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08-15 投稿


atrociously 发音

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atrociously 中文意思翻译



atrociously 词性/词形变化,atrociously变形

名词: atrociousness |副词: atrociously |

atrociously 短语词组

1、atrociously meaning ─── 残暴的意思

2、atrociously def ─── 残暴的定义

3、atrociously crossword ─── 糟糕的填字游戏

4、atrociously synonym ─── 残暴的同义词

5、atrociously wicked ─── 恶毒的

atrociously 相似词语短语

1、atrocious ─── adj.凶恶的,残暴的

2、astuciously ─── 机敏地

3、autoeciously ─── adv.寄生地

4、capriciously ─── adv.任性地;善变地

5、audaciously ─── adv.无畏地;放肆地;大胆创新地;无拘无束地

6、trioeciously ─── 三经济学

7、ferociously ─── adv.残忍地;野蛮地;凶猛地

8、avariciously ─── adv.贪婪地

9、graciously ─── adv.和蔼地;仁慈地;雅致地

atrociously 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The enemy stayed atrociously in one place because the bricklayers had not finished their drinks. ─── 通过这个故事,我觉得在很多时候,狗狗的攻击行为是它的主人造成的。

2、This is not to deny the atrociously unsound, and often unethical, loan practices. ─── 但这并不是对万恶不赦的不健全的,并且常常是不道德的贷款措施的否定。

3、Hanging is an atrociously archaic way of killing a human being and the self-satisfied modernity of the electric chair is just as atrocious. ─── 绞刑是一种结束生命的古代残暴办法,而自鸣得意的现代电椅也一样凶残。

4、Millions in develop ment ing money has atrociously leaked onto notoriously gone to waste, in the 7 years since the fall of the Taliban. ─── 塔利班倒台后的7年里,已经有上百万的发展资金不知所踪。

5、The two games we played in the regular season, I shot the ball atrociously . In Game 1 I shot the ball bad, too. ─── 在常规赛的两场比赛,我投篮很不好,在第一场我的手感也很糟糕。

6、He had written the note from memory, word perfect, and spelled atrociously. ─── 他凭着记忆作了记录,用词恰当但拼写错误百出。

7、Lowery said Mexican tariffs are " atrociously" high. ─── 罗沃利说墨西哥的关税不是一般的高。

8、I kind-hearted and babyish, swinging to spend skirt, singing a song receive them, who knows them however brandish has big axe, chop atrociously toward me come. ─── 善良而幼稚的我 ,摆动着花裙 ,唱着歌儿迎接他们 ,谁知他们却抡起大斧 ,凶恶地朝我砍来。

9、Millions in development ing money has atrociously leaked onto notoriously gone to waste, in the 7 years since the fall of the Taliban. ─── 塔利班倒台后的7年里,已经有上百万的发展资金不知所踪。

10、Unreasonable is play the woman ,is not behave atrociously. ─── 女友不讲理是撒娇而不是撒野。

11、This is not to deny the atrociously unsound, and often unethical, loan practices. ─── 这并不是对万恶不赦的不健全的,并且常常是不道德的贷款措施的否定。

12、Of course, Word is hardly the only program that behaves atrociously in the face of malformed files. ─── 当然,Word并不是惟一一个面对畸形文件时表现得如此糟糕的程序。

13、Lowery said Mexican tariffs are "atrociously" high. ─── 罗沃利说墨西哥的关税不是一般的高。

14、Hanging is an atrociously archaic way of killing a human being and the self-satisfied modernity of the electric chair is just as atrocious. ─── 绞刑是一种结束生命的古代残暴办法,而自鸣得意的现代电椅也一样凶残。

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