海兰花兰花

18、helmet orchid ─── [网络] 头盔兰花

19、Alaska rein orchid ─── [网络] 阿拉斯加兰花

orchid 词性/词形变化,orchid变形


orchid 相似词语短语

1、orchis ─── n.红门兰;兰花

2、orchids ─── n.[园艺]兰花,淡紫色;称赞(orchid的复数)

3、orchi- ─── n.(Orchi)人名;(意)奥尔基;(西)奥尔奇

4、orchils ─── n.红色染料;苔色素;石蕊地衣;[染料]紫色地衣染料

5、orchid- ─── n.兰花;兰科植物;淡紫色

6、orchard ─── n.果园;果树林;n.(Orchard)人名;(英、西)奥查德

7、orchil ─── n.红色染料;苔色素;石蕊地衣;[染料]紫色地衣染料

8、orchido- ─── 睾丸

9、bruchid ─── 绿豆象

orchid 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Another orchid is a little, pretty yellow one. ─── 另一种兰花个儿很小,呈黄色,非常好看。

2、Mediterranean orchid having usually purple flowers with a fan-shaped spotted or striped rose-red lip. ─── 产于地中海的兰花,紫色的花朵带有扇状的,有斑点或斑纹的玫瑰红色唇瓣。

3、Almost every household in Orchid Island has a wheelbarrow to move things. ─── 在兰屿,几乎每户人家都有手推车,用来搬东西。

4、The orchid should not be fertilized with thick manures. ─── 兰花忌施浓肥。

5、Orchid Peony's neither nor flirtatious beautiful roses, but not the Ao-xue aromatic plum. ─── 兰花既没有牡丹的雍容华贵,也没有玫瑰的娇媚艳丽,更没有梅花的傲雪芳香。

6、North American orchid having a spike of violet-purple flowers mixed with white; sepals and petals form a hood. ─── 产于北美的一种兰花,花紫色适有白色,萼片和花瓣在和蕊柱后面形成盔瓣。

7、Orchid Garden is named after The Vanda Miss Joaquim, Singapore's national flower. ─── 卓锦万黛兰是新加坡的国花,是兰花的一种,清丽、端庄、超群而又谦和。

8、The orchid flora of Guangdong mountains comprises 208 species in 71 genera. ─── 初步统计,广东山区共有兰科植物71属208种。

9、Semidouble-double pink/wide orchid speckled edge. Medium green, plain, quilted, serrated. Standard. ─── 半重瓣到重瓣的粉红色花,宽的兰花色镶边。中绿色平坦叶,叶脉凹凸,锯齿叶缘。标准型。

10、The room is potted with kaffir elderly, young people preferred dancing orchid, Huohe, symbolizes great vigor. ─── 一品红、杜鹃、海棠、蟹爪兰等规格齐、价格低的花卉,装饰性又强,很是抢手。

11、North American orchid similar to Habenaria psycodes with larger paler flowers. ─── 北美的一种兰花,和小紫玉凤花相似,但花更大、颜色略浅。

12、Semidouble-double pink/wide orchid speckled edge. ─── 半重瓣到重瓣的粉红色花,宽的兰花色镶边。

13、He did indeed import flowers and sell them to other orchid-lovers. ─── 他确实进口了一些兰花,然后卖给其他兰花爱好者。

14、In the world of Chinese plants, mei, orchid, bamboo, chrysanthemum is often called "sijunzi" . ─── 在中国人的植物世界里,梅、兰、竹、菊常被人称为“四君子”。

15、Of, relating to, or characteristic of the orchid family. ─── 兰科的兰科的、关于或类似兰科的

16、The orchid fingers most cannot bear, the male chauvinist does Cheng Neige the appearance is really looks do not! ─── 兰花指的最受不了,大男人搞成那个样子实在是看不得!

