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08-15 投稿


commodity 发音

英:[k?'m?d?t?]  美:[k?'mɑd?ti]

英:  美:

commodity 中文意思翻译



commodity 短语词组

1、commodity arbitrage ─── [经] 套购商品, 商品套利

2、commodity credit corporation ─── [经] 商品(货物)信贷公司

3、commodity classification rate ─── [经] 商品等级运价, 商品分类运价

4、commodity composition ─── [法] 商品结构

5、commodity circulation tax ─── [经] 高品流通税

6、commodity and specification ─── [化] 货名及规格

7、commodity draft ─── [经] 商品提单

8、commodity dividend ─── [经] 商品分红

9、bulk commodity ─── [经] 大宗商品, 散装货物

10、agricultural commodity ─── [法] 农产商品

11、commodity composition of import&export ─── [经] 进出口商品结构

12、commodity coverage ─── [法] 商品范围

13、cash commodity ─── [经] 现货

14、commodity agreement ─── [经] 高品协议

15、commodity brokerage un. ─── 商品经纪业

16、commodity capital ─── [法] 商品资本

17、all-commodity rate ─── [经] 通用运费率

18、China Commodity Inspection Bureau ─── [化] 中国商品检验局

19、commodity approach ─── [经] 商品途径

commodity 词性/词形变化,commodity变形

名词复数: commodities |

commodity 相似词语短语

1、commoditize ─── v.使商品化

2、commodities ─── n.商品(commodity的复数);日用品;商品期货

3、incommodity ─── n.不便利之处;不舒适

4、community ─── n.社区;[生态]群落;共同体;团体

5、discommodity ─── n.不便;无用之物

6、commonality ─── n.公共;共性;平民

7、commoditise ─── 商品化

8、commodious ─── adj.宽敞的;方便的

9、commodify ─── vt.使商品化,把……视作商品

commodity 特殊用法

1、free -ties ─── 自由货品

2、inland -ties ─── 内地货物

3、monopolized -ties ─── 专卖[垄断]商品

4、commodity of labour-power ─── 劳动力商品, 雇佣劳动

5、taxed -ties ─── 已纳税商品

6、basic commodity ─── 基本商品

7、commodity by country system ─── 按国别列商品制度

8、staple -ties ─── 必需品; 主要商品; 大众化商品; 大宗货

9、scarce commodity ─── 稀缺商品

10、traditional -ties ─── 传统商品

11、farm -ties ─── 农产品

12、ready commodity ─── 成品

13、primary commodity ─── 初级商品

14、bottleneck commodity ─── 稀缺商品

15、stock -ties ─── 大量生产产品

16、essential -ties ─── 必需品

17、export-ties ─── 出[进]口货

18、import-ties ─── 出[进]口货

19、competitive -ties ─── 竞争商品

20、distress(ed) commodity ─── 赔钱货

21、commodity of captial ─── 资本商品

22、commodity of average composition ─── 中位构成的商品

23、composite commodity ─── 复合商品consumer-ties 消费品

24、purchase commodity ─── 购买[采购]商品

25、finished -ties ─── 成品制品

26、surplus -ties ─── 剩余商品

27、additional commodity ─── 追加商品

28、non-processed -ties ─── 未加工商品

29、agricultural commodity ─── 农产品

30、"core" commodity ─── 核心商品

commodity 习惯用语

1、a commodity of brown paper ─── 廉价处理的次品, 不值钱的货, 无用的东西

commodity 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In much of the western half of the country, water is a scarce commodity. ─── 在西部的许多州中,水是稀有的商品。

2、Second, trademark and commodity relations. ─── 二、商标与商品的关系。

3、It is nobody's source of income or a commodity to flog around in the market. ─── 它不是任何人收入的来源或者被放在市场上的日用品。

4、House Wiring , Packaging ,Commodity Etc. ─── 家电、包装、日用品等。

5、Money was a commodity she never thought about except in the abstract. ─── 金钱是她从未具体想过的一种商品。

6、Our unlimited sale of goods proves an aBundance of our commodity supplies. ─── 商品敞开供应,是我店货源充足的证明。

7、September is the season for this commodity in our market. ─── 在我们那里,九月份是这种商品的上市季节。

8、The inspection of commodity is no easy job. ─── 商检工作不是那么简单。

9、Clean water is a precious commodity in that part of the world. ─── 在世界的那个地方,洁净的水是宝贵的东西。

10、Beginning with the commodity, the simplest element of capitalism, he made a thorough study of the economic structure of capitalist society. ─── 他从资本主义最单纯的因素——商品开始,周密地研究了资本主义社会的经济结构。

11、It is a precious commodity to them. ─── 他们认为时间是一项珍贵商品。

12、"Caveat emptor of commodity work off " break the law? ─── “商品售出概不退换”违法吗?

