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08-15 投稿


animation 发音

英:[??n??me??(?)n]  美:[??n??me??(?)n]

英:  美:

animation 中文意思翻译



animation 常用词组

computer animation ─── 电脑卡通制作;计算机直观显示

animation software ─── 动画软体

suspended animation ─── 假死;不省人事;历程中断

animation 反义词


animation 同义词

activity | enthusiasm | vibrancy | color | vitality | vigour | invigoration | cartoon | excitement | liveliness | dynamism | vivification | computer graphics | simulation | moving picture | spiritedness | energy | inspiration | living | celerity | kick | pep | life | aliveness | existence | brio | animatronics |vigor

animation 短语词组

1、color animation ─── 彩色动画

2、Marvel Animation ─── 神奇动画

3、animation language ─── [计] 动画制作语言

4、Pixar Animation Studios ─── 皮克斯动画工作室

5、play animation ─── 播放动画

6、cell animation ─── [计]单元动画制作

7、suspended animation ─── [医] 生活暂停, 假死

8、computer animation ─── [电] 电脑卡通制作

9、easy animation studio easy ─── 动画工作室

10、still animation ─── 仍然是动画

11、animation studio ─── 动画工作室

12、hiding animation ─── 隐藏动画

13、continuous animation ─── 连续动画

14、animation system ─── [计] 动画制作系统

15、Kyoto Animation ─── 京都动画

16、domestic animation ─── 国产动画

17、comics and animation club ─── 动漫俱乐部

18、video animation ─── 视频动画

19、clay animation ─── 黏土动画

animation 词性/词形变化,animation变形


animation 相似词语短语

1、inanimation ─── n.没有生命;不活动;不活泼

2、animations ─── n.[电影]动画片(animation的复数)

3、animatic ─── n.样片;有声动画系列广告;(电影)原始片;(非正式)动态分镜

4、maximation ─── 极大化

5、amation ─── 聚敛

6、animalian ─── 动物

7、intimation ─── n.暗示;告知;讽示

8、exanimation ─── n.昏迷,晕厥

9、reanimation ─── n.复活;鼓舞;激励

animation 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He conducted these instructional sessions with animation and humor. ─── 他在这些会议上讲话诙谐生动。

2、Chinese Classic Animation Te Wei Collection. ─── 中国经典动画。

3、The animation building module is implemented using Servlet and Applet. ─── 动画生成模块使用Servlet结合Applet技术实现。

4、The High Point of The Animation Film. ─── 动画电影的高潮。

5、However, for animation, I think the link is stronger. ─── 不过,对于动画来说,我认为这种联系更强些。

6、Animation by its nature is labor-intensive. ─── 动画从本质上说是劳动密集型的。

7、Create believable walk cycles and learn effective animation techniques in XSI. ─── 在XSI中创建真实可信的环线行走,学习有效的动画技术。

8、Inserts a thin border around the window of an animation or video. ─── 在动画或视频窗口的周围插入一个细边界。

9、Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM) hired him in 1937 as animation director. ─── 1937年汉纳受雇于米高梅制片公司,当了动画片制作人。

10、The graphic technology of 3D verity is the core of visualization in calculation, computer animation and 3D GIS. ─── 三维真实感的图形技术是科学计算可视化、电脑动画和三维地理信息系统的核心。

11、Strong artistic aptitudes and skills in 2D animation. ─── 具有良好的艺术功底和2D动画技术基础。

12、The animation of China made a great progress. ─── 中国的卡通片制作取得很大发展。

13、Added a new double-attack animation for "Mutilate". ─── 为"毁伤"增加一个新的双攻击动画.

14、An animation explains the system step by step. ─── 动画一步一步地解释了这一体制。

15、George Maestri, "Digital Character Animation", New Riders Press, 1996. ─── 乔治大师, "数码动画" ,新车手出版社, 1996 。

16、A few drops of the rum restored suspended animation, while the friction of his limbs restored their elasticity. ─── 几滴朗姆酒使年轻人衰弱的心脏重新兴奋起来,而他四肢也因受到了按摩而重新恢复了活力。

17、Center: form top, creating animation; Cleaning celluloid. ─── 中:(上及下)原画制作及清洁处理。

18、What animation is ?Timing and pose. ─── 什么是动画?时间和姿势。

19、ACG means, animation, comic and game. ─── 动画,C:漫画,G:游戏。

20、Animation and special effects are nothing short of eye-pleasing. ─── 动画和特技效果同样能让人达到视觉快乐。

21、OG---Super Robot War Original Generation The Animation! ─── 动画简介:超级机器人大战!

