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08-15 投稿


continuity 发音

英:[,k?nt?'nju??t?]  美:['kɑnt?'n??ti]

英:  美:

continuity 中文意思翻译



continuity 短语词组

1、amputation in continuity ─── [医] 关节外切断术

2、continuity equation ─── [化] 连续方程; 连续性方程

3、Continuity Army Council ─── [网络] 继军事委员会

4、continuity check ─── [计] 连续性检验

5、continuity of state ─── [建] 物态连续性

6、continuity promotion ─── [经] 连续推销, 连续宣传

7、continuity test ─── [电] 通路测试

8、continuity of the state ─── [法] 国家的连续性

9、Continuity Irish Republican Army ─── [网络] 持久爱尔兰共和军

10、continuity principle ─── [经] 继续经营原则

11、by continuity spread ─── [医] 连续传布

12、equation of continuity ─── [化] 连续性方程

13、continuity theorem ─── [计] 连续性定理

14、continuity concept ─── [经] 营业连续性概念

15、continuity writer ─── [电] 广播书写者

16、continuity method ─── [计] 连续法

17、approximate continuity ─── [计] 近似连续

18、continuity of operations ─── [经] 连续性经营

19、continuity failure signal ─── [计] 加接失败信号

continuity 同义词

maintenance |stability | continuation | persistence | steadiness | endurance | permanence

continuity 词性/词形变化,continuity变形

名词复数: continuities |

continuity 反义词


continuity 相似词语短语

1、continuing ─── adj.继续的;持续的;连续的

2、conspicuity ─── n.显著性,醒目

3、continuality ─── 尽管如此

4、discontinuity ─── n.不连续;中断;间断性;断绝

5、contiguity ─── n.邻近,接触

6、continuingly ─── 不断地

7、continently ─── adv.柔和地;节制地

8、continuities ─── n.连续性;一连串;分镜头剧本

9、continuate ─── adj.持续的;不间断的

continuity 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Test for correct orientation of the active and neutral wires and the pins of the mains by continuity testing with an ohmmeter. ─── 利用欧姆表,通过连续性试验来测定有效导线、中性线和干线的插脚引线的定位是否正确。

2、The absolute summability of autocorrelation sequence imposes only the continuity constraint on the power spectrum. ─── 另外,绝对可加性自相关数列之假设只是意指在频谱中必须连续。

3、Before installing cover plate, a continuity test should be performed to assure that switches are properly set. ─── 在安装盖板之前,应该进行断路检查测试,以确保开关正确设置。

4、The new president has also vowed to follow the political continuity. ─── 克里斯蒂娜还表示新政府将延续上届政府的政策导向。

5、It provides visual continuity to a campaign that may also be appearing in other media. ─── 它为也可能出现在其他媒体上的广告活动提供了视觉连续的效果。

6、Mr Keller sees continuity where others see helter-skelter change. ─── 别人眼中杂乱无章的变迁在凯勒眼里却具有连续性。

7、No other family in the world has such memorials of its continuity. ─── 世界上没有其它的家族有这样连绵长久的纪念物。

8、Any damage to it or threat to its continuity must be addressed immediately - the onus is on all Singaporeans to preserve it. ─── 如果发觉出现裂痕或断层,就必须立刻进行抢修补救,而这项重大的神圣的任务,就落在所有新加坡人的身上。

9、He, too, tackled the notions of limit and continuity . ─── 他也抓住了极限和连续性的概念。

10、The Trend About Business Continuity? ─── 中国银行业灾难备份路在何方?

