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08-15 投稿


coupled 发音

英:[?k?pld]  美:[?k?p(?)ld]

英:  美:

coupled 中文意思翻译




coupled 常用词组

coupled with ─── 加上,外加;与…相结合

inductively coupled plasma ─── 电感耦合等离子体

coupled system ─── 耦合系统;配合系统

coupled 反义词


coupled 词性/词形变化,coupled变形

动词过去式: coupled |动词第三人称单数: couples |动词现在分词: coupling |动词过去分词: coupled |

coupled 短语词组

1、charge-coupled memory ─── [计] 电荷耦合存储器

2、a-coupled (a-couple ─── 的过去时) 一对夫妇;夫妻俩

3、cathode-coupled amplifier ─── [电] 阴极耦合放大器

4、cathode coupled video amplifier ─── [电] 阴极耦合视频放大器

5、choke coupled amplifier ─── [电] 扼流圈放大器

6、capacitively coupled microwave plasma torch ─── [化] 电容耦合微波等离子体焰矩

7、close coupled type aeroplane ─── [机] 短型飞机

8、charge-coupled image sensor ─── [电] 电荷耦合影像感测器

9、center-coupled loop ─── [电] 腔心耦合环

10、collector-coupled logic ─── [电] 集极耦合逻辑

11、cathode coupled amplifier ─── [电] 阴极耦合放大器

12、charge-coupled device ─── [计] 电荷耦合器件

13、closely coupled circuit ─── [电] 密耦电路

14、closely-coupled ─── [计] 紧密耦合的

15、close-coupled processing ─── [化] 一体化处理; 一体化核燃料处理

16、coupled beat ─── [医] 二联搏动, 二联律

17、be coupled with ─── 与...结合/连接

18、agency coupled with an interest ─── [经] 结合利害关系的代理

19、charge-coupled ─── [电子] 电荷耦合的

coupled 同义词

mates | fasten | mate | brace | pair off |pair | associate | dyad | twain | connect | intertwine | bracket | duad | unite | couple on | yoke | relate | duo | copulate | conjoin | couplet | join | link | span | match | team | couple up | combine | duet | accompany | distich | twin | marry | attach | twosome

coupled 相似词语短语

1、uncoupled ─── adj.解耦合的;v.分开(uncouple的过去分词)

2、coupledom ─── n.长期同居

3、decoupled ─── adj.不挂钩的;v.解耦,[电]退耦(decouple的过去式和过去分词)

4、couple ─── n.对;夫妇;数个;vi.结合;成婚;vt.结合;连接;连合;n.(Couple)人名;(法)库普勒

5、couplet ─── n.对联;对句;n.(Couplet)人名;(法)库普莱

6、recoupled ─── 已重新复制

7、couples ─── n.夫妻;一对,一双;[数][力]力偶(couple的复数);v.连接;交配(couple的第三人称单数形式)

8、couped ─── n.政变;妙计;出乎意料的行动;砰然的一击;vt.使…颠倒;使…倾斜;vi.推倒;倾斜;溢出;n.(Coup)人名;(法)库普

9、coupler ─── n.[电子]耦合器;联结器

coupled 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The engine and motor are coupled to the wheels through clutches, and automatic gearbox, and Hy-Vo Chains. ─── 发动机和电动机经离合器自动变速齿轮箱和Hy-Vo链与车轮连接。

2、The cars of the train are coupled together by shackles. ─── 列车的车厢被链子连着。

3、Each of the plurality of local oscillators can be selectively coupled to the front end circuits. ─── 所述多个本机振荡器中的每一个可以选择性地耦合到所述前端电路。

4、TracPipe's superior corrugated tubing coupled with AutoFlare fittings combine to make the best CSST product available. ─── 天管有最整齐的的尺寸配套及已被证实的可靠性。

5、Four years' work experience operating computers extensively, coupled with educational preparation. ─── 四年深入的计算机操作经验,受过此方面教育培训。

6、Which, coupled with the extermination of Zion will ultimately result in the extinction of the entire human race. ─── 再加上锡安被摧毁的命运,这就等于是全人类的灭亡。

7、His intelligence, coupled with her patience, overcame all difficulties. ─── 他的智慧,配上她的耐心,克服了重重困难。

