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08-15 投稿


futile 发音

英:[?fju?t(?)l]  美:[?fju?ta?l]

英:  美:

futile 中文意思翻译



futile 网络释义

adj. 无用的;无效的;没有出息的;琐细的;不重要的

futile 同义词

negative | unavailing |vain | wasted | hopeless | fruitless | unsuccessful | sleeveless | aimless | idle | otiose | useless | abortive | pointless | ineffectual | ineffective | null | bootless | worthless

futile 反义词

profitable | useful

futile 短语词组

1、futile cycle ( ─── 耗能性)无效循环

2、futile device ─── 无用的装置

3、futile trip ─── 徒劳的旅行

4、futile devices ─── 无用的设备

futile 词性/词形变化,futile变形

副词: futilely |名词: futileness |

futile 相似词语短语

1、rutile ─── n.[矿物]金红石

2、fertile ─── adj.富饶的,肥沃的;能生育的

3、sutile ─── 苏蒂尔

4、ductile ─── adj.柔软的;易教导的;易延展的

5、utile ─── adj.有用的;有益的

6、fusile ─── adj.可聚变的;可熔的

7、futilely ─── 徒然地

8、fictile ─── adj.塑造的;陶土制的;可塑造性的;n.陶制品

9、inutile ─── adj.无用的;无利可图的;无意义的

futile 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、All his attempts to unlock the car were futile, because he was using the wrong key. ─── 他多次尝试打开车门, 但都不得要领, 因为他用错了钥匙。

2、After this demonstration of personal power, the Rockefeller-kuhn, Loeb group concluded that further opposition to the Morgan combination was futile. ─── 在摩根表演了这种个人权力之后,洛克菲勒集团断定,再反对摩根联合是无益的。

3、Perhaps she was not lonely, perhaps she is very happy, maybe I just futile to pay, but I do not regret it. ─── 也许她并不孤独,也许她已经很幸福,也许我只是徒然的付出,但我不后悔。

4、His efforts to save the business were futile. ─── 他挽救企业的努力未能奏效。

5、He died for Germany in the gigantic and futile operation called Citadel. ─── 他在被称为“城堡”行动的一次大规模的劳而无功的战役中阵亡。

6、Using the historical materialism to probe the rise of this trend, the authors affirm that though it is a futile effort of New. ─── 从唯物史观看,这一思潮的兴起是新托马斯主义为解决现代西方社会病和文化危机开出的一个宗教处方。

7、A hard-determinist, therefore, believes that human effort is not futile. ─── 因此,刚性决定论者认为,人的努力不是无用的。

8、He is firmly convinced that the pleasures secured by satisfying the senses are not only transitory but also futile. ─── 因为他们坚定地认为,感官的欢愉不但是短暂的而且也是无意义的。

9、Lawrence is told that any idea of rescue is futile and, in any event, Gasim's death is “written”. ─── 劳伦斯被告知,任何营救行为都是没用的,卡西姆的死亡是“天注定”的了。

10、Any unrealistic objective is not worth pursuing sedulously since it is doomed to a futile project. ─── 任何不现实的目标不值得去辛苦地追求因为它注定是无用的计划。

11、But as far as changing another's mind is concerned,you will probably be just as futile as if you were wrong. ─── 可是你要改变一个人的意志时,就是你对了,也跟不对一样。

12、The Lord knows the thoughts of the wise, that they are futile. ─── 主知道智慧人的意念是虚妄的。

13、It would be futile to protest. ─── 抗议也无用。

14、Any attempt to distort or even deny resolution 2758 (XXVI) is futile. ─── 任何旨在歪曲、甚至否定联大第2758(XXVI)号决议的企图都完全是徒劳的。

15、It would therefore be futile to attempt to see or photograph the interference pattern resulting from two light bulbs. ─── 因此要想看到或者摄得由两个灯泡所产生的干涉图样将是徒劳的。

16、Without wasting any time, ZAT team attacks the lake monster but its effort is futile and it has to seek Ultraman Taro’s help. ─── 不浪费任何时间,昭通队的攻击湖怪兽,但其努力是徒劳的,它必须寻求奥特曼太郎的帮助。