11、This part can be cut out without harming the continuity of the story. ─── 删去这部分不会损害故事的连续性。

12、Diplomatic research is a cycling and endless process marked by its continuity and coherence. ─── 外交调研是一个过程,具有延续性和连贯性,循环往复,不应有止。

13、Her deepest enjoyment was to feel the continuity between the movements of her own soul and the agitations of the world. ─── 她最深邃的欢乐,便是感到自己的内心活动和世界的风云变幻之间,存在着不可分割的联系。

14、Provide stability and continuity in times of change. ─── 在大选时维护国家稳定。

15、After resection of the aneurysm, vascular continuity was restored by interposition of a 6-mm PTFE graft. ─── 在动脉瘤切除后,植入一个直径6毫米的PTFE管保持脉管的连续性。

16、Pseudo-derived the divergence theorem. Trivially derived the continuity equation using the Reynolds Transport Theorem. ─── 假推导出散度定理。用雷诺运输定理来一般的推导连续性方程。

17、In this collection there was a certain continuity of personnel and anecdote in one series of five letters. ─── 在这本书信集里,每5封信成一组,其中的人物和轶事有一定的连续性。

18、The switch wire harness must be disconnected before testing switch continuity. ─── 在测试导通性之前必须断开开关线束。

19、Continuity seems likely in most of the other Sub-Saharan elections scheduled this year. ─── 似乎绝大部分撒哈拉南部非洲的选举都保持了一贯性。

20、Continuity has value, but the lack of a serious talent infusion makes the Sonics a bubble team at best. ─── 一直很有价值,但缺少天才的输入,使得超音速队最多是一个泡沫球队。

21、The underlying concepts of limit, continuity, and so on are not there. ─── 在那里是没有极限,连续等根本性的概念的

22、The part can be cut out without harming the continuity of the story. ─── 删去这部分不会损害故事的连贯性。

23、Qo you prefer continuity in structure or frequent change in your daily work? ─── 81问:日常工作中,你喜欢固定的工作模式还是多变的工作模式?

24、It was the continuity of intelligent activities in the Middle Ages that make the renaissance of rationalism possible. ─── 但是有其孕育和形成的过程,而这一过程正是在中世纪实现的。

25、Backup and recovery are essential practices to ensure business continuity in the event of media failure. ─── 备份和恢复是在介质失效的情况下确保业务连续性的基本要求。

26、What’s interesting is that Millar has pretty much given up the comic book continuity of the series. ─── 在美国漫画情报网站的一次采访中,米勒谈及他对以漫画作为其原著的后续作品毫无兴趣。

27、Citrix Solution for Business Continuity. ─── 之可能的结果。

28、Their talk had an appearance of embarrassed continuity. ─── 他们的谈话断断续续,似难以为继。

29、Neville believes continuity is vital if England are to grow as a football nation. ─── 内维尔相信持续发展对于英格兰成为一个足球国家是非常重要的。

30、I am very ambitious and I desire the continuity Mourinho cannot give me. ─── “我是一名有雄心壮志的球员,我渴望得到那些穆里尼奥没能给我的东西。”

31、But there have been revolts and revolutions. What role do they play in the continuity of Chinese culture.'? ─── 中国历史上曾爆发过起义和革命。它们在中国文明的绵延不断中发挥什么作用?

32、"The restoration has given uniformity and continuity back to the surface," Parnigoni told the news conference. ─── “修复工作使雕像的表面恢复了均匀和连贯,”帕尔尼戈尼在新闻发布会上说。

33、As an example, Mimosa Systems, Inc. Extends the operational continuity within a single datacenter to remote continuity. ─── 例如,Mimosa Systems,Inc.将一个数据中心内的操作连续性扩展到远程连续性。

34、A brief shot that interrupts the visual continuity of the main action of a film, often to depict related matter or supposedly concurrent action. ─── 切换镜头一种中断电影的主要情节画面的连续性的简短镜头,通常用来描绘相关事件或可能同时发生的情节

35、A continuity tester injects an AC signal into the conductors of a cable to find circuit faults. ─── 一个连续性测试器给电缆导线注入交流信号,从而找到电路故障。

36、The computation of geometric continuity is one of the key problems in Computer Aided Geometric Design (CAGD). ─── 几何连续性的求解是计算机辅助几何设计 (CAGD)中的一个关键问题 .

