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paddies 发音

英:[?p?diz]  美:[?p?diz]

英:  美:

paddies 中文意思翻译



paddies 短语词组

1、rice paddies n. ─── 稻田;水田

2、paddies ri ─── 稻田里

3、paddies 1880 1880 ─── 年稻田

4、rice-paddies (rice-paddy ─── 的复数) n. 稻田;水田

5、paddies apush ─── 稻田;

6、paddies asia ─── 亚洲稻田

7、paddies define ─── 稻田定义

8、paddies rice ─── [作物]水稻;稻谷

9、paddies definition world geography ─── 稻田定义世界地理

10、paddies definition ─── 稻田定义

paddies 词性/词形变化,paddies变形

名词复数: paddies |

paddies 相似词语短语

1、Paddies ─── 稻田

2、haddies ─── 黑线鳕

3、addies ─── n.阿迪(男子名)

4、baddies ─── n.坏人,反面人物

5、laddies ─── n.(苏)男孩;小伙子

6、paddles ─── n.船桨(paddle的复数);划桨;v.划桨(paddle的三单形式)

7、pandies ─── v.打手心处罚(学生);n.打手心处罚;n.(Pandy)(美、印度、英)潘迪(人名)

8、daddies ─── n.爸爸

9、caddies ─── 卡迪拉克(Cadillac)

paddies 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Keywords Rice Paddies;Methane Emission;Eological Impact; ─── 稻田;甲烷排放;生态效益;

2、Rice is often grown in shallow puddles called paddies. ─── 稻米通常生长在这些被成为稻田的浅浅的水塘中。

3、Visible many rice paddies, discovered suddenly they are the desire and the strong person, that scarecrow I want. ─── 可见,许多稻田,突然发现他们的愿望和坚强的人,稻草人,我想。

4、Terrace paddies like Yuanyang county are found across much of southern China. ─── 原阳县这样广阔种植水稻的梯田横贯中国南部。

5、Location: Commonly found beside the rice paddies and around the former site of staff dormitory (on the W of Institute of Botany). ─── 分布:实验田旁及植物所后方旧宿舍区周围草地。

6、Photo Gallery: Valleys Rice paddies stretch over Yangdi Valley in Guangdong Province, China. ─── 意译:峡谷的图片画廊。稻田延伸超过Yangdi峡谷在中国广东省。

7、Egeria densa Planch often grows in ditches, ponds, and rice paddies. ─── 常生长于沟渠、池塘、稻田等环境。

8、Arriving at the point where Tong-feng and Hou-feng bikeways begin, we took in the vast blue sky and the green rice paddies stretching to the horizon. ─── 来到东丰绿廊与后丰铁马道的起点处,映入眼帘的是一望无际的蓝空和延伸至地平线的青绿稻田。

9、Give the first look around, set off piece of the villages scattered in among the trees, fields of terraced rice paddies, the 3355's farmers can be seen everywhere in the busy busy kinds of income. ─── 举首四顾,片片村落散于绿树掩映之中,田野阡陌间,随处可见三三五五的农人在忙收忙种。

10、A rice farmer complains of itchy legs from the paddies. ─── 一位稻农抱怨说,从田里出来,腿都发痒。

11、Bali has rice paddies tripping down hillsides, dense tropical jungles, long sandy beaches and warm blue water. ─── 就因为著这令人赞叹的自然美景,有人称之为地球上最后的南国乐园和世界的早晨等。

12、The changes can be seen here in Miaohe, where villagers have grown oranges from gnarled trees and farmed the area's steeply terraced rice paddies for generations. ─── 在庙河这个世代种植柑橘和梯田水稻的村庄,人们可以察觉到一些变化。

13、Only a decade ago, the place was exurban rice paddies and lychee orchards. ─── 十年前,这个地方只是一个城市的远郊,种植水稻和荔枝。

14、Continuous Automatic Monitoring of Methane Emission from Rice Paddies in Guangzhou Area. ─── 广州地区稻田甲烷排放连续自动监测