17、The traditional garb of the men of Orchid Island includes a metal helmet, a vest, and a loincloth. ─── 兰屿男性的传统服饰包括一顶钢盔,一件背心,和一条丁字裤。

18、Semidouble dark lavender star/ dark orchid sparkle edge. ─── 半重瓣星形花,较暗的淡紫色镶有暗兰色宽边。

19、Eurasian orchid with showy pink or purple flowers in a loose spike. ─── 一种生于欧亚的兰花,花呈粉红色或紫色,成疏穗状花序。

20、Orchid Hill Delicate Titou, Shilin phase. ─── 兰花山玲珑剔透,石林相间。

21、Central American orchid having spiderlike flowers with prominent green warts. ─── 中美洲的一种兰花,具有蜘蛛状花朵,花上长有突出的绿色的瘤。

22、In 1987 the crape myrtle and the orchid were made municipal flowers, and camphor trees and bamboo municipal trees. ─── 1987年贵阳市确定的市花为:兰花、紫薇。市树为:樟树、竹子。

23、The Tao of Orchid Island have retained more of their aboriginal customs than any other of Taiwan 's tribes. ─── 兰屿的达悟族比任何其他台湾的部落保留更多的原住民传统。

24、Dual-core is a saprophytic orchid plants, was born in an altitude of 700-800 meters deep oak forest humus soil. ─── 双蕊兰是腐生植物,生于海拔700-800米的柞林下腐殖质深厚的土壤。

25、Semidouble dark lavender star/dark orchid sparkle edge. Medium green, heart-shaped, quilted. Standard. ─── 半重瓣星形花,较暗的淡紫色镶有暗兰色宽边。中绿色心型叶,叶脉向上气状凸起。标准型。

26、Why does the Orchid tape begin to rewind itself? ─── 为什么介绍兰花间的录像带自动倒带?

27、In the meantime, most orchid still is bold-faced charlatan and swindler. ─── 同时,大多数兰花还是厚颜无耻的吹牛者和江湖骗子。

28、A pink orchid blooms in the dense rain forests of India's Western Ghats mountain range. ─── 兰花,古茹库拉,印度2002一朵兰花绽放在印度高止山脉西麓内茂盛的雨林中。

29、Orchid of northern North America having a brownish-green flower and red-and-white lip suggestive of a ram's head. ─── 北美北部的一种兰花,有淡褐绿色的花,唇瓣具有红色和白色的脉,好像公牛的头。

30、General believing, the multi-carpel wooden orchid aceae plant is the angiosperm most primitive class group. ─── 一般的认为,多心皮的木兰科植物是被子植物最原始的类群。

31、An orchid is worthy of spreading its fragrance to a king, but now it blooms alone, alongside common grass. ─── 兰当为王者而香,然而现在却在杂草边孤独地开放。

32、He then announced that the person who grew the most beautiful orchid would take his throne. ─── 然后他宣布谁能种出最漂亮的兰花,谁就继承他的王位。

33、Many other works, such as Singing Group, Spring Orchid and Soldiers on a Plateau, were also produced in this period. ─── 他还创作了《载歌行》、《春兰》、《高原子弟兵》等一大批作品。

34、The National Orchid Garden forms part of the Singapore Botanic Gardens. ─── 国家兰花园是新加坡植物园的一部分。

35、Back home, my father on the TV next to the moth orchid, Phalaenopsis see every day, every day watering the orchid. ─── 回到家里,爸爸把蝴蝶兰放在电视机旁边,天天看着蝴蝶兰,天天给蝴蝶兰浇水。

36、Winter, into a clean white petals, and those who re-tender has become a real orchid. ─── 冬天,花瓣变成洁白色了,而那些嫩芽又重新成了真正的蝴蝶兰。

37、Semidouble light orchid pansy/dark red-orchid frilled edge. Medium green, ovate, quilted/red back. Semiminiature. ─── 半重瓣堇型花,亮兰花色有深色的红到蓝花色的镶边。中绿色叶,叶面有气状突起,红色叶背。半迷你型。

38、One of the two divisions of bilabiate corolla or calyx, as in the snapdragon, or the modified upper petal of an orchid flower. ─── 唇瓣双唇花冠或花萼两部分之一,如金鱼草或兰花的装饰性上部花瓣

39、A valuable reference guide for the home gardener and orchid enthusiast. ─── 兰为花中君子,三百种兰花,三百位君子。

40、He broke through the traditional Chinese painting notion of the bamboo symbolizing modesty and the orchid indicating delicacy. ─── 他打破了传统文人画中画竹画兰的陈套。

41、Semidouble-double pink star/ orchid sparkle overlay, green ruffled edge. ─── 半重瓣~瓣的星型花,粉红色底,兰花色晕,绿色微皱边。

