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platonic 发音

英:[pl?'tɑn?k]  美:[pl??tɑ?n?k]

英:  美:

platonic 中文意思翻译



platonic 网络释义

adj. 理想的;柏拉图哲学的;不切实际的;纯精神友谊的

platonic 词性/词形变化,platonic变形

副词: Platonically |

platonic 短语词组

1、platonic love is love from neck up ─── 柏拉图式的爱是从头到脚的爱

2、Platonic body ─── [网络] 正多面体

3、Neo-Platonic a. ─── 新柏拉图派哲学的

4、Platonic love ─── 柏拉图式恋爱

5、Platonic solid n. ─── 正多面体 [网络] 柏拉图立体;柏拉图 ─── 正多面体;柏拉图式固体

6、platonic relationship

7、platonic solids ─── 柏拉图立体;正多面体

8、platonic friendship ─── 柏拉图式友谊

9、platonic lover ─── 柏拉图式情人

10、platonic love is love from ─── 柏拉图式的爱是来自

11、platonic academy ─── 柏拉图学院

12、platonic world ─── 柏拉图式世界

13、Platonic year na. 【 ─── 天】柏拉图年 [网络] 大年

14、platonic definition ─── 柏拉图式的定义

15、senselessly platonic ─── 毫无意义的柏拉图式的

16、Pythagorico-Platonic ─── [网络] 毕达哥拉斯 - 柏拉图式

17、platonic games ─── 柏拉图式游戏

18、platonic love is love ─── 柏拉图式的爱就是爱

19、platonic love is blind ─── 柏拉图式的爱情是盲目的

platonic 相似词语短语

1、Platonic ─── adj.柏拉图的;柏拉图式的;柏拉图思想的

2、planktonic ─── adj.浮游生物的,浮游的

3、cratonic ─── adj.有克拉通盆地特征的,指具有厚层刚性大陆地壳(或岩石圈)、长期保持相对稳定、较少遭受变形的广大区域

4、paratonic ─── adj.外来刺激引起的,外力促成的,感应性的

5、diatonic ─── adj.全音阶的;自然音阶的

6、atonic ─── adj.清音的;无重音的;弛缓的;无活力的;n.清音;无重音的词

7、plutonic ─── adj.(火成岩)深成的;adj.(Plutonic)冥王的,阴间的

8、platinic ─── adj.白金的;含白金的

9、Slavonic ─── adj.斯拉夫语的;斯拉夫人的(等于Slavic);n.斯拉夫人;斯拉夫语(等于Slavic)

platonic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Platonic dialogues; Platonic ontology. ─── 柏拉图对话;柏拉图的本体论

2、If you leave France in a year it would be an altogether too platonic friendship, tat of two creatures who would never see each other again ─── 如果一年之后你离开法国的话,那就会变成一种彻头彻尾的柏拉图式的友谊,两个永远不会再相逢的人之间的友谊了。

3、it was when she ditched that approach to pursue the Platonic ideal of Thatcherism that she was undone. ─── 因而当她挖掘出一种通往柏拉图式理想的撒切尔主义时,她失败了。

4、He said that his feelings for her were entirely platonic. ─── 他说他对她的感情完全是友谊。

5、The Platonic notion is that mathematics is the imperturbable structure that underlies the very architecture of the universe. ─── 柏拉图主义认为,数学所表现出的泰然自若之境界乃宇宙之根本。

6、The term "Platonic love" is now part of our everyday language so any summary of Plato's thought should include an account of what he meant by love. ─── 术语“柏拉图式的爱”已经成为当今日常用语中的部分。 因此,凡是总结柏拉图的思想就不能不谈到他所指的“爱”这一主题。

7、Platon, Up at the Stars Thou Art Gazing ─── 当你抬头望星星;梅勒阿格洛斯

8、The Platonic pattern remained the same for almost 2, 000 years. All the books of that era were written from this point of view. ─── 柏拉图模式维持了将近两千年,期间所有的书籍都是以他的这种观点作为出发点。

9、Platonic year ─── n. [天]大年(春分点沿黄道运动一周的周期, 约25800年)

10、She is living by Victorian principles; right now their relationship is based on platonic love. ─── 她的生活很保守,目前他们的关系,只是纯洁的友谊。

11、"Something special" refers to a special relationship or feelings.You wouldsay this to a girlfriend/boyfriend, not to a platonic friend. ─── 指的是特殊的关系或感觉。你只能说给女朋友或男朋友听,而不是一个一般的朋友。

