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08-15 投稿


piercingly 中文意思翻译



piercingly 短语词组

1、piercingly synonyms ─── 刺骨的同义词

2、piercingly intense ─── 刺骨的强烈

3、piercingly cold ─── 凛冽,严寒

4、piercingly definition ─── 刺痛的定义

5、piercingly cold wind ─── 刺骨的寒风

6、piercingly def ─── 刺痛地

piercingly 词性/词形变化,piercingly变形

名词: piercer |副词: piercingly |动词现在分词: piercing |动词第三人称单数: pierces |形容词: piercing |动词过去式: pierced |动词过去分词: pierced |

piercingly 相似词语短语

1、jerkingly ─── 颠簸地

2、piercings ─── adj.(眼神)刺穿的,敏锐的;(声音)尖刻的,刺耳的;(风)刺骨的;(感觉)打动人心的;(精神特质)敏锐的,深刻的;n.熔化穿孔;(在身体部位上)穿孔;v.刺穿;穿过,渗透;用……穿孔;冲破,突破;洞察;感动(pierce的现在分词)

3、forcingly ─── 勉强地

4、leeringly ─── adv.以斜眼看

5、erringly ─── 错误地

6、piercing ─── adj.(眼神)刺穿的,敏锐的;(声音)尖刻的,刺耳的;(风)刺骨的;(感觉)打动人心的;(精神特质)敏锐的,深刻的;n.熔化穿孔;(在身体部位上)穿孔;v.刺穿;穿过,渗透;用……穿孔;冲破,突破;洞察;感动(pierce的现在分词)

7、-piercing ─── adj.(眼神)刺穿的,敏锐的;(声音)尖刻的,刺耳的;(风)刺骨的;(感觉)打动人心的;(精神特质)敏锐的,深刻的;n.熔化穿孔;(在身体部位上)穿孔;v.刺穿;穿过,渗透;用……穿孔;冲破,突破;洞察;感动(pierce的现在分词)

8、perkingly ─── 振作地

9、jeeringly ─── adv.嘲弄地

piercingly 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He was piercingly reminded of his homeland. ─── 他百感交集地联想到自己的故国家园。

2、That has been that one kind is noisy but piercingly cold , has been full of dreadful sound. ─── 那是一种喧嚣而凛冽的,充满了恐惧的声音。

3、It's a national flag.Ai Ding seriously raised that flag which is much redder in Beijing's piercingly cold air, and I took the last picture at the end of 2007. ─── 艾丁把那面在北京的凛冽寒风里尤显鲜红的国旗郑重其事地举在胸前,我就拍下了这么一张2007年岁末最后的一帧照片。

4、Unexpectedly, through the darkness shot a pair of piercingly bright, glowing green eyes. ─── 突然两道亮光刺破黑暗,它们来自一对发亮的绿眼。

5、piercingly cold ─── 凛冽

6、Especially when there was heavy rain and draught, it became piercingly cold. ─── 尤其是当遇到强降雨和气流时,屋里会寒冷刺骨。

7、piercingly Piercingly, the conductor blew his whistle. ─── 向导吹起哨子,哨声很刺耳。

8、I believed that burglar shuddered when he saw a dog standing at door, piercingly gazing at him. ─── 我相信哪个夜贼当他看见有一条狗在恶狠狠地盯着他的时候,肯定下的发抖。

9、She looked at me piercingly. ─── 她用敏锐的目光打量着我。

10、DEMETRIUS So should the murdered look;and so should I, Pierc'd through the heart with your stern cruelty; ─── 狄米特律斯:被杀者的脸色应该是这样的,你的残酷已经洞穿我的心,因此我应该有那样的脸色;

11、Unexpectedly, through the darkness shot a pair of piercingly bright, glowing green eyes. ─── 突然两道亮光刺破黑暗,它们来自一对发亮的绿眼。

12、I believed that burglar must have shuddered to death when he saw a dog standing at door, piercingly staring at him. ─── 我相信哪个夜贼当他看见有一条狗在恶狠狠地盯着他的时候,肯定吓的发抖。

13、The 2007 has piercingly intense Marlborough flavours of fresh cut grass gooseberries and kiwifruit. ─── 2007年的这款葡萄酒有着新鲜的青草味,醋栗味和马博罗的猕猴桃香味。

14、Though we are many, each of us is achingly alone, piercingly alone. ─── 尽管我们人数众多,各自却在孤独的痛苦着、刺痛着。

15、The seawater was piercingly cold. ─── 海水冰冷刺骨。

16、The weather remained piercingly cold. ─── 天气依旧彻骨地寒冷。

17、His music has been described as "piercingly romantic," sensous, tender, expressing depths of intimacy and longing and composed with an elegance seldom heard in today's music. ─── 其音乐被世人喻为“不可救药的浪漫”:美轮美奂,轻柔安详,透露着深刻的亲密和渴望。他赋予自己的音乐一种当今少有的优雅。

18、The 2007 has piercingly intense Marlborough flavours of fresh cut grass, gooseberries and kiwifruit. ─── 2007年的葡萄酒有着新鲜的青草味,黑醋栗味和猕猴桃的马博罗的香味。

19、Lisa jumped as her wrist communicator beeped piercingly for her attention. All over the throne room it was the same, distress calls reaching Sentinels in a variety of ways. ─── 丽莎的手腕通讯器刺耳地哔哔作响,引起她的注意,她一下子跳了起来。御座大殿内充满了同样的危急信号,以各种方式传给了哨兵们。

20、The weather remained piercingly cold. ─── 天气依旧彻骨地寒冷。

21、His eyes were piercingly blue. ─── 他有一双敏锐的蓝眼睛。

22、Striated red-rock mountains capped by a piercingly blue sky overlook a weather-beaten outpost in Utah's Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument. ─── 在犹他州的大阶梯-埃斯卡兰特国家保护区,带有条纹的红岩山矗立在澄澈的蓝天下,俯瞰着脚下这片饱经风霜的村落。

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