8、Can serialize most objects, but the result is not loosely coupled. ─── 可以序列化大多数对象,但结果不是松耦合的。

9、For low plate resistances, the power supply ripple is coupled to the output. ─── 对于低屏阻胆,电源涟波会耦合到输出。

10、The heavy flywheel coupled with the spindle ensures smooth running of the spindle. ─── 主轴装有飞轮,能保证主轴运转平稳。

11、A component consisting of two coupled coils in which the output voltage is less than the input voltage. ─── 一种由两个耦合线圈组成的装置,其输出电压低于输入电压。

12、His examples were coupled with user comments. ─── 他的例子被和用户评价联系在了一起。

13、Elastic trace of a flexible coupler is measured by optical instrument CCD (Charge Coupled Devices) and image card. ─── 利用光学仪器 CCD(电荷耦合器 )和图像采集卡进行机构弹性轨迹的测量。

14、Strive for loosely coupled designs between objects that interact. ─── 为了交互对象之间的松耦合设计而努力!

15、Input impedance is a misleading concept in a DC coupled unity-gain buffer. ─── 在这种组态下,输入电阻是一个不合适的电路概念。

16、The high quality ZnSe optical elements are used for Brewster win-dows and coupled output mirrors. ─── 全外腔放电管的 Brewster 窗和耦合输出镜均选用高光学质量的 ZnSe 光学元件。

17、Borderless trade,coupled with global financial integration,has created an efficient world market. ─── 商贸无国界,加上全球金融一体化,于是创造了一个效率超卓的世界市场。

18、Closely coupled to the array is the X-ray scintillator. ─── 与这个阵列紧密结合在一起的是X射线闪烁体。

19、And he coupled five curtains by themselves, and six curtains by themselves. ─── 他把五幅幔子连成一幅,又把六幅幔子连成一幅

20、If I take a couple every hour, coupled with some anti-nausea tablets I've thrown in, they should build up in my system after a while. ─── 如果我每隔一小时吃两片,外加一些止呕吐药,它们应该能迟些发作。

21、We have a double whammy: inflation coupled with recession. ─── 我们祸不单行:通货膨胀加上经济衰退。

22、The Observed Structure of Convectively Coupled Kelvin Waves: Comparison with Simple Models of Coupled Wave Instability. ─── 对流耦合开尔文波的观测结构:与耦合波不稳定率的简单模式进行对比。

23、The microstructure of the products sintered at 1100 C~1300 C were discussed by SEM coupled with EDS. ─── 应用扫描电镜结合能谱仪,研究了三个系列的原料配比在1100℃~1300℃温度下热压烧结所得产物的显微结构特征。

24、Web service implementations are loosely coupled and can depend on the SOAP engine used internal to the application. ─── Web服务实现是松散耦合的,并取决于应用程序内部使用的SOAP引擎。

25、When coupled with SOI, the use of strained silicon speeds performance and decreases power consumption even more. ─── 如果与绝缘硅技术一起使用,应变硅技术可以更大程度地提高性能并降低功耗。

26、And your domain object to cooperate on the serialization process while remaining loosely coupled. ─── 与域对象合作完成序列化过程,同时还可以维持松散的耦合。

27、Support of the cease-fire was coupled with considerable vagueness as to what the parties were supposed to do afterward. ─── 一方面支持停火,但另一方面对于双方停火后怎么办则含混其词。

28、Optically coupled isolation amplifier is of very good linearity. ─── 光电耦合隔离放大器具有很高的线性度。

29、The two-section propeller is supported by a center bearing and coupled together by universal joints. ─── 两段传动轴之间有一个中间支承轴承,并由万向节连接。

30、So tightly coupled are genes and culture, Wilson and Lumsden say, that "genes and culture are inseverably linked. ─── 威尔逊和拉姆斯登说,基因和文化的耦合如此紧密,以致于“基因和文化不可分离地连为一体。

31、Distribution is based on the concept of loosely coupled nodes. ─── 分布式是基于松散耦合节点的概念之上的。

32、Overproduction, coupled with falling sales, has led to huge losses for the company. ─── 生产过剩加上销售下降使这家公司遭受巨大损失。

33、The bad light, coupled with the wet ground, made play very difficult. ─── 光线不足兼地面潮湿,使比赛难以进行。

34、NPDMC is a three dimensional Monte Calor code for multigroup neutron and photon coupled transPOrt duct calculation. ─── NPDMC是一个我国研制的多群中子和光子耦合输运的三维孔道计算蒙特卡罗程序。

35、Is the routine loosely coupled with the rest of the code? ─── 函数是否和其他代码松耦合?