17、But this attempt of his will certainly prove futile, if it is only a subterfuge and means no real change in policy. ─── 但是如果只是形式上的欺骗而无政策上的改变,他的这一企图必然徒劳无功。

18、Wilson vetoed measure on March 3, 1921, warning that farmers needed new markets for their products, not futile tariff protection. ─── 1921年3月13日,威尔逊否决此法案,警告说,农民需要的是农产品的新市场,不是无用的关税保护。

19、Graph: The space makes full use of, futile baldric each with respect to its. ─── 图:空间充分利用,琐细佩饰各就其位。

20、You will be assimilate!Resistance is futile! ─── 你将被我同化,抵抗是无效的!

21、In the end the wait was futile as I was not granted permission to see my client at least not on this trip. ─── 我们的等待白费了,这次的武汉之行没能被允许见到我的委托人。

22、The subversion attempts proved predictably futile. ─── 不出所料,颠覆活动证明毫无效果。

23、He patted her reassuringly upon the shoulder, but Carrie felt how really futile had been her hopes. ─── 他安慰地拍拍她的肩膀让她宽心。 但是嘉莉感到她的希望实在太渺茫了。 她很清楚地看出。

24、Only furnishing plans is fruitless and futile in order that he won't frown or get furious. ─── 为了让他不皱眉或者不大发雷霆,光是提供一些计划是不会有成效的也是毫无用处的。

25、Death steps in the end and stops him before he has grown tired of this futile pursuit of that complete felicity which always escapes him. ─── 他因为追求幸福而感到日渐疲惫,然而真正的幸福却从他身边溜走,最终死亡来临,结束了他的一生。

26、But, comrades, I can say with confidence that their design is futile, crazy, impossible of achievement. ─── 但是,同志们,我可以断定,他们的想法是狂妄的,是徒然的,是不可能达到目的的。

27、Hope is not the futile wait for wishes to be fulfilled. Guide the creation of your destiny but be aware that it won't be as you dreamed. ─── 希望不是无用的等待所能实现的。指引创造你的命运但要知道它将不再是你梦想。

28、It would be futile to argue with him. ─── 去跟他争辩是徒劳的。

29、All his attempts to unlock the car were futile,because he was using the wrong key. ─── 他多次尝试打开车门,但都不得要领,因为他用错了钥匙。

30、It is futile to attempt to convince him that certain things are simply undoable. ─── 使他相信某事情是完全不可为的是无用的尝试。

31、Therefore any attempt at a universal tool set also proves futile. ─── 因此,任何建立一个通用工具集的尝试被认为是徒劳的。

32、Through this jumble of futile activities came and went a strange throng of hangers-on. ─── 在这乱哄哄的圈子里还穿梭般往来着一群稀奇古怪的食客。

33、Soon after, the Jovians arrived on the scene and the Amarrians made a futile attempt to subjugate them, resulting in a humiliating defeat. ─── 不久之后,朱庇特人到来而艾玛帝国试图征服他们的努力无效,导致了一场屈辱的失败。

34、Your efforts turned out futile due to incorrect methods. ─── 因为方法不对,你的努力都是白费蜡。

35、He concluded that resistance was futile . ─── 他断定抵抗是毫无用处的。

36、How completely he disappointed them and how weak and futile was the League of Nations he made is too long and too distressful a stow to tell here. ─── 他让他们多么彻底地失望,他所创造的国际联盟是多么软弱、无效,这个故事说来太长、太令人痛苦。

37、At Christmas time Frank Kennedy and a small troop from the commissary department jogged up to Tara on a futile hunt for grain and animals for the army. ─── 他们那天晚上在农场过夜,躺在客厅地板上,垫着暖和的地毯美美地睡了一觉,因为他们已很久不在屋里过夜了,长期睡在松针堆里和硬邦邦的土地上。

38、Their costly and futile attempt to subjugate the Afghans lasted just 10 years. ─── 他们想征服阿富汗人的意图耗费大量金钱而且无效,只维持了十年的时间。

39、He wants to flee this happy obscene aristocrat entanglement.But he knew.All are only the futile efforts. ─── 他想逃离这个欢淫的贵族纠葛,但他知道,一切都只是徒劳。

