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08-15 投稿


branching 发音

英:['br?nt???]  美:['br?nt???]

英:  美:

branching 中文意思翻译




branching 网络释义

adj. 发枝的;分歧的n. 分支;分歧v. 分支(branch的ing形式)

branching 短语词组

1、average branching factor ─── [计] 平均转移因子

2、branching aneurysm ─── [医] 蜿蜒状动脉瘤

3、branching process ─── [计] 分支过程

4、branching coefficient ─── [化] 支化系数

5、branching chain reaction ─── [化] 支链反应

6、branching index ─── [化] 支化系数

7、branching operation ─── [计] 转移运算, 转移操作

8、branching filter ─── [电] 分古滤波器

9、chain branching ─── [化] 链支化

10、branching ratio ─── [化] 分支比

11、branching decay ─── [化] 分支衰变 ─── [医] 分支衰变

12、branching program ─── [计] 转移程序 ─── [化] 线路图

13、branching factor ─── [计] 分支系数 ─── [化] 支化因子

14、branching out v. ─── 长出枝条;扩展范围;偏离主题

15、branching algorithm ─── [计] 转移算法, 分支算法

16、cascaded branching network ─── [计] 级联分支网络

17、branching reaction ─── [化] 支化反应

18、branching enzyme ─── [化] 分支酶; Q酶; 淀粉分支酶

19、branching atom ─── [机] 支折原子

branching 反义词


branching 词性/词形变化,branching变形

名词复数: branchiae |

branching 同义词


branching 相似词语短语

1、branchline ─── 分支线

2、branchings ─── n.分支;分歧;adj.发枝的;分歧的;v.分岔;分支(branch的现在分词)

3、rebranching ─── 长出副枝;二次分枝

4、ranching ─── n.经营大牧场;v.经营牧场(ranch的ing形式)

5、blanching ─── n.漂白;热烫;黄化现象;v.漂白;变苍白(blanch的ing形式)

6、graunching ─── v.破坏;发出刺耳的声音

7、craunching ─── n.咬碎;咬碎声;扎扎地踏;v.嘎扎嘎扎的咬嚼;压碎;扎扎地踏过

8、cranching ─── vt.嘎吱嘎吱地咀嚼;嘎吱地压过;财政上紧缩;vi.发出嘎吱声;n.嘎吱做声的咀嚼;嘎吱嘎吱的声音;不足;困境(等于crunch);n.(Cranch)人名;(英)克兰奇

9、scranching ─── 乱涂乱画

branching 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、I have simple branching programs. ─── 过了简单的分支程序。

2、Meanwhile, the city is branching out from semiconductors. ─── 与此同时,奥斯汀市也在涉猎半导体以外的行业。

3、With a view to develop our business, we decided to establish a branch office. ─── 为发展业务,我们决定开一家分公司。

4、Branch managers have full autonomy in their own areas. ─── 分支机构的经理在其管辖范围内有充分的自主权。

5、Genus of low branching shrubs of western North America. ─── 北美西部一个矮生分枝灌木属。

6、He pruned every branch that did not bear fruit. ─── 他把不结果的枝都修剪掉。

7、He tried in vain to get into contact with the local branch. ─── 他试图与当地分部取得联络,但没有成功。

8、He climb up the tree and hide among the branch. ─── 他爬上树,藏在树枝後面。

9、The branch of theology having to do with angels. ─── 天使学神学中与天使有关的一个分支

10、He clutched at the branch but couldn't reach it. ─── 他想抓住树枝,可是没够著。

11、A blackbird was warbling from the branch. ─── 一只画眉鸟在枝头歌唱。

12、The branch of algebra that deals with quadratic equations. ─── 二次方程式论处理二次方程式的代数学的分支

13、GLYCOGEN a polysaccharide composed of many GLUCOSE units, with a branching structure similar to that of amylopectiN. ─── 是一种由多个葡萄糖单位组成的多糖,与支链淀粉有着相似的分支结构。

14、A place in a routine where a branch is selected. ─── 例行程序中选择分支的那个位置。

15、The branch of ecology that deals with the biological relationship between an individual organism or an individual species and its environment. ─── 个体生态学生态学的一个分支,主要研究个体有机体之间或某一个体种族同其环境之间的生物学关系