42、The orchid is a class of plant which I have never tried to grow. ─── 兰花这类植物我从来没种过。

43、Semidouble orchid frilled large/raspberry band, white edge. Dark green, round. Standard. ─── 半重瓣的折边大型花,兰花色底,梅子色的条纹,白色边。深绿色圆形叶。标准型。

44、This, in connection with what Orchid had said in the daytime, made me shiver too. ─── 听见这突然寂止, 想起兰花日间所说的话,我也不由得不怕了。

45、"The most welcome still is butterfly orchid and pineapple, good-looking, good raise, florescence is long also. ─── “最受欢迎的还是蝴蝶兰和凤梨,好看,好养,花期也长。”

46、North American orchid having a solitary leaf and flowers with threadlike petals. ─── 北美洲的一种兰花,叶单生,花具有丝状反析花瓣。

47、The often enlarged petal of an orchid flower. ─── 唇瓣通常增大了的兰花花瓣

48、Today the blue orchid to bar with excitement, then told her the truth, she does not seem to resent I found to do this trip, this is love me? ─── 今天带兰兰到酒吧热闹,趁乱跟她说了真话,发现她似乎并不反感我是干这行的,这就是爱屋及乌吗?

49、Following a perfume trail to its source, male wasps in Australia ravish a king spider orchid. ─── 在澳大利亚,有一群雄蜂因香寻源,强占了一株王蜘蛛兰。

50、The smell of the orchid is pleasant. ─── 兰花的香味很宜人。

51、Entries are invited from all orchid enthusiast, members and general public, and there is no entry fee. ─── 任何热衷于兰花的个人或团体均可申请参加。

52、South American orchid with spiderlike pale-yellow to pale-green flowers. ─── 南美洲的兰花,具有蜘蛛状暗黄色至暗绿色的花。

53、European orchid having lanceolate leaves spotted purple and pink to white or mauve flowers spotted or lined deep red or purple. ─── 一种欧洲兰花,叶披针状、有紫色斑点,花色从粉色到白色或紫红色、花上有深红色或紫色斑点或条纹。

54、Be about to parturient cloth orchid Ni, allegedly already make choice of in Arizona city a hospital is produced. ─── 即将临盆的布兰妮,据说已经选定在亚利桑那州一所医院生产。

55、Single orchid star/blue-lavender stripe and fantasy. Dark green. Semiminiature. ─── 单瓣星型花,紫兰色底,蓝到浅紫色线条和喷点。深绿色叶。半迷你型。

56、Unwind in the Butterfly Park or stroll through the beautiful orchid and hibiscus displays at the Orchid Garden. ─── 在蝴蝶公园放松一下神经,或者在兰花花园里美丽的蓝花和木槿展中溜达溜达。

57、But if you really want to knock her socks off, you give her an orchid. ─── 但是如果你真想彻底征服她,就要送兰花。

58、Therefore, it is imperative to curtail and reduce the impact of this virus on the orchid industry. ─── 因此,降低此病毒对兰花的影响并提高兰株的品质,是目前最重要的工作之一。

59、Putting down the broom and staring sombrely before her, Orchid told Ahyuan in a low mysterious voice: "The master often comes back. ─── 兰花放下竹叶把,瞪着两只阴沉的眼睛低幽地告诉阿圆说: “爷爷灵验得很啦!

60、Semidouble white ruffled pansy/ rose-fuchsia and purple eye; pink, orchid and purple fantasy. Variable. ─── 半重瓣的折边堇型花,白色底,玫瑰色到樱红色和深紫的眼,变异时有粉红色,兰花深紫色的喷点。

61、With, in malignity of you give such as the orchid buy how much, clear wench have to how much! ─── 是以,不论你给如兰置办多少,明丫头就得多少!