37、It may seem that this cultural continuity gives us a huge advantage over ants. ─── 似乎这种文化延续性使我们与蚂蚁相比占有巨大的优势。

38、The holy flame of Olympics symbolizes the continuity between the ancient and modern Games. ─── 奥林匹克圣火象征奥林匹克运动会自古自今的连续性。

39、"When I returned to the bedside of the young woman, I found her raving in precisely the same order of continuity. ─── “我回到那年轻妇女身边时,发现她仍按刚才的顺序一成不变地吃语尖叫。

40、So the first priority of the center is to help the continuity of such a rare species. ─── 德瓦尔德中心当务之急就是延续国王猎豹这一珍稀物种。

41、This year, China's macro-economic policy will maintain continuity, stability and require flexibility. ─── 今年,中国的宏观经济政策将保持连续性、稳定性和必要的灵活性。

42、A reliable partner to ensure business continuity. ─── 可靠的合作夥伴,保障服务品质和业务延续性。

43、The secret to its success: a strategy that eschewed fashion and emphasized performance, brand purity, and continuity. ─── 其成功的秘诀:策略放弃表现时尚和强调,品牌纯度、连续性.

44、Continuity of staff is a large part of what makes a club work. ─── 员工的连续性是保持俱乐部工作的一个重要部分。

45、"There's too much continuity with the bumbling and mishandling by the previous administration.Not enough discontinuity. ─── “有太多上届政府遗留的官样文章和不当的处理,缺乏魄力。”

46、After war came in 1939, ICC assured continuity by transferring its operations to neutral Sweden. ─── 1939年二战暴发后,为确保其工作不受中断,其业务操作迁移至中立国瑞典。

47、Assumptions - Basic understandings about unknown business disruption that the business continuity plans are based on. ─── 假定:对未知业务中断的基本了解,是业务连续性计划的基础。

48、J. Y. Lai and W. D. Ueng, "G1 continuity of B-spline surfaces in reverse engineering", submitted. ─── 刘琼山,举升曲面之逆向工程研究,国立中央大学机械工程研究所硕士论文,1995.

49、The Irrawaddy River in Myanmar is a source of continuity and hope in a country at odds with itself. ─── 在伊洛瓦底江是缅甸希望和不断繁衍的源泉。

50、After closure, continuity prestressing tendons would be provided in the bottom of the box. ─── 合拢以后,箱梁底部布置有连续的预应力筋。

51、Variable printhead voltage adjustment along with temperature to ensure the continuity of long time printing. ─── 喷头内部自动温度补偿系统,自动调整喷头内部电压,从而保证长篇幅打印的连续性。

52、The Olympic flame represents the continuity between the ancient and modem Games. ─── 奥林匹克圣火代表着古代奥运会和现代奥运会之间的延续。

53、Chagall's work follows a timeless theme, applicable to any age or society and suggesting the continuity of life itself. ─── 夏加尔的作品遵循一种永恒的可以适用于任何时代、任何社会的主题,而且这主题能使人联想到生活本身的持续性。

54、It's a question of what's the continuity? So one of the things I look at is, how did the universe begin and shape? ─── 等等这是一个关于什么是连续性的问题所以我所面对的一个问题就是宇宙是怎么开始并且成型的?

55、Natives give it solidity and continuity; but the settlers give it passion. ─── 当地人赋予它稳定性和延续性;但是定居者赋予了它激情。

56、After closure, continuity tendons would be provided in the bottom of the box. ─── 合拢以后,箱梁底部布置有连续的预应力筋。

57、China, we have been working to develop continuity in the EUs engagement. ─── 在中国,我们正努力促进欧盟参与的连续性。

58、In all he wrote there is a tension between the claims of progress and those of continuity and stability. ─── 在他所有的著述中,主张进步和主张连续性和稳定性之间存在着对立。

59、Phage chromosome is inserted into the continuity of the bacterial chromosome. ─── 噬菌体染色体被插入细菌染色体中。

60、Continuity and smoothness of appearance. ─── (外观的)持续流畅外表的连续性和顺滑性

61、Functions include OPEN/SHORT test, MIS-WIRE test, CONTINUITY test, ISOLATION test, INTERMITTENT OPEN/SHORT test. ─── 可侦测短路、断路、相反线(错位)、导通性、绝缘性、瞬间短/断路。

62、Obviously we lacked a bit of continuity, today it went badly and we went on the pitch interpreting badly the game. ─── 很明显,目前球队缺少一点连贯性,这场比赛走势很糟糕,表现也很不尽如人意。

