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08-15 投稿


accidental 发音

英:[?ks?'dent(?)l]  美:[,?ks?'d?ntl]

英:  美:

accidental 中文意思翻译



accidental 网络释义

adj. 意外的;偶然的;附属的;临时记号的n. 次要方面;非主要的特性;临时记号

accidental 同义词

unthinking | stray | aimless | unintentional | provisional | unanticipated | circumstantial | incidental | conditional | freak | undesigned | adventitious | inessential | beside | the | casual | point | contingent | unessential | unpremeditated | haphazard | unforeseen | fluky | nonessential | parenthetical |fortuitous | extraneous | chance | irrelevant | unintended | unplanned | external | unlooked-for | unwitting | inadvertent | unexpected | dependent | serendipitous | extrinsic | random | beside the point

accidental 词性/词形变化,accidental变形

副词: accidentally |

accidental 反义词

voluntary |planned | intentional

accidental 短语词组

1、accidental error ─── [计] 偶然性错误 ─── [化] 偶然误差

2、accidental collision ─── [经] 意外碰撞

3、accidental accentuated ─── [医] 偶发性杂音

4、accidental destruction ─── [法] 意外毁损, 事故毁损

5、accidental death insurance ─── [经] 意外死亡福利

6、accidental damage ─── [经] 意外损坏

7、accidental bursa ─── [医] 磨擦囊, 偶发性粘液囊

8、accidental criminal ─── [法] 过失刑事犯

9、accidental albuminuria ─── [医] 偶发性蛋白尿

10、accidental fluctuation ─── [经] 无规则波动, 偶然变动

11、accidental injury ─── [法] 意外伤害过失伤害

12、accidental image ─── [医] 意外像, 后像

13、accidental death ─── [医] 事故死, 不测死

14、accidental abortion ─── [医] 意外流产

15、accidental cause ─── [法] 不能预见的结果

16、accidental force ─── [法] 不可抗力

17、accidental cost ─── [经] 意外的成本

18、accidental hemorrhage ─── [医] 意外出血(如正常位置胎盘分娩时的大量出血)

19、accidental amputation ─── [医] 意外切断, 偶然切断

accidental 相似词语短语

1、Occidentals ─── 西方人

2、accidents ─── n.[安全]事故(accident的复数);[安全]意外事故

3、accidentally ─── adv.意外地;偶然地

4、accidently ─── adv.(过时用法)意外地;偶然地

5、Occidental ─── n.西方人,欧美人;adj.西方(国家)的;欧美的

6、incidental ─── adj.附带的;偶然的;容易发生的;n.附带事件;偶然事件;杂项

7、accidented ─── adj.表面凹凸不平的,不平坦的

8、accidentals ─── adj.意外的;偶然的;附属的;临时记号的;n.次要方面;非主要的特性;临时记号

9、accident ─── n.事故;意外;[法]意外事件;机遇

accidental 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、One Thursday afternoon he get seriously injure in an accident. ─── 一个星期四下午,他在事故中受了重伤。

2、The exact cause of the accident is still in dispute. ─── 事故的真正起因仍有争议。

3、The accident left her paralyzed from the waist down. ─── 事故後她腰部以下瘫痪了。

4、The accident left her paralysed in both legs. ─── 事故后她的腰部以下瘫痪了。

5、Do not rush or you may have an accident. ─── 不要这么赶,否则你可能会出事故。

6、The accident happened as the jet was about to take off. ─── 喷气式飞机正要起飞时出了事故。

7、S& P said the accidental alert isn't an indication that the firm is reviewing France for a rating change. ─── 标普说,错误警报并不意味着该公司正在为下调评级对法国进行评估。

8、He is killed in an accident in the first flush of manhood. ─── 他正当盛年时在一次事故中丧生。

9、North bound traffic may be delayed because of an accident on the motorway. ─── 因高速公路上发生了事故,北往的交通可能受阻。

10、They decided to make a full exploration of the accident. ─── 他们决定对事故做一次全盘研究。

11、The discovery of how bronze is made was probably accidental, but it turned out to be an important event. ─── 发现如何制造青铜可能是偶然的,但结果证明这是一项很重要的事情。

12、He acknowledged that the accident was due to his negligence. ─── 他承认事故的发生是因为他的疏忽。

13、His death was owing to an accident. ─── 他的死是由一次事故造成的。

14、He was only partially to blame for the accident. ─── 他对事故只应负部分责任。

15、The accident was caused by one motorist completely misapprehending the intentions of the other. ─── 事故发生的原因是一个汽车驾驶员完全误解了另一个驾驶员的意图。

16、If anything happens to him (ie If he has an accident), let me know. ─── 万一他有什麽不测,就请通知我。

17、He kept a level head after the accident and informed both the police and the hospital. ─── 事故发生之后,他保持着清醒的头脑,并同时报告了警察和医院。

18、In the accident, the workers received a heavy dose of radiation. ─── 在这次事故中,工人受到大剂量的辐射。

19、She died in an accident shortly afterwards. ─── 不久以后,她就在一次事故中丧生。

20、The database will be zipped and backed up twice a week and protected against data loss due to any accidental computer problems. ─── 数据库一周压缩备份两次,以防电脑故障造成数据丢失。

21、Few passengers emerged from the car accident uninjured. ─── 在那次汽车事故中没有受伤的旅客寥寥无几。

22、Accident black spot ahead! Drive with care! ─── 前面是经常出事的路段!行车当心!

23、He was seriously injured in the traffic accident. ─── 他在车祸中受了重伤。

24、You're very lucky to be alive after that accident. ─── 你大难不死可真幸运。

25、Dressing is difficult for her since her accident. ─── 在她出了事故以来,穿衣服一直都很费劲。

26、He makes a deposition that he have witness the accident. ─── 他宣誓作证自己目睹了那起事故。

27、You are lucky to be alive after being in that accident. ─── 你真幸运,经过那场车祸还能生还。

28、In the sleep suddenly the accidental death, the reason is often unclear. ─── 常于睡眠中突然意外死亡,原因不清。

29、He had a slip of tongue by accident. ─── 他偶然说走嘴。

30、The real causes of the accident are now in the open. ─── 事故的真正原因现已非常明显。

31、He told us the accident in detail. ─── 他详细地把事故讲给我们听。

32、The accident rushed upon them before they had time to collect their wits. ─── 他们还没来得及定神,那事故就降临到他们头上。

33、He had an accident and bashed up his car. ─── 他出了交通事故,把车子撞毁了。

34、It might be accidental, no doubt, certainly, but it was a menacing accident. ─── 这也许……想必……肯定是一种偶然的巧合,但是一种带威胁性的偶合。

35、His car accident has been a lesson to him to stop driving too fast. ─── 他的车祸给了他一个教训,使他不再开快车。

36、Did you see the piece in the newspaper about Mrs Smith's accident? ─── 你看过报纸上关于史密斯太太出了事故的报道吗?

37、The man who was died in that accident has been interred. ─── 在那次事故中死的那个人已经被埋葬了。

38、The company hired a detective to investigate the accident. ─── 公司雇佣了一名侦探来调查这次事故。

39、He had a scar on his arm from an accident. ─── 他的手臂上因为事故留下了一个伤疤。

40、His left arm was hurt in an accident. ─── 他的左胳膊在一次事故中受伤了。

41、The accident didn't do much damage to the cylinder. ─── 在意外事故中,汽缸没有受到重大损坏。

42、The day before her accident, she had a premonition of danger. ─── 在发生事故的前一天,她有一种会发生危险的预感。

43、He upon the solution to the problem almost by accident. ─── 他几平出于偶然而想出了解决问题的办法。

44、He alleges that he was not with you at the time the accident occurred. What do you say to that? ─── 他一口咬定事故发生的时候,他没有和你在一起,对此,你有什么可说的?

45、He was all but killed by the traffic accident. ─── 他几乎死于车祸。

46、He brake his car just in time to avoid an accident. ─── 他及时煞车,避免了一次事故。

47、They imputed the accident to the driver's carelessness. ─── 他们把事故归咎于驾驶员的疏忽。

48、His optic nerve was hurt in an accident. ─── 他的视神经在一次事故中受到损伤。

49、The accident took place at the crossroads. ─── 事故就发生在十字路口。

50、The news that their son had been killed in the car accident knocked them cold. ─── 儿子在汽车事故中丧生的消息把他们都惊得晕了过去。

51、We insure against all damage, accidental or otherwise. ─── 我们的保险包括一切意外或其他损失。

52、His left knee was hurt in a traffic accident. ─── 他的左膝在一次交通事故中受伤了。

53、After the accident, the car was a complete write-off. ─── 出事以後,那辆汽车完全报废了。

54、At least 10 000 children are involved in accidental poisonings every year. ─── 每年至少有1万名儿童意外中毒。

55、The accident victims are in/have been taken into intensive care. ─── 事故受害者在特别护理中[已送进特别护理病房]。

56、All blame for the accident must attach to myself. ─── 事故的一切责任应由本人承担。

57、coroner recorded a verdict of accidental death. ─── 验尸官判定这是一次意外死亡。

58、His account of the accident tallies with yours. ─── 他对该故事的说法和你一样。

59、I wish I could get the picture of that accident out of my head. ─── 但愿我真能忘记那次可怕的事故场面。

60、His limp is the result of an accident. ─── 他腿瘸是事故所致。

61、She is still in shock after the accident. ─── 事故发生后到现在,她仍然处于休克状态。

62、The accident made him lame in the left leg. ─── 出事後他的左腿瘸了。

63、The driver must bear a portion of the blame for the accident. ─── 司机应该对这场车祸负部分责任。

64、He had had a blackout after the accident. ─── 事故发生后,他晕过去一阵子。

65、He had a spinal injury in that accident. ─── 他在那次事故中脊柱受了伤。

66、A rapid manoeuvre by the driver prevented an accident. ─── 司机动作迅速而熟练因此避免了一场事故。

67、You are not wholly to blame for the accident. ─── 你不应承担事故的全部责任。

68、He generalized from that accident and said that all women are bad driver. ─── 他因那次车祸而下结论说所有女性都不善于开车。

69、The accident happened at six o'clock. ─── 事故发生在六点钟。

70、A passenger perchance ride on the wagon prevent a fatal accident. ─── 一个偶然坐车的旅客使这辆大车免遭了一场大祸。

71、He testified that he had not seen the accident. ─── 他作证说他没有看见那次事故。

72、He sliced his finger by accident when cutting vegetables. ─── 他切菜时不小心割破了手指。

73、Some new information has come to light about the accident. ─── 关于那次事故,已经了解到一些新的情况。

74、They accepted responsibility for the accident. ─── 他们承认了对这次事故所负的责任。

75、Learning to walk again after his accident required great patience. ─── 他出事后重新学习走路要有极大的毅力。

76、His wife was killed in a car accident. ─── 他的妻子在车祸中丧生。

77、He did it whether by accident or design. ─── 不知道他是偶然还是有意做了这件事。

78、Many coal-miners were imprisoned in a pit accident. ─── 在一次塌方事故中,许多矿工被压在了井下。

79、His arm was severed from his body in the accident. ─── 在那次意外中,他的手臂被切断了。

80、His leg was deformed in an accident. ─── 他的腿在一次事故中致畸。

81、Death is instantaneous in a fatal accident. ─── 在致命的事故中,死亡是即刻发生的。

82、Tang wept after hanging up the phone. Now he was fully aware that it was their behavior, accidental or not, which led to Zhang's death. ─── 通话结束后,唐清威哭了。现在,他充分地意识到无论此事是否属于意外,都是他们的行为导致了张的牺牲。

83、He walked away from the accident completely unscathed. ─── 他安然无恙地从事故现场走开了。

84、She was in a very overwrought state after the accident. ─── 事故发生后她精神十分紧张。

85、Did you claim on the insurance after your car accident? ─── 出了车祸后,你向保险公司要求赔偿了吗?

86、The Kochs admitted that they had improperly taken thirty-one million dollars' worth of crude oil, but said that it had been accidental. ─── 科赫公司承认其以非正当手段侵占了约合三千一百万美元的原油,但声称这仅仅是意外。

87、The accident happened/occurred at about 9.30. ─── 事故发生在9点30分左右。

88、His accident has put paid to his chances of taking part in the race. ─── 他的那次事故葬送了他参加那次赛跑的机会。

89、He was plagued by a very discommodious accident. ─── 他为一件极其麻烦的意外事件所困。

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