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08-15 投稿


lurked 发音

英:[l??kt]  美:[l??rkt]

英:  美:

lurked 中文意思翻译



lurked 短语词组

1、lurked in ─── 潜伏在

2、lurked beneath ─── 潜伏在下面

lurked 词性/词形变化,lurked变形

动词过去分词: lurked |动词现在分词: lurking |副词: lurkingly |动词第三人称单数: lurks |动词过去式: lurked |

lurked 同义词

prowl | couch | hang about | slink | scupper | creep | bushwhack | footle | mess about | loaf | waylay | lounge | tarry | ambuscade | sneak | lie in wait | mill around | linger | loiter | lallygag | hang around | hide | lollygag | ambush | wait | skulk | mill about

lurked 反义词

appear | emerge

lurked 相似词语短语

1、lured ─── n.诱惑;饵;诱惑物;vt.诱惑;引诱;引怪(游戏术语);n.(Lure)卢尔(人名)

2、lirked ─── 立克

3、larked ─── v.嬉耍,玩乐(lark的过去式及过去分词);n.(Lark)六(人名)

4、lurker ─── n.潜伏者

5、lurched ─── v.突然倾斜;(因震惊或惊恐等)心猛地一跳,胃猛地翻腾;蹒跚;突然改变(行为或态度);见死不救;击败;n.突然倾斜;失败,挫折;蹒跚;n.(Lurch)(美、德、加)卢尔希(人名)

6、lucked ─── n.运气;幸运;带来好运的东西;vi.靠运气,走运;凑巧碰上;n.(Luck)人名;(德、瑞典)卢克;(英)勒克;(法)吕克

7、clerked ─── 办事员

8、lusked ─── 光

9、burked ─── v.(通常用窒息方式)秘密谋杀;n.(Burke)(美、加、英、澳)伯克(人名)

lurked 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Still, for decades, scientists had clues that a vast cloud of antimatter lurked in space, but they did not know where it came from. ─── 不过,数十年来,科学家们发现了表明在宇宙空间中存有大量反物质的线索,但是反物质从何而来科学家们还不知道。

2、For this reason, Hou Yi was respected and loved by the people and lots of people of ideals and integrity came to him to learn martial arts from him.A person named Pang Meng lurked in them. ─── 后羿因此受到百姓的尊敬和爱戴,不少有志之士慕名前来投师学艺,心术不正的蓬蒙也混了进来。

3、The faster the Arctic ice cap melts, the frostier Russia grows towards potential rival claimants for the oil and minerals that lurk beneath. ─── 北极冰帽融化得越快,俄罗斯对竞争冰帽之下的石油和矿物的潜在对手就越冰冷。

4、Lord Voldemort returns and dark forces lurk beyond the enchanted gates of Hogwarts School. ─── 伏地魔重生、黑暗势力逼近霍格伍兹学校那被施以魔法的大门。

5、In a moment Carrie was alone again, and was saying, with animation: "I must return to the city, no matter what dangers may lurk here. ─── 不一会儿,台上又只剩嘉莉一个人了。 她正在心情激动地说:“我必须回城里去,不管有什么危险等在那里。 我必须去。

6、They lurk about, ready to fling out their routine insults ─── 他们暗中思量,准备说出他们常说的侮辱之词。

7、More than just black bass lurk in these lakes.Also, there is a lake in which BARRAMUNDI inhabits. ─── 在湖里不仅潜藏着黑巴斯鱼,还有澳洲肺鱼哦。

8、Slowly she swam, feeding on the fishes that lived in the sea and the plants that grew there, and snapping u the shellfishes that lurked in the rocks where the sea bordered the land. ─── 她慢慢的在海里游,以海里的鱼和长在海里的草为食,吃那些海洋与陆地边界躲藏在原石下的甲贝动物。她从海的这边游到海的那边,在陆地与海洋之间来回往复着。

9、Good humour gleamed in his eyes and lurked in the corners of his mouth. ─── 一种幽默感在他的眼中隐约地闪现,也潜伏在嘴角上。

