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indisputable 发音

英:[??nd??spju?t?b(?)l]  美:[??nd??spju?t?b(?)l]

英:  美:

indisputable 中文意思翻译



indisputable 网络释义

adj. 明白的;无争论之余地的

indisputable 反义词


indisputable 同义词

undeniable | certain | incontrovertible | incontestable | irrefutable | indubitable | beyond doubt |unquestionable | unarguable | sure | patent | decided | undisputable

indisputable 词性/词形变化,indisputable变形

名词: indisputableness |副词: indisputably |

indisputable 短语词组

1、indisputable hotness ─── 无可争辩的热度

2、indisputable define ─── 无可争辩的定义

3、indisputable movie ─── 无可争辩的电影

4、indisputable fact ─── 无可争议的事实不争的事实

5、indisputable defined ─── 无可争辩的定义

6、indisputable data ─── 无可争辩的数据

7、indisputable crossword ─── 无可争辩的纵横字谜

8、indisputable synonyms ─── 无可争辩的同义词

9、indisputable means ─── 无可争辩的手段

indisputable 相似词语短语

1、indissuadable ─── 无可争辩的

2、indispensable ─── adj.不可缺少的;绝对必要的;责无旁贷的;n.不可缺少之物;必不可少的人

3、indisputably ─── adv.无争论余地地

4、indiscussable ─── 不可穿透的

5、disputable ─── adj.有讨论余地的;真假可疑的

6、incomputable ─── adj.数不清的;不可数的;极大量的

7、undisputable ─── adj.无疑问的;无可置否的

8、indicatable ─── 可指示的

9、disputably ─── adv.有讨论余地地

indisputable 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、His genius was indisputable, arid what most galled his critics was that he refused to de vote himself to refining one talent, but insisted on dividing his time between conducting, composing and performing. ─── 他的天才无可置疑,而最使他的评论家们烦恼的是他不愿全力以赴地改进一种才能,而定要把时间分散地用在指挥、作曲、演奏这几个方面。

2、Whatever objections may be urged against the "Solar myths" explanation of these stories, it is quite indisputable that the main incidents in all of them completely coincide. ─── 不管人们对“太阳神话”理论家们的解释持多少反对意见,但有一点是无可争议的,即所有这些故事中的主要事件碰巧都相同。

3、That much is indisputable. ─── 这点是毋庸置疑的。

4、The said penalty fee shall be paid by the Subcontractor under indisputable procedure against presentation of the corresponding invoice for collection. ─── 上述惩罚费用应在判争手续的相关发票集齐并全数出示后由转包商付费.

5、being such as to debar questioning or doubts; indisputable ─── 如此以至使质疑或怀疑都没有必要的;不容争辩的

6、As he saw it, he held England by indisputable right of blood, and he held Normandy and Anjou by that same right but as a vassal of the French king. ─── 如他所示,英格兰是无可争议的自家领地,诺曼底和安茹也一样是其根本,但对于法王却仅仅是一个臣子。

7、The People's Republic of China owns indisputable sovereignty over these islands and adjacent waters. ─── 中华人民共和国对这些岛屿及其附近海域拥有无可争辩的主权。

8、In Singapore, those who are good at Chinese but poor in English cannot compete with those who know English well. This is an indisputable fact. ─── 在新加坡不懂英文或英文不好的人,即使华文程度高,在学以致用方面来说,也是难以跟英文好的人争一日之长,这是客观的现实情形,毋庸争论的。

9、But the indisputable fact is that Ronaldo is a United player, under contract for a further five years. ─── 无可争议的事实就是小小是曼联的一员,又签了五年的合同。

10、nbsp;We must admit that the overwhelming volume of indisputable circumstantial evidence far outweighed the presumption of innocence . ─── 我们必须承认,大量无可辩驳的详尽的证据远远压倒了关于清白的假设。

11、It is indisputable that birds are harbouring this illness. ─── 无可争辩的是,鸟类携带着这种疾病。

12、Being such as to debar questioning or doubts; indisputable . ─── 别的公司很难与他们竞争是无可争辩的事实。

13、"It is indisputable and non-negotiable that he wants to play, but it is not Leo's decision , but Joseph Blatter," Jorge Messi told Argentinina station, Radio del Plata. ─── “这无可争议也不须商量,他就是想去,但这并不取决于里奥,而是布拉特。”梅西父亲告诉阿根廷电台。

14、an indisputable (or irrefutable) fact ─── 无可争辩的事实

15、It is an indisputable fact that an awareness of public environmental protection needs to be enhanced. ─── 公众环境保护的意识有待提高,这是一个不争的事实。

16、On the one hand, it is indisputable that boarding schools are exerting a growing imp? ─── 就意味着一份好的工作,然而这是真的吗?