15、Advances in Methane Emission from Rice Paddies. ─── 水田甲烷排放研究进展。

16、"The rice paddies are staying.They'll be beautiful. ─── 俞博士说:“稻田景观将保留,他们会非常的美丽。”

17、Terraced rice paddies in summer. ─── 夏季,风吹梯田泛起绿色的稻浪。

18、D02 After breakfast transfer to LongSheng County: Hiking tour for sighting and visiting Zhuang minority, and spectacular paddies rice field (About 3 hours). Stay over night at PinAn wooden Hotel. ─── 早餐后车赴龙胜龙脊梯田:抵龙胜金江后徙步参观龙脊壮观的梯田风光(约三小时),抵龙脊后宿平安村壮寨木楼。

19、In an annual ritual, the Japanese emperor makes an offering of rice harvested from paddies within the palace grounds to Shinto deities. ─── 在每年的祭拜仪式上,日本的天皇都会拿离神社最近的稻田产的水稻来供奉。

20、Overseas Chinese return from five years abroad to find their hometowns unrecognizable, while in the interior, whole new cities are sprouting out of rice paddies. ─── 五年前出国的中国人现在已经认不出自己的家乡,崭新的城市如春笋般涌现,将一片片的稻田取而代之。

21、As the Miao prepare their field for planting, the swallows collect mud to repair their nests and chase after insects across the newly ploughed paddies. ─── 当苗族人为了插秧而整备田地时,燕子们或搜集整修巢穴用得泥巴,或穿越新耕的稻田追逐昆虫。

22、Guandu Nature Park consists of a mosaic of freshwater and brackish ponds, mudflats, marsh, rice paddies, and woodland. ─── 官渡自然公园构成的马赛克淡水和咸水池塘,泥滩,沼泽,稻田,和林地。

23、And the countryside is no longer the old vista of green rice paddies, rustic cottages, and water buffaloes. ─── 在乡间,看到的也已不是绿野田畴和茅舍老牛了。

24、Lights shine over rice paddies from Heshun Renjia, one of the few restaurants in town. ─── 灯光从镇上为数不多的餐馆----“和顺人家”里照在了稻田之上。

25、Now there's new focus on a pair of methane sources that we usually don't think of as natural polluters: wetlands and rice paddies. ─── 现在两个过去不认为是自然污染源的甲烷气体排放源又成为了关注的焦点,即湿地和稻田。

26、The allowable rates (23.4% for croplands and -37.2% for paddy) calculated out by mathematical appraisal model showed that, the nitrogen balances of croplands and paddies were relatively reasonable. ─── 模型计算的允许盈亏率(旱地23.4%,水稻田-37.2%)评价表明,旱地和水稻田目前的氮素平衡基本上是合理的。

27、The present king is highly interested in agriculture to the point that he has experimental rice paddies within his palace grounds. ─── 目前国王很有兴趣在农业,以至于他在他的宫殿理由试验稻田。

28、Prospect of Poultry Industry and Husbandry Industry Seen from"Intergrowth between Paddies and Ducks"and "Raising Geese by Planting Herbage" ─── 从"稻鸭共作"和"种草养鹅"看家禽业与农牧业生态发展的前景

29、Deep autumn, and leaves a whole cut out in the terraced rice paddies in mind the long pain of the season and Rain swab her endless tears. ─── 秋深了,叶子在阡陌漫漫中整整剜心疼痛了一季,烟雨是她拭不尽的泪水。

30、1 rice paddies and forests of living in a place of the entertainer who? ─── 1稻田和森林生活在一个地方,艺人谁?

31、Grandmother scattered a handful of paddies to chook as food. ─── 祖母撒了一把米给鸡吃.