10、The seas and rivers were a mystery to be feared, for lurked unknown creatures and death by drowning. ─── 海洋和河流是令人生畏的谜,因为那里潜伏着不为人知的生物和被淹没而死亡的危险。

11、to lurk; to hide oneself to escape capture ─── 匿伏

12、Yet beneath the hallmark bullishness, there lurked a desire to restrain expectations that appeared more than simply an attempt to take the pressure off his players. ─── 但是在穆帅标志性的自信后面,潜伏着降低期望的决心,这不仅仅是为了从他的球员身上分担压力。

13、English: Pride may lurk under a threadbare cloak. ─── 中文:骄傲可能潜藏在旧斗篷下。

14、The hornets are the worst -- they often lurk outside the hives to rob the bees." ─── 你得提防虫子爬进来,还得提防大黄蜂。 大黄蜂这贼最恶,常常落在蜜蜂窝洞口。 专干坏事。”

15、Without high growth, all sorts of dangers lurk for other economies too. ─── 如果没有了较高的经济增长,其它经济体也会暗藏着各式各样的危险。

16、Voters everywhere will focus mainly on local issues, as they always do, but in the background will lurk broader arguments over the changing attitudes to markets and the role of the state. ─── 各地选民将一如既往地关注本地情况,但是大背景将是潜伏着更广泛的争论:关于对市场与对政府角色的态度的变换。

17、WASHINGTON( Reuters)- Drug-resistant versions of the AIDS virus passed from mother to child can quickly hide in the infant's immune system cells and lurk for years, researchers reported on Monday. ─── 华盛顿(透社)周一研究人员报道说从母体传到孩体的抗药性艾滋病毒能迅速隐藏在儿童免疫系统细胞中,并潜伏多年.

18、Given that Wolbachia is common in arthropods - it may lurk in a fifth or more of insects - yet has never been found in any vertebrates, this seems extremely unlikely. ─── 但事情有可能变得更糟,因为在蚊子中形成(传染因子)所需的时间和疾病传播力之间呈指数关系。”另一方面,具有更快复制能力的登革热病毒可能会导致疾病的猛烈爆发。

19、Beneath his fun lurked the sterile bitterness of the still young man who has tried and given up. ─── 在他快活的外表下潜藏着一个尽了努力却不得不放弃希望的年轻人的失意的痛苦。

20、She heard a pleasant voice in every breeze, and in every birds note seemed to lurk a joy. ─── 她在每一阵的微风里,都听到悦耳的声音,在每一只鸟儿的歌唱中,都觉到隐而未发的快乐。

21、After her spiritual and sexual awakenings, she constructs her selfhood.However, undermining factors also lurk during her awakening. ─── 在这些探索的过程中,艾德娜实现了女性自我的构建,但这一过程潜伏着解构自我的暗流。

22、Lurk is usedwith similar meaning ─── lurk的意义大体相同

23、They lurk on the kitchen sponge, your computer keyboard and the dirty laundry. ─── 它们潜伏在厨房的洗碗布上、你的电脑键盘和脏衣服上。

24、The antitrade sentiment in Congress lurked over the meeting, and certainly was felt by the Chinese. ─── 国会中的反贸易情绪跨洋过海弥漫到了北京的会议桌上,中国人无疑是感受到了。

25、Beneath that veneer of respectability there lurked a cunning and unscrupulous criminal. ─── 在他可尊敬的表象下,潜伏著一个狡猾又无耻的罪犯。

26、Behind Mr Yanukovich lurk powerful billionaire oligarchs who control most of the former Soviet mines and giant steelworks in the east. ─── 在雅鲁克维奇先生的背后潜藏着非常强大并拥有亿万家产的寡头政治家,他们控制着前苏联的大部分矿产资源与乌克兰东部地区的巨型钢铁工厂。

27、An assassin lurked nearby. ─── 一个杀手在附近潜伏着。

28、Far from your own neighborhood on planet Earth, they lurk at the edge of the Cepheus Flare molecular cloud complex some 1,200 light-years away. ─── 它们可比你在地球上的街坊邻居远得多,潜藏在仙王座炫光分子云复合体的边缘地带,离我们大约1,200光年。