17、As for your second question, China has indisputable sovereignty over Diaoyu Island. ─── 关于第二问题,中国对钓鱼岛有着无可争辩的主权。

18、On the one hand, it is indisputable that boarding schools are exerting a growing important effect, especially in last few years. ─── 一方面,寄宿学校正在发挥越来越重要的作用,尤其是最近几年,这是无可争辩的。

19、"Spring Silkworms to death to make silk, wax torch ashes only dry tears." Oh, this is indisputable vancomycin Liufang Gardener soul! ─── “春蚕到死丝方尽,蜡炬成灰泪始干。”呵,这便是颠扑不灭万古流芳的园丁魂!

20、indisputable evidence. ─── 无可争辩的证据

21、On the one hand, it is indisputable that boarding schools are exerting a growing important effect, especially in last few years. ─── 一方面,寄宿学校正在发挥越来 越重要的作用,尤其是最近几年,这是无可争辩的。

22、indisputable sovereignty ─── 不可争辩的主权

23、For example, it is an indisputable fact that we are all made of the precose same substance as the most intelligent, creative, magnificent life-forms in the entire universe. ─── 例如,我们都是由极其相同的物质组成的,是整个宇宙中最聪明的、有创造力、高贵的生命形式,这是一个不争的事实。

24、Development is the absolute(indisputable) truth, is the key to our facing problem. ─── 发展是硬道理,是解决我们面临问题的关键。

25、One thing is indisputable: Johnny Cash did more than take Kristofferson under his wing. ─── 不过有件事无可置疑:强尼.凯许不是仅仅照顾克里斯多佛森而已,

26、In ancient China, the first Taoist smelting technology is an indisputable fact. ─── 在古老的中国,道家首创冶炼技术是一个不争的事实。

27、Beijing Lu very block is an indisputable fact that, with the city's rapid development will bring results, but it is undeniable with some great drivers uncivilized traffic. ─── 北京路很堵是个不争的事实,这跟城市的快速发展带来的结果,但也不可否认与部分司机不文明行车有很大的关系。

28、"Once I get indisputable evidence I will make the announcement," she said. ─── 她说:“一旦我得到无可辩驳的证据,我将会宣布。”

29、On the present situation, the spot prices of iron ore has become an indisputable fact that China Steel Association it is very difficult to price pressure. ─── 就目前的形势看,铁矿石现货价格上涨已成为不争的事实,中钢协很难把价格压下来。

30、The former base their views on human incontestable limitations while the latter stand on human indisputable infinitude of possibilities in improving and perfecting themselves. ─── 他说,世界就像一个点菜餐馆,每个人都认为邻座点的菜肴总比自己点的菜肴更加诱人、更加可口。第三,人类有幽默感。

31、It is an indisputable fact that man is mortal. ─── 人(早晚)都会死,这是 无可争辩的事实.

32、It is indisputable that there are millions of people who still have a miserable lifehave to face the dangers of starvationexposure. ─── 大部分学生相信业余工作会使他们有更多机会发展人际交往能力,而这对他们未来找工作是非常有好处的。

33、The benefits of garbage collection are indisputable - increased reliability, decoupling of memory management from class interface design, and less developer time spent chasing memory management errors. ─── 垃圾收集的好处是无可争辩的可靠性提高、使内存管理与类接口设计分离,并使开发者减少了跟踪内存管理错误的时间。

34、It is indisputable that the crime rate has been rising. ─── 毫无疑问,犯罪率一直在上升。

35、China has indisputable right to these culture relics,and all are deserved to give back to China. ─── 中国对其拥有不可置疑的所有权,这些文物理应归还中国。

36、The professionalism of some of the mainstream American journalism is indisputable - many reporters and columnists are learned individuals who serve as excellent examples for us. ─── 以美国主流媒体来说,其中部分的专业水平是不争的事实,许多记者和专栏作家是博学之士,这都值得本地媒体学习。

37、It is indisputable that environmental pollution is a severe problem and effective measures should be taken to solve it by the authority in charge. ─── 无可否认,环境污染是一个极其严重的问题,当局应该采取有力措施来解决它。

38、Abstract: It has been an indisputable fact that climate change is bring about negative impacts. ─── 内容提要气候变化及其引起的消极影响已是不争的事实。

39、Your taste in various performers leads you to fixate on one or two (or more) who you believe hold the key to indisputable artistic greatness. ─── 你已经体验过许多不同的演奏者,终于开始盯上其中某一两个(或者更多),并认为他们无可挑剔地掌握着伟大艺术的精髓。