62、Orchid The flower of any of these plants, especially one cultivated for ornament. ─── 兰花:此科植物中的花,尤指为装饰而培植的。

63、But many pairs orchid familial for, the thing that can foretell exclusively is: They are unpredictable. ─── 但对多兰家族来说,唯一可以预知的事情就是:他们是不可预知的。

64、Single orchid large sticktite pansy/ plum-tinged eye, dark blue fantasy. ─── 单瓣兰花色大朵不掉落的堇型花,梅子色的眼,深蓝色的喷点。

65、Orchids and orchid bees are a classic example of this relationship. ─── 兰花和兰蜂就是这种关系的典型例子。

66、North American orchid bearing a single leaf and yellowish-brown flowers. ─── 北美洲的一种兰花,在晚夏每茎长出一片褶叠的常绿叶,在春季发出一枝有褐色花的花葶。

67、I wove the lantern with orchid in the Sword Hous, with whichthe dreams in my youth were illuminated. ─── 剑轩里,我以兰草结灯,照清我青春时期的梦境。

68、Single light orchid large sticktite pansy/darker fantasy edge. ─── 单瓣大朵不掉落的堇型花,明亮的紫蓝色,深色的喷点镶边。

69、Tingtzu loincloths are traditional garb for Yami males on Orchid Island. ─── 丁字裤是兰屿雅美男人的传统服装。

70、His well-known paintings are autumn Sunflower and Pine, Orchid and Stone. ─── 作品有《秋葵图》、《松柏兰石图》。

71、A gust of wind swept through, then dancing orchid, like a butterfly, like stretching his body. ─── 一阵风吹过,蝴蝶兰便翩翩起舞,像个花蝴蝶一样伸展着自己的身躯。

72、Orchid Asia Group Management Co., Ltd. ─── 兰馨亚洲投资集团。

73、The wood wears to suddenly feel some embarrassments in the orchid center, seem to have what essential affair be disregarded at oneself. ─── 木佩兰心中忽然觉得有些不安,似乎有什么重要的事情被自己忽略了。

74、Additional, from this orchid exhibit trading also is very encouraging in light of the circumstance. ─── 另外,就从这次兰展的交易情况来看也是十分令人鼓舞的。

75、Single pink/ orchid eye. Dark green, plain/ red back. Semiminiature. ─── 单瓣粉红色花,兰花色的眼。深绿色平坦叶,红色叶背。半迷你型。

76、Orchid gardens, palm trees, a nature trail, and a rooftop pool make this airport unique. ─── 园亭式的兰花,棕榈树和自然生长的蔓藤,屋顶游泳池等等令到该机场别具一格。

77、Add the orchid color with different depth, already abstruse be like sea floor, beautiful be like blue sky, the crisscross that feels time. ─── 加入深浅不同的兰色,既深邃如海底,又明媚如蓝天,感受一下时光的交错吧。

78、In the afternoon, visit Macadamia Nuts Farm, Rainbow Falls, and an orchid garden. ─── 下午参观夏威夷农场、兰花园和彩虹瀑布。

79、Fundamentals of orchid biology. 1992. Joseph Arditti. John Wiley &Sons, Inc. U.S.A. ─── 兰花类-一叶兰,国兰,拖鞋蓝,文心兰及其他兰类.2003.李年.台湾区花卉发展协会.台北.

80、Orchid is orchid, any pretending to be amorous metropolis hampers we are opposite the understanding of the thing. ─── 兰花就是兰花,任何故作多情都会妨碍我们对事物的熟悉。

81、He signed checks with the air of a gardener who is growing a wondrous orchid. ─── 他签支票的神气,就象一个栽培奇妙兰花的园丁一般。

82、Wild flower such as orchid and primrose is becoming rare. ─── 兰花和报春花之类的野花越来越少了。

83、A member of the orchid family. ─── 兰兰科的一种植物

84、North American orchid with clusters of fragrant purple fringed flowers. ─── 北美洲产的一种紫穗玉凤花,具有香味,有紫色流苏的花。

85、She 1 roused to work properly to adopt empress words and said, the clear orchid was what old woman keeps big extra. ─── 她一个激灵收住了后话,说说起来,明兰更加是老太太养大的。

86、Orchid The flower of any of these plants, especially one cultivated for ornament. ─── 兰花:此科植物中的花,尤指为装饰而培植的。

87、Clarissa told me to hold off on that for now: Instead, she says she simply wants an orchid plant. ─── 克拉丽莎告诉我现在要先缓一缓:她说只想要株兰花。

88、In the afternoon, you will visit Macadamia Nuts Farm, Rainbow Falls, and an orchid garden. ─── 下午参观夏威夷农场,兰花园和彩虹瀑布。

89、Like the orchid flower,it typifies the idea of charm in seclusion. ─── 和兰花一样,它象征着隐逸的美。


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