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08-15 投稿


proficient 发音

英:[pr??f??(?)nt]  美:[pr??f??(?)nt]

英:  美:

proficient 中文意思翻译





proficient 短语词组

be proficient at/in

1. 精通; 熟练

She is proficient at this art.


1、proficient transportation ─── 精通运输

2、be proficient at ─── 精通于

3、recombination proficient ─── 重组专家

4、proficient synonym ─── 精通同义词

5、proficient definition ─── 熟练的定义

6、be proficient in doing sth ─── 做某事很熟练

7、be proficient in ─── 熟练, 精通

8、proficient crossword ─── 熟练的填字游戏

9、proficient connect ─── 精通连接

10、proficient property management services ─── 精通物业管理服务

11、proficient fs10 ─── 精通fs10

proficient 词性/词形变化,proficient变形

副词: proficiently |

proficient 常用词组

proficient in ─── 精通;熟练

proficient 相似词语短语

1、nonproficient ─── adj.不熟练的

2、proficience ─── n.进步;前进

3、proficies ─── 职业

4、proficiently ─── adv.精通地

5、proficients ─── adj.熟练的,精通的;n.精通;专家,能手

6、perficients ─── 很 完美

7、perficient ─── 很 完美

8、prosilient ─── 十二月

9、proficiency ─── n.精通,熟练

proficient 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He proved to me that he was very proficient in driving a car. ─── 他向我证明他开车技术非常熟练.

2、Actually I had majored in Teaching.This theory comes from one of my pedagogics' chap "Proficient Skill". ─── 其实我是学教育的,这个理论来自于教育学里“熟练的技能”一章。

3、Proficient in using office software including budgeting, inventory and cost accounting. ─── 精通包括预算, 清单及算量软件在内的各种办公软件.

4、They were all proficient in needlework. ─── 他们都很擅长针线活儿。

5、She is proficient at swimming. ─── 她精通游泳。

6、Do you think are proficient in both written and spoken English? ─── 你认为你在英语笔头与口语方面都好 吗 ?

7、Evidence of English language ability if claiming additional points for having proficient English. ─── 若想证明精通英语并获得额外分数,需提供英语语言能力证明.

8、He was proficient both as a flyer and as a navigator. ─── 他既精于飞行,又善于导航。

9、He proved to me that he was very proficient in driving a car. ─── 他向我证明他开车技术非常熟练。

10、He was a proficient both as a flyer and as a navigator. ─── 他既精于飞行,又擅于导航。

11、Sloane was proficient in landscape paintings of which bore serene atmosphere. ─── 史隆以风景画见长,他的作品洋溢著祥和宁静的氛围。

12、I know this position also requires proficient communication skills. ─── 我知道这个职位对交流能力有较高的要求.

13、Proficient in working with relational database and SQL. ─── 精通于SQL或相关数据库的使用.

14、Primary Skills: Proficient in Linux/AIX system admin; Familiar with common operation system knowledge and har...... ... ─── 公司名称:北京一正启源科技发展有限公司工作地点:北京市发布时间:2008-10-15

15、Be proficient in the use of drawing tools. ─── 掌握绘图工具的运用.

16、The Oriental is proficient in the ingredients. ─── 东方人对成分熟练。

17、She was very proficient in music. ─── 她非常精通音乐。

18、She is not very computer proficient and a few months ago got a new job. ─── 她几个月之前获得了一份新工作,但是计算机操作不太熟练。

19、Ability to read, write and speak English at a proficient level. ─── 良好的英语读 、 书、说水平.

20、It certainly makes sense to be proficient in the Chinese language - for cultural or economic reasons. ─── 不论是为了文化或商业利益,我们都应该熟练地掌握华文。

21、The fact that he has become so proficient at defeating them is a testament to his Gryffindor courage and mettle as well as his power of love. ─── 他能够那样熟练地对付它们是他所具有的格兰芬多的勇气,精神,以及爱的力量的很好证据。

22、Trains clients' Engineers and QA personnel to be proficient in use of the PED 97/23/EC. ─── 在生产过程中,进行检验和审核以确认锅炉,压力容器和其他压力部件符合PED规定的检验和质量保证模式。

23、He doesn't look like a proficient in golf. ─── 他看起来不象是个打高尔夫球的专家.

24、We should be proficient in Chinese and English to excel, particularly in business dealings beyond our shores. ─── 我们必须同时掌握华文和英文,以便取得成功,尤其是在国外经商方面。

25、Proficient in both spoken and written in English is imperative. ─── 必须精通英语口语和写作。

26、I think I'm quite proficient in both written and spoken English. ─── 我认为我在英语读写方面相当熟练.

27、Pretty good! Then you must be quite proficient in spoken English. ─── 很好, 那你一定擅长英语口语了.

28、She is proficient at swimming. ─── 她精通游泳.