13、At Berkshire, we work to escape the industry's commodity economics in two ways. ─── 在berkshire,我们努力避免自己的公司成为商品化的企业,

14、As a rule, we do not allow any discount for this commodity. ─── 对于这种商品,我们一般不给折扣。

15、So why does one commodity brand outsell another? ─── 为什么一种商品品牌超过了呢?

16、Inspection Certificate is a document certifying the result of commodity inspection issued by a third party generally known as surveyor. ─── 商检证书一般是由第三方检验机构签发的证明商品检验结果的单证。

17、Fourth: logistics and commodity purchasing consultation service. ─── 四、物流及商品采购咨询服务。

18、Commodity sales on domestic market were stable. ─── 国内市场商品销售平稳增长。

19、Generally speaking, futures contract, not the commodity, is sell and buy in the futures market. ─── 一般来说,在期货市场上买进卖出的是期货契约,而不是商品。

20、Crude oil is the world's most important commodity. ─── 原油是世界上最重要的商品。

21、He is a hot commodity in Mexico City. ─── 在墨西哥城,他是一个明星。

22、A commodity or service, such as electricity, water, or public transportation, that is provided by a public utility. ─── 公用事业由公用事业公司提供的商品或服务,如电力,水和公共交通

23、Commodity supply office of branch company of zhongyuan oil field. ─── 中原油田分公司物资供应处。

24、Crude oil is the world's most important commodity. ─── 原油是世界上最重要的商品。

25、Generally speaking, futures contract, not the commodity, is sold and bought in the futures market. ─── 一般来说,在期货市场上买进卖出的是期货契约,而不是商品。

26、Hurry while the limited numBer of commodity houses still remain. ─── 商品房数目有限,欲购从速

27、How to make a formal complaint about the poor quality of the commodity? ─── 如何正式投诉品质差的商品?


29、IRQs are a precious commodity on a PC. ─── IRQs在一部个人计算机上是一个宝贵的日用品。

30、Multi Commodity Exchange of India Ltd. ─── 和印度多种商品交易所。

31、Price stead on the commodity market. ─── 商品市场上的价格稳定下来了。

32、Money is just a commodity, and it is quite ridiculous to put the blame on a non-living object when things go wrong. ─── 金钱只是一种商品,而当事情一旦出错,就把责任归咎于一个没有生命的物体上,这是如此的荒谬不合逻辑!

33、How do you price your commodity? ─── 你怎么给你的商品定价?

34、There is an abundance of commodity supplies on the markets. ─── 商品供应充足。

35、The commodity bubble of recent years continues to deflate. ─── 商品近年的泡沫持續消退。

36、Commodity value must be carried in use value of the commodity. ─── 商品价值必须以商品使用价值为载体。

37、To sell(a commodity)at a price consistent with a fair - trade agreement. ─── 互惠贸易按互惠贸易条款以某一价格出售商品

38、May be the season for this commodity on our market. ─── 五月份是这种商品在我方市场上销售的季节。

39、Rice is an important commodity in Asia. ─── 大米在亚洲是很重要的物资。

40、Commodity supplies are ample, and people's lives are flourishing. ─── 商品供应充足,人民生活欣欣向荣。

41、Commodity: AU Metal( Gold Bullion) Bar Form12.5 kg GLD Std. ─── 商品:黄金贵金属(砖)状12。5公斤伦敦合格交收标准。

42、The picture shows Horgos Border China-Kiaz Commodity Street.China. ─── 图为中国霍尔果斯口岸中哈商品一条街。

43、People are looking forward to stores with an aBundance of commodity supplies. ─── 商品供应充足的商店,众人向往。

44、Provisional Commodity List for the Administration of Textiles Export to U.S. ─── 对美出口纺织品临时管理商品目录。

45、Hedge can help them offset inventory loss when commodity price falls. ─── 在商品价格下跌时,海琴能够帮助他们抵补存货价跌的损失。

46、A system used to allocate a scarce commodity, such as food, only to those capable of deriving the greatest benefit from it. ─── 优先分配一种将有限的物资,如食物,分配给那些能从中获取最大收益的人的制度

47、Commodity production is a process of value production. ─── 商品生产是一个创造价值的过程。


49、We will appreciate receiving details regarding the commodity. ─── 如能告知该商品的详细情况,则不胜感谢。

50、The actual physical commodity as distinguished from a futures contract. ─── 不同于期货合约的实际商品。

51、Hedge can help them offset inventory loss when commodity price fall. ─── 在商品价格下跌时,套期保值能够帮助他们抵补存货价跌的损失。

52、Bulk commodity purchase by BOCOG shall be carried out through the system of government purchases and open bidding. ─── 奥组委大宗物品采购采取政府采购方式,通过招投标进行统一采购。

53、He moved to the city and became a commodity grain eater now. ─── 他现在搬进城里住了,也是吃商品粮的人了。

54、How Can the Commodity Stream of Third Party Ensure Success? ─── 国内第三方物流如何胜算?