63、Her deepest enjoyment was to feel the continuity between the movements of her own soul and the agitations of the world. ─── 她最深邃的欢乐,便是感到自己的内心活动和世界的风云变幻之间,存在着不可分割的联系。

64、The leaf axis arises from the leaf buttress and maintains procambial continuity in the central region. ─── 叶轴也来自叶原基和在中央区保留的原形成层细胞。

65、There is no continuity between the parts of his book. ─── 他书中的各部分之间没有连贯性。

66、The flame symbolizes the continuity between the ancient and modern Games. ─── 奥运圣火象征着古代和现代奥运会的连续性。

67、To be effective, these committees must have continuity of leadership. ─── 为了发挥功效,这些委员会必须有持续性的领导。

68、Continuity is ensured by using the same props in successive scene. ─── 在连续的场景中使用同样的道具以确保前后衔接。

69、A part of any business continuity plan must be a requirement for automatically generating technical documentation. ─── 任何业务连续性计划都包含自动生成技术文档的需求。

70、Reacting furnace is an important heat equipment for fluoride with continuity,high quality and production. ─── 反应炉是确保氟化盐生产连续、优质、高产的重要热工设备。

71、There's no continuity between the parts of his book. ─── 他的书各个部分之间没有关联。

72、In fact, in much of this there is more continuity than change. ─── 事实上,这种状况与其说是一种改变还不如说是往昔的延续。

73、But continuity of the life process is not dependent upon the prolongation of the existence of any one individual. ─── 但是,生活过程的延续并不依靠任何一个个体的延长生存。

74、It takes a lot of skill on his part to chop up hours of tape and give the programs continuity. ─── 大刀阔斧地砍去几个小时的录音带材料,同时还要使节目有连贯性,这就要求他有高超的技术才行。

75、For today is the concrete expression of a stunning fact, our continuity these 200 years since our government began. ─── 因为今天具体说明了一个非常美好的事实,我国政府自成立以来已延续二百年了。

76、They hope to get marital continuity is caressed with attentive. ─── 她们希望得到丈夫的继续爱抚和温存。

77、The admissibility of functions is regulated by continuity requirements and boundary conditions. ─── 函数的容许性由连续性要求和边界条件来约束。

78、Women want continuity of care and carer as well as the right to make informed decisions about their birthing choices. ─── .妇女希望服务的连贯性和护老者的权利以及知情的情况下作出决定,对他们的生育选择。

79、A sudden interruption of continuity; a gap. ─── 中断连续性的突然中断;缺口

80、Will you be looking for continuity or change within the Academy? ─── 你在学院主要会继续自己的工作还是承担更大的责任?

81、The effects on smoothness which caused by parameter continuity and geometry continuity are analyzed. ─── 分析了参数连续性和几何连续性对光顺性的影响。

82、An extension of the continuity equation by a source term due to evaporation rates of salt seawater will help to understand hurricanes. ─── 一次一个来源条件对连续性方程的扩展由于盐海水的蒸发比率将帮助理解飓风。

83、A central theme of the Joint Declaration and the Basic Law is one of continuity. ─── 《联合声明》和《基本法》的要义在于延续。

84、Unfortunately,no questions from the audience broke the continuity of his harangue. ─── 令人遗憾的是,没有听众提出问题来打断他的高谈阔论。

85、Now “continuity” is Mr Hatoyama’s watchword. ─── 但现在,“延续性”已经成了鸠山的口号。

86、Q: Yet, the problem of permanency, of continuity of being, is not solved. ─── 但、永久持续地存在这个问题仍未解决。

87、The images have better effect in continuity and reality through above proces-sing. ─── 保证了图像的连续性和客观性,取得了较好的效果。

88、Derived the shallow water potential vorticity equation from the shallow water momentum and continuity equations. ─── 从浅水波动量方程和连续性方程出发推导浅水波位涡方程。

89、A strong continuity of tradition and custom had guided the redoubtable islanders of the Far East across the centuries. ─── 传统和习俗的牢固延续,曾经引导这些可畏的远东岛民度过许多世纪。

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