32、The farmer does not certainly have the hare which picks again hits dies, but his paddies went out of cultivation actually. ─── 农民当然没有再捡到撞死的野兔,而他的田地却荒芜了。

33、Rice is often grown in shallow puddles called paddies. Depending on the type of rice, the paddies can range in water depth anywhere from 5.9 inches (15 centimeters) to 6.5 feet (2 meters). ─── 稻类一般种在浅水坑中,也称为稻田。针对不同种类的稻类,稻田的水深可能在15公分到2公尺之间。

34、Water buffalos have tilled our paddies for millennia, yet how much do we really know about them? ─── 水牛为人耕田几千年,人们对它又了解多少呢?

35、Discussion of influential factors in determination accuracy of whole refined rice rate in paddies ─── 影响稻谷整精米率测定结果准确性的探讨

36、Other robots perform tasks such as planting rice and tending the country’s rice paddies[7] . ─── 其他一些机器人执行着诸如种植水稻和照看该国稻田的任务。

37、After 2,000 years, farmers began to construct rice paddies on the steep hillsides of Southeast Asia. ─── 2000年前,东南亚的农人开始在陡峭的山坡上开辟梯田。

38、In cultivating Se-enriched rice,using sodium selenium as selenium sources,the paddies germination condition was observed and the selenium content was determined. ─── 在进行有机硒测定时,将处理后的富硒芽米样品不经消化直接测定其无机硒含量,间接计算得到有机硒含量高达98%以上,硒的有机化程度更为合理。

39、The paddies can offer diverse ecological functions other than the food production.However, the values on their ecological functions are not directly appreciated by the economic market. ─── 水田除了能供应粮食生产外,亦同时有著多样性的功能,它可以提供栖息地、防洪蓄水、调节气候、提供文化与心灵上之寄讬与科学研究。

40、The bed of the Hsiukuluan River has been developed into fields, destroying the habitat of wild geese and ducks which have now taken to feeding in rice paddies. ─── 秀姑峦溪河床被大量开辟成旱田,雁鸭栖息地被破坏,转往两岸农田觅食。

41、Members of another group said they did not dare tend their rice paddies without wearing gloves and galoshes because irrigation water caused their skin to peel off. ─── 另一群成员说他们不敢没有穿着手套和胶鞋就下田照看他们的水稻,因为灌溉的水使得他们掉皮。

42、is the fourth-largest rice-bowl in the world, with 363,000 acres under paddies. ─── 大草原是世界上第四大稻米产地,拥有36.3万亩稻田。

43、There is a big river billowing, breeze blows scented paddies by the banks, my family lives there by the river, where I always enjoy boatmen's song, and feel thrilled watching white sails. ─── 一条大河波浪宽,风吹稻花香两岸,我家就在岸上住,听惯了艄公的号子,看惯了船上的白帆。

44、The rice paddies near Taoyuan County ,Taiwan, were contaminated with trace metals by the effluent from two plasticizer plants in the seventies. ─── 七十年代,由于两家增塑剂厂的污水影响,台湾省桃园县附近的水稻田受到了痕量金属的污染。

45、Gramineae, Myrsinaceae, Bambusoidea. Mostly Leguminosae, specifically aphis and coccids. Mainly damage Gramineae, Leguminosae. Some species are main vermins to paddies, sugar canes and bananas. ─── 主要危害禾本科植物、豆科植物,有的种是水稻、甘蔗、香蕉等植物的主要害虫。

46、One of the lush rice paddies found in the agricultural west sector. 4,5: Wenshan tea is one of Hsin Tien's most important agricultural products. ─── 图3:新店西部农业区的稻田。图4、5:文山茶是新店最重要的农产。

47、The sea has became paddies with mulberry ! ─── 曾经的冰山已然融化,曾经的沧海沦为桑田!