16、In many places a computer does the work of a million persons, and so it is widely used in any branch of science and technology- nuclear physics, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, and the like. ─── 在很多地方,计算机能做数百万人的工作,因此它被广泛地应用在各个科技领域——核物理、电气工程、机械工程等等。

17、The large, conspicuous, white inflorescences, layered branching pattern, and pagoda like shape of the tree make it a good garden ornamental. ─── 大的,明显的,白色花序,分枝分层图案,和塔形的乔木使它成为好的花园观赏植物。

18、The branch was tantalizingly out of reach. ─── 够不到那树枝,让人干着急。

19、The branch mentioned above capitalizes on the pictorial aspects of the data. ─── 上面我所提到的那个分支是利用数据的图象方面。

20、Ethics is a branch of philosophy. ─── 伦理学是哲学的分科。

21、He cut away a dead branch. ─── 他砍掉一根枯干的树枝。

22、A medieval European pilgrim who carried a palm branch as a token of having visited the Holy Land. ─── 圣地朝圣者中世纪欧洲的朝圣者,其带着一个棕榈枝作为到过圣地的标记

23、Acanthasters show a preference for branching corals. ─── 刺冠海星更偏好分枝的珊瑚。

24、Rothia is gram positive and has obvious branching myceleum. ─── 后者为革兰氏染色阳性,有明显的分枝菌丝。

25、Branching characterized by successive forking into two approximately equal divisions. ─── 二叉分枝式以多次叉分或两个近似相等划分的特点的分枝

26、He rived a branch away from the tree. ─── 他从这棵树上扯下一根树枝。

27、On the 31st, end the month by branching out into something new. ─── 31号时,可以拓展出去,尝试一些新的事物来结束这个月。

28、A little bird perched on the branch. ─── 一只小鸟停在树枝上。

29、He is in the habit of branching out in his speech. ─── 他讲话时总是要离开本题。

30、The Upper House is usually the smaller branch of a bicameral legislature. ─── 上议院通常是两院制议会中较小的一个。

31、Any of a branching system of muscular, elastic tubes that carry blood away from the heart to the cells, tissues, and organs of the body. ─── 动脉任何树枝形系统,将血液从心脏输送到身体各细胞、组织和器官的肌肉的,一种有弹性的血管

32、A branch broke off the tree. ─── 一根树枝折断了。

33、The train was shunted (on)to a branch line. ─── 列车被转入支轨。

34、She clutched at the branch but could not reach it. ─── 她想抓住树枝,但抓不著。

35、A snake coiled itself around the branch. ─── 一条蛇盘绕在树枝上。

36、Nelly is an example of a person who has too much fear of branching. ─── Nelly就是一个对分支有过多恐惧的人的例子。

37、Its distinctly toothed leaves are carried on branching stems. ─── 在其分支的茎杆上,挂满了非常显眼的锯齿状树叶。

38、What is your branching strategy? ─── 你的分支策略是什么?

39、In complex branching logic, it's possible to have two separate copies of these contexts; for instance, consider the flow shown in Figure 8. ─── 在复杂的分支逻辑中,可以拥有这些上下文的两个独立副本,例如,考虑如图8所示的流。

40、A command or group of commands whose execution is conditional, based on the evaluation of a preceding or associated command. Nesting is a structured form of branching. ─── 一种或一组命令,根据前面的命令或者相关联命令的求值结果,有条件地执行。嵌套是分支的一种结构形式。

41、He hacked (away) at the branch until it fell off. ─── 他朝著树枝(不停地)砍,直到砍下为止。

42、He held on to a branch until we came to his rescue. ─── 他抓住一根树枝,直到我们把他救下来。

43、You'd better hack off the branch of that willow. ─── 你最好把那棵柳树的枝丫砍掉。

44、The bookshop has decided to branch out into selling music and records. ─── 书店已决定扩大营业范围,开辟出售乐谱和唱片的业务。

45、The branch gave under the weight of the heavy snow. ─── 大雪使树枝折弯。

46、The dry branch snapped in the wind. ─── 在大风中干树枝啪地一声折断了。

47、A bird has just lighted on upon that branch. ─── 一只鸟儿刚好落到那个树枝上了。

48、The point at which branching of the graph occurs is called a bifurcation point and corresponds to a critical value of the load. ─── 图上发生分叉处的点叫分支点,它相当于荷载的临界值。

49、He held on to the branch like grim death. ─── 他紧紧抓住树枝不松手。

50、He got a purchase on a branch until we came to his rescue. ─── 他紧紧抓住一根树枝直到我们把他救下来。