36、The bad light, coupled with (ie together with) the wet ground, made play very difficult. ─── 光线不足兼之地面潮湿,比赛难以进行。

37、The key was her painstaking practice coupled with some skills. ─── 关键是她的刻苦训练再加上一些技巧。

38、First, a model of a pair of coupled particles interacting with a Heisenberg spin chain is presented. ─── 首先,本文提出了一个耦合粒子对与海森堡自旋链相互作用的模型。

39、He somehow coupled enormous intensity with warmth and kindness, and there was a vague sense of tragedy about him. ─── 他能集极度激烈与温和、善良于一身。 他身上有一种模糊的悲剧意识。

40、The bad light, coupled with(ie together with)the wet ground,made play very difficult. ─── 光线不足兼之地面潮湿,比赛难以进行.

41、This review is focused on the advances in sample pretreatment technique coupled to capillary electrophoresis. ─── 作者对毛细管电泳与样品前处理联用技术的研究进展进行了综述,以期对相关的研究工作提供参考。

42、CDTV uses a CD-ROM system that is coupled to a powerful computer. ─── 动态视频系统使用的是与大功率计算机相连的只读光盘系统。

43、The dynamics of the feed system are also an integral part of feed system coupled modes. ─── 供应系统动力特性也是供应系统耦合振型的主要部分。

44、A system typically has clusters of closely coupled components that are then loosely coupled to one another. ─── 一个系统一般有许多紧密耦合的组件,然后这些组件再与另一个系统松散耦合。

45、His name was coupled with hers. ─── 他的名字与她的连在了一起。

46、The selectivity behavior becomes coupled with the heat release hehavior for this particular reaction. ─── 对这个具体反应来说,选择特性和放热特性关联起来了。

47、In the case of general anisotropy it is coupled with the ordinary plane strain problem. ─── 在一般各向异性情况下,它与普通手面应变问题综合在一起了。

48、And every one of those articles is coupled with structured data that makes it easy to mix and match with other data sources. ─── 每篇文章都提供结构化数据,可以方便地与其他数据源匹配和组合。

49、Convectively Coupled Equatorial Waves: A New Methodology for Identifying Wave Structures in Observational Data. ─── 对流耦合赤道波:在观测数据中确定波结构的新方法。

50、Onset of the disease coupled with complex partial seizures alone is rarely seen in tuberculous meningitis cases. ─── 单以复杂性局部癫痫为初始症状在结核性脑膜炎是很少见的。

51、If you actually combine the best ideas of both, you end up with an extensible and modular and loosely coupled system. ─── 如果你真的结合二者的最佳思想,就可以得到一个可扩展的、模块化的、松散耦合的系统。

52、Tough sanctions must therefore be coupled with clearer incentives. ─── 大棒和胡萝卜的政策就要双管其下。

53、Coupled on a bowl of Miantang freebee store, the soup of the original water. ─── 再配上一碗店里奉送的面汤,原汤化原食。

54、Factors Affecting Climate Sensitivity in Global Coupled Models. ─── 全球耦合模式中影响气候敏感性的因子。

55、A reset transistor (RST) is coupled to the FD node. ─── 另外,一重置电晶体(RST)耦合至该浮动扩散节点(FD)。

56、Over-fishing, coupled with destructive fishing practices, is killing off the fish and ruining their environment. ─── 捕捞,再加上破坏性的捕捞方式,正在使鱼类灭绝,破坏它们的生存环境。

57、Figure B shows a scheme of a mass spectrometer coupled to a gas chromatograph. ─── B是气相色谱与质谱联用的框图。

58、A existence result is obtained via upper and lower solutions method coupled with the monotone iterative technique. ─── 利用上下解方法结合单调迭代技巧,我们得到了解的存在性结果。

59、An uncomfortable feeling of cold that doesn't make you shiver, coupled with a steady loss of body heat. ─── 一种不舒适的寒冷感,但并不令你发颤,伴随着体温的持续丧失。