48、He was passing through some rice paddies, when suddenly thousands and thousands of tadpoles rushed to the side of the road. ─── 当他经过一片稻田时,突然间,成千上万的蝌蚪冲到了路上。

49、It was the only factory in sight, surrounded by rice paddies and other agricultural fields, although others were under construction. ─── 它是目力所及范围内唯一的厂子,四周环绕着稻田和其他农田,但还有一些工厂正在建设之中。

50、Every available inch of flat land is used for rice paddies. ─── 图4:长滨依山面海,居民充分利用海边平地,辟成水田。

51、"The rice paddies are staying. ─── “我将在湖中设岛,在四周设计自行车道。”

52、In Shenyang, when an architecture school moved to the suburbs, Yu designed its campus to incorporate the rice paddies of the farms it had displaced. ─── 在沈阳,当建筑大学搬迁到郊区的时候,俞博士在校园里设计了稻田景观。

53、He spoke of how some people glamorize the criminal misfits of society while the best men die in Asian rice paddies to preserve the freedoms that those misfits abuse. ─── 他谈到有些人如何美化那些与社会格格不入的人,而为了捍卫被这些坏分子滥用的自由,我们的精英们却牺牲在亚洲的稻田里。

54、Basins range in size from those designed to irrigate individual trees or small areas of vegetable crop to rice paddies occupying several hectares. ─── 格田大小的变化从设计灌溉单棵树或小面积的蔬菜作物到占据几公顷面积的水稻田。

55、With strong local government support, the northern arc of Lake Tai became home to 2,800 chemical plants, most of them small cinder-block factories that took over rice paddies beside canals. ─── 由于当地政府的强力支持,太湖北部湾成了2800家化工厂的基地,它们大部分都是小煤砖厂,占据了运河边的许多稻田。

56、I imagined it drowned under rice paddies or beneath the sea; ─── 我想象它被稻田覆盖,或者沉没在海底;

57、I came to the rice fields with a spring next to the flowers exudes light golden, green rice paddies redolent with fragrance, I Yun adsorption taste of nature. ─── 春天带着我来到了稻田旁,金灿灿的小花散发着光芒,绿油油的稻田散发着芳香,我允吸着大自然的味道。

58、There is utter devastation across the delta: entire villages washed away; rice paddies strewn with corpses; survivors sleeping rough. ─── 整个三角洲被完全摧毁了:所有的村庄被冲走;稻田遍布尸体;幸存者野外露宿。

59、He was passing through some rice paddies, when suddenly thousands and thousands of tadpoles rushed to the side of the road. ─── 当他经过一片稻田时,突然间,成千上万的蝌蚪冲到了路上。

60、rice paddies(= rice fields) ─── 稻田

61、Livelier and more down-to-earth is Wenchang Lou, set amid terraced rice paddies. ─── 房屋窗子很小,而且只有最上面一层才有。

62、Rice is often grown in paddies - shallow puddles carefully controlled to ensure appropriate water depth. ─── 水稻通常种在稻田(即精心控制水深的小池塘)里。

63、A Javanese farmer carries his load through the rice paddies. ─── 一位扛着货物的爪哇农民穿过一片米田。

64、"First cultivated in India more than 4,000 years ago, rice was planted gradually westward and is now cultivated widely in flooded fields (paddies) and river deltas of tropical, semitropical, and temperate regions." ─── "4,000多年前首次栽种于印度,后逐渐向西传播,如今广泛栽植于水田和热带、亚热带和温带区的三角洲河谷。"

65、Rice paddies cut into the hillsides like giant steps. ─── 稻田把山坡分割得一块块巨人般的梯田。

66、Natural and man-made streams irrigated rice paddies, and a network of canals ferried that produce far and wide. ─── 天然和人造的小河灌溉了稻田,运河水系提供了更为丰富的航运摆渡。

67、The countless rice paddies are still Togo's most beautiful scenery. ─── 数不尽的稻田仍然是土沟村最美丽的景致。

68、cultivation, good growing, vegetable and fruit growing, cornfields, winery, rice paddies, crops, farmlands from all over the world. ─── 欢迎所有照片关于农作物,耕田,果菜园,稻田,等。

69、The relationship of the distribution of rice planthopper and the distance of crab breeding line in the paddies with cultural crab was markedly positive. ─── 养蟹田稻飞虱的分布与距养殖沟的距离呈显著的正相关。

