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08-15 投稿


insinuating 发音

英:[?n?s?njue?t??]  美:[?n?s?njue?t??]

英:  美:

insinuating 中文意思翻译



insinuating 同义词

hypocrisy | lip | service | falseness | deceit | deviousness | disingenuousness | lip service | mendacity |dishonesty | hollowness

insinuating 反义词


insinuating 短语词组

1、insinuating meaning ─── 暗示意义

insinuating 词性/词形变化,insinuating变形

副词: insinuatingly |

insinuating 相似词语短语

1、sinuating ─── adj.波状的;弯弯曲曲的;vi.弯曲;蜿蜒

2、inseminating ─── vt.使受胎;栽植;人工授精

3、antiquating ─── v.废弃;使过时,使古旧;使……具有古旧形式或风格(antiquate的现在分词)

4、insinuatingly ─── adv.谄媚地;奉承地

5、inspissating ─── v.(以蒸发)使浓缩;使凝结

6、infatuating ─── v.使糊涂,使冲昏头脑;使迷恋;adj.(古)着迷的(同infatuated);n.热恋者,迷恋者;被冲昏头脑的人

7、insinuations ─── n.暗示;暗讽;间接的讽刺

8、insinuation ─── n.暗示;暗讽;间接的讽刺

9、insinuative ─── adj.暗示的;巧妙巴结的;讽刺的

insinuating 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、insinuating manner ─── 献媚的样子

2、There is an insinuation in that remark. or That's an insinuating remark. ─── 话里有文章。

3、He may have been insinuating that Job's sin was self-righteousness and bringing judgment upon God. ─── 可能是以此暗示,约伯的罪便是自以为义及论断上帝。

4、Are you insinuating that I' m telling a lie ? ─── 你这是意味着我是在说谎吗?

5、you insinuating daniel ? ─── 你究竟是什么意思?

6、Are you insinuating that Im not telling the truth? ─── 中文:你这是意味着我没讲真话吗?

7、He is extremely insinuating, but it's a vulgar nature ─── 他好奉承拍马,那是种庸俗的品格。

8、162.Suggesting that one thing.is better than another thing.bears no more significance than insinuating that black is better than white. ─── 暗示一件东西比另一件东西更好比旁敲侧击地说黑比白好并没有更大的意义。

9、Are you insinuating I'm gay? ─── 你在暗示我是同性恋?

10、Number of insinuating remarks made on the matter by Arsene Wenger: 0. ─── 就此事温格先生的奚落性评价数目:0。

11、Helping around the house and garden, Ashe quickly makes himself indispensable at the vicarage, insinuating himself ever deeper into village life. ─── 让人感觉到一个实实在在的桃花源。

12、3. Are you insinuating that I'm not telling the truth? ─── 你这是意味着我没讲真话吗?

13、against the poet's insinuating manner, and Mr. Slum entered the order in a small note-book as a three-anD-sixpenny one. ─── 乍莱太太敌不过诗人那种死乞白赖的态度,斯拉姆先生就把三先令六便士作为一笔定货登记在记录薄上。

14、you insinuating that I am insane?' the patient blurted out indignantly. ─── 你是在暗示我精神错乱吗?”病人愤慨地脱口而出。

15、Are you insinuating that am liar? ─── 你绕来绕去是否暗指我在撒谎?

16、78. Mrs. Jarley was not proof against the poet's insinuating manner , and Mr. Slum entered the order in a small note-book as a three-and-sixpenny one. ─── 乍莱太太敌不过诗人那种死乞白赖的态度,斯拉姆先生就把三先令六便士作为一笔定货登记在记录薄上。

17、Well, you stand well with M. Morrel I hear,--you insinuating dog, you!" ─── 唔,我听说你和莫雷尔先生的关系不错,你这只得宠的小狗!”

18、insinuate We're not insinuating anything. ─── 我们没有暗示什么。

19、insinuating remarks. ─── 令人生疑的言谈

20、On the Insinuating Language in Taoist Works ─── 道书隐语刍议

21、Artful words and an insinuating countenance ─── 巧言令色

22、Are you insinuating that I am the one who stole Andy's radio? ─── 你在暗示是我偷了安迪的收音机吗?

23、Sasha, after insinuating he might bolt overseas should he not get a salary boost, has put on a pretty abysmal display of perimeter shooting this entire season. ─── 萨沙,在他暗示可能跑去海外打球之后实在不该给他涨工资,何况这赛季的的投篮实在是糟透了。

24、His oily, insinuating tones, his greasy smile, and his monstrous self-conceit grated on my nerves. ─── 他那油腻的,暗暗巴结的腔调,那油滑的笑,那可怕的自负,折磨着我的神经。

25、"How do I know?" he said. He didn't quite seem to know what I was insinuating. ─── “我怎么会知道?”他似乎并不很明白我在暗示什么。

26、That didn't stop Smith from insinuating afterward that the referees have favored the Lakers. "It's tough going 5-on-8, " he said. ─── 在裁判判罚倾向湖人之后,掘金仍然没有告诫史密斯停止他的语言攻击。“以5敌8很困难。”他说道。

27、Confucius said," Those who utter fine words and put on an insinuating look are seldom benevolent! ─── 孔子说:“花言巧语,装出一副笑脸的人是很少有仁德的啊!”