29、But always it lurked, in the back of my mind. ─── 可它总是潜伏着,时常浮现,出现在我意识中。

30、The situation today - safe area or not, has unfortunately changed, largely due to media hype about how "kiddie snatchers" lurk on every corner, and how no child is safe anywhere. ─── 如今不管这儿是不是还是个安全地区,情况都不幸地有了变化,这得归功于媒体每天大肆宣传说绑架孩子的歹徒们比比皆是,孩子们到哪儿都不安全。

31、And then the phrase lurked into the tightly balled fist of my mind. ─── 周围的朋友都觉得这是段不堪回首的日子。

32、Lurk v. To wait quietly and secretly in order to attack ─── 埋伏以便伺机攻击

33、It remains to be seen whether it can penetrate the dense jungles where the FARC rebels lurk. ─── 它还需要继续查看是否可以穿透那些哥伦比亚反政府武装所隐藏的的茂密丛林。

34、But even when the male looks after the eggs faithfully, some dangers may lurk for the eggs. ─── 但即便雄性照顾蛋忠实,有些危险可能委身为卵子。

35、And they lay wait for their own blood; they lurk privily for their own lives. ─── 18这些人埋伏,是为自流己血。蹲伏是为自害己命。

36、One was in Rajin-Sonbong, a failed investment zone close to the Chinese border; another lurked in the basement of an isolated hotel for foreigners in Pyongyang. ─── 其中一个是在罗津-先锋,这是一个靠近中国边境失败的投资区;另一个隐藏在平壤的一家专门对外国人开放的宾馆的地下室中。

37、Buildings are in various states of disrepair, fires of infernal origin still burn under a perpetually darkened sky, and creatures of the underworld lurk the abandoned streets. ─── 大厦不同形式毁损,黑天之下阴火燃烧,碎石大道之是潜伏着来自地底的生物。

38、another lurked in the basement of an isolated hotel for foreigners in Pyongyang. ─── 另一个隐藏在平壤的一家专门对外国人开放的宾馆的地下室中。

39、None of us can know exactly what triggered this vicious attack . . . or what thoughts lurked in the inner recesses of a violent man's mind. ─── 我们谁也不知道究竟是什么原因引发了这次邪恶的伤人,也不知道这个这个暴力者心灵深处究竟在想什么。

40、Three hundred days and sixty make a year, and therein lurk, ─── 一年三百六十日

41、The sandbanks where the animals liked to lurk were dredged.Channels were dynamited. ─── 它们喜欢栖息的沙洲没有了,河道也被炸毁了。

42、They also lurk in the depths of Khyber, where their ominous sonic chimes can sometimes be heard for miles. ─── 它们也潜伏在吉波尔深处,在那里,它们不祥的音波谐鸣有时在数英里外都能听到。

43、But the presence of death that lurked about him remains in my own memory. ─── 但是,潜伏在他身上的死亡的存在却始终留存于我的记忆。

44、So I will come upon them like a lion, like a leopard I will lurk by the path. ─── 因此,我向他们如狮子,又如豹伏在道旁。

45、The Mithril sergeant squinted, head cocked as he tried to distinguish the strange forms that lurked in the gloom. ─── 秘银的军士歪着头想要看清那些潜伏在阴影中的奇怪物体。

46、In the fertile waters of French Polynesia's Tuamotu Archipelago, a school of blue-striped grunts beats a fast retreat as a pair of blacktip reef sharks lurk in the distance. ─── 在富饶的法属玻利尼西亚土阿莫土群岛海域,一对黑礁鲨潜伏附近,一群蓝色条纹的呼噜鱼飞快的撤离。

47、In fact, clumps of dust and molecular gas collapsing to form stars may well lurk within the dark nebula, a structure that spans almost 40 light-years across the gorgeous telescopic view. ─── 事实上,坍塌压缩后能形成恒星的尘埃和分子气体团潜伏于黑暗星云内,该结构在这张绚丽的望远镜影像中覆盖约40光年。