12、4) Extrospection by a Platonic viewpoint: concept modeling. ─── 柏拉图式外省:概念建模。

13、I also imagined a Platonic hereditary work, passed on from father to son, to which each individual would add a new chapter or correct, with pious care, the work of his elders. ─── 我又想到口头文学作品,父子口授,代代相传,每一个新的说书人加上新的章回或者虔敬地修改先辈的章节。

14、Darn! I just know all I am going to get again this year is meaningless platonic chocolates. ─── 妈的!我就知道今年我仍旧收到没有意义的情面巧克力

15、5 Bize PE, Platon A, Becker CD, Poletti PA. Perfusion measurement in acute pancreatitis using dynamic perfusion MDCT. ─── 4王欣,徐荣天,卢涛,赵宇.急性胰腺炎的多层螺旋CT灌注成像研究.中国医学影像技术2006;22:100-102

16、Two principally different approaches to almost any scientific field rely on the so-called Platonic and Aristotelian viewpoints. ─── 几乎所有的科学领域主要都是通过这两个途径来进行研究的:柏拉图和亚里士多德观点。

17、This was disovered by the Greek philosopher Plato about 2,400 years ago. So these solids are collectively known as the Platonic Solids. ─── 希腊哲学家柏拉图约在2,400年前已发现正多面体只有五种,因此这五种多面体便被统称为柏拉图方体。

18、Platonic affection ─── 意象爱

19、The truth was that Jay Gatsby of West Egg, Long Island, sprang from his Platonic conception of himself. ─── 实际上长岛西卵的杰伊。盖茨比来自他对自己的柏拉图式的理念。

20、I often go out with Cynthia but it's purely Platonic love between us. ─── 我经常和辛西娅外出,但那纯粹是精神上的相爱。

21、I've heard of affairs that are strictly platonic ─── 我曾听说恋爱是严格意义上柏拉图式的

22、2. They'd had a close platonic relationship for more than thirty years. ─── 他们之间的柏拉图式的亲密关系已有三十多年了.

23、The platonic historical outlook is a theory opposite to the historical materialistic perspective. ─── 唯心史观是与唯物史观相对立的一种理论。

24、It's as though the ordinary earthly objects, we bump into them or they bump into us, and they get us to look upwards to the heavenly Platonic realm. ─── 这就像普通的地球物体,我们撞到它们,或者它们撞到我们,它们让我们仰望天堂的柏拉图王国。

25、Or, to use a Platonic image, justice and the State are the warp and the woof which run through the whole texture. ─── 还有,利用柏拉图的想象我们可以发现,正义和国家是编织具有某种质地和纹理的织品和织物的经线与纬线。

26、However, Jiang admitted that she had dinner with him that day & accompanied him to the ball game, yet repeated that they were just platonic friends. ─── 不过江语晨也承认确实与周董吃晚餐、打球,但是两人只是朋友;

27、in Platonic philosophy,objective reality as perceived and distorted by the five senses ─── 柏拉图哲学思想中,被第五感觉察觉并歪曲的客观事实

28、He certainly did not plunder Yukos and has nothing to fear from Platon Lebedev or myself. ─── 他显然没有窃取尤科斯公司的资产,对我和列别德夫,他也不用担心。”

29、Keywords Platonic polyhedron;Fullerenes;Symmetry of regular polyhedron; ─── 柏拉图多面体;高碳原子簇;正多面体对称性;

30、If you plan on seeing more than one person keep things platonic until you decide who you really want to pursue. ─── 如果你打算比一个人看得更多就保持柏拉图的方式直到你遇到真心想追求的那个人。

31、platonic body ─── 柏拉图体

32、The association has been called the most amazing romance in musical history, that the romance was purely platonic. ─── 他们的联系被称为“音乐史上最惊人的韵事。 因为这“韵事”是纯柏拉图式的。

33、This is when "strictly platonic" friendships can become much more "intimate"...There's a playful &flirtatious edge that comes out...And when it does, it tends to shake, rattle &roll others... ─── 因此,一些原本柏拉图式的友情会变得更加亲密,你也会做出一些玩乐和挑逗的举动,颠覆着别人。

34、It argues that the foundation of Augustinian theology is a synchronization of Platonic idealism and Christian faith. ─── 哈佛大学硕士、耶鲁大学顽士、在读博士。研究方向:宗教学、东西方比较文化。

35、Yes, she is beautiful, but our relationship is just platonic, we're just friends. ─── 是的,她是漂亮。但我们的友谊是纯洁的,我们只是朋友。

36、It is this theory that puts Platonic aesthetics into the domain of life and society, and embodies the opennes and depth of its aesthetic scope. ─── 它使美学超越了狭隘的艺术哲学,进入了人生和社会领域,体现了美学视野的开放性和纵深性。