70、We found that too often American men were dying in those rice paddies from want of support from our so-called allies. ─── 我们发现很多时候美国士兵因为得不到所谓盟军的帮助而死于那些稻田里。

71、According to the Jiangsu Province Huaiyang Moucun villagers, they were occupying the village cadres to farmland, rice paddies forced to plug the drains. ─── 据江苏省淮阳某村村民反映,他们那里的乡村干部为了征占耕地,把稻田里的水渠强行堵塞。

72、SAKU, Japan: Winding past rice paddies and lazily blowing its whistle along bubbly creeks, a two-car train in rural northern Japan is the latest entrant in the battle against global warming. ─── 佐久,日本:缠绕过去稻田和懒洋洋吹了哨子泡沿着小溪,一两节车厢在北部郊区,是日本最新的笔试在对抗全球变暖。

73、Effects of Bt transgenic rice on population dynamics of main non-target insect pests and dominant spider species in rice paddies ─── Bt水稻对主要非靶标害虫和蜘蛛优势种田间种群动态的影响

74、The train station complex on the China side was an island of noontime naps, surrounded by rice paddies, duck ponds, and the occasional water buffalo. ─── 中国一侧的火车站大楼是适合午睡的地方,四周环绕着稻田、鸭塘,偶尔可以看到水牛。

75、The farmers who work the paddies are graying and dwindling in number. ─── 在田地中劳作的农民越来越少。

76、Location: Beside the rice paddies, around the former site of staff dormitory and seldom mowed lawn. ─── 分布:实验田旁至旧宿舍区周围草地以及较少被割除的草坪。

77、On the photo, you can see the rice paddies in the background, which shows that some aspects of Nepalese life hasn't changed. ─── 照片上的稻田彰显了尼泊尔人生活中至今未变的一些东西。

78、Rice is often grown in shallow puddles called paddies. ─── 稻类一般种在浅水坑中,也称为稻田。

79、Operation Babylift's first official flight crashed in the rice paddies outside Saigon, killing 144 people, most of them children. ─── 婴儿空运行动的首架官方飞机坠毁在西贡郊外的稻田中,死了144人,其中大部分是孩子。

80、Mines have been scattered in rice paddies and jungles, maiming and killing civilians. ─── 地雷散布在稻田和丛林中,致使平民伤残和死亡。

81、rice paddies; rice pudding. ─── 稻壳;谷物布丁

82、The farmers who work the paddies are graying and dwindling in number. Abandoned, overgrown plots are a common sight. ─── 田里的耕作者年纪越来越大,人数越来越少。到处可见弃耕、杂草丛生的稻田。

83、Today's rice paddies may become the commercial district of tomorrow. ─── 今日的稻田,可能是明日的商业区。

84、Rice is often grown in paddies - shallow puddles carefully controlled to ensure appropriate water depth. ─── 水稻通常种在稻田(即精心控制水深的小池塘)里。

85、Effect of Various Agricultural Measures on Methane Emis- sion Fluxes from Rice Paddies. ─── 不同农业措施对稻田甲烷排放通量的影响

86、There are super-handedly while the music for human endeavor, whole days spent in hard work in the fields, ups and downs of soil subsidence in the terraced rice paddies. ─── 有超人之力而乐为人类尽力,朝朝暮暮耕耘于田间,风风雨雨陷泥于阡陌。

87、Water buffalos have tilled our paddies for millennia, yet how much do we really know about them? ─── 水牛为人耕田几千年,人们对它又了解多少呢?

88、It was the only factory in sight, surrounded by rice paddies and other agricultural fields, although others were under construction. ─── 它是目力所及范围内唯一的厂子,四周环绕着稻田和其他农田,但还有一些工厂正在建设之中。

89、The researchers concluded that monitoring duck populations for H5N1 and tracking rice paddies by satellite were the best ways to predict where outbreaks were most likely to occur. ─── 研究人员得出结论认为,监控 H5N1 的鸭种群并且通过卫星跟踪稻田,是预测什么地方最有可能发生疫情的最佳方法。

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