40、Military victories and land grabs are futile. ─── 军事胜利和侵占领土是徒劳的。

41、He knew what was running in her mind and how futile her dreams were. ─── 他知道她脑子里在想着什么事情,她的梦想简直是一场空。

42、Your mind knows that continuing to work hard is likely to be futile and won’t solve the real problem of incongruence. ─── 你心里知道,继续努力是没用的,也不能解决不一致这个真正的问题。

43、Any added word would have been commonplace and futile. ─── 再说任何话都会是平凡无聊,毫无价值的。

44、Like many in Russia, she blamed the country's failings on futile attempts to catch up with the West. ─── 像在俄罗斯的许多人一样,她把这个国家的错误归咎于想赶上西方的徒劳。

45、It is significant to discuss the medical relations,the allocation of resources and the moral values in the futile treatment on uremia. ─── 关于尿毒症无效治疗的医患关系、资源分配及道德价值的讨论是有积极意义的;

46、Trying to determine which one is "better" is entirely subjective, and ultimately futile. ─── 在两者之间确定一个优胜者,这完全带有主观性,到最后显得没有意义。

47、Man is liable to forget how small and often how futile he is. ─── 人类往往忘记自己是多么渺小,而且常常是多么无用的。

48、All his attempts to unlock the door were futile, because he use the wrong key. ─── 他为打开门锁而做的努力都白费了,因为他用错了钥匙。

49、Then, of course, they are far away from the Lord. Since they do not understand in the first place, it would be futile for the Lord to go near them. ─── 他说:我以前认为主是在很遥远的地方,不过现在我已经知道了,主是在任何人的心中。

50、In one of his first moves he decided it was futile to keep Oldsmobile. ─── 他烧的头几把火之一是认为继续保留奥兹莫比尔品牌徒劳无益。

51、Brothers,let us squander our morning in futile songs. ─── 兄弟们,让我们在这空虚无聊的歌声中挥霍我们的清晨吧。

52、Any attempt to distort or een deny resolution 2758 (XXI) is futile. ─── 任何旨在歪曲、甚至否定联大第2758(XXI)号决议的企图都完全是徒劳的。

53、Unfortunately, some sales reps stay with those dry areas, holding on, hoping something will come as a result of their futile efforts. ─── 不幸的是,有些销售员一直呆在干涸的地方,坚持,希望他们的无效的努力会得到一些结果。

54、English resistance was futile as he took control of England and his reign would begin. ─── 在英国人无力的抵抗下,威廉大帝夺得英格兰,开始他的统治。

55、You have said, 'It is futile to serve God. What did we gain by carrying out his requirements and going about like mourners before the Lord Almighty? ─── 你们说:‘事奉上帝是徒然的,遵守上帝所吩咐的,在万军之耶和华面前苦苦斋戒,有什么益处呢?

56、To attempt any work for God without prayer is as futile as trying to launch a space probe with a per-shooter. ─── 不祷告而尝试为上帝做任何工作,就像想用豆子枪发射太空侦测器一样的徒劳无功。

57、So much of what we do today is frivolous and futile and soon forgotten. ─── 今天我们所做之事有多少是琐碎无功的,很快就被人遗忘。

58、The most futile thing in this world is any attempt, perhaps, at exact definition of character. ─── 世界上最徒劳无益的事情,也许就是企图给性格下个正确的定义。

59、The concept and decision-making and the conflict of futile treatment are discussed from the view point of a medical staff. ─── 从医务工作者的角度,就无效治疗的概念、判定及无效治疗实施过程中的利益冲突和解决对策进行讨论。

60、Then remorse it is futile, not to forget the memory of good. ─── 再悔恨也是徒然,记忆不如忘却的好。

61、He too concludes that all is well. This universe henceforth without a master seems to him neither sterile nor futile. ─── 他对这一切很高兴,因为从今以后他的世界中没有那些既无新意有没有作用的统治者

62、It would therefore be futile to attempt to see or photograph the interference pattern resulting from two light bulbs. ─── 因此要想看到或者摄得由两个灯泡所产生的干涉图样将是徒劳的。

63、Pavel Nedved has told Juventus it is futile to keep hold of want-away striker Zlatan Ibrahimovic against his will. ─── 内德维德告诉尤文,执意强留想远走高飞的前锋伊布的做法是徒劳无益的.