29、CIIC-Quest has a large faculty of competent and proficient consultants. ─── 如今任何行业的商业环境,竞争都越来越激烈。

30、The person will need to be proficient in MYOB to bank reconciliation level, Office XP, and email. ─── 俺就是流星,恁有啥愿望找俺就不中,所以有人说俺是扫帚星!

31、Id say I am quite proficient at tailoring. ─── 中文:我可以说我对裁缝很在行。

32、Proficient in CAD and computer operation. ─── 熟悉CAD及相关计算机操作.

33、College degree or above. Proficient with Microsoft Office products, especially in OA system. Basic English. ─── 大学及以上学历,熟练使用办公软件,特别是OA系统,基本的英语能力。

34、Proficient in both the Chinese and Indian languages, he translated over 100 Mahayana texts. ─── 他精通汉语和印度语言,并翻译了100多篇大乘佛教原文。

35、She was the libero and was proficient at playing the role of defense specialist so she impressed me most. ─── 她是自由人,很好地起到了防守专家的作用,所以给我留下的印象最深。

36、Relationship building with International industry associations is a key area in which Anand is proficient at. ─── 同时,长期以来从事与全球的动画产业协会之间创建了良好的合作关系。

37、Do you think you are proficient in both written and spoken English? ─── 你在英语说写方面熟练吗?

38、He is proficient in crime psychology. ─── 他精通犯罪心理学。

39、He is proficient in management. ─── 他精通管理工作。

40、Lawrence is also a proficient poet. ─── 劳伦斯还是个天才多产的诗人。

41、Strive hard to become proficient in professional work and ever improve the quality of service. ─── 努力学习技术,提高服务质量。

42、Liu Zhuo proficient in astronomy, he discovered Sui keep the calendar more than the fallacy of many proposed changes. ─── 刘焯精通天文学,他发现隋朝的历法多存谬误,多次建议修改。

43、She was proficient in music. ─── 她精通音乐。

44、While incredibly proficient with a computer, Ghent's streetwise skills could have used a little work. ─── 尽管根特是一名难以置信的计算机高手,但他审时度势的能力还有待提高。

45、To make proficient with specialized instruction and practice. ─── 培训通过特殊指导及实践精通

46、Sensitive and proficient in new products development and sourcing. ─── 具有良好的新品开发和采购能力.

47、I am quite proficient in both written and spoken English. ─── 我的笔头和口头英语都很熟练.

48、A person might become a reasonably proficient bookkeeper in months. ─── 一个人可以在几个月内成为一个熟练的簿记员。

49、You are Museum proficient now. ─── 你现在是个博物馆达人啰!

50、Derrick is the most proficient typist in our typing class. ─── 德瑞克是我们打字班上技术最熟练的打字员。

51、He is proficient in driving. ─── 他熟谙驾驶。

52、F: You are Museum proficient now. ─── 你现在是个博物馆达人??

53、You only really get proficient after many years in the job. ─── 你只有在工作多年后才能真正精通。

54、Normal A character cannot equip a weapon he is not proficient in. ─── 普通:人物不能装备他所不精通的武器.

55、He received a good education and was proficient at writing poems and prose. ─── 他长于诗文而富于学养。

56、The more you use a weapon, the more proficient you become and thus unlock skills and combos. ─── 我们为您建设的网站有九种风格,完全可以满足您对网站外观的要求!

57、Be proficient with software development lifecycle and Methodology (i.e. Agile/SCRUM).2. Hands-on experience i...... ... ─── 公司名称:新宇软件(苏州工业园区)有限公司工作地点:江苏省苏州市发布时间:2009-6-11

58、Professional Qualification of Computer Aid Design, proficient in AutoCAD. ─── 《职业资格证书——辅助设计绘图员(中级技能)》, 熟练的CAD制图能力.

59、You always dream of becoming a football star or proficient in the streets of the most fanatical football people? ─── 你总是梦想着成为一个足球明星或是精通最狂热的街头足球的人吗?

60、"Shu neng sheng qiao" .Only with repeated practice can one become proficient and skillful. ─── "熟能生巧"比喻只要反复实践,都能熟练掌握技巧,找到窍门。

61、She's proficient in several languages. ─── 她精通好几种语言。

62、Possessing B-class driving license,proficient in driving skills. ─── 具有B驾驶执照,熟练驾驶技能。

63、She is proficient at / in figure skating. ─── 她精于花样滑冰。

64、Students must be proficient in English. ─── 学生必须精通英语。

65、She is proficient at this art. ─── 她精通这种技艺。

66、Mr. Barret is not proficient in diagnosis, let alone investigation. ─── 巴瑞特先生不擅长诊断,更不必提研究方面。

67、A great number of Egyptians are proficient in foreign languages. ─── 大量埃及人精通外语。

68、You need to be proficient in both consciousness raising and chakra control, but it is achievable. ─── 你需要精通意识提升和脉轮控制,但这并非遥不可及。

69、He is proficient at repartee. ─── 他擅长于机敏应答。

70、Effective and proficient agents who can resolve issues on the first call are an integral part of improving FCR. ─── 一次通话就能解决问题的那种高效、熟练的坐席是提高一次解决率的必备要素。

71、He was proficient in all questions of genealogy. ─── 他非常精通所有家谱的问题.