48、"The greatest dangers to liberty lurk in insidious encroachment by men of zeal, well-meaning but without understanding" (Louis D. Brandeis). ─── “对自由最大的危险潜藏于热情、善意但没有良好理解力的人们的隐伏的侵蚀中” (路易斯·D·布兰代斯)。

49、Pirates lurked safely in the inlets of North Carolina, from which they regularly raided vessels trading at Charleston. ─── 在北卡罗来纳入口处就有公然埋伏着的海盗,经常劫掠在查尔斯顿进行贸易的商船。

50、WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Drug-resistant versions of the AIDS virus passed from mother to child can quickly hide in the infant's immune system cells and lurk for years, researchers reported on Monday. ─── 华盛顿(路透社)周一研究人员报道说从母体传到孩体的抗药性艾滋病毒能迅速隐藏在儿童免疫系统细胞中,并潜伏多年.

51、But when we measure activity, we find that different types of information lurk in each region of the neural territory. ─── 但是当我们观察大脑活动的时候,我们发现不同的信息类型存在于每个不同的神经区域。

52、Some anxiety still lurked in her mind. ─── 她心里还暗暗地有点不放心。

53、All the majesty was gone, or it did but lurk and flicker faintly through her laughing eyes, like lighting seen through sunlight. ─── 一切威严持重都不翼而飞,或者说是潜藏不露了,只偶而在她的笑眼中一闪而过,就象阳光下的闪电一样难以觉察。

54、They conspire, they lurk, they watch my steps, eager to take my life. ─── 6他们聚集,埋伏窥探我的脚踪。等候要害我的命。

55、On most social occasions, she lurked in the background. ─── 在大多数社交场合,她总是退居后台。

56、All the same, raw and volatile forms of nationalism lurk just beneath a usually placid surface. ─── 和往常一样,原始善变的民族主义形式通常潜伏在看似平静的表面之下。

57、People say that the tiger is still lurk close to. ─── 人们说那只老虎还躲在附近。

58、The finance risk in village and towns: lurk, transfer, appear and release ─── 乡镇财政风险:潜伏、转移、显现与释放

59、Last Sunday, he tried to lurk in a corner and suddenly found it extremely interesting to just watch what others said. ─── 上周日,他尝试着潜在聊天室的一角不说话,猛然间发现原来看别人聊天也是件非常有意思的事情。

60、He fled to his stateroom, where he lurked until the steamer was clear of the dock. ─── 他逃回了他的豪华舱位,一直潜伏到轮船驶出码头。

61、Skulk: To lie in hiding, as out of cowardice or bad conscience; lurk. ─── 偷偷摸摸:由于懦弱或坏心眼而躲躲闪闪;潜伏。

62、7. Treachery lurked behind his smooth manners. ─── 他圆滑姿态的后面潜伏着奸计。

63、He believes that lead problems may lurk in other cities, too. ─── 他相信自来水含铅的问题,也可能潜伏在其他城市。

64、Gang members and drug dealers lurk in the shadows while paramedics and police respond to crime scenes on the streets of Nezahualcoyotl, another rough neighborhood in Mexico City. ─── 在内萨瓦尔科约特尔的街道上,医护人员和警察赶到犯罪现场时,黑帮成员和毒贩都隐藏在阴影里。这里也是墨西哥城一个比较混乱的区域。

65、Religious scandals are seldom simply about the temptations of the flesh.Often more complex moral dilemmas lurk under the surface. ─── 宗教丑闻很少只关乎于肉体的诱惑,往往都牵涉背后复杂的道德困境。

66、He asked himself yearningly, wondered secretly and sorely, if it would have lurked here or there ─── 她急切地问自己,一面又暗暗伤心地思索着,它会不会就藏匿在附近。

67、Underneath Martin's awe lurked his assertive ego ─── 在马丁的敬畏心理之下,潜藏着他那咄咄逼人的自我。

68、He looked quite confident about the job, though some doubts lurked in the depth of his mind. ─── 他看上去对工作很有信心;但是在他的思想深处却潜藏着几分疑虑。