51、The point at which branching occurs. ─── 分叉点;叉开点;分支点分叉出现的地方

52、The firm has decided to close down its Chicago branch. ─── 公司已决定关闭芝加哥的分公司。

53、Logistics is a branch of military science. ─── 后勤是军事科学的一个分支。

54、He chopped a branch off the tree. ─── 他从树上砍下一根树枝。

55、The acoustics is a branch of physical. ─── 声学是物理学的一个分支。

56、The gardener cut off a branch from the tree. ─── 园丁从树上砍下一根树枝。

57、He grafted the branch onto the apple tree. ─── 他将这根树枝嫁接到了苹果树上。

58、Branch officials can access the central database. ─── 分行官员可利用中央数据库。

59、But Perforce does maintain the branching information, doesn't it? ─── 中也的确维护了分支信息,是吗?

60、The firm has decided to close its London branch. ─── 公司已决定关闭伦敦的分公司。

61、He chopped a branch off that tree yesterday. ─── 他昨天从那棵树上砍下一根树枝。

62、They have decided to close that branch down. ─── 他们决定把那个分公司关闭掉。

63、Any of a branching system of muscular, elastic tubes that carry blood away from the heart to the cells, tissues, and organs of the body. ─── 动脉任何树枝形系统,将血液从心脏输送到身体各细胞、组织和器官的肌肉的,一种有弹性的血管。

64、"Branch is no phony," said Warren. ─── “布郎奇不是做作的人,”华伦说。

65、A national flag displayed on ships and aircraft, often with the special insignia of a branch or unit of the armed forces. ─── 国旗挂于船只或飞机上的国旗,常带有部队分队或部队单位的特殊识别标记

66、They decided to locate a branch in Paris. ─── 他们决定在巴黎设一个分店。

67、One path in a branching routine or procedure. ─── 例行程序或过程的一条转移路径。

68、The branch of medicine that deals with the use of radioactive substances in diagnosis and treatment of disease. ─── 医疗辐射学医学的一个分支,从事用放射性物质进行疾病诊断和治疗

69、A local chapter or branch of an organization, especially of a labor union. ─── 地方分支一个组织的地方分会或分支,尤指工会的

70、She cleaved a branch from the tree. ─── 她从树上砍下一根树枝。

71、He has been transferred to anther branch. ─── 他已经被调到了另外一个部门。

72、What is your branching strategy? ─── 你的分支策略是什么?

73、The branch of immunology that deals with the molecular and genetic bases of the immune response. ─── 免疫遗传学免疫学中研究免疫反应的细胞和基因基础的分支

74、A snake twisted around the branch. ─── 一条蛇缠绕在树枝上。

75、This is necessary to handle constructs like looping and branching within a test, or to call out to another Web test. ─── 处理测试中的构造(如循环和分支)或调用其他Web测试时都必须使用代码。

76、Some birds roosted on a branch. ─── 几只鸟栖於树枝上。

77、Mr. Smith works in an executive branch of the government. ─── 史密斯先生在政府的行政部门工作。

78、His mind kept branching off into the contemplation of silly things. ─── 他总不能专心于正题而尽想着愚蠢的事情。

79、Optics is the branch of science concerned with vision, sight and light. ─── 光学是有关视觉、视力和光的一门学科。

80、The branch he was sitting on began to give. ─── 他坐的那根树枝开始弯了。

81、He held onto a stout branch. ─── 他抓住一根粗树枝。

82、A long-tailed tit alighted on the branch. ─── 一只长尾山雀飞落在树枝上。

83、A sparrow alighted on the branch. ─── 一只麻雀飞落在树枝上。

84、Human ecology is a branch of social science. ─── 人文生态学是社会科学的一个分支。

85、His mind kept branching off into the contemplation of side issues. ─── 他的脑子老是岔开去想一些枝节问题。

86、Suddenly the branch that he is stand on snap off. ─── 他踩著的树枝突然啪的一声折断了。

87、Herbs biennial.Stem solitary erect, branching, retrorsely hispid. ─── 二年生草本茎单生直立,分枝,具糙硬毛。

88、The branch snapped under his weight. ─── 在他身体的重压下,树枝啪地一声折断了。

89、He reached up and got the apple on the high branch. ─── 他伸手拿到了那根高技上的苹果。

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