22、From the Animation menu, select Animation, Start . ─── 从“动画”菜单中选择“动画”、“开始”。

23、The appearance of animation of a figure in painting or sculpture. ─── 动态绘画或雕塑中人物活力的体现。

24、Feedback: The screen shows the user an animation of Mario jumping. ─── 反馈:屏幕向玩家显示一个马力欧跳跃的动画。

25、I scoop outs the experience of combining Montage movie technique and animation painting in foreign animation slice. ─── 充分挖掘外国动画片在蒙太奇电影技巧与动画绘画相结合方面的经验。

26、If you don't like the open/close animation, you can disable it here. ─── 28如果您不喜欢开/关动画,您可以在此禁用它。

27、Animation can be achieved flight chess source. Can see that good! ─── 可以实现动画的飞行棋源码。可以看看,不错的!

28、Start by making a box like this. You will need to make it large enough to contain all the lava for the entire animation. ─── 让我们以下面这个方盒子开始。你需要让它足够的大以容纳整个岩浆的动画。

29、Several animation and animation speed adjustments throughout the game. ─── 一些单位动作和动作速度的调整。

30、Animation A set of pictures simulating movement when played in series. ─── 动画一组图片按照顺序播放达到模拟动作的效果。

31、Using sophisticated computer animation to create the illusion of color seems to be the focus of the mainstream film world real. ─── 用高超电脑动画特技创造的虚幻焦色俨然成了电影世界真正的主流。

32、What message do you think the LOGO animation tell you? ─── 你觉得影片的开头关于商标的那段动画能告诉你什么信息?

33、Animation can be produced by using tools like Gif Construction Set. ─── 利用Gif Construction Set一类的工具可以生成动画。

34、Animation was the first kind of moving image that demonstrated this. ─── 动画正是证明这点的第一种运动影像。

35、The level up animation will no longer play while in combat mode. ─── 动画的水平,直至将不再发挥,而在战斗模式。

36、The use of DIB animation button! Clearly show that the VC + +, what can! ─── 使用DIB制作动画按钮!清楚表明VC++什么都能实现!

37、Gestures in animation can be so many things. ─── 在动画中,手势可以是很多东西。

38、Then on the animation palette, click the Tween button. ─── 在动画面板上点击渐变按钮。

39、Analyze typical black humor animation and silent animation. ─── 分析经典的黑色幽默动画以及无声动画。

40、Fixed issue where an NPC would occasionally not perform the proper idle animation. ─── 修正了NPC有时候不进行适当的固定动作的问题。

41、Fixed window interior during the Rollup animation. ─── 17在上滚动画时固定窗口内部。

42、Motion capture data contains keyframe animation. ─── 动作捕捉数据包含帧动画。

43、Nov. 29, 2005: The International "Gold Panda" Animation Expo concluded. ─── 2005年11月29日,“金熊猫”国际动漫数字博览会闭幕。

44、The amount of time in milliseconds between each render of the animation. ─── 以毫秒为度量时间代表了每个特效执行的间隔。

45、Meanwhile, the Cartoon and Animation Expo also received430,000 visitors during the7- day holiday. ─── 同时,7天的假期中,参观动漫展的人数也达到了43万人次。

46、Gnome male animation for "Mutilate" causes the main hand dagger to stick through the gnome's shoulder. ─── 侏儒男性的“毁伤”动画中主手匕首会穿过自己的肩膀。

47、Alert: China Dog Massacre: Nov 7, 2006. We Need Your Help! Focus: Anim....... ─── 发给朋友转到小组(打标签)收藏推荐0推荐收藏看看现在的中国人...(一)查看全文2006-11-1811:42:02

48、XXL intor an 3D animation for the performance of XXL on live. ─── 加加大开场加加大现场演出开场三维动画。

49、"Summer Night" is a 3D animation film produced mainly by MAYA. ─── 《夏夜》是一部以MAYA为主要软件工具制作而成三维动画短片。

50、The animation is awesome and gets better and better every year. ─── 动画片尤其精采,而且一年比一年好看。

51、They talked of their holiday plans with great animation. ─── 他们非常起劲地谈着度假计划。

52、Gou Zhongwen, vice-mayor of Beijing municipal government, said the animation and comic industry is one of the city's most vibrant strengths. ─── 北京市副市长苟忠文称,动画和喜剧产业已成为北京市最具活力的发展动力。

53、What creaters computer animation is the artest. ─── 创造电脑动画的乃是艺术家。

54、An expression evaluating to an animation number (int). ─── 一个算出动画号的表达式(整数型)。

55、Enhancement in the animation engine computation speed. ─── 优化了动画引擎的计算速度.