64、It's really futile to argue with the Chinese on or try to convince them of liberty or morals, to which they are perfectly neutral. ─── 关于自由和道德,跟中国人争论或尝试说服他们实在是徒劳的。对那些概念,他们是完美的中立者。

65、Mere personal effort is futile. ─── 单凭个人努力是无效果的。

66、The way Malfoy smirks at him when he turns his head and stretches makes Harry realize his efforts have been futile. ─── 但当Malfoy 转过头,伸着腰的时候,朝他得意的一笑,他才发觉自己其实是在做无用功。

67、He made a futile exercise. ─── 他做了一次无效的练习。

68、Only the improvement of the target, and contrary to the objective rule, will be futile. ─── 一味的提高目标,而违背事物发展的客观规律,终将是徒劳的。

69、Don't waste time by asking futile questions. ─── 别问些无用的问题浪费时间。

70、Decisions and Goal Setting If your first attempt at achieving your goals seems futile, should you move on and do something else? Absolutely not! ─── 在人生品格的组成中,坚持不懈甚至是比能力更有价值的因素。毕竟无人能凭对成功的不成功!

71、They are killed,to the last man,in a futile attack. ─── 因一次进攻失败,他们全部被杀,无一幸免。

72、Just think of all the futile efforts. ─── 你想想,一切努力付之东流。

73、Any attempt to distort or even deny resolution2758( XXVI) is futile. ─── 任何旨在歪曲、至否定联大第2758(XVI)决议的企图都完全是徒劳的。

74、We are the Borg. You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile. ─── 同情楼主,但是没有办法,社会就是这么残酷。

75、Wilson vetoed measure on March 3,1921, warning that farmers needed new markets for their products, not futile tariff protection. ─── 1921年3月13日,威尔逊否决此法案,警告说,农民需要的是农产品的新市场,不是无用的关税保护。

76、All his attempts to unlock the door were futile, because he was using the wrong key. ─── 他多次尝试打开门锁,但都不得要领,因为他用错了钥匙。

77、Their efforts to revive him were futile. ─── 他们对他抢救无效.

78、He shifted his hams-that futile and reflexive gesture of hospitality-and she sat down. ─── 他将腿移开--随后,她就坐了下来。

79、The economic clauses of the treaty were malignant and silly to an extent that made them obviously futile. ─── 和约中关于经济的条文,其苛狠和愚蠢,竟达到显然不能实现的程度。

80、"It is futile to expect a hungry and squalid population to be anything but violent and gross" (Thomas H. Huxley). ─── “期望饥锇和贫穷的居民不狂暴和粗野是无用的” (托马斯H.赫克斯利)。

81、Don't rejoice with this futile victory. ─── 别因为这微不足道的胜利而欣喜.

82、But burning the forest is futile, there's always more vegetation, more impenetrable hillside to run to. ─── 但是,焚烧森林是徒劳的,植被永远那么茂密,将山坡围得密不透风,难以穿行。

83、Finding his protest futile, Niranjan began to rock the boat, threatening to sink it in midstream. ─── 内伦贾发觉自己的抗议无济于事,就开始在船上捣乱,差点儿在河流正中翻了船。

84、Opinions differ as to the reasons why he became the futile laborer of the underworld. ─── 各种说法的分歧在于是否要赋予这地狱中的无效劳动者的行为动机以价值。

85、To try to solve the world's problem without solving your individual problem is futile, utterly empty, because you and I make up the world. ─── 尝试解决世界的问题,看不到你个人的问题,这是无效的、完全没有意义的,因为你和我构成了这个世界。

86、He sat as still as a mouse, in the futile hope that whoever it was might go away after a single attempt. ─── 他像老鼠一样坐着,徒然巴望敲了一下,好歹就会走开。

87、They spent all their creative resources on futile projects. ─── 他们将所有的创造力浪费在无益的项目上。

88、They tried to stage a rearguard action to defend Vienna, but it was futile. ─── 他们试图作为后卫部队来包围维也纳,但是却失败了。

89、He is a futile sort of person. ─── 他是一个没有用的人。













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