69、On his left he had the field of battle. Death lurked round the corner of that wall. ─── 他左边是战场,死亡就在这墙角的后面。

70、Dangers lurk in the path of wilderness. ─── 在这条荒野的小路上隐伏着危险。

71、The sandbanks where the animals liked to lurk were dredged. ─── 它们的藏身之处--沙洲,被挖泥船发掘。

72、What we didn't know at the time was that publishers of IT books lurked on those mailing lists, looking for potential authors. ─── 当时我们不知道在那些邮件列表中间潜伏着正在寻找潜在作者的IT书籍出版商。

73、But always it lurked, hauntingly, in the back of my mind. ─── 但它总是潜伏着,时常浮现,出现在我意识中。

74、You couldn't tell what dark thoughts lurked behind their wide-set eyes. ─── 你说不上,在他们那双相距很远的眼睛后面究竟隐藏着什么见不得人的念头。

75、But concerns about what lurked on insurers' balance-sheets have probably been overdone. ─── 但对保险公司资产负债表上潜藏的东西的关注大概是小题大做了。

76、He looked quite confident about the job, thought some doubts lurked in the depth of his mind. ─── 他看上去对工作很有信心,但是在他的思想深处却潜藏着几分疑虑。

77、He broke off, and added with a laugh in which there lurked something monstrous:-- ─── 他又接上一阵狰狞的笑声,说道:

78、Intoxicated by locoberries, the three had lurked in ambush along one of the paths beyond the village, just looking for mischief. ─── 三个人吃疯莓成瘾,他们埋伏在村外的一条小路旁,伺机捉弄行人取乐。

79、Four years ago, in Athens, largely through the manner in which shambles lurked round every corner, a flavour of the Greek character remained in evidence. ─── 他们渴望在家门口亲眼目睹地球上最为盛大的演出,即使这仅仅是正式演出前的一次彩排。

80、People say that the tiger be still lurk close to ─── 人们说那只老虎还躲在附近

81、They little guessed what deadly purport lurked in those self-condemning words. ─── 他们绝少去猜疑,在他那番自我谴责的言辞中潜藏着多么殊死的涵义。

82、But in the shadow of success there lurked overt disputations and covert contentions of sorts, with apparent cooperation barely a reluctant choice under political pressure. ─── 但成功的背后是双方利益的角逐和较量,貌似和睦的合作乃是政治家不得已而为之的选择。

83、A radically different scheme known as continuously variable transmission (CVT) has lurked in the background for 50 years, however, and has recently made inroads in small and midsize cars and in hybrid vehicles. ─── 另有一种截然不同的设计,称为无段自动变速系统(CVT),50年来一直鲜少被注意,最近开始出现在中小型汽车和混合动力车辆上。

84、He lurked on the other side. ─── 他躲藏在另一面。

85、Their agenda revealed to all, the Sith Lords Sidious (Ian McDiarmid) and Vader (Hayden Christensen) need not lurk in the shadows any longer. ─── 他们把自己的议程展示给众人,西斯君主西帝亚斯(伊恩-迈克迪米德)和维达(海登-克里斯腾森)再也不用潜伏在阴影中了。

86、They also note that the courts, with their limited sources of information, do not always grasp the realities of program administration that lurk in the background of some agency policy choices. ─── 他们还指出,法院的信息来源有限,它们并不能自始至终抓住潜伏于一些机关政策选择背后的项目执行的实际情况。

87、Zhuge ordered Guan Yu to Lurk and wait at Mount Yushan with 1,000 troops. Guan was not to attack the enemy But rather let them pass. He would charge at the enemy as soon as he saw fire Break out in the enemy procession. ─── 命关羽带一千人马埋伏在豫山,放过敌人先头部队,看到起火,迅速出击。

88、In such cases, the danger may lurk elsewhere, where a plaque causes less narrowing but is more prone to rupturing. ─── 令人难过的是,就算血管狭窄是问题所在,但经过治疗的动脉经常很快又再度阻塞;

89、A fox was sneaking on the lurk. ─── 一只狐狸正在偷偷摸摸地潜行窥探。

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