72、He was with and classic beauty, the realistic skills and proficient accurately is elegant style. ─── 他深受大卫古典美的熏陶, 以准确娴熟的写实技巧和典雅的画风著称.

73、He received a good education and was proficient at writing poems and prose. ─── 他长于诗文而富于学养.

74、CIIC Training &Development Center has a large faculty of competent and proficient consultants. ─── 如今任何行业的商业竞争都越来越激烈。

75、She is quite proficient in English . ─── 她很精通英语。

76、Proficient oral and written English skill. ─── 优秀的英语说写能力.

77、Have the proficient operation ability in the computation aspect and the fast computation skill. ─── 在计算方面具有较熟练的运算能力和较快速的计算技巧。

78、What you will have to do is become proficient in writing or formalizing job descriptions. ─── 你将需要成为精通写出和格式化职务说明的专家。

79、The whole team comes together at Fallon.The team becomes proficient here. ─── 他们整个团队都一起来到了法隆,并在这里变成行家里手。”

80、He was proficient in all questions of genealogy . ─── 他非常精通所有家谱的问题。

81、The monks were proficient brewers and began to sell some of their precious nectar to the lay folk of the area. ─── 修士们都是精通酿造的酿酒师并且开始对当地的民众出售他们精心酿制的美酒。

82、She is proficient in English. ─── 她精通英文.

83、He was feeling the satisfaction of doing a job at which he knew he was proficient. ─── 他心里止不住感到得意:做这种工作,他可是老手了。

84、After reading this book, you will be proficient in writing. ─── 读完这本书, 你会精于写作.

85、Professional Qualification of Aid Design, proficient in AutoCAD. ─── 职业资格证书——辅助设计绘图员(级技能), 熟练的CAD制图能力.

86、If I had ever learnt, I should've been a great proficient. ─── 如果我有机会学的话,我应该已经是个专家了。

87、He doesn't look like a proficient in golf. ─── 他看起来不像是个打高尔夫球的专家。

88、They were all masters of torah,proficient in fuses,and brutal and wealthy person. ─── 他们都是深通教律,精于谋略,残酷无情而富有的人。

89、Are you proficient at judging distance ? ─── 您擅长判断距离吗?

90、She is a proficient in music. ─── 她是音乐行家。

91、His mother is very proficient in music. ─── 他母亲非常精通音乐。

92、Speak Basic English and proficient in using computer. ─── 基本英语能力,熟练使用计算机。

93、Excellent verbal communication skills; in particular proficient verbal and written English. ─── 优秀的语言沟通能力,精通英语口语和书写。

94、She was very proficient in music. ─── 她非常精通音乐.

95、He is proficient in many fields. ─── 他精通很多领域。

96、Not bad. I'm proficient in both written and spoken English. ─── 还不错. 我精通英语写作以及口语交流.

97、By this time, she was already proficient in representational drawing. ─── 到这个时候,她已经熟练掌握具象派绘画。

98、Also the proficient technique is the key for MED. ─── 成熟的镜下操作技巧是该手术成功的关键。

99、To a great number of melee classes enchanting/disenchanting and mining are highly proficient ways to make money. ─── 在线客服是以网页为载体.为网站访客提供方便快捷的交流方式.同时又是非常廉价的方式。

100、He grow so proficient in poesy that he can write a sonnet of almost any length on a moment's notice. ─── 他在作诗方面变得那么熟练,以至能够立即写出几乎任何长短的一首十四行诗来。

101、Xiao Ming is smart, he knows how to paint and he is also proficient in musicology. ─── 小明很聪明,不仅学过绘画,还旁通音乐。

102、Proficient in making the NGV message heard throughout the region. ─── 对天然气汽车制造业信息精通.

103、She is proficient in English. ─── 她精通英文。

104、Shalom: We don't recommend that you contact us directly what with We aren't proficient in foreign language. ─── 你好!本公司对外国人语言沟通不是很熟练,不建议直接找我们.

105、She's proficient in several languages. ─── 她精通好几种语言。

106、For those students not proficient in English, the school offers English as a second language classes. ─── 对于那些英语不熟练的学生,学校开设英语课作为第二语言的课程。

107、Unlike me, she is proficient in English. ─── 和我不同的是,她在英语方面很精通。

108、We have proficient are based on sincere and best service to grow up with all enterprises. ─── 我司具备专业熟练的操作人员,以诚为本,服务至上的经营宗旨与各企业共同发展.

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