40、It is indisputable that there are millions of people who still have a miserable life and have to face the dangers of starvation. ─── 无可争辩,现在有成千上万的人仍过着挨饿的痛苦生活。

41、The other evident stresses, like the indisputable property bubble, are manageable and far short of what brought down the American economy. ─── 其他明显压力还包括房地产泡沫,但还处于可控范围,远不足以搞垮经济,这点和美国不一样。

42、an indisputable right ─── 不容置辩的权利

43、His indisputable position in the company and his very handsome income made him a good candidate for husband in her eyes. ─── 在公司里的地位无可争议,又有相当可观的收入,这使他在她的眼里成了不错的丈夫人选。

44、indisputable; incontestable ─── 无可争辩

45、Regional economic foundation is weak can repair, and the intransigence of the city center north of indisputable facts, which the bottleneck restricting the development of the property market Nancheng. ─── 区域经济基础薄弱尚可修补,观念的顽固不化和城市重心北移的不争事实,堪称制约南城楼市发展的瓶颈。

46、Yiwu vehicles is an indisputable fact, believe that only through the expansion to be resolved, Yiwu, Yiwu, after all, too many migrants. ─── 义乌车多是个不争的事实,相信只有义乌通过扩地可以解决,毕竟义乌外来人口太多了。

47、Par in parem imperium non habet is an indisputable legal maxim in the world. ─── 平等者之间无统治权, 这是国际上不容争辩的一项法律格言。

48、Paul had probably taught this doctrine in Corinth in the course of his founding the church there, since he cited it as an indisputable proposition. ─── 大概保罗在哥林多建立教会的过程中,已经把这教义教导给他们,所以保罗引用为人所皆知的事。

49、It's an indisputable fact that we have made great achievements. ─── 我们取得了伟大的成绩,这是无可争辩的事实。

50、It be indisputable that ─── 公认的事实是

51、But it is indisputable in any case that the Chinese Revolution did not result from the character of Chiang Kai-shek and that a dictator with a different name would not have solved its problem. ─── 但是中国的革命无疑决不是由蒋介石的个性引起的,即使换一个叫其他名字的独裁者,也仍然不可能解决中国的问题。

52、The owners must accept that they have an indisputable and continuing responsibility for the upkeep of their own buildings, including the need to shoulder the attendant financial implications. ─── 业主必须明白,他们对保养大厦责无旁贷,并须持之以恒,同时需要作出有关财政上的承担。

53、In Singapore,those who are good at Chinese but poor in English cannot compete with those who know English well. This is an indisputable fact. ─── 在新加坡英文不好的人,即使华文程度高,也是难以跟英文好的人争一日之长,这是毋庸争论的事实。

54、It is indisputable that there are millions of people whostillhave a miserable life and have to face the dangers ofstarvation andexposure. ─── 无可争辩醉爱热血江湖现在有成千上万的人仍过着挨饿受冻的痛苦生活。

55、We can know that science is not a group of indisputable results. ─── 学习本文,我们可以知道科学并非是一组无可辩驳的结果。

56、We realized from the judgment that no one should be involved in accidental injury or death due to operating machine in a Hong Kong factory, and this was indisputable. ─── 从判决中,我们意识到,在香港,任何人都不应该因为操纵机器而导致以外伤亡或者死亡,这是毋庸争辩的。

57、For example, it's an indisputable fact that we are all made of the precise same substance as the most intelligent, vreative, magnificent life-forms in the entire universe. ─── 例如,我们都是有极其相同的物质组成的,是整个宇宙中最聪明,最有创造力,最高贵的生命形式,这是个不争的事实。

58、"Par in parem imperium non habet" is an indisputable legal maxim in the world. ─── 平等者之间无统治权, 这是国际上不容争辩的一项法律格言。

59、But those four teams are what stand between him and indisputable greatness. ─── 不过这四支球队都毋庸置疑的高手如云的伟大球队。

60、They are indisputable statements expressing reality. ─── 它们是表明真实情况,无可厚非的说法。

61、But on the strength and brand, let us also see an indisputable fact that the lack of Shanghai "Hutchison Whampoa", "Sun Hung Kai", "Holdings", the Enterprise Group. ─── 但就实力和品牌而言,也让我们看到了一个不争的事实,那就是,上海缺乏“和记黄埔”、“新鸿基”、“长江实业”那样的企业集团。

62、Going into Tuesday's four contests his position as the presumptive nominee was indisputable. ─── 在本周二四个州的初选之前,他终将获得提名实际上已经勿庸置疑。

63、On the one hand, it is indisputable those boarding educates are not exerting a growing importance effect, especially in continue few ages. ─── 同时,仍有许多人持习惯观点以为日制学府对刚出生的孩子的温习发挥着极其很重要的功能。

64、Do not these indisputable historical facts prove the truth that supplies can be ensured only through economic development? ─── 只有发展经济才能保障供给这一真理,不是被明白无疑的历史事实给我们证明了吗?