55、The Multi Commodity Exchange of India Ltd. ─── 印度大宗商品交易所。

56、How was the world supply of commodity money shared among nations? ─── 各国间是怎样分配商品货币的世界供应量的呢?

57、Does business business spread the formalities as commodity house? ─── 买卖商铺跟商品房一样的手续?

58、Commodity in heaven: the new subject of meat offering. ─── 天堂所缺的日用品:丧葬祭品的新种类。

59、Land shouldn't be a commodity to be bought and sold. ─── 土地不应成为可买卖的商品。

60、Is in righteousness Ukraine small commodity city guest king textile market. ─── 处于义乌小商品城宾王纺织品市场。

61、You know how much coffee is worth, when treated as a commodity as a bean? ─── 你知道咖啡值多少钱吗?当我们只把咖啡豆作为商品的时候。

62、The commodity housing development began to appear afterward. ─── 后来商品房开发才开始出现。

63、Commodity Any bulk good traded on an exchange or in the cash market. ─── 任何在交易所或现货市场交易的重要货品。

64、The remainder of VAC will be sold as commodity. ─── 富余的VAC作为商品销售。

65、A bill of exchange is a commodity that is subject to rises and falls in value. ─── 债券是一种商品,也有市价涨落。

66、Demand curve----A function that relates the quantity of a commodity or serve consumers wish to purchase to the price of that commodity. ─── 需求曲线——一个关联到商品数量或服务消费者愿望的与这个商品购买价格关系的函数。

67、Not only these,we have more commodity to sell in low prise. ─── 不止这些,我们还有许多商品低价出售。这句话用英语怎么说?

68、Commodity: AU Metal (Gold Bullion) Bar Form 12.5kg GLD Std. ─── 商品:黄金贵金属(金砖)条状12。5公斤伦敦合格交收标准。

69、They are discussing how to sale these commodity in other area? ─── 他们正在讨论如何在别的地方销售这些商品.

70、Every year, every piece of commodity has the only code in the world. ─── 可所有企业的每件商品拥有全球唯一编码。

71、In antiquity all metal was a valuable commodity and rarely wasted. ─── 在古代,所有的金属都是贵重物品,很少被浪费。

72、Tact is a valuable commodity. ─── 圆滑老练是很有用处的。

73、So welcome to this commodity society. ─── 商品社会没有怜悯的社会。。。

74、The group became a sales juggernaut in the commodity options business. ─── 这个集团已经成为一个商品期权交易的销售巨头。

75、Purchase of futures against the fixed price forward sale of a cash commodity. ─── 为了确保将来能以固定价格卖出现货商品而买入期货合约。

76、The commodity circulation is poor. ─── 商品流通渠道不畅。

77、A person, like a commodity,needs packaging. ─── 人如商品要包装。

78、The inspecting report from the Tianjin Commodity Inspection Bureau. ─── 天津市产品质量监督检验所检验报告。

79、A speculative monopoly of a stock or commodity created by purchasing all or most of the available supply in order to raise its price. ─── 垄断通过购买所有的或大部分的可获得的供应品以期提高其价格,而对股票或商品的一种投机的控制

80、Report of commodity market competitiveness in China III. ─── 中国商品市场竞争力报告2。

81、A person, like a commodity, needs packaging. ─── 人就像商品一样也需要包装。

82、Commodity prices, not including postage. ─── 商品价格未包括邮费。

83、Last year's ending stocks of a storable commodity. ─── 去年底的商品储存量。

84、On Enforcement Actions on Deposits for Commodity Quality? ─── 商品质量保证金能否强制执行?

85、As you know, before shipment, the Commodity InspectionBureau inspected the goods in question. ─── 如你所知,这批货在装船前由商品检验局检验过。

86、Can you give your idea of an appropriate price for this commodity? ─── 你能不能谈谈你方认为合适的价格?

87、Chinese commodity have enjoy grow favor among buyer abroad. ─── 中国商品在国外受到越来越多的欢迎。

88、But broadly based land taxes are not the only alternative to commodity taxes. ─── 但是,有广泛根据的土地税并非是商品税的唯一代替手段。

89、Into or in a long position, as of a commodity market. ─── 保持长久的处于或进入多头阵地的,如商品市场

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