60、The erasing of that barrier with a return to China, coupled with the government's support, is appealing, he said. ─── 他说,回国就消除了这种障碍,另外还有政府的支持,这是很吸引人的。

61、They coupled the carriages of the train together. ─── 他们把火车的车厢连接好。

62、For inductively coupled circuits, you must also consider the winding resistance of the inductor. ─── 对于电感耦合电路,必须考虑电感的直流电阻。

63、Nested types should be tightly coupled to their declaring type and must not be useful as a general purpose type. ─── 嵌套类型应与其声明类型紧密关联,并且不得用作通用类型。

64、Advanced Inductively Coupled Plasma Spectrometry. ─── 交互式高级感应耦合等离子体分析培训软件。

65、From a design perspective, this is a classic problem of the data model being coupled to view generation. ─── 从设计的角度来看,这是数据模型与视图生成耦合的经典问题。

66、The engine is coupled with a new 6 speed manual gearbox. ─── 发动机是加上一个新的6速手动变速箱。

67、They avoided being photographed together after they coupled up. ─── 他们结合以后,避免一起拍照。

68、The brakeman coupled two freight cars . ─── 制动员把两节货车连结到一起。

69、A clear view of the underlying physics of NR is presented qualitatively that is mainly related to the coupled SPPs. ─── 定性的解释了负折射现象的物理本质与耦合的表面等离激元有关。

70、Web services are loosely coupled, interoperable software components based on standard XML communication protocols. ─── Web服务是基于标准XML通信协议的松耦合的可互操作的软件组件。

71、HERO demonstrated superb tanking skills and coupled with well executed formations they soon had us on the defensive. ─── HERO展现了出色的坦克技巧并且整体阵形推进,很快我们就陷入防守。

72、MISO option uses the von Mises yield criteria coupled with an isotropic work hardening assumption. ─── 帮助中的小应变分析和大应变分析具体是指什么情况?

73、He began to count the women with whom he had coupled. ─── 他算了算自己已经跟多少女人睡过觉了。

74、Her name was coupled with his. ─── 她的名字与他的连在一起。

75、The Coupled model was used to simulate the Arctic Ocean sea ice climate variability. ─── 在资料分析和数值模拟的基础上,对北极海冰的气候变率进行了深入的研究,结果如下:

76、The tractor beam is coupled to the main reactor in seven locations. ─── 只要其中一个失去能源就可以让船离开

77、The two train cars had been coupled together. ─── 两节火车车厢已经挂上钩了。

78、The train will be ready to leave when all the carriages have been coupled. ─── 在所有车厢都连接好时列车即可开出。

79、Borderless trade, coupled with global financial integration, has created an efficient world market. ─── 商贸无国界,加上全球金融一体化,於是创造了一个效率超卓的世界市

80、Drought coupled with high temperatures caused the crops to fail. ─── 干旱外加高温使农作物歉收了。

81、Each storage unit is coupled with a third end of a corresponding switch for receiving the data transmitted from a corresponding data line. ─── 每一储存单元耦接于一相对应开关的第三端,用来接收一相对应的数据线传来的数据。

82、Several carriages were coupled on to the train. ─── 好几节车厢加挂在这列火车上。

83、The caboose is coupled to the last freight car. ─── 守车和最后一节货车联接上。

84、Coupled with the two Chinese parasol tree house, the yard many shady and cool. ─── 加上屋前的两棵梧桐,院子里荫凉了许多。

85、In analog and digital circuits, crosstalk between coupled microstrip lines can degrade the performance of equipment. ─── 在模拟和数字电路中,耦合微带线间的串扰会降低设备的性能。

86、Light is a wave composed of coupled electric and magnetic fields oscillating in synchrony at very high frequencies. ─── 光是一种由电场与磁场耦合在一起进行高频同步振荡所形成的波。

87、The sleeping car was coupled on at Nankou Station. ─── 在南口车站挂上了卧车。

88、They coupled two railway coaches. ─── 他们把两节火车车厢连接起来。

89、Medical treatment coupled with proper exercises and nourishment will help the patient recover soon. ─── 医药治疗与适当的运动和营养结合起来会帮助病人早日恢复健康。


CCD是英文Charge-coupled Device的缩写,中文翻译为电荷耦合元件。它是一种将光信号转化为电信号的器件,广泛应用于数码相机、视频摄像机等光学设备中。


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