65、(an) indisputable logic ─── 无可争论 [无争论余地] 的论理

66、For example, it's an indisputable fact that we all made of the precise same substance as the most intelligent, creative, magnigicent life-forms in the entire universe. ─── 例如,我们都是由极其相同的物质组成的。是整个宇宙中最聪明、最有创造力、最高贵的生命形式。这是一个不争的事实。

67、Par in parem imperium non habet is an indisputable legal maxim in the world ─── 平等者之间无统治权,这是国际上不容争辩的一项法律格言。

68、But indisputable is that the press is currently eyefor must be in the fusion process concerned about their own strengths and market the content. ─── 但无可质疑的是,报业目前的眼光必须在融合的进程中关注自身的优势和竞争的核心:内容。

69、One thing is indisputable: the number of elderly people is growing worldwide, and opportunists stand ready to cash in on the burgeoning market for anti-aging products. ─── 但有件事是不可否认的:全世界的老年人口正在不断增加当中,因此迅速成长的抗老化产品市场,也正等著赚进大把钞票。

70、As I shall demonstrate later, the financial significance of Asia is indisputable. ─── 我稍后会较详细分析,亚洲金融的重要性是无可置疑的。

71、In recent years, it was an indisputable fact that the regional economic gap has been rapidly expanding. ─── 近年来,区域经济差距急剧扩大己是不争的事实。

72、undeniable guilt; indisputable evidence of a witness. ─── 不可否认的罪过;目击者的无可争议的证言。

73、an indisputable fact ─── 不容置疑的事实

74、Generally, judicially noticed evidence is a straightforward fact, an indisputable issue, or a bit of common knowledge. ─── 通常,司法认知的证据是一种简单明了的事实,是一种无可争辩的问题,或者是一些常识。

75、indisputable authority ─── 无可争辩的根据

76、It is indisputable that there are millions of people who still have a miserable life and have o fact the dangers of starvation and exposure. ─── 无可争辩,现在有成千上万的人仍过着挨饿受冬的痛苦生活.

77、For example,it is an indisputable fact that we are all made of the precose same substance as the most intelligent,creative,magnificent life-forms in the entire universe. ─── 例如,我们都是由极其相同的物质组成的,是整个宇宙中最聪明的、最有创造力、最高贵的生命形式,这是一个不争的事实。

78、People both in natural science or social science, are working hard to find from oforder participancy, the establishment of participancy, this is an indisputable fact. ─── 人们无论是在自然科学还是在社会科学中,都是在努力从无序中寻找有序,建立有序,这是不争的事实。

79、John was speechless again. Her logic was indisputable, but of course there was more to love than those two narrow definitions. ─── 约翰再次哑口无言。她的逻辑是无可置疑的,但爱不仅仅只是这个狭义的定义。

80、Ever since I was a little girl,we all held it as an indisputable truth that "women hold up half the sky", that "women are just as good as men". ─── 在我们还是小女孩的时候,我们就懂得一条千真万确的道理:女人是半边天,男女都一样。

81、The date of Christ's birth may be debatable, but the fact of His life is indisputable. ─── 基督的生日可存争议,但他的生命毋庸置疑。

82、We must admit that the overwhelming volume of indisputable circumstantial evidence far outweighed the presumption of innocence. ─── 我们必须承认,大量无可辩驳的详尽的证据远远压倒了关于清白的假设。

83、His indisputable position in the company and his very handsome income made him a good candidate for husband in her eyes. ─── 在公司里的地位无可争议,又有相当可观的收入,这使他在她的眼里成了不错的丈夫人选。

84、indisputable position ─── 无可争辩的地位

85、Can you back up your claims with cold, hard, indisputable and verifiable facts? ─── 你可以备份你追冷、硬、可核查、不争的事实?

86、Business card printing and membership card production technology is an indisputable fact. ─── 制卡和会员卡制作技术落后是我国不争的事实。

87、It is an indisputable fact that we have made great achievements. ─── 我们取得了伟大的成绩,这是无可争辩的事实。

88、For example, it's an indisputable fact that we are all made of the precise same substance as the most intelligent, creative, magnificent life-forms in the entire universe. ─── 例如,我们都是由极其相同的物质组成的,是整个宇宙中最聪明、有创造力、高贵的生命形式。这是一个不争的事实。

89、Iit is indisputable that there are millions of people who still have a miserable life and have to face the dangers of starvation and exposure. ─── 无可争辩,现在有成千上万的人仍过着挨饿受冻的痛苦生活。

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