37、"The letters date from seven or eight years before she died and everyone has since speculated if this had been just a platonic relationship ─── "这些信件写于她去世前七八年,于是所有人都怀疑这是否仅仅是一段柏拉图式的精神恋爱。

38、"Regular polyhedra" or "Platonic solids" are convex polyhedra with congruent regular polygons as faces where the same number of faces meet at each vertice. ─── “正多面体”或“柏拉图式的立体”的凸多面体,全等多边形作为构成面。

39、Garbo offered to one's gaze a sort of Platonic Idea of the human creature, which explains why her face is almost sexually undefined, without however leaving one in doubt. ─── 嘉宝给人一种人类生灵的柏拉图式意念,这也解释了为什么她的脸在性意义上并不明确,但却未令人疑惑。

40、That humans (and perhaps other animals) come ready-supplied with numbers contradicts two popular rival theories: the Platonic and the constructivist. ─── 人类(或许还有其他动物)与生俱来的数字能力与主流的两个互为对立的理论之间产生了冲突。

41、Platonic love ─── n. 精神恋爱

42、The platonic school's most significant discovery was the conic sections. ─── Plato学派的最重要发现是圆锥曲线。

43、Aristotle tried his utmost to avoid the platonic route of drawing blueprints for the "perfect" as well as the "second-best" state ─── 亚里斯多德尽其最大努力避免重蹈柏拉图描绘的“最完美”以及“第二等好的”国家蓝图的复辙。

44、He say that his feelings for her is entirely platonic. ─── 他说他对她的感情完全是友谊。

45、He said that his feelings for her were entirely platonic ─── 他说他对她的感情完全是友谊.

46、Comparison Between Confucian and Platonic Ideas of Law ─── 孔子与柏拉图的法律思想比较

47、Eric:Oh, actually I'm just a little curious about Plato. Many people know his famous allegation of Platonic love. Do you believe it? ─── 哦,实际上我只是对柏拉图有点儿好奇罢了。很多人都知道他著名的“柏拉图式爱情”。你信吗?

48、Two lifelong platonic friends, strapped for cash and in debt, decide to make a porno. ─── 才发现对彼此的感觉不再只是普通朋友而已。

49、In Platonic philosophy, objective reality as perceived and distorted by the five senses. ─── 幻觉,错觉柏拉图哲学思想中,被第五感觉察觉并歪曲的客观事实

50、Their friendship is based on platonic love. ─── 他们的友情是基於柏拉图式的爱情。

51、The Maud Gone Caf nearby recalls his lifelong(and platonic) friendship with the poet and fellow revolutionary Maud Gonne. ─── 在附近的莫德.龚茵咖啡馆回顾叶芝与诗人及革命伴侣莫德.龚茵一生(柏拉图式)的友谊.

52、” And modern science, he believes, provides evidence to show that the Platonic view is just plain wrong.He titled his article “Let Platonism Die. ─── 在他名为“让柏拉图主义死亡”的文章中,他坚信,现代科学可以提供证据来证明柏拉图的观点是错误的。

53、He is a Platonic philosopher. ─── 他是一个柏拉图学派的哲学家。

54、Some men are seeking to have purely a platonic relationship with another man, the emotional fulfilment coming from that relationship. ─── 有些人寻找着与别的男人纯粹的柏拉图式的关系,从中得到精神上的满足。

55、I just know all I am go to get again this year be meaningless platonic chocolates. ─── 我就知道今年我仍旧收到没有意义的情面巧克力。

56、On the Main Differences between Confusian and Platonic Ideas ─── 柏拉图与孔子思想之主要差异分析

57、The letters date from seven or eight years before she died and everyone has since speculated if this had been just a platonic relationship. ─── 这些信件写于她去世前七八年,于是所有人都怀疑这是否仅仅是一段柏拉图式的精神恋爱。

58、A Comparative study of Confucian and Platonic thoughts of education ─── 孔子与柏拉图教育观之比较

59、4 Most of us are also art-snobs. There are two varieties of art-snobbery the platonic and the unplatonic. ─── 我们中多数人也是艺术势利者,这种势利感有两类,一是纯精神的,另一类则与之相反。

60、He said that his feelings for her was entirely platonic ─── 他说他对她的感情完全是友谊

61、they are more like paid, platonic girlfriends. ─── 她们有点象收费的,柏拉图式的女朋友。

62、The association has been called the most amazing romance in musical history,that the romance was purely platonic. ─── 他们的联系被称为“音乐史上最惊人的韵事”。因为这“韵事”是纯柏拉图式的。