56、The button will resize to match the size of AVI animation. ─── AVI动画按钮,这个按钮可以自动调整大小以适合AVI动画显示。

57、Animation features are easier to find and you have a lot more control. ─── 可以更轻松地找到并更好地控制动画功能。

58、I'm talking about the concept of using suspended animation to help people out in trauma. ─── 我要谈的是利用假死帮助创伤患者治疗。

59、Animation (2 Viewing) General discussion on computer animation. ─── 动画(2位会员正在浏览)电脑动画综合讨论区。

60、An exuberant synthesis of animation and music. ─── 动画与音乐的完美组合。

61、The Fascination of Myth Characters in China in Animation CreationYangJiajing? ─── 中国神话人物在动画创作中的魅力?

62、Cyclic: The animation Image is repeated cyclically. ─── 动画图像循环重复。

63、Second, the concept of animation production is outmoded, lack oforiginality. ─── 二、动漫制作观念陈旧,缺乏创意;

64、Turn animation off to get a calmer browsing experience. ─── 关闭动画可以让浏览体验更加清静。

65、The University of Digital content is an animation school in Akihabara. ─── “数字内容大学”是位于秋叶原的一所动画学校。

66、He was full of colour and animation. ─── 他充满魅力,生机勃勃。

67、The films are a mix of animation and full-length features. ─── 这些电影是动画和情节长片的混合体。

68、The domestic studios cannot cover the production of animation films any longer. ─── 国内的工作室已经不能满足对动画片产量的要求。

69、His face was drained of all colour and animation. ─── 他面如死灰。

70、What is the characteristic of animation role performance? ─── 动画角色表演的特征是什么?

71、You can preview your animation by clicking on View. Press the ESC key to stop the animation. ─── 你可以通过点击“查看”来预览你的动画。按下“ESC”键停止播放动画。

72、In animation, the instantaneous removal of a pictorial information. ─── 在动画中,瞬间取走图形信息。

73、Fixed issue where a player could get stuck in run animation. ─── 修正了当玩家在奔跑时被卡在某处的问题。

74、Seuss, using cutout and paintbox animation of the original illustrations. ─── 一般注General Note Based on the books by Dr.

75、Added a new double-attack animation for Mutilate. ─── 为残肢增加的新双重攻击动画。

76、Dinosaur' combines CGI animation with live-action location shots. ─── 恐龙》结合了电脑生成的动画和外景地实地拍摄的画面。

77、Exposure to a gas leak in an abandoned mine induced a former Army Air Corps officer to lapse into a form of suspended animation. ─── 由于呼吸到了废弃矿井中的泄漏气体,一名前陆军航空队军官陷入了一种假死状态。

78、Animation and sound can convey feedback to the consumer. ─── 动画和声音可以用来充当反馈信息。

79、Background Scroll DHTML Scroller for Background Animation. ─── 可以产生背景动画效果的程序。

80、Anim Quality: These settings represent the same settings as the Warcraft III in-game animation quality settings. ─── 动画质量:这个参数代表着魔兽三游戏中同样的动画质量参数。

81、Firekites - AUTUMN STORY - chalk animation from Lucinda Schreiber on Vimeo. ─── 一个很精致的粉笔动画,很喜欢里面的音乐。

82、Justin Leach: How do you feel about western CG animation? ─── 你对于西方CG动画的看法?

83、The significant of animation sound rhythm design. ─── 动画声音结构的层级结构动画声音节奏设计的意义。

84、Displays the caption and control bar when you play audio, video, or animation. ─── 在你演奏声音、图像或视频时,显示标题和控制条。

85、This film is the first British animation sold to an American network. ─── 这部电影是卖给一家美国电视网的第一部英国动画片。

86、Found the outlet for original ofChinese animation short film. ─── 为中国动画短片的原创找到出路。

87、At least 2 years of Architecture, Interior and Architectural animation experience in design field preferred. ─── 优先考虑在设计领域至少有2年的建筑、室内和建筑动画制作经验的应聘者;

88、They were full of animation as they talked of their holiday. ─── 他们谈起假日来个个十分兴奋。

89、Notice: New illustrations, animation in progress ... ─── 公告:新插画,动画...进行中

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