28、Suggesting that one thing ... is better than another thing ... bears no more significance than insinuating that black is better than white . ─── 声称某样东西是正确的没有什么意义,而提出可以证实的事实能证明它的正确性。

29、Surely there are better, less insinuating ways to cover up or apologize for a drunken photo than legally disowning your name. ─── 当然对于你的喝醉了的照片等,为了掩盖或道歉,比起合法的改变你的名字外,还有更好,更宛转的方法。

30、Suggesting those one thing ... is preferable than anotIT thing ... bears no abundance significance than insinuating those black is preferable than chalkiness . ─── 暗示一件物品比另一件物品更好比旁敲侧击地说黑比白好并么有更大的意义。

31、After seeing this extraordinary show, Mr Melikian wrote an inflammatory review, insinuating that the discovery could have been a hoax. ─── 看了这场非同寻常的展览后,MELIKIAN先生写了一篇火药味十足的评论,暗示这项发现可能是一场骗局。

32、I don't know what the Italian player Materazzi said to Zidane but I believe it was something insinuating. ─── 不知道意大利球员马特拉斯对施丹说了些什麽,但是 相信是一些挑衅性的说话。

33、Never know insinuating others don't care of him, facing the promotion who desperately climb the generations, it will only "dear, dear!"sighed by them out after behind. ─── 从来都不懂得巴结别人也不关心升职的他,面对着那些拼命往上爬的后辈们,只会“哎呀,哎呀”的叹息之后被他们撵在后面。

34、insinuating remark ─── 暗示的话

35、Are you insinuating that I am a liar ─── 你绕来绕去是否暗指我在撒谎?

36、Blow up Mode: Shout and holler, bullet-spitting, unselective in words, teeth gritting, insinuating other’s faults. ─── 愤怒式的生气:大吼大叫、口不择言、咬牙切齿、指桑骂槐。

37、His oily, insinuating tones, his greasy smile, and his monstrous self-conceit grated on my nerves ─── 他那油腻的,暗暗巴结的腔调,那油滑的笑,那可怕的自负,折磨着我的神经。

38、You risk insulting your French host by insinuating his cellar is inadequate. ─── 你冒的危险是:这可能对你的法国主人是一种羞辱,因为送酒暗示他的酒窖中无好酒待客。

39、insinuating expression ─── 令色

40、* What are you insinuating? ─── 你旁敲侧击, 究竟指的是什麽?

41、Her insinuating tone, like infrared light elucidates the hidden writing of civilisation. ─── 她的暗示性的语调,像红外线的光芒一样拨亮了一种隐含意味的文明写作。

42、"How do I know? " he said. He didn't quite seem to know what I was insinuating. ─── “我怎么会知道?”他似乎并不很明白我在暗示什么。

43、an insinuating smile/glance/tone ─── 暗示的微笑/眼光/语调

44、Number of insinuating remarks made on the matter by Arsene Wenger ─── 阿森纳的温格对这件事做出的暗示性的评论数

45、Emilia.I will be hang'd, if some eternal villain, Some busy and insinuating rogue, Some cogging, cozening slave, to get some office, Have not devised this slander; ─── 爱米利娅我可以打赌,一定有一个万劫不复的恶人,一个爱管閒事、鬼讨好的傢伙,一个说假话骗人的奴才,因为要想钻求差使,造出这样的谣言来;

46、Then a few minutes later, with the Lakers losing, Farmar's body language changes, insinuating Vujacic should've given Farmar the ball earlier on a fast-break situation. ─── 但是几分钟后,在湖人落后的情况下,法玛尔的肢体语言有点改变,他显然有抱怨沙沙应该在这次快攻中早点将球传给他。

47、What are you insinuating? ─── 你旁敲侧击,究竟指得是什么?

48、Are you insinuating that I am liar? ─── 中文:你绕来绕去是否暗指我在撒谎?

49、Are you insinuating I'm hiding something on purpose? ─── 你是否暗示我故意隐藏了什么?

50、Meade, you can't be insinuating that there's ever been anything between those two!” ─── 贾弗里队长听了很生气,说他们干这样的事年纪太大,气得他们要揍他。

51、Insinuating , wove with Gordian twine;; ─── 曲意巴结的, 暗示的;

52、Cletus kept making insinuating remarks. ─── 克莱塔斯不断地在说些含沙射影的话。

53、The sexy, insinuating voice remains intact, though there's no call for it here. ─── 一时冲动,她的租金,并立即行动英寸孤独。

54、His bright, insinuating suggestions fell on deaf ears. ─── 人们对他的精彩巧妙插入的建议充耳不闻。

55、Fine words and an insinuating appearance are seldom associated with true virtue. ─── 好听的话语和隐忍的表情并非是真正的美德。

56、6、When someone gives something to your child, she should never insult that person by making negative comments about the gift or by insinuating that it isn't appreciated. ─── 有人送礼物时,孩子不能表示出负面的评价或者暗示不喜欢礼物而使他人难堪。

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