63、Perhaps I should make it clear that in discussing this matterof travel companions I am confining myself to Platonic friendships. ─── 也许我该声明一下,在我讨论旅游伙伴这个话题时,仅限于柏拉图式的友谊。

64、Nowadays the term "platonic love" is used to mean love between a man and a woman which contains no sexual element ─── “柏拉图式的爱”在今天专指男女之间不含性成分的爱。

65、Theologization and Deconstruction of Platonic Mathematic Trut h ─── 柏拉图主义数学真理的神学化及其解构

66、Yet the LHC, like science itself, is not just a platonic ideal. ─── 不过,就像科学本身一样,LHC并不仅仅是柏拉图式不切实际的空想。

67、It's not yet time to pursue a platonic friendship if romantic intentions still reside within either of you. ─── 以前在一起过,说明还是有着一些志趣相投的地方,为什么不试着保持友好相处呢?

68、Darn! I just know all I am go to get again this year be meaningless platonic chocolates. ─── 妈的!我就知道今年我仍旧收到没有意义的情面巧克力。

69、Platonic Academy ─── 柏拉图学园

70、Construction of Three-Dimensional Model of Platonic Solid Coloring Mode Based on Group Theory ─── 基于群论的柏拉图立体着色方案三维模型构造

71、A Comparison between Confucian and Platonic Thoughts of Esthetic Education ─── 孔子与柏拉图美育思想比较

72、“Ah, my dear man,” rejoined Platon, “the beggar's bag and the prison walls none can be sure of escaping. ─── “哎呀,你这个可爱的人。”普拉东表示异议。“讨饭袋和监狱你都别嫌弃。”

73、Platonic kiss ─── ph. 柏拉图之吻

74、Their friendship remained purely platonic. ─── 他们保持着纯粹的友谊关系。

75、Comparative Study of Platonic Thought of "Concept -Inspiration" and Veda Theory of "Two Magic" ─── 柏拉图"理念-灵感"说与吠陀"二幻"论之比较

76、Show me a genuIne case of platonIc frIendshIp and I shall show you two old or homely faces. ─── 给我看看柏拉图式友爱的实例好了,那我就会给你看看两个老头老太太的脸或是两张大丑脸。

77、The truth was that Jay Gatsby of West Egg, Long Island, sprang from his Platonic conception of himself. ─── 实际上长岛西卵的杰伊 - 盖茨比来自他对自己的柏拉图式的理念。

78、They'd had a close platonic relationship for more than thirty years ─── 他们之间的柏拉图式的亲密关系已有叁十多年了

79、She values the platonic friendship she has had with Chris for ten years. ─── 她珍视她同克里斯之间已经长达10年的柏拉图式的友谊。

80、The letters date from seven or eight years before she died and everyone has since speculated if this had been just a platonic relationship. ─── “这些信件写于她去世前七八年,于是所有人都怀疑这是否仅仅是一段柏拉图式的精神恋爱。”

81、The Aristotelian paradigm prefers the frog perspective, whereas the Platonic paradigm prefers the bird perspective. ─── 亚里士多德的典范偏向蛙的眼光,而柏拉图的典范偏向鸟的眼光。

82、Their relationship is strictly platonic. ─── 他们的关系完全是纯友谊。

83、In summary, the Platonic scenario is dominantly inductive-deductive,while the Aristotelian scenario is dominantly inductive-abductive. ─── 总结一下,柏拉图研究用的主要方法是归纳和演译方法,亚里士多德主要是用归纳和溯因方法。

84、they are more like paid, platonic girlfriends ─── 她们有点像收费的,柏拉图式的女朋友。

85、In an idealized view of the fashion and art world, the gatekeepers of taste coolly evaluate the work they see according to Platonic criteria ─── 在一个理想的时尚和艺术世界里,品位的守门人根据柏拉图式的美学标准冷静地评估眼前的作品。

86、We can say today that this university is a direct ancestor of the platonic republic of Plato's Academy. ─── 我们现今可以说,这间大学的直系祖先是柏拉图学院的柏拉图式共和国。

87、In literary contexts, it is applied, generally, to poetry of a Platonic, esoteric, recondite, or occult kind ─── 就文学范围说,它一般用于指柏拉图式的、深奥的、晦涩的或玄妙的诗歌。

88、Whether romantic, familial or platonic, the relationships in your life should be strengthened by this infusion of attention and affection. ─── 周五到周末的时间里,你将坠入爱河,无论是浪漫的,家庭型的,还是理想型的,你们之间的关系将通过相互的注意和影响而得到加强。

89、But ritual remains that we must do a series of platonic acti before we can have intercourse. ─── 但是还有典礼,我们必须在我们可以交往之前,参加一